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For turning out of turrets the most important thing to me seem using binocs.Hopefully we will get full 360 degree

of arch to do that.I don't see firing out of hatches really as important as using binoculars just because of usage.

As driver I was never required to fire at enemy.As commander I don't see viable way to defend myself from tank

with small arms with you being fixed (unable to duck) in the turret.

I'm not saying not the implement it, I'm encouraging more improvements of:



Edited by enex

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For turning out of turrets the most important thing to me seem using binocs.Hopefully we will get full 360 degree

of arch to do that.I don't see firing out of hatches really as important as using binoculars just because of usage.

As driver I was never required to fire at enemy.As commander I don't see viable way to defend myself from tank

with small arms with you being fixed (unable to duck) in the turret.

I'm not saying not the implement it, I'm encouraging more improvements of:



Great post. This would be indeed very useful.

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Guys, turn out turrets = regular FFV seats. Don't get excited for FFV from turn-out positions. Turret is the technical classification of the FFV seats.

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this FFV upgrade is very neat. I'd also like to see it beeing further improved to have actual turret gunners be able to turn out and use personal weapons as well.

However, please please BI, do something about the action menu. It's just horrible when every position with FFV counts as a seperate turret. in case of a vehicle with one access door you get tons of get-in options. If you just want to enter as a passenger you should not have to pick the individual position.

We need an option to either condense turrets into a "passenger array" -> that means, you should be able to define via config, (person) turrets and cargo positions that all belong to the "get in as passenger" action.


CargoArray={Cargo, SecondaryTurret1, SecondaryTurret2, PersonTurret1, Personturret2, ... etc}

Ingame you would ideally not see the individual positions as options to prevent the extreme cluttering. Only "Get in as passenger" and it distributes all passengers to the cargoarray according to the order in which it is defined.

Alternatively (even better), get rid of the damn "action" menu

Regarding actual turret gunners using person turrets as well.


I'd like to see a dual turret system where you define 2 turrets for one single gunner crewmember. They could both be entirely different, BUT, one is for turned out gunner, and one for turned in gunner. This would cover vehicle turrets with turned out FFV. Also, afaik it is not possible to do a real Commanderstation that has a MG that can only be operated when turned out (like on many Cold War era tanks). There are always cave-ats when trying to do it now. This would be solved with this dual system as well.

For turning out of turrets the most important thing to me seem using binocs.Hopefully we will get full 360 degree

of arch to do that.I don't see firing out of hatches really as important as using binoculars just because of usage.

Doesnt matter, because beeing able to freely use binoculars you would also be able to shoot... Also, don't think that limited please. You have no idea what it might enable for modders.

Don't get excited for FFV from turn-out positions

APC's where passengers can turn out to fire from the vehicle? Why would that not be exciting?

Edited by Fennek

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For turning out of turrets the most important thing to me seem using binocs.

I agree! This would be useful.

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APC's where passengers can turn out to fire from the vehicle? Why would that not be exciting?
Because RiE backpedaled his way away from this as a goal to describe the dev branch item and the goal as more about "FFV Inertia"?

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APC's where passengers can turn out to fire from the vehicle? Why would that not be exciting?

Because of the context positioned on either side of that quote :p

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Doesnt matter, because beeing able to freely use binoculars you would also be able to shoot... Also, don't think that limited please. You have no idea what it might enable for modders.

Behind my reasoning is 2 simple: when I'm turned out I have one obstruction - hatch.In life that doesn't pose a problem but in arma is limited.I would like to see solution there

rather then priority on shooting from hatches that will see less of the usage that is all."You have no idea what it might enable for modders" As I stated before "I'm not saying not to implement it"

The other reasoning is RHS vehicle - open top UAZ you cannot put weapon on right side while you are seated behind driver.And because you can't put weapon on the right you can't look the same

way with binoculars.Artificial limit.

Edited by enex

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Well I guess all will become clearer in the next week or so. I really hope this feature keeps being developed as fully as possible.....

It was one of the most requested and although I'm so happy it's here finally it's still a little lacking in my opinion (the above mentioned FFV from hatches, limited arcs of fire and positions. I know a lot of this has been mentioned before but I'd love to see the FFV front postions behind the cab of trucks and off-roads facing in a forward arc..... I also don't get why the small civi/FIA truck has FFV from every position yet the military trucks only have the 2 rear seats???

I'm really excited to see where this is going ( the "... and for copilots" - co-pilot on littlebird using personal arms possibly??) but really want this to be "all it can be..." as stated before;-)


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Because RiE backpedaled his way away from this as a goal to describe the dev branch item and the goal as more about "FFV Inertia"?

Passengers with turnout FFVoption have been added, It's already there chortles, its just not implemented for the vehicles as of now. He just clarified between "turret gunner with turn out FFV" vs. Passenger seat that has FFV on turnout. At least thats how i understood it.

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I'm not sure why there's still confusion about this:

'Turn out turrets' is short-hand for 'turned-out' cargo positions that have Firing from Vehicles (using personal weapons) enabled

They didn't add FFV from turn-out position - which is what was being clarified because people started to get excited about it.

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They DID add the ability for "person turrets" (in short FFV positions) to use the turn out function and use FFV while beeing in turned out modus.

Added: Allow Firing From Vehicles in turned out position in turrets and for copilots

and RiE simply clarified that with "turrets" they meant "person turrets" as in "cargo positions with FFV" as opposed to "crewed weapon turrets"

Edited by Fennek

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Can someone please give an example what has changed after this "turn out" addition and where it could be tested? Personally havent noticed any change.

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Would be possible to make a 2nd weapon into the AT slot? this would be ideal for Marksman when he got a rifle with high powered scope and for cqb he could get a MXC or some SMG


THIS!! I know we can put some weapons in backpacks but I really don't see why that slot can't be used for any weapon as weight encumburance is now factored in. Makes no sense to me that we can carry a Titan launcher and a Negev but not a marksman rifle and an SMG or main battle rifle....


---------- Post added at 10:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 ----------

Can someone please give an example what has changed after this "turn out" addition and where it could be tested? Personally havent noticed any change.

Hi - appears nothing has changed at the moment (see RiE's comments). Suspect some ground work done for the "inertia" changes and as "co-pilots" are mentioned possible we'll see this added to some vehicles. We've not had any information in a while re FFV from hatches so would be good to know any update on this - ie is it going to happen ....pretty please etc...;-) Hoping for some splendid updates in the coming weeks........


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Hi - appears nothing has changed at the moment (see RiE's comments). Suspect some ground work done for the "inertia" changes and as "co-pilots" are mentioned possible we'll see this added to some vehicles. We've not had any information in a while re FFV from hatches so would be good to know any update on this - ie is it going to happen ....pretty please etc...;-) Hoping for some splendid updates in the coming weeks........


Thanks for clarifying!

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Can someone please give an example what has changed after this "turn out" addition and where it could be tested? Personally havent noticed any change.

they have added the feature but the vehicles dont have it yet, they still need to be updated (which requires new animations)

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Can someone please give an example what has changed after this "turn out" addition and where it could be tested? Personally havent noticed any change.
Hi - appears nothing has changed at the moment (see RiE's comments). Suspect some ground work done for the "inertia" changes and as "co-pilots" are mentioned possible we'll see this added to some vehicles. We've not had any information in a while re FFV from hatches so would be good to know any update on this - ie is it going to happen ....pretty please etc...;-) Hoping for some splendid updates in the coming weeks........
No end user-visible gameplay change yet; the game already has "enabledByAnimationState" FFV for the Huron and Taru (sling load-capable basic airframe) rearmost passenger seats, but it doesn't look like "turn out" was added to any ground vehicle passenger seats. This week is when FFV inertia should be pushed to dev branch according to RiE...

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it doesn't look like "turn out" was added to any ground vehicle passenger seats. This week is when FFV inertia should be pushed to dev branch according to RiE...

FFV Inertia was enabled today. The values are a little rough, but the basic mechanic is live on Dev-branch.


Enabled Firing From Vehicles inertia (the values of this feature will need further tweaking)

As for the turned-out FFV positions - as I failed to explain in an earlier post - our programmers have made this technically possible, but the data (configuration of animations, and so on), is WIP, and will be rolled out gradually.

No back-pedalling here (... yet!?) :cool:



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I'm still not really sure what this is about. Is it just allowing FFV from all cargo positions, like the passenger in a car? If so, why all the talk about 'turning out' and 'raising and lowering turrets'? (I know 'turret' refers to the FFV positions.)

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Cheers for the update RiE.

Just for clarity can I ask if there are any future plans for:-

1) FFV from hatches on tanks, MRAPs and APCs?

2) Any further additions/tweaking to the existing ones? (co-pilot using personal weapon, front facing / alteration to the FFV arcs?)

Thanks again

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'raising and lowering turrets'?

In this case the raising and lowering of "turrets" refers to actual turret turrets - e.g. the Strider commander's periscope.

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Oooooh. I thought it was related to the FFV thing. But then what does this mean:

Added: Allow Firing From Vehicles in turned out position in turrets and for copilots

Is this referring to actual turrets as well, like on tanks? All this FFV turret talk is confusing things.

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Added: Allow Firing From Vehicles in turned out position in turrets and for copilots

All this FFV turret talk is confusing things.

The reason there may be some confusion is because, in technical terms, 'person turret' is the correct configuration name for positions, in vehicle cargo, that are able to use their personal weapons. This is related to the way simulation is handled. Of course, 'turret' is used in a number of other ways, so I can see how there could be some confusion.

So, for the avoidance of doubt: players, such as commanders sitting in lovely armoured vehicles, who have an action available to stick their fleshy vulnerable heads out of certain hatches, will soonâ„¢ be configured in the same way as other 'FFV' positions. But not yet.

When there are more changes - actual configured positions - we will be sure to announce them specifically. :)



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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I dunno, I suppose it could mean turrets and FFV turrets allow you to raise and lower (if the game treats them the same) but so far as I can tell, the current implementation is only used on the Strider's mast-mounted optics:



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