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Authentic Gameplay Modification

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Version 0.92 is now out. Download here:


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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account (KoffeinFlummi) on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

** Note:

since this is a project on which more people are working we will contact you in the future to discuss how you want this to be setup on Armaholic.

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Question: If you set the modul with noDeath, how long is the bleedout time? We did still die inside a Puma. Get hit on the second shot and exploded.

When we died TFR was disabled and we heared all other players.

1 player was rescued from the puma, the rest died (3+6). His TFR was disabled, everyone could hear him.


We also noticed that Puma shots where still not synct between gunner and commander. Me as an commander didnt see the exact point the gunner where shooting with MG, for me he always shoot too short. Hard to coordinate this way other targets if i always think the gunner miss or dont attack the target i want. Confusing.

medic system, many people would prefer a more complex way for medic sys, not just scan and click. But i appease them, its not finish yet.


Ok it can never be perfect for everyone. Im very happy to have AGM, your doing really good job.

Edited by Numrollen

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Am I doing wrong or there may be some conflict of AGM with other mods that disable radio commands? I´ve played some SP missions and all orders that I issue to AI squad mates doesn´t have sound neither chat log, but the AI follows my orders... does AGM introduces AI telephaty ;) lol

If I disable AGM, I can hear and read my commands being issued =/

[Edit] Darn it, I completely oversaw this... I recall reading about AGM_NoRadio, but didn´t realised it was a module represented by a .PBO (thought was a editor placed module)

Thanks for the clarification Tomeek!


Edited by Corporal_Lib[BR]

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;2719141']Am I doing wrong or there may be some conflict of AGM with other mods that disable radio commands? I´ve played some SP missions and all orders that I issue to AI squad mates doesn´t have sound neither chat log' date=' but the AI follows my orders... does AGM introduces AI telephaty ;) lol

If I disable AGM, I can hear and read my commands being issued =/


It's AGM_NoRadio that disables radio and text commands. It was already said a couple of times in this topic.

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I tried this mod in the solo campain, and i found a bug : when you fell inconscious, and then load a save, you are unable to move, to use inventory, third person view and all the limitation of being inconscious.

Edited by Solentis

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Hi everyone,

I hope I'm not gonna ask a silly question but I've got a problem so far with AGM.

Just to be precise I ran a test without any other mod activated (except CBA_A3 and JSRS2.1) and on the editor I created a VAS and no BTC revive or other scripting).

So I just tried to test the healing system and even If I'm a medic I'm not able to use bloodbag or epinephrine even if I've got some in my backpack.

Epi and bloodpack are simply not clicable on the menu (not in white but always grey)

That was the same on the previous release of AGM. I was not able to find people with the same problem, so I'm a bit lost.

Thanks a lot for your replies and sorry for the so so english (I'm french)

Have a good day. Thank you for the great work.


Edited by victorgu

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AGM has quickly become the standard addon in our group. It is nice to say to see how it evolves from version to version. Today I want to say a big thank you for a little detail and that is the small dot as standard map marker. This helps to keep the map tidy in a long mission.

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Loving this so far.

Is it possible to add the option to remove keybindings?

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  victorgu said:
Hi everyone,

I hope I'm not gonna ask a silly question but I've got a problem so far with AGM.

Just to be precise I ran a test without any other mod activated (except CBA_A3 and JSRS2.1) and on the editor I created a VAS and no BTC revive or other scripting).

So I just tried to test the healing system and even If I'm a medic I'm not able to use bloodbag or epinephrine even if I've got some in my backpack.

Epi and bloodpack are simply not clicable on the menu (not in white but always grey)

That was the same on the previous release of AGM. I was not able to find people with the same problem, so I'm a bit lost.

Thanks a lot for your replies and sorry for the so so english (I'm french)

Have a good day. Thank you for the great work.


You put down the medical module from AGM?

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  victorgu said:
Hi everyone,

I hope I'm not gonna ask a silly question but I've got a problem so far with AGM.

Just to be precise I ran a test without any other mod activated (except CBA_A3 and JSRS2.1) and on the editor I created a VAS and no BTC revive or other scripting).

So I just tried to test the healing system and even If I'm a medic I'm not able to use bloodbag or epinephrine even if I've got some in my backpack.

Epi and bloodpack are simply not clicable on the menu (not in white but always grey)

That was the same on the previous release of AGM. I was not able to find people with the same problem, so I'm a bit lost.

Thanks a lot for your replies and sorry for the so so english (I'm french)

Have a good day. Thank you for the great work.


Still the same guy :)

I'm trying again and again but the epinephrine and the bloodbag are still not available... even though the diagnosis says "patient allready lost some blood". I can't apply any bloodpack.

It is so frustrating. What point did I miss there?

Thank again for the replies. Have a good day.

---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 13:09 ----------

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:11 ----------

  Moon_chilD said:

You put down the medical module from AGM?

Hi Moon_child,

I didn't change any of the pbo's in the AGM directory.

Do I have to "activate" something wich is shut down by default?

Thx for the reply by the way.

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  victorgu said:

I'm trying again and again but the epinephrine and the bloodbag are still not available... even though the diagnosis says "patient allready lost some blood". I can't apply any bloodpack.

It is so frustrating. What point did I miss there?

Epinephrine is used on players when they are unconscious, I don't think it actually works on AI. You can only transfuse blood when they already "lost a lot of blood". If you think that's too harsh you can change the bleedout coefficient in the AGM module to slow it down.

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To Moon_chilD,

I just checked in the "@AGM / addon" directory and the two files AGM_medical are here. Didn't change any of the settings inside the pbo. Everything seems to run correctly (glasses, earplug, backblast, menu, keys, weapon rest) everything BUT the ability for me as a medic to heal others (tried on AI for now) except to bandage them or give them some morphine. But no bloodbag even if they lost some blood. Also they don't seem to fall unconscious. They're either standing and waiting to be healed or DEAD with tu handgun bullets in one leg...

I don't know what to do... :)

---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

  DavidZi said:
Epinephrine is used on players when they are unconscious, I don't think it actually works on AI. You can only transfuse blood when they already "lost a lot of blood". If you think that's too harsh you can change the bleedout coefficient in the AGM module to slow it down.

Ok thanks!

Do you think the bloodbag doesn't work on AI unit as well as epi or is it different?

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Do you guys know if AGM ballistics would effect HLC, Massi and RH M4 weapons?

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  badder said:

Do you guys know if AGM ballistics would effect HLC, Massi and RH M4 weapons?

If you mean AGM_Ballistics, which just changes some values for the different calibers, it depends on whether or not they used them or inherited from them.

If you mean wind and humidity, then yes.

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  Solentis said:
I tried this mod in the solo campain, and i found a bug : when you fell inconscious, and then load a save, you are unable to move, to use inventory, third person view and all the limitation of being inconscious.

Me too, there wasn´t a problem if the player was killed (reloaded many times when my poor Arma3 avatar got screwed and everything was alright), but the few times I got unconscious, the bug appeared! I´ve tried moduload but no avail...

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The limited communication in the water makes gesturing an interesting feature for divers but it seems that the diver cannot perform any gestures. As a diver, you can open the AGM menu and chose a gesture but the diver does not do anything.

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please focus on the medical system. I am in a 30 member community meeting right now, and we would love nothing more to be able to use the AGM med sys. but it supposdly messes with farooqs revive.. Is the mod stable enough to be confident for us to remove farooqs revive and use AGM only? Thank you so much for this!!!! You have brought this whole community a wonderful gift.

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Does AGM prevent statistics from showing in multiplayer? Specifically, I'm no longer seeing the number of kills made when "P" is pushed or the statistics screen is shown at the end of a mission. They only tell me the number of times I died.

Clarification: I have my own dedicated server and things are set up, both on my client and my server, to allow players to see these statistics. They stopped showing after installing AGM.

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Firstly, I'd like to say I planned on doing my diligence and read this thread to see if the issue has come up, but I opted against it because 43 pages. If this has already come up, I apologize for the annoyance.

Moving on, we've been running AGM in my co-op unit since the mod went public on Armaholic and we only have one real complaint. I assume its something that other's have noticed. Vehicle crews seem to take excessive damage. We've found that we can take out medium armor with a single AT rocket because we kill the crew inside. I'm not sure if this is by design, but it definitely makes anything less than an MBT less than threatening. Our pilots also suffer damage on non-paved runways during takeoff, or even paved runways at times (though the latter could be pilot error, I'm not a pilot). The slightest bump as they are accelerating makes them start bleeding and they find themselves having to RTB with all systems green just to bandage and get hurt taking off again.

Everything else about this mod isn't just great, it's become the best way to play Arma 3 (at least, for us). We look forward to following your improvements, and we thank you for your contribution to the Arma 3 community at large!

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is there a way to see an on screen icon when team mates are down or give them the ability to use radio. the way its set up now is very realistic which mean very hard too. an 'easy mode' would be good for certain times...

great mod btw

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  GMJaken said:
Our pilots also suffer damage on non-paved runways during takeoff, or even paved runways at times (though the latter could be pilot error, I'm not a pilot). The slightest bump as they are accelerating makes them start bleeding and they find themselves having to RTB with all systems green just to bandage and get hurt taking off again.

With that in mind, would it be possible in the future to enable a basic medical system inside a vehicle too? I think it would be great to be able to apply a tournique or a bandage while in flight as a pilot. Many injuries happens because of shrapnel, so cuts and bruises are quite common.

I really like the mod and our unit started to use AGM. We will try to provide more feadback/features/solutions in the future also.

Best regards

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