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Cold War Rearmed² : Demo 4

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Looks like i'm arriving late to the party on this one but going to check these out :)

i hope you had in past OFP expirience, man, OFP was great, you have 4 posts here and you chosen to post in CWR, maaan , i hope you knew atmosphere of CWC :D

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Updated mission package.

Please delete the cwr2_sp02_ambush.abel.pbo from your mission folder, we include it again when Sander gave her some love.

All reported problems should be fixed, if not report them again. :)

First post also contains an email address for bug reports, for those not using dev-heaven I recommend to report them this way. It's a bit hard to keep track on bug reports in this thread.

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I just finished downloading and installing this modification. It really is impressive especially with the content included. It's really great to have an updated Operation Flashpoint experience inside Arma II CO.

Edited by RedDragon

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Got an error upon whacking the convoy in GA I:

Error in expression <ideRadio "S04r05";
["task1","succeeded","task2""] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd;
 Error position: <"task2""] call SHK_Taskmaster_upd;
 Error Missing ""
File missions\__cur_sp.abel\scripts\destroyed.sqf, line 6

It prevents the convoy destroy task (and the mission proper) completing. :)

Either that or the XM and AH1 are STILL causing awesomeness-related scalar bool fuckery.

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Fixed already CMD, pbo is here

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Please playtest missions before release, don't use only the magic import/convert tool or "I'm in a hurry from the edit/script it looks okay!!" Or do you have a CWR2 "final/complete" deadline set at the end of this month? Just enjoy your own work more often!!! :)

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Please playtest missions before release, don't use only the magic import/convert tool or "I'm in a hurry from the edit/script it looks okay!!" Or do you have a CWR2 "final/complete" deadline set at the end of this month? Just enjoy your own work more often!!! :)

I agree. There are too many OMACs in this list (:rolleyes:):


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On the contrary. We need as many OMACs on the list as possible.

For many reasons, we require community feedback as part of our development cycle. We like to keep the develop>release>feedback>develop loop pretty tight in order to keep things moving. Having as much information as possible as early as possible helps us get a better idea of how to proceed. We repay you for your diligent feedback by releasing demo iterations and DLCs. I certainly don't want to tell you how to feel about that arrangement, but I think it's working fairly well so far. So, thank you to everyone who participates in reporting bugs. It makes our lives much easier.

Edited by Max Power

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Hmm... mission CWR2 SP18 "Battlefields" not playable because of missing content

Error in HTML file missions\__cur_sp.eden\overview.html Context 12 Missing addons detected: cwr2_Bradley cwr2_BRDM Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cwr2_Bradley, cwr2_BRDM
Double-checked and there are non of these files in the CWR2 Demo4 or patch1.... thought I had seen the Bradley in earlier CWR2 builds. :confused: But maybe I need more coffee and yummy cookies.... :p

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... but I think it's working fairly well so far. So, thank you to everyone who participates in reporting bugs. It makes our lives much easier.

Heck YES it's working fairly well! Better than fairly well, IMO. How else could we be having so much fun? :)


I just played Battlefields, and had no issues pop up during the game; clean as a whistle. But I didn't check the rpt....


I'm lovin' the Bizon in Cleansweep III. Never used it before; awesome. Found some minor issues with the mission:


Edited by OMAC

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OMAC did you made a clean CWR2 Demo4 (incl patch1) install or did you just copy all the new files into the old @CWR2 folder? I don't see/have the paricular files (cwr2_bradley.pbo, cwr2_BRDM.pbo) in my new CWR2 folder. Did even made two downloads of CWR2 Demo4 from different sources (armabase/armedassault.info) but it seems that those both files disappeared or were forgotten to include into the new CWR2 Demo4 bigpack. :confused:

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I did a clean install. I have no bradley or brdm files, either. Where did you see those errors in Battlefields? In the rpt? Or did they pop on the screen?

Have you downloaded the most recent (1-10-12) mission pack? I played the mission using the previous mission pack.


Edit: Yep, I now get the same error with Battlefields using current mission pack.

Edited by OMAC

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Please playtest missions before release, don't use only the magic import/convert tool or "I'm in a hurry from the edit/script it looks okay!!" Or do you have a CWR2 "final/complete" deadline set at the end of this month? Just enjoy your own work more often!!! :)

Oh c'mon you never played any of my missions before? :rofl:

Hmm... mission CWR2 SP18 "Battlefields" not playable because of missing content Double-checked and there are non of these files in the CWR2 Demo4 or patch1.... thought I had seen the Bradley in earlier CWR2 builds. :confused: But maybe I need more coffee and yummy cookies.... :p

OK that shouldn't have happened. I simply replaced the 'special Battlefields mission' for the demo with the one for the final release.

There's definitely no Bradley nor BRDM in the Demo (yet), and the latest mission release has the bugged Battlefields in... :rolleyes:

Sorry guys, I'll fix that mess asap.

Fixed Missions:

Battlefields - 03-10-2012

Skirmish - 03-10-2012

Cleansweep III - 03-10-2012

Battlefields : Removed Bradley and BRDM requirements

Skirmish : Teams are assigned as cargo when helicopter is close to the EP

Cleansweep 3 : Mission should be marked as completed now

Edited by W0lle

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I've never seen nor remember Saint Adam, but I have to say -that is one awesome map! Its perfect for open field with great cover/obstruction to house to house missions. How could I have missed this?

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Because it is a brand-new Terrain Jakerod made.

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Is there any way I can edit missions in the original editor ?

I can not get used to this editor.

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Is there any way I can edit missions in the original editor ?

I can not get used to this editor.

What do you mean the original editor? There are two options, the 3D editor and the 2D editor.

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Because it is a brand-new Terrain Jakerod made.

I wish Jakerod extended it. It's so nicely detailed with ditches instead of boring flat terrain like oh so many woodland maps for ArmA2 have.

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Well since it was brought up I guess I will explain the terrain.

Back in OFP, before the days of Visitor we had a tool called WRPEdit. This was around the time Band of Brothers first aired so I had started a Normandy-like terrain based on that. I never got around to finishing it. This terrain was a similar concept but the town is based off of the map Saint Mere-Eglise from the game Close Combat: The Longest Day. It is different now but you can still tell from the road network and placement of the church and a few other things. Additionally, I based the area north-east of the "Manor" on a map of the Battle of Brecourt Manor. The hedges are arranged similarly and it is possible to set up "trenchs" there in a similar fashion. It took me longer than anticipated to finish it. I don't think I will be expanding it because I have other projects but I'm glad you like it. I wish I could've done more ditches actually but I also wanted hedges being pretty close to the road.

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Yeah, but the 2D editor is to much diferent of vanilla :/

No it isn't. The 2D Editor is the exact same thing as the "vanilla" editor in the regular game.

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Sometimes I do get an error with starting up the 2d editor and it starts the 3d one instead but with perseverence it goes away.

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Somehow i missed the newest CWR2 demo release (blame bf3 :j:) and i just discovered that absolute amazing Saint Adams map. Really awsome job on that, same quality and attention to detail as in IronFront maps, and since IF is dead (was it even alive?), i will love to use this map instead. Thanx for this masterpiece :pc: Will be a challenge to squeeze out the last FPS for good CQB action, but low viewdistance and some DAC zones should do the job :D

When playing my alltime-favorite mission "Bomberman" on Winter Kolgujev i noticed that all Winter units (Opfor and Bluefor) have ATs on their backs (just visual - u cant use them), i checked again in editor, Woodland units r fine. Sorry if it was reported already, i didnt read all pages

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