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MCC Sandbox 3 - Dynamic mission creating tool for ArmA 3

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Yes that would be great! But Did you try make the mission without the addon and modify the init?

I don't know if the allowaccess module needs to be present in the map for this to work.

//--------------------- Who can access MCC leave "all" for everbody --------------------------------

//Should be MCC_allowedPlayers = ["12321","1321123"];

//Host or server admin will always have access

if (isnil "MCC_allowedPlayers") then {MCC_allowedPlayers = ["all"]};


well i have running the mcc mission merged with another mission.

On my server i have placed the merged mission PBO, in it edited the init to {MCC_allowedPlayers = []};

Also tried with uid.

second i have installed the mod version (@Folder and for sure enabled via shortcut exe), i also unpbo´ed it and tried to edit the init both ways there.

nothing seemed to work for me. Still all players have access to the action menue of mcc.

afaik the allowaccess module is not supposed to be placed for the *** if (isnil "MCC_allowedPlayers") then {MCC_allowedPlayers = [blank/uid]}; ***

i think its only not working, i am maybe unlucky missguided, or i overseen someth.

Anyone can clearify that ?

**me still wondering why it wont work, since its there in the script, me having edited both mpmission.Altis.pbo and the @folders mod pbo. And whatever of the Who can access MCC leave "all" i try, nothing works. :(**

if so, the method of shay_gman with admin only with no need for users to install mcc would be the perfect way to go (for me).

Btw I've found a workaround to allow only listed UID players on the server:

at the end of my ini.sqf:

PHP Code:

[] execVM "login.sqf";

inside login.sqf file:

PHP Code:

waituntil {!alive player ; !isnull (finddisplay 46)};

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["1234","5678"]) then {

sleep 2; hint "Welcome Mcc Admin";}

else {hint"Mcc Disabled"; sleep 1; player removeAction mcc_actionInedx; };


is his working with any mission ? what do i do, if i dont have any lgin.sqf ? i presume that with .ini you mean .init ?



Edited by Kabs

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I have a small, but rather irritiating problem. Often, when I'm playing in coop with my friend while using MCC I tend to have two bugs.

Bug nr.1: When I'm trying to spawn VAS box using 3d editor I often get the normal weapon box. It's true that I have a lot of mods, including weapons but 9 times out of 10 I can only choose default weapons. Is it beacuse I have so many mods?

Bug nr.2: There were instances (usually on map Syrta Slayers) that my buddy had different weather than me. I.E I had a clear sky, and head a night sky. We observed that the person who hosted the game had "normal" sky and weather, while the guest had some other, different type of weather. Also, when this happened the person with different weather couldn't used VAS boxes in game.

Bug nr.3 and the most irritable of all: Sometimes when I created missions, the "Mission building message" never dissapeared. Even when I've created a very small, simple mission wityh a simple obejctive on a small area, the damn thing just wouldn't go away. Any ideas why it is so?

I know that it's quite a handfull but those bugs are really making ourt gameplay experience rather hard. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: I've just remembered one more thing. While playing an MCC custom mission, everytime when I'v died on Altis or Stratis, I had a chance to respawn at base. Problem was that when I've clicked thsi option I've respawned... in the middle of an ocean near the island. Anyone else encountered a similar bug?

Edited by Xathrodox86

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Dear Shay,

I tested Zeus on Sunday and all I can say is this:

It doesn't hold a candle to the capabilities of MCC. You have nothing to fear. :)

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Quick question, if there is such a thing. I noticed that MCC has a ability to save gear in mission settings. How does that work, and does anyone have any experience with it? We use a custom loadout script, and we really need a way to respawn with our gear with the changes we have made ingame.

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Dear Shay,

I tested Zeus on Sunday and all I can say is this:

It doesn't hold a candle to the capabilities of MCC. You have nothing to fear. :)

@MacScottie :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I think it time for me to share my 2 cents about the situation and give the community a heads up about things to come.

I'll start by saying that I thanks BIS for their wonderful game and Zeus looks fantastic – so great work on that part.

I think the BIS is a good example of a market without a real competition which leads to bizarre behavior – while delaying ArmA 3 release more and more (until this day we haven't seen a full release of ArmA 3) BIS managed to release 2 games (Carrier command and Take on Mars) and 1 DLC – ArmA 3 on the other hand didn't even got the basics ArmA 3 content that was promised such as:

3D editor, Jets, the whole campaign for the love of good and original content.

More to that although we are all free workers as explained below and although ArmA is a community with a game and not the other way around BIS communications with the community is very limited to none.

Yes the devs reads the forum but most of the time it is one way conversation. Most of the time the community is kept in the dark and community wishes get ignored and left behind for years.

For example:

1. Bbipods were requested since OFP and has been done by moderator since then to each game in the series.

2. 3D editor that is in fact in game since ArmA 2 and was promised to be released in ArmA 3 but still the community have to create some workaround to work with the built in 3D or use an addon.

Let's also agree on one thing – ArmA is a community based game. There are little to zero players who aren't using community content and without the community ArmA series most likely would have died in OFP.

I think not often BIS stop to think what makes moderators tick (Either mission makers, addon makers, models maker exc.).

Moderators spend a lot of time making what they do, me for example have over 2000 hours in ArmA 2 and 3 building MCC.

To rounds things up it is equal to 235 working days or a whole year redacting weekends and vacations or in other words – if I or anybody else which you guys are using his mods or missions would have get paid by BIS it would have costs BIS millions $.

Do not mistake BIS community kindness for a cherty work it is a business and by making the game moderated it gives BIS endless content and endless free workers with zero expenses (this is the idea behind Make ArmA Not War).

So what make moderators tick?

They could have spent their time with friends and family – you probably giggling now saying we probably don't have friends or family. Well let me surprise you, I as well as most of the moderators around usually not only have friends and family we also usually have major key positions and jobs.

Get to the point …so what make them tick?!

Some do it to accomplish something that BIS didn't. Some do it for the challenge and some just so they could play the way that they want.

But two things for sure we all do it for the fun, not for the money and we all do it for recognition.

I am not saying that Zeus is a ripoff of MCC – by no way BIS copy our code – it most likely the other way around. But I find a lot of questions marks in the process there:

1. Why do you put effort on this when you didn't even finish the game and gave the community what you already promised?

Now you'll probably going to say it's only 2 guys out of 50, it got nothing to do with the game progress well let me remind you what happens last time BIS was missing 2 workers – the game developed went into almost complete halt – so either you were bluffing then or you are now.

2. The community is waiting for 4 years at least for a 3D editor and instead of that you releasing them something that already have done by me and others long ago wrapped in a new UI – why is that? You could gave the community what they asked instead you did things your way again.

3. What's up with High Command? itis broken – why I have to fix it when you are busy releasing something else?

4. Although Zeus is based on an idea from years ago how come not only the ideas that you already implanted are identical to those on VTS or MCC (apart from the lightning) but also the ideas that you are planning to implant are so similar to the way MCC and VTS act today?!


a. Set respawn markers for each start at mission start and move them as you go --- Start locations in MCC and VTS.

b. In the live feed you were so exited to say that you are planning on adding DOC (Dynamic Object Composition) to Zeus – WTF?! Although we had DOC in ArmA 1 and 2 BIS were to lazy to even put them in ArmA 3 (I had to create the cfgDOC by myself) and now you are planning on adding it to

Zeus – you mean like MCC have right now – I got another idea if you already doing it make sure to add it to the game itseld because WE DON"T HAVE IT RIGHT NOW ;).

c. You were also exited about saying that you are planning on giving the Zeus master the ability to posses AI units - *facepalm* as seen in MCC hijack?

d. You were so excited to say that you even added whistle sound to mortars – as seen in MCC? If you want to add something that is missing do it IN GAME – fix the mortars sounds.

There is an unwritten agreement between the community and BIS that is saying: "We BIS are not competing with you guys– if we would love you work we would hire you (some if not most of BIS employee were moderators) or we will cooperate with you on some level or another".

I'm upset, mostly because the way BIS handle this community and the way it treat her customers and a little by the competition – competition is good.

If you keep your community working for free at least give them a thank you latter – invite them to be part of the process – make them a free beta testers – make them feel they are something more then a milking cow.

Regarding the future of MCC:

I have an update I own you and I'll release it soon – you gonna like it I promise.

I'll stay here as always trying to fulfill all your dreams and wishes in my little spare time to keep MCC full with immersion and functionality (just don't ask me to spawn lightnings :) ).

I just hope that BIS will learn to communicate with her customers a bit better and stop acting as an ODD kid and will stay focused on releasing a good polished game.

But I can't and I won't compete with a full time paid team – if Zeus is going the way its looks like its going now it will eventually replace MCC and I will not waste another minute on top of the 2000 hours I've already spent.

This will be a good time to thanks all the community members who supported this project and other projects.

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I have a question about the mission which you have to kill or capture a ennemy. How capture him ? my team and i try to shoot his leg, shoot around him but nothing we don't have the choice we have to kill him. Any idea please ?

And don't worry, MCC is better far away than zeus

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shay_gman, you have made some very good and valid points. I spend ALL of my time in Arma3 using VTS AND MCC (and now Zeus) all running at the same time. The effort you have put into MCC is astounding and we all thankyou for that. There are functions that are available in each of these 'creators' that make them all invaluable.

Zeus isn't going away and is proving popular (by looking at the number of games being played). A happy threesome between all these 'creator' missions/addons is the way to go (I'm all for happy threesomes :) )

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shay, i think you don't have to worry because:

- they won't listen to the crowds, but you do

- they won't correct what a modder can do even if it's only adding 1 line to the code, but you do

- they don't have any new ideas, but you do

- they don't have our trust, but you do

What do you think will they do if some mention possibility to make it better?

I think MCC is the most valuable addon until now in A3, and it will be in the top 5 till the end of Arma3. Anyone can create new weapons, cars, tanks, but building a complex mod like MCC is on a different level...

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kelemenlajos you should look to what the Real Time Editor of VBS has in terms of features. If BIS wants they just have to port this into Zeus to blow away MMC and VTS (no offence).

From this point we can understand shay_gman to be afraid of wasting more time and effort.

Edited by Major_Shepard

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I think it time for me to share my 2 cents about the situation and give the community a heads up about things to come.

Great post and thanks for your 1000s of hours of work for MCC

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kelemenlajos you should look to what the Real Time Editor of VBS has in terms of features. If BIS wants they just have to port this into Zeus to blow away MMC and VTS (no offence).

From this point we can understand shay_gman to be afraid of wasting more time and effort.

From what I saw in the videos RTE for VBS is more aimed to topography while VTS and MCC are more aimed with functions that expand the game and make it accessible to a normal user with a good mission idea.


The power of MCC and VTS is to implement community based scripts that expand the vanilla functionality of ARMA. Zeus does not expand anything other than the lighting.

On other hand I do understand that Shay does not want to go compete with them but as of today... Zeus is only competing in the 3d editor... but still is lacking.

If I want to add a watch tower / build a new airport I can't. In MCC and VTS I CAN.

---------- Post added at 15:06 ---------- Previous post was at 15:03 ----------

I think it time for me to share my 2 cents about the situation and give the community a heads up about things to come.....

Regarding the future of MCC:

I have an update I own you and I'll release it soon – you gonna like it I promise.

I'll stay here as always trying to fulfill all your dreams and wishes in my little spare time to keep MCC full with immersion and functionality (just don't ask me to spawn lightnings :) ).

I just hope that BIS will learn to communicate with her customers a bit better and stop acting as an ODD kid and will stay focused on releasing a good polished game.

But I can't and I won't compete with a full time paid team – if Zeus is going the way its looks like its going now it will eventually replace MCC and I will not waste another minute on top of the 2000 hours I've already spent.

This will be a good time to thanks all the community members who supported this project and other projects.

Great post and thanks for all the effort and the hours.

Glad to read the you will keep working on this as long Zeus does not cross your line.

BTW I hope BI is not going this way because if there is a Bug in ZEUS it will take at least 2 months to solve it and they will brake something else.

Edited by theNaCH

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I think it time for me to share my 2 cents about the situation and give the community a heads up about things to come.

Amenâ„¢ to that.

I really think BIS suffers from a lack of proper leadership and I often wish in times like these they would listen to important figures of the community like yourself, hoping it would wake them up. But it never seems to happen.

Like you said, commercial competition is what would shake things up.

Anyway, many thanks for your hard work shay_gman.

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I'll stay here as always trying to fulfill all your dreams and wishes in my little spare time to keep MCC full with immersion and functionality (just don't ask me to spawn lightnings :) ).

well so, why dont we just come back to the ppl like me asked for help like:

- Admin only control without access module placed (no need for users connecting server to have mcc installed)

- a simple control in init.sqf THAT WORKS and let us handle who can have access to mcc (without users connecting server need to have mcc installed).

i would appreciate any help or info about that shay.



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well so, why dont we just come back to the ppl like me asked for help like:

- Admin only control without access module placed (no need for users connecting server to have mcc installed)

- a simple control in init.sqf THAT WORKS and let us handle who can have access to mcc (without users connecting server need to have mcc installed).

i would appreciate any help or info about that shay.



Nice attitude.

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Like most others said, that's not really a "competition" and TBH in the history of ArmA, there were never so many servers running the vanilla game as in ArmA3.

And basically, because of that, these guys want to have in the game something that mimics the greatest things made by community.

Too bad they seem to get influenced so rarely.

So yeah, I do think BIS do suffer from lack of proper dev\customer relation strategy, they do ignore much more important things, which becomes very annoying. And by then, remember that "no promises" bullshit spat out by the community manager...

It's been 10 years. 10 years I'm stuck with running the mission 100 times before I have units set properly in the buildings. Thanks BIS. Thanks for fedoras, for HD trashcans, for snakes (that can open doors). Thanks. It's not like we need some engine optimizations, AI fixes for CQB, 3D Editor (real, not some MP bullshit which can't port shit out of it) or any more content anyway. Why would we want that, it's only full price, 50 euro game...

So yeah. Thanks Shay. Without You, we would miss one of the most important and rich tools for making ArmA3 fun. Thanks man!

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Thanks for all your work Shay, in particular, for spending the time listening to me and adding a couple of my requests.

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From what I saw in the videos RTE for VBS is more aimed to topography while VTS and MCC are more aimed with functions that expand the game and make it accessible to a normal user with a good mission idea.


No, you looked at VB-Edit, not RTE. RTE looks almost exactly as Zeus, but without almost all functions as of now.

shay, please listen to the community. I know hours fly by but thats nothing compared to the hours played using your mod. You will get redeemed, karma takes care of that if BIS does not.

Thanks for all the hours, both yours put in and mine infront of the game running MCC.

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Nice attitude.

are you mad ? i just want to come back for his brilliant idea of offering a direct admin control. i really would love that and i love the sandbox features. No need for Zeus, or maybe little. So i think my attitude in brining him to going on is nice, yes.

i really looking forward to feeback for the new control access method, if youre still on to it shay.



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I agree 100% with what Shay had to say.

The ONE thing I am hoping comes from this (as I have been talking with the coders in my clan), is that this adds even more, vanilla, code-hooks; for Shay to be able to use to make MCC even better.

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Thanks for the countless hours poured into MCC. Even when Zeus comes out, there will still be things MCC does that Zeus probably won't. And for that, I don't think MCC would go away or not be used.

As for the update, could you also update VAS as there's a newer version than the one included in MCC.

Thanks again, and I hope you keep it going with new features and optimizations.

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belive in the force shay... really looking forward for my admin control function ! there so many of us who want it. if your choice is different, plz just do it that we can choose it with other optional modes.

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@shay_gman I hope you continue to dev this tool for Arma. It is very handy for all kinds of mission makers and noob editors like myself.

I do however have a slight critique if I may! one thing that stopped me using this for a time was the fact that deleted objects were always back in once you re-opened a map. I have only juts got back to using it again so if this is fixed or changed in someway, my apologies.

Also, with regard to object manipulation, is there a possibility you could implement the use of vertical rotation aswell as horizontal rotation?


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The ONE thing I am hoping comes from this (as I have been talking with the coders in my clan), is that this adds even more, vanilla, code-hooks; for Shay to be able to use to make MCC even better.

Well said, and exactly the attitude I would expect from the Arma mod-maker. :) Let's hope that the development will take this direction.

...it gives BIS endless content and endless free workers with zero expenses (this is the idea behind Make ArmA Not War).

It gives the endless content to the Arma community, not to BI! ;)

Regarding your interpretation of the idea behind the "Make Arma Not War" contest, let me explain few things: The contest is here for the community (you included), not for BI. Yes, it may yield some content which would be worth publishing, but it would be mainly to the benefit of such content's authors. Also, I think that if there would appear a modification with potential for the commercial succes, it would be also because we at Bohemia keep putting a huge (and largely unnoticed) effort into keeping Arma modifiable. :)

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