GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted July 31, 2019 4 hours ago, EO said: while {true} do { // dummy loop so script doesn't terminate sleep 10; }; This script is a nice addition , but what is that for ?! ( the code above written in the end ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted July 31, 2019 Just now, GEORGE FLOROS GR said: This script is a nice addition , but what is that for ?! ( the code above written in the end ) Sorry George ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.......I did say It's tpw's script, It's an edited version of his latest animal script. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted July 31, 2019 2 minutes ago, EO said: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯....... Haha ! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted July 31, 2019 Hello guys! Some quick news on Patreon updates : The next upload will happen soon, and will be quite similar to the latest Myst Demo, as it will provide modules for mission making and dynamic spawn systems. But this time we won't be spawning zombies or phantoms, this new project (yet to be named) is designed to populate terrains with alien entities from the Contact DLC, with working & dynamic behaviours. Missions à la "Captive State" with alien/human alliances or "War of the Worlds" style scenarios should be sweet and easy to make with that little toy. 😉 Although they aren't easy to use as they are, BIS did a damn good job with the alien entities; the new mod will make them much more accessible with several customisation options. As usual, the Patreon version will be a first playable demo/beta, followed later on by a public release of the final product. 8 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted July 31, 2019 5 hours ago, EO said: TPW was kind enough to edit a script for me that spawns a few crows over dead bodies/animals/zombies, it's pretty neat as a natural visual marker for a potential looting opportunity, it works for player kills and AI kills during the day. Feel free to tinker and/or improve etc. etc...... Reveal hidden contents // VARIABLES tpw_crowonly_active = true; // global activate/deactivate tpw_crowonly_sunrise = ([] call BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime) select 0; tpw_crowonly_sunset = ([] call BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime) select 1; // CROWS tpw_crowonly_fnc_crows = { private ["_closedead","_fardead","_crow","_crowflag"]; tpw_crowonly_crows = []; while {true} do { if (daytime > tpw_crowonly_sunrise && {daytime < tpw_crowonly_sunset}) then { _crowflag = true; } else { _crowflag = false; }; if (tpw_crowonly_active && _crowflag) then { _closedead = alldead select {_x distance player <200}; _fardead = alldead select {_x distance player >200}; // Add crows to nearby bodies { if (_x getvariable ["tpw_crows",-1] == -1) then { _crows = [getposasl _x,15,ceil random 3,15] call bis_fnc_crows; tpw_crowonly_crows = tpw_crowonly_crows + _crows; _x setvariable ["tpw_crows",1]; sleep random 10; }; } foreach _closedead; // Remove crow spawning flag from distant bodies { _x setvariable ["tpw_crows",-1]; } foreach _fardead; }; // Crow wrangling for "_i" from 0 to (count tpw_crowonly_crows - 1) do { _crow = tpw_crowonly_crows select _i; // Delete distant crows if (!(_crowflag) || _crow distance player > 200) then { deletevehicle _crow; tpw_crowonly_crows set[_i,-1]; }; }; tpw_crowonly_crows = tpw_crowonly_crows - [-1]; // Reset bodies to not spawn crows if (!_crowflag) then { { _x setvariable ["tpw_crows",-1]; } foreach alldead; }; sleep random 30; }; }; [] spawn tpw_crowonly_fnc_crows; while {true} do { // dummy loop so script doesn't terminate sleep 10; }; Boars... That's pretty sweet. That would help in the Ravage mission I made for SP where the main complaint was trying to find the bodies 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted July 31, 2019 15 minutes ago, haleks said: Some quick news on Patreon updates.... Oh wow!...(insert one of those funky rabbit emojis here) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted July 31, 2019 12 minutes ago, cosmic10r said: That's pretty sweet. That would help in the Ravage mission I made for SP where the main complaint was trying to find the bodies The full fat version that come with TPW Mod has a few more features like additional sounds plus the crows disperse if there's near-by combat. The version he edited for me is pretty basic and was mainly for the hunting aspect. I'd imagine if you ran that script during a regular Ravage scenario with bandits, renegades and zeds the skies would eventually look like this... Spoiler 😅 5 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArteyFlow 170 Posted August 1, 2019 3 hours ago, EO said: The full fat version that come with TPW Mod has a few more features like additional sounds plus the crows disperse if there's near-by combat. The version he edited for me is pretty basic and was mainly for the hunting aspect. I'd imagine if you ran that script during a regular Ravage scenario with bandits, renegades and zeds the skies would eventually look like this... Hide contents 😅 Screen capture from "The Birds (1963)", directed by Alfred Hitchcock, non-colorized. 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted August 1, 2019 Well this is also my approach without loops : //________________ Settings ________________ GF_Crows_Limit = 4; GF_Crows_time = 40; GF_Crows_areaSize = 20; GF_Crows_areaSize_random = 20; // + random GF_Crows_height = 20; GF_Crows_height_random = 20; // + random GF_Crows_Count = 0; GF_Crows = { if(GF_Crows_Count > GF_Crows_Limit)then{GF_Crows_Count = GF_Crows_Limit;}; if(GF_Crows_Count < GF_Crows_Limit)then{ GF_Crows_Count = GF_Crows_Count + 1; systemchat format ["%1",GF_Crows_Count]; // [position,areaSize,number,height]call BIS_fnc_crows _crow = [_this, GF_Crows_areaSize + random GF_Crows_areaSize_random, 1, GF_Crows_height + random GF_Crows_height_random]call BIS_fnc_crows; _time = time + GF_Crows_time; waituntil{time > _time}; {deleteVehicle _x;}foreach _crow; GF_Crows_Count = GF_Crows_Count - 1; if(GF_Crows_Count < 0)then{GF_Crows_Count = 0;}; systemchat format ["%1",GF_Crows_Count]; }; }; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",{ params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if(isNull _instigator)then{_instigator = _killer}; // player driven vehicle road kill if(_killed isKindOf "CAManBase" /* //________________ You can filter the side here ________________ && {((side group _killed) == west or (side group _killed) == east or (side group _killed) == independent or (side group _killed) == civilian)} */ )then{ _killed spawn GF_Crows; }; }]; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tourist 617 Posted August 1, 2019 13 hours ago, haleks said: Missions à la "Captive State" with alien/human alliances or "War of the Worlds" style scenarios should be sweet and easy to make with that little toy Wow, looking forward to try my hand at that kinda mission! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted August 1, 2019 Latest results of my AI driving test sessions : I used a vehicles module with "extreme" setting to populate Malden with hundreds of vehicles and wrecks, and programmed a UGV to go through some of the bigger towns... And the thing successfully navigated through them : 30 minutes without crashing or turning over. There are still a few quirks, like odd pathfinding decisions or small collisions with the bigger wrecks, but at the end the UGV had its 6 wheels intact. The difference with vanilla behaviour is ridiculously huge. I think we're ready for a small update. 10 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RZNUNKWN 354 Posted August 1, 2019 Can someone help me out? I'm placing traders on Livonia, and they sometimes work, sometimes they don't. Spoiler Spoiler These are the errors I get, I think they are related to vanilla weapons/stuff? I tried on and off , but no results, switching presets between Altis or Chernarus makes the traders work sometimes and then they stop working. This is happening only on Livonia terrain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted August 1, 2019 Back with a brand new pc build - feels good man 😃 Had to jump into ravage ofc... Spoiler shout out again to the ravaged equipment - its just fun to play in that gear! Also wanted to mention Diwakos stalker like anomalies mod - just tested it out for the first time with ravage and man... awesome.. place some modules and it will randomly spawn anomalies in that area, and you might know i love randomly spawned stuff=) cheers vd 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assaultimon 9 Posted August 1, 2019 I have a strange problem. I don't know if it has to do with the latest update. 22:32:37 Error position: <createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected 22:32:37 File ravage\code\rvgLoot\loot_init.sqf, line 33 22:32:37 Error in expression <ache; if (_f isEqualTo "") then { _f = createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error position: <createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected This error pops up continuously in my mission. I think it's triggered every time it tries to generate loot/when i go near houses. There is still loot, nothing seems to really be affected. There is a tweak for version 1775: "Furnitures are now spawned as local simpleObjects" Maybe that's the cause, but why would nobody else have the same problem? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted August 1, 2019 57 minutes ago, Assaultimon said: I have a strange problem. I don't know if it has to do with the latest update. 22:32:37 Error position: <createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected 22:32:37 File ravage\code\rvgLoot\loot_init.sqf, line 33 22:32:37 Error in expression <ache; if (_f isEqualTo "") then { _f = createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error position: <createSimpleObject [_t, [0,0,0], true]; > 22:32:37 Error 3 elements provided, 2 expected This error pops up continuously in my mission. I think it's triggered every time it tries to generate loot/when i go near houses. There is still loot, nothing seems to really be affected. There is a tweak for version 1775: "Furnitures are now spawned as local simpleObjects" Maybe that's the cause, but why would nobody else have the same problem? The parameters of the array for simple object must be one smaller for simple object? edit -hmmm seems odd. createSimpleObject [className, positionASL, local] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted August 1, 2019 21 hours ago, EO said: @ArteyFlow It's a very easy thing to do, and testament to the vast array of awesome content out there. I go very light on the arrays and haven't run into any difficulties in the past, recently only using a mixture of Ravage gear and my GM uniforms. Loving the update, being able to only spawn trader groups is cool for those peaceful hunting trips. A solitary nomadic trader would be a nice option to have... Contact soundtrack music is very nice indeed, really lends itself to good I haven't even tried the new custom music array yet. You and your quiet hunting 😉 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted August 1, 2019 @Assaultimon: Is your game up-to-date? The latest version requires Arma 3 1.94 or higher. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
acebelew 14 Posted August 1, 2019 A few questions. What does the Gear Pool Module effect: Traders? AI? Loot? Is there a way to control what is available for traders to sell? Last, I have a gear trader added to the map that often has so many items in his inventory that it scrolls off the screen and the exit button is not visible. My waepons trader and supplies trader have the limited list that is expected. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Assaultimon 9 Posted August 1, 2019 1 hour ago, haleks said: Is your game up-to-date? The latest version requires Arma 3 1.94 or higher. Thanks man, that's probably it. Disabled auto-updates because of my ultra slow internet connection. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted August 1, 2019 1 hour ago, Assaultimon said: Thanks man, that's probably it. Disabled auto-updates because of my ultra slow internet connection. Could explain how you did that? Given that steam removed that feature more than 18 months ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Recaldy 92 Posted August 1, 2019 Is the AI's spot where he changed from AI to dead to Zombie AI supposed to delete the gun? Just saw it happen with the M3a3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted August 2, 2019 Hello guys! Ravage has been updated. \o/ 1776 Fixed : Fixed a variable error in the traders system. New : Added an Advanced Driver AI option to the Settings module (enabled by default). Have a nice week-end, and drive safely! 8 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vandeanson 1677 Posted August 2, 2019 40 minutes ago, haleks said: and drive safely 😂 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MuRaZorWitchKING 725 Posted August 2, 2019 This is Arma though, I’m used to finding a slick vehicle that’s in running order, use it for a bit, see a group of nasty bandits to my left, being completely oblivious to what lies ahead in the road... Annnnnnd now I need a dual set of front tires... And I have bandits trying to flank me now.... **Always seems to happen**^^ 😂😂😂 Or when you take that corner just a little too fast, and you roll your shit... Been there too. Good ole’ Arma never disappoints. 😉 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alekzenit 13 Posted August 2, 2019 Hello guys, I play single player with the mcc mod and at first everything is fine with the search, but then in the city and in the houses the search process in crates, furniture and other objects starts to slow down, and it takes a lot of time, and almost stops finding anything, there was no such problem before. What can be the reason? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites