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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery AKA how to make a quick buck...

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I watched TotalBiscuit's video and maaaaan

What was your favorite part? Mine was the idea that you pay real money for ingame items that you die and lose and thus lose real money..oh yes and the stuff that you can buy, ammo, first aid, etc, essentially making it pay to win (or perhaps pay to lose? considering you lose the item you payed for even if it's simple defense). Some big game companies may have found some competition in terms of twisted and corrupt business practices.

Edited by NodUnit

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RhinoCrunch review is much more entertaining.

*Warning - Lots and lots of swearing*

Not really since rhinocrunch has an open vendetta against the game anyway. Personally I don't like TotalBiscuit (perhaps because he's a pompous middleclass tit) but his review is more neutral and insightful. Funny regardless of all that.

Edited by VIPER[CWW]

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I just watched TotalBiscuit's review of the game (thanks nettrucker), and now I'm absolutely convinced that the map is extremely small (or rather it was, originally, before they "inflated" it). If you look at how slooooowly the player is moving and how fucking huge the trees and other objects appear to be, then compare TB's progress on the map to the rather short distance he actually seems to travel in-game, you can see how they must have tweaked certain things to make the map feel a lot larger than it really is.

I'm not exactly sure how they did it, but my guess is that the map was originally around 2x2km (4km²) in size - then, to make it feel larger, they made the player and other entities smaller and reduced their movement speed. When TB is on the move, he unfortunately only looks at the map occasionally, and very briefly, but if you pause the video and compare the positions with screenshots (especially between the "city" and the Norad base) you can see it. He walks up a hill away from the city, across a road (which in itself takes far too long) and up the side of another small hill - judging purely by the scenery, the distance seems to be something like 150-200 meters, but it takes him a whopping five minutes to cover that ground. Not only that, but he crosses a significant part of the map during that time aswell - half way from the city to the base. :eek:

It's insane how anyone could have believed that this was supposed to be "100km²". If you scale the map back down so that the trees and other objects are "properly" sized, Utes is probably bigger.

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Yeah, it's rather clear the player character is somewhere near half the size he should be. So, 5 km² seems like a reasonable estimation.

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Now that I got my refund, I agree that these things have taken on a somewhat more entertaining appearence. Not that much before the refund though.

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That's the problem with being a sheep, if you keep following the latest trend you'll eventually get burnt. The War Z burnt ALOT of DayZ players.

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Both reviews have been highly entertaining^^

If you look for entertainment, main dish isn't here yet. Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, nuff said.

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Haha this crap is getting a lot of heat from gaming press,users,players(is anyone really playing this?),Steam even removed it.

I didn't watched the development but even when it was announced I thought it was just a quick cash joke of a game trying to bite Dayz pie.

Competition is good,but in this case they just wanted to fool people to pay for something that isn't even near of what they said.

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Whatever they started working "years ago" is probably nothing like what their showing now

it's a blatant copy of the DayZ look right down to the logo.

The domain wasn't even registered until May 24 2012

Bohemia has also tried to market arma3 ripping off COD/MOA style branding so they deserve a taste of it. I love that new cod is set just a little in the future... You know that's gotta annoy bis lol :banghead:

...and how to make a quick buck?

Oh that's easy! ....


Edited by DurbanPoison_VoD

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Well this situation has its pros and Cons for DayZ and BIS

Pro would be its competition has self destructed.

Also, Rockey can use allot of the WarZ feedback for himself. He is probably watching the videos, reading the complaints and trying to make sure DayZ dosnt have the same thing. (Not stuff like micro transactions. Thats just stupid) but things like no structure, no tutorial, impossible to do anything without getting killed by zombies. So this is good feedback for Rocket to improve DayZ.

Con would be, People are probably weary of another product like this. There not gonna sink there money into another game and wanna get bitten on the ass again.

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It's insane how anyone could have believed that this was supposed to be "100km²". If you scale the map back down so that the trees and other objects are "properly" sized, Utes is probably bigger.

Oh but it's far from over. They announced a new map and they claim it will be 400 sq. km

Time to get dat pop-corn

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Bohemia has also tried to market arma3 ripping off COD/MOA style branding so they deserve a taste of it. I love that new cod is set just a little in the future... You know that's gotta annoy bis lol :banghead:

...and how to make a quick buck?

Oh that's easy! ....


Comparing apples with pears, aren't we? Making a remake of a 24 year old game isn't quite comparable to jumping on a hype to make a quick buck. Also with ArmA 3, just because 2 games share the same timeframe doesn't make them directly compareable by default.

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Bohemia has also tried to market arma3 ripping off COD/MOA style branding so they deserve a taste of it. I love that new cod is set just a little in the future... You know that's gotta annoy bis lol :banghead:

...and how to make a quick buck?

Oh that's easy! ....

Yeah, because BIS is trying to compete with Activision. Right.

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Bohemia has also tried to market arma3 ripping off COD/MOA style branding so they deserve a taste of it. I love that new cod is set just a little in the future... You know that's gotta annoy bis lol :banghead:

Ripping off? How?

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Bohemia has also tried to market arma3 ripping off COD/MOA style branding so they deserve a taste of it. I love that new cod is set just a little in the future... You know that's gotta annoy bis lol :banghead:

...and how to make a quick buck?

Oh that's easy! ....


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Myke;2266859']Comparing apples with pears' date=' aren't we? Making a remake of a 24 year old game isn't quite comparable to jumping on a hype to make a quick buck. Also with ArmA 3, just because 2 games share the same timeframe doesn't make them directly compareable by default.[/quote']

Nevermind...wrong thread....wrong forum even.. :P

Edited by jblackrupert

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A little update on the respawn time counter.

Apparently it only checks your system time.

Die-> change system time 4 hours forward->respawn->change time back.

WarZ Devs=


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Respawn time was switched to 1 hour again and the pay to revive option was removed. It was non sense anyway since the game don't have the skill tree stuff.

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So they tied respawn timer to your system clock - yet their plan was to charge you for respawning earlier? Haha what a great coding right there

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