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About Kabs

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Kabs

    =BTC= Revive

    Thanks Jman, that worked well ! i wrote u a pm btw ;)
  2. Kabs

    =BTC= Revive

    Hello together, atm i am trying to add a function for giving points to medics wich have revived someone. As i am not so good with coding maybe someone can help me out. I would definately give regards for my project. so here comes the facts: some base code of how player makes points on kills. this i want to have a similar function for the stiuation ive someone revived. a look here in the BTC_first_aid.sqf where i want the point for the reviver to get. it would be great if someone can help me out here since i am really stucked. greetz and thanks in advance Kabs
  3. deserted vehicles ;) thoose wich left behind by players for whatever reason on the battlefield. they should respawn as in simple respawn script. Greetz Kabs
  4. hey richard, would it be possible to inbound a script for left behind vehicles to respawn ? greetz kabs
  5. This is how i fixed it for server: if(typeOf _gun in _L) then {_gun attachto [_veh,[0,-2.4,0.30]];_gun setDir 360;_gun setPos getPos _gun;}; if(typeOf _gun in _LT) then {_gun attachto [_veh,[0,-2.4,0.30]];_gun setDir 360;_gun setPos getPos _gun;}; but now i have problems with the remove action. the guns trying to get to ground but ending again on the offroader.
  6. thought it fixed that, but only in editor preview. on my server, the gun is still missplaced. gotta look into that maybe some more..
  7. I am searching for a way to get the player out of them if they didnt have the required rank. i tried trigger (gamelogic axis=0): condition: (vehicle player isKindOf "O_Mortar_01_F" and rank player == "private" and player == driver vehicle player) anyobdy in mood of help :)? Thnx in advance! greetz Kabs ---------- Post added at 00:41 ---------- Previous post was at 23:16 ---------- *SOLVED* got it just make detection to: (vehicle player isKindOf "StaticMortar" and rank player == "private" and player == gunner vehicle player)
  8. well yeah i allready figured that out as u can red above ;) jep, true. it seems unrealistic in any way. but i would set this optional too for good.
  9. found out that static at gets destroyed when mounted. Edit: This fixes it. With new namecheck. _LT = ["I_static_AT_F","O_static_AT_F","B_static_AT_F"]; if(typeOf _gun in _LT) then {_gun attachto [_veh,[0,-1.5,0.26]];_gun setDir 180;_gun setPos getPos _gun;};
  10. Update: i have problems with loading thoose textures in mp on my root server, they only work in editor preview atm. may this be in cause of the code Richard ? edit: it was a global command needed. so it was the settexture code beeing wrong from me :)
  11. Kabs

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    @Kinch@anyone: just out of the line.. do you guys know a good C&H Framework with is counting flag capture levels points ? Well for the HQ i hope you find a solution. dont really know if mixing with BTC would be possible.
  12. BTW: John, do you know where i can get a good C&H template? i am searching for a framework wich counts points for flag cap levels.
  13. This is great Richard ! Thank you very much :D i am really new to coding as you can see :Ú will test that asap. BTW: do you know where i could get a good C&H script? still searching for a framework wich is nice. greetz kabs
  14. np dont push yourself :) make it at ease. maybe i´ll lokk into somth.