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I like it  :) Good story. What is the uniform you are wearing in the picture?



Haha, thanks! I believe that's the Woodland M93 from GREF, one of the pro-tec helmets and ALICE bags from CUP, and the body armor's just from the base game. Was going for an early-90's delta feel.

I'm a sucker for the Blackhawk Down look, what can I say? :D

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Well, there's shades of Tan, and there's also Flat Dark earth. In photographs the Elcan is roughly the same color as the Block II rails, RHS's version is quite a bit lighter. The WMX Insight is a bronze color in reality, but is very yellowy in the mod. Now color is a subjective this, and if the team thinks they have it right, I'm not going to argue the matter. But I figured I'd bring it up.  

(Oh Ineptaphid, check your emails)

true enough-but as these scopes are to fit with the newer SOF style stuff, and those guys just seem to love customising and painting weapons and helmets and anything else, they could have been painted. But anyway-it doesn't really matter because they are awesome scopes and I am finding it hard to use anything else :)

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true enough-but as these scopes are to fit with the newer SOF style stuff, and those guys just seem to love customising and painting weapons and helmets and anything else, they could have been painted. But anyway-it doesn't really matter because they are awesome scopes and I am finding it hard to use anything else :)

Don't forget the endless amounts of books they seem to churn out as well  ;)

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I'm loving the HK 416 with the classic sights, I just have a couple critiques to make them even better.


  • The front sight blade is a hair too wide. They're pretty close to a standard M4/M16 front sight post.
  • The shroud going around the front sight blade is too short, it should continue up and around probably a quarter inch.
  • If possible, something more similar to the sight picture seen in the first image below where the shroud just meets the inside of the peep would be awesome.



Thanks for all the hard work.

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Well, there's shades of Tan, and there's also Flat Dark earth. In photographs the Elcan is roughly the same color as the Block II rails, RHS's version is quite a bit lighter. The WMX Insight is a bronze color in reality, but is very yellowy in the mod. Now color is a subjective this, and if the team thinks they have it right, I'm not going to argue the matter. But I figured I'd bring it up.  

(Oh Ineptaphid, check your emails)

Yeah, it's too light in my opinion too.

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Yeah, it's too light in my opinion too.


Agreed as well, the coloration on both the flashlight and Tan Spectre seem off. Flashlight seems to orange. As for the Tan spectre I can't quite explain it, but it looks similar to the olive one so maybe its to green? :huh:

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I'm loving the HK 416 with the classic sights, I just have a couple critiques to make them even better.


  • The front sight blade is a hair too wide. They're pretty close to a standard M4/M16 front sight post.
  • The shroud going around the front sight blade is too short, it should continue up and around probably a quarter inch.
  • If possible, something more similar to the sight picture seen in the first image below where the shroud just meets the inside of the peep would be awesome.



Thanks for all the hard work.



Hey Guys,


is there anywhere a site where i can find all Classnames of RHS ?


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Most of the SOPMOD block II accessories are in flat dark earth (FDE) I think, with minor differences in tone. That said, I think WMX does produce a bronze-ish model of the 200 flashlight. Ingame it does look a little bit too orange though. I do hope to see lighter (FDE) textures for the Peq 15 though. Right now it's too dark.





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Please make sure that the photos you show us as reference for colors have a proper White Balance and no color filters applied. Thank you :)



Dont worry, apart from the insight 200 one they mostly have neutral-ish levels  ;) The picture of the raider might has have a slight warm tint to it, but I mainly used it to illustrate the FDE color and the minor differences between tone levels.

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Figured I'd drop it here, for missonmakers use.

Thank you guys for granting us this possibility: I was very happy to see how many amunition types you've got in your configs. It is possible to achieve so many awesome and historically accurate combinations with little scripting. It's also worth noting that with RHS armour system tank battles can get much more interesting than in vanilla A3; especially with ammo-adjusted tank loadouts, so not every hit will penetrate.


I also recommend using the possibilities offered by RHS to achieve authenticity during missions; most tanks placed down from the editor have modern Russian loadouts with modern Russian shells that can and will penetrate Abramses no problem. If you want to sealclub those Iraqi T-72s with your Abrams like they did at the Battle of 73 Easting, better put some ZBM-9s or 15s in their ammo racks.


ps can't wait for T-55 release with next version of GREF ;)


Customizable RHS AFRF Vehicle loadouts:


Aerial variants (Includes S8 and relevant pods, S5 and pods, Kedges, gunpods, etc.)

Keep in mind to add these in certain order to achieve good look on the wings (e.g. no heavy load on outter pylons, etc.) - I recommend experimenting in real-time using Zeus code exec, as it is not yet clear for me what is the order in which the pylons are being filled with added magazine classes.

// ALCA/Albatros "clear loadout": nothing but flares
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
{ this removeWeapon _x; } forEach (weapons this);
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_CMFlareLauncher";
// SU-25 "clear loadout": nothing but flares and cannon (unloaded)
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_r73_Launcher";
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";

//SU-25 cannon ammo variants:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_ofzt_250";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_bt_250";

//UPK23 Gunpods
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_upk23_pod";
this addWeapon "RHS_Weap_GSh23L";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_AM23_500";
//Kh-29 "Kedge"
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ch29", 2];
//FAB250 unguided bombs
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",2];
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
///S-5 57mm launcher pods:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_ub16_pod";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_ub32_pod";
//S-5 HEAT:
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s5";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_16";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_32";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_128";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_192";

////S-8 80mm launcher pods:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_b8v20a_pod";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_b8m1_pod";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_80";
//Tandem HEAT:
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8_t";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_80";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8_df";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_80";


Aerial loadout examples:

SU-25 loaded with 30mm AP rounds, 4 bombs, 2 Kedges and older S-5 rockets.

//clear loadout
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_r73_Launcher";
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
//weapon logic
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s5";
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",4];
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ch29", 2];
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ub32_pod", 2];

//magazines logic where needed
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_bt_250";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_128";


ALCA Loaded with 7 bombs.

//clear loadout
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
{ this removeWeapon _x; } forEach (weapons this);
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_CMFlareLauncher";
//weapon logic
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
//looks and magazines logic
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",7];


Keep in mind for choppers you need to adjust code to use magazinesTurret and weaponsTurret command variants.



Tanks ammo:

Mostly AP, haven't been experimenting with other types really, but there's plenty to chose from.


//penetration capabilities not in order
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm9_10"; // ZBM-9, old soviet round, widely exported, steel penetrator, 1962
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm12_10"; // Improved -9, used by WP countries and exported, tungsten carbide, 1968
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm15_10"; // longer version of -12, not used by Russia, widespread in post-USSR countries. License-produced all over the world. 1972
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm17_10"; // Export/training version of -15, slightly weaker, with an AP cap to compensate for the reduced penetration. Widespread. 1972
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm22_10"; // 'zakolka', similar to -15 but with massive AP cap; slower but heavier. Commonly used in 70s and 80s by soviet army. Stockpiled for emergency use, not produced. 1976
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm26_10"; // 'nadezhda', last variant of -12 series design; less ricochet, better penetration, introduced 1983
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm29_10"; // 'nadfil', V-95 aluminum, first russian round to use DU penetrator, good performance, DOI 1982
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm32_10"; // 'vant', one of the most widespread projectile in modern russian inventory, solid uranium slug, DOI 1985
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm42_10"; // 'mango', along with the previous one, one of most widespread projectiles in russian army, advanced, round designed to defeat laminate armour, exported to Ukraine and other countries with T80 and T90 tanks. DOI 1986
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm42m_10"; // 'lekalo' aka 'sviniets-1', doesn't fit T72 autoloader (too long), high perfomance APFSDS round, probably exported, made of tungsten alloys. DOI 199-?
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm46_10"; // 'sviniets' most potent round in russian arsenal, on-par with nato counterparts, depleted uranium penetrator DOI 1991.



this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829"; // Aluminum + DU penetrator, high performance, no longer in production. DOI 1985
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A1"; // 'silver bullet', praised by crews vs. t55 and t72, although very effective, prone to breaking on contact with Kontakt-5 armor (due to its length) DOI 1990-1991
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A2"; // 3rd gen 829, better propellant, higher speed DOI 1993
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A3"; // 829 with improved performance against ERA, full rate production, DOI 2003
A4 not yet in the mod :(

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do you know those menus exist for tanks in eden editor? ;)




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do you know those menus exist for tanks in eden editor? ;)




Actually, no, because I'm working in Zeus most of the time :(

I feel left behind in the developement, BIS pls update.

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any chance those rails used on the SVDM and some of the AKs could be hidden, when there is no scope on the rifle?


otherwise it totally ruins the iron sights which is a real shame. pretty certain there should be an animation source to handle that. i defo did that for a rifle in the past.

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any chance those rails used on the SVDM and some of the AKs could be hidden, when there is no scope on the rifle?


otherwise it totally ruins the iron sights which is a real shame. pretty certain there should be an animation source to handle that. i defo did that for a rifle in the past.

I don't think so, since rail itself is compatible with ironsights. Also, you can always press ctrl+c (next CM mode) key to dismount whole NPZ rail

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I don't think so, since rail itself is compatible with ironsights. Also, you can always press ctrl+c (next CM mode) key to dismount whole NPZ rail


i'll be damned. didn't know about that function. thx. jsut what i wanted.

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That tank menu is awesome... very impressive

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Figured I'd drop it here, for missonmakers use.

Thank you guys for granting us this possibility: I was very happy to see how many amunition types you've got in your configs. It is possible to achieve so many awesome and historically accurate combinations with little scripting. It's also worth noting that with RHS armour system tank battles can get much more interesting than in vanilla A3; especially with ammo-adjusted tank loadouts, so not every hit will penetrate.


I also recommend using the possibilities offered by RHS to achieve authenticity during missions; most tanks placed down from the editor have modern Russian loadouts with modern Russian shells that can and will penetrate Abramses no problem. If you want to sealclub those Iraqi T-72s with your Abrams like they did at the Battle of 73 Easting, better put some ZBM-9s or 15s in their ammo racks.


ps can't wait for T-55 release with next version of GREF ;)


Customizable RHS AFRF Vehicle loadouts:


Aerial variants (Includes S8 and relevant pods, S5 and pods, Kedges, gunpods, etc.)

Keep in mind to add these in certain order to achieve good look on the wings (e.g. no heavy load on outter pylons, etc.) - I recommend experimenting in real-time using Zeus code exec, as it is not yet clear for me what is the order in which the pylons are being filled with added magazine classes.

// ALCA/Albatros "clear loadout": nothing but flares
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
{ this removeWeapon _x; } forEach (weapons this);
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_CMFlareLauncher";
// SU-25 "clear loadout": nothing but flares and cannon (unloaded)
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_r73_Launcher";
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";

//SU-25 cannon ammo variants:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_ofzt_250";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_bt_250";

//UPK23 Gunpods
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_upk23_pod";
this addWeapon "RHS_Weap_GSh23L";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_AM23_500";
//Kh-29 "Kedge"
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ch29", 2];
//FAB250 unguided bombs
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",2];
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
///S-5 57mm launcher pods:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_ub16_pod";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_ub32_pod";
//S-5 HEAT:
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s5";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_16";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_32";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_128";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_192";

////S-8 80mm launcher pods:
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_b8v20a_pod";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_b8m1_pod";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_80";
//Tandem HEAT:
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8_t";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_T_80";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s8_df";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_40";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_20";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s8_DF_80";


Aerial loadout examples:

SU-25 loaded with 30mm AP rounds, 4 bombs, 2 Kedges and older S-5 rockets.

//clear loadout
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_s8";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this removeWeapon "rhs_weap_r73_Launcher";
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
//weapon logic
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_Ch29_Launcher";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_s5";
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",4];
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ch29", 2];
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_ub32_pod", 2];

//magazines logic where needed
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_gsh30_bt_250";
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_s5_128";


ALCA Loaded with 7 bombs.

//clear loadout
{ this removeMagazines _x; } forEach (magazines this);
{ this removeWeapon _x; } forEach (weapons this);
this addMagazine "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine";
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_CMFlareLauncher";
//weapon logic
this addWeapon "rhs_weap_fab250";
//looks and magazines logic
this addMagazines ["rhs_mag_fab250",7];


Keep in mind for choppers you need to adjust code to use magazinesTurret and weaponsTurret command variants.



Tanks ammo:

Mostly AP, haven't been experimenting with other types really, but there's plenty to chose from.


//penetration capabilities not in order
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm9_10"; // ZBM-9, old soviet round, widely exported, steel penetrator, 1962
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm12_10"; // Improved -9, used by WP countries and exported, tungsten carbide, 1968
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm15_10"; // longer version of -12, not used by Russia, widespread in post-USSR countries. License-produced all over the world. 1972
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm17_10"; // Export/training version of -15, slightly weaker, with an AP cap to compensate for the reduced penetration. Widespread. 1972
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm22_10"; // 'zakolka', similar to -15 but with massive AP cap; slower but heavier. Commonly used in 70s and 80s by soviet army. Stockpiled for emergency use, not produced. 1976
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm26_10"; // 'nadezhda', last variant of -12 series design; less ricochet, better penetration, introduced 1983
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm29_10"; // 'nadfil', V-95 aluminum, first russian round to use DU penetrator, good performance, DOI 1982
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm32_10"; // 'vant', one of the most widespread projectile in modern russian inventory, solid uranium slug, DOI 1985
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm42_10"; // 'mango', along with the previous one, one of most widespread projectiles in russian army, advanced, round designed to defeat laminate armour, exported to Ukraine and other countries with T80 and T90 tanks. DOI 1986
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm42m_10"; // 'lekalo' aka 'sviniets-1', doesn't fit T72 autoloader (too long), high perfomance APFSDS round, probably exported, made of tungsten alloys. DOI 199-?
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_3bm46_10"; // 'sviniets' most potent round in russian arsenal, on-par with nato counterparts, depleted uranium penetrator DOI 1991.



this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829"; // Aluminum + DU penetrator, high performance, no longer in production. DOI 1985
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A1"; // 'silver bullet', praised by crews vs. t55 and t72, although very effective, prone to breaking on contact with Kontakt-5 armor (due to its length) DOI 1990-1991
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A2"; // 3rd gen 829, better propellant, higher speed DOI 1993
this addMagazine "rhs_mag_M829A3"; // 829 with improved performance against ERA, full rate production, DOI 2003
A4 not yet in the mod :(



Mate this is beautiful! Now to get it working with the A-10 and I'll be chuffed big time haha

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I don't think so, since rail itself is compatible with ironsights. Also, you can always press ctrl+c (next CM mode) key to dismount whole NPZ rail

Wow-never knew that.I must try it.Thanks :)

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guys, are these normal RHS sounds, or is this a bug on my end?


because they sound way worse than vanilla.

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RHS Team, Well done. That looks just bad ass, I never knew that you guys made an animation for binos when your turned out in the M1A1. 

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guys, are these normal RHS sounds, or is this a bug on my end?

because they sound way worse than vanilla.


Those are the new sound shaders BIS created which makes firefights sound a billion times more awesome. But BIS had multiple people working on implementing this new feature, whereas RHS only has Laxemann I think. I'm sure the weapons will be updated in time (I think some of the pistols already have the new shaders implemented). We just have to be patient.

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We just have to be patient.

Patience? In this community? You're having a laugh :d

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RHS Team, Well done. That looks just bad ass, I never knew that you guys made an animation for binos when your turned out in the M1A1. 

They didn't make it, that's a base game animation.

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