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On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 1:27 PM, taro8 said:

Just some random experiment, still a lot of things left to unfuck.



That's a f# Dust and mud!!! great work cup!

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On 4/8/2017 at 0:27 PM, taro8 said:

Just some random experiment, still a lot of things left to unfuck.



Don't the Dutch or Koreans do something similar to this? Put a LAV 25 turret or at least the 25mm bushmaster on top of M113s to act as an IFV or something. Interesting regardless.

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I know Australia had a few M113 FSV's in Vietnam, using old armoured car turrets like the one in the picture above- 76mm cannon and coax mg's. It was also rather recently done by a Pacific nation, Philippines I think, so if CUP ever decides to add some sort of Tanoan force it could be used. 



http://anzacsteel.hobbyvista.com/Armoured Vehicles/m113a1fsvph_1.htm

for more information.

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On 4/8/2017 at 7:27 PM, taro8 said:

Just some random experiment, still a lot of things left to unfuck.




The Machine Spirit is prepared!

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Just for giggles, because I could.



BTW: I'm well aware that there is a LOT of funky M113 variants and I love them all to bits.

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2 minutes ago, taro8 said:

Just for giggles, because I could.



BTW: I'm well aware that there is a LOT of funky M113 variants and I love them all to bits.


A weapon to surpass metal gear... a true piece of art.

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27 minutes ago, taro8 said:

Just for giggles, because I could.



BTW: I'm well aware that there is a LOT of funky M113 variants and I love them all to bits.


BUT! The real question is - does it load slower then a rusty-ole auto-loader T-series? :f:

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CUPREP #0005: CUPDATE Time (redux)


Fellow Arma 3 players,


The CUP Team is happy to announce the release of the 1.9.0 patch for Weapons, Units and Vehicles!


You can find the downloads on our Download page.


Change logs are available here:


Along with the usual round of fixes this patch brings along a few neat changes that will surely be appreciated by the community!


First and foremost, the old Littlebird models have been canned and replaced with brand new, much better looking ones!

In the process, a few extra variants have also been added featuring a new GAU-19 pod and a new ION PMC livery.


This brings us to the next big addition, which is the ION PMC faction. All uniform and vest models have been made from scratch, adding a lot of variation to the general look of the units and providing also more sandbox content in case you like to mix equipment on your character.


Other additions worth mentioning are the M76A6 rocket launcher (courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces mod), the Tatra T-810 transport truck for the Army of the Czech Republic, a new Humvee SOV variant featuring an M2 machinegun and FFV seats, improved animations and turn out capability for the LAV-25, MH-60L DAP with various loadouts and some brand new textures for the M113 and M1 Abrams.


Extra work has also been put into a general re-balance of vehicle armor to make the behavior more in line with what you’d expect from the real life counterpart. This should have us covered until BI reveals what new amazing tech they have for the upcoming Tanks DLC.

Now that the obligatory list of fancy new toys is out of the way we can move on to the real reason why we have this lengthy blog post accompanying our release (as you may have noticed it’s not something we’re used to do, which means this is a special occasion!).

If you are a regular on our BI Forums threads or on our Discord chat, you probably know a couple weeks ago we deployed a custom DEV branch of our mod on Steam (more details on how to get access can be found below).

We have two main reasons why we decided to have this: the first and more obvious one is to seek for additional help debugging our mod, the second and probably less obvious one is to provide a steady stream of updates and fixes.

We usually don’t have a set goal for patches, we release a patch whenever we feel like we have made enough changes to justify it. Sometimes that takes just a few weeks, sometimes it takes several months (for example the patch before this was released the first week of January, the one before that came out mid-November).


This combined with the ever-changing nature of Arma 3 means that getting out to the public a simple change or a fix for something breaking unexpectedly is not always easy.

With this new DEV branch instead you can get access to the latest changes in a timely fashion without being bound to the public branch releases.

This extra benefit however doesn’t come without drawbacks! Much like Arma 3 official DEV Branch, this is a snapshot of our development process and sometimes things might not be up to speed or come with odd errors. That almost never translates into major game-breaking issues but if you decide to take up on this for whatever reason, you should be aware of the risks.


Also goes without saying that if you decide to join this, you’re expected to help us clean out issues, so communicating with us is paramount.

In addition to our feedback tracker we’ll soon be restructuring our Discord channels to add a new Tester group and dedicated channel where we’ll be able to communicate directly in a more focused environment.

So how do you get access to this new DEV branch? Well it’s very simple, all you have to do is add the CUP Team steam account to your friends list. Once your friendship request has been accepted you’ll find all the DEV mods among our workshop items.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us know who you are if you add our account, we’re not in the habit of accepting random friend requests for various reasons, so unless you want your request to be trashed leave us a message on the BI Forums or Discord to let us know it’s you.

DEV branch updates are expected to come once a week, that may vary depending on whether we’re getting closer to a public branch release.

This concludes our presentation for this Splendid new patch.

Hoping to hear back from you, bye for now!


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Cup, your love for arma 3 is reflected in a constant work and updates. Many Thanks:eyeheart:

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Nice. I'll check it out. Is CUP Dev Branch based on ArmA Dev Branch, or are you on Stable? I thought I could help with testing, but I'm on Dev. 

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The new Littlebirds, especially the AT variants, are AWESOME!!!!!!!  Love the fold-out monitor for co-pilot.  Great job, people!

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It's awesome that we finally got TOH airliners to make the airports not look deserted. One question, though. What's with the refuelling boom under A330? Would that be possible to turn it into MRTT/KC-45 (and remove the boom on the civilian version)? I played around with it and found that the thing is even animated!

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2 hours ago, Janez said:


Thank you very much guys! Btw, you Weapons changelog links to Vehicles.


Thanks to all the people that reported it, it's not corrected.

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1 hour ago, OMAC said:

The new Littlebirds, especially the AT variants, are AWESOME!!!!!!!  Love the fold-out monitor for co-pilot.  Great job, people!


Thanks :)

I'm planning on adding a few more possible loadouts once the Dynamic loadout is in main, mostly a twin TOW pod, DAGR pod, and Mk19 GL... if I find reference pictures, I'll add the variant with the M230 Chain Gun as well, but I never found any pictures on how that one is mounted, only mentions that the possibility exists.

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Thanks for the new update!

nice to see the inclusion of the new MELBs among the other additions.


Any chance to get the MH-60 packing init command?



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2 hours ago, dragon01 said:

Nice. I'll check it out. Is CUP Dev Branch based on ArmA Dev Branch, or are you on Stable? I thought I could help with testing, but I'm on Dev. 

Should work on both.

The Jet DLC changes will probably start to trickle down in the upcoming weeks as soon as we take a closer look.


2 hours ago, dragon01 said:

It's awesome that we finally got TOH airliners to make the airports not look deserted. One question, though. What's with the refuelling boom under A330? Would that be possible to turn it into MRTT/KC-45 (and remove the boom on the civilian version)? I played around with it and found that the thing is even animated!

Aerial refueling is being considered.


16 minutes ago, SSG-Levi said:

Thanks for the new update!

nice to see the inclusion of the new MELBs among the other additions.


Any chance to get the MH-60 packing init command?



Try with:


[this,1] execvm "\CUP\AirVehicles\CUP_AirVehicles_MH60S\Data\Scripts\MH60S_fold.sqf";

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Thanks for the release!

But I have a problem:

When I am using the zeus mod, I can see only the infantry of the CDF.

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50 minutes ago, mrstregatto said:

Thanks for the release!

But I have a problem:

When I am using the zeus mod, I can see only the infantry of the CDF.


Make sure you set up your Zeus module to include all addons, not only official.

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Thanks so much for your work!  Curious - what is Static Line support?

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12 minutes ago, boss00521 said:

Thanks so much for your work!  Curious - what is Static Line support?


It's for dropping paratroopers in a line out the back of aircraft. Think of the U.S. Airborne invasion of Normandy from WWII. This is what it looks like: 


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30 minutes ago, boss00521 said:

Thanks so much for your work!  Curious - what is Static Line support?


Perfect chance for me to shill my YouTube channel 


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YEAH, a new update!

Thanks a lot, CUP team! You guys really rock with your persistent work! Good job, keep it up.

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The bolt action animation update that pulls your head from the scope's sight picture when you cycle the bolt, needs to be removed. In real life, if you have shot a bolt action enough to be proficient with it, or have been trained on one, it is not a problem to maintain your view through the scope while cycling the bolt to reload from the magazine. I can understand if you lose your cheek weld/ sight picture while changing magazines in a bolt action (although this can be done also with some practice), but anyone should be able to maintain view while cycling the bolt after each shot. This was not a problem until the current update. Please fix this! I can no longer use the L115 because of this issue.

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