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We plan on adding vehicle groups to the units at some stage in the future. It's just a lower priority than some of our other mods at present.

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@Aniallator, whilst your suggestion makes perfect sense with our current units, the reason for the MTP in the faction name is that we have other camo patterns in the pipeline.


I see, thank you for clarifying! New camos sound good to me :)

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When I spawn editor units, they spawn without backpacks, helmets, or vests. Not that big a deal for myself personally because I use units I made in the Arsenal, but nonetheless.

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You are likely running another mod that is breaking the 3CB scripts. The CBA compatibility pbo "may" fix the problem but it's worth removing your mods one by one to work out which one is actually broken so you, and we can tell the author.


In the meantime, go to "optionals" in the CBA main folder and move "cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo" file to Addons folder.

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You are likely running another mod that is breaking the 3CB scripts. The CBA compatibility pbo "may" fix the problem but it's worth removing your mods one by one to work out which one is actually broken so you, and we can tell the author.


In the meantime, go to "optionals" in the CBA main folder and move "cba_enable_auto_xeh.pbo" file to Addons folder.


Thank you, will do :)

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When I spawn a unit in with ace3 loaded my units all recieve the advanced medical items even when i have the basic version set.


Have i done something wrong or is this just how it is?

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We currently only have two medical loadouts: i) vanilla ii) ACE.  We do not distinguish between basic and advanced ACE medical.

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are you guy planing to add some sort of sound for the blanks hit some one, like a buzzer sound?

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are you guy planing to add some sort of sound for the blanks hit some one, like a buzzer sound?

A bit like when using Miles gear?

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Hallo guys.



Is it poseble to change the config of the units so all of the medic gear isent in the backpack??


just so there will be a ifak on the vest?? 

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Was there a specific reason for this loopdk ?  


The current loadout attempts to group together related items and also make their placement consistent across different units.

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Lets say.. sombody are doing a mission where a plane is going down and you need to replace backpack with parachute..... BANG no medic gear .


there is a good looking ifak on the vest so put somthing in it...


just wery basic... 


ore even less, just so you can mange a small wound

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It's a bit of an edge case.  But we'll consider it for the next release.  No promises though ....  

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I can't say I'm 100% certain but I think I inadvertently found a bug regarding AI squad member damage in MP.

I have two missions going, both using the exact same mods and scripts, except one features all four 3CB BAF downloads while the other only includes 3CB BAF Vehicles.

In the one that includes all four 3CB downloads, where my playable unit and teammates are all 3CB Navy Day Patrol, when my AI teammates get hurt their FKey icon never turns red (which indicates to me they need to be healed). Here's a thread I started on the issue: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187523-is-it-normal-for-ai-teammates-not-to-get-a-red-sign-when-injured-in-mp/

So last night I started a mission using Massi's UKSF as the playable units, with only 3CB Vehicles from you guys, and wouldn't you know it my teammate's damage icon began working again.

The easiest way to replicate this issue is to load up a mission using your mods, grouping an AI teammate to the playable unit, entering the MP editor and then shooting them in the leg. Notice how their icon never turns red even though they are hurt (the result of which makes certain scripts unusable, such Automedic). Then try with some non-3CB mods and notice the difference. Sorry if I end up finding out this is wrong but at this point I don't have any clue what it could be aside from 3CB Units/Equipment/Weapons. The only other thing I could picture this being is that somehow my scripts failed in my non-3CB mission. But I tested that too and they are all working in both missions.

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@HeroesandvillainsOS, we've not had this reported before, but we'll look into it.


Thanks for explaining how to replicate the error

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Damn sexy preview shots fellas. You Brits make a damn good unit pack. I probably use 3cb troops more than any other unit pack in my missions.

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Hi, I'm having a problem with the init scripts you run on your units to randomize the equipment:

Because you run the randomization script no matter what, and have a seven-second delay in the code no matter what the module settings are, other gear scripts are pretty impossible to use. At this point we've had to coach our mission makers to not use your units, but add your equipment to other soldiers to avoid everything being reset after the mission starts.


Can you please consider adding a complete set of gear to your unit configs and changing the behaviour of your script so it only randomizes your units when the module enables it, instead of being on by default?



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Hi, I'm having a problem with the init scripts you run on your units to randomize the equipment:

Because you run the randomization script no matter what, and have a seven-second delay in the code no matter what the module settings are, other gear scripts are pretty impossible to use. At this point we've had to coach our mission makers to not use your units, but add your equipment to other soldiers to avoid everything being reset after the mission starts.


Can you please consider adding a complete set of gear to your unit configs and changing the behaviour of your script so it only randomizes your units when the module enables it, instead of being on by default?




Place the 3CB BAF Unit Configuration module on your mission. Details are in the readme with an extract here:


Modules > Misc > 3CB BAF Unit Configuration

Default Gear on Respawn:     Yes (No) - Select 'No' to allow other mods or scripts to set unit gear on respawn

Randomise Equipment:         Yes (No) - Each unit will have a randomly selected uniform, helmet, vest, backpack and glasses appropriate to it's role

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