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Forum Template Design/Update/Removal

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I agree with the comments about the thread coloring. It seems counterintuitive and makes it difficult to tell at a glance which threads have unread messages.

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I think the thread coloring problem has been solved.

Now the forums favicon should be changed. ;)

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It getting better all the time, we are nearly there with this new theme :)

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Took some time to cruise all around the site, looking good and behaving very well.

Only thing that seemed a wee bit off is the "top" navigation drop down menus elsewhere on the site. Looks like a 15px or so offset when the menus expand horizontally. Other than that, looking spot on.

(exploder 8 anyway)


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As I guess most prefer black on white (bright) UI, this may seem a bit weird. But for some, myself included, a white on black (dark) UI is preferred. Any chance of seeing a dark UI in the future?

Example: http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/forum/118-skyrim-general-discussion/

I don't like the software very much (Opera unfriendly), but the color theme is very pleasing to those that get "blinded" with all that whiteness :p

Not asking for a dark one to replace the current one, but as an alternative.

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  • No drop-down menus on BI's banner (same for wiki)
  • The forum rules can't be accessed anymore from the top bar
  • Some icons still use default style: new thread, subscribe, sticky...

Edited by Lonestar

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Thanks a bunch for the collapsible Sticky threads! I mean it (although i would have the break a bit more subtle :))

Can one also look at why the selected page is on Home and not Community at the top of the forums?


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With the current version of the template the page will not auto-refresh when I hit 'Mark all as read', but only when I'm browsing a sub-forum. When I'm higher up in the tree, it'll work. Using the lastest FF3 build for Windows.

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Maybe you could include a WIKI link next to COMMUNITY up the top, so we can easily jump between the two. :)

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Could you move advertising banner to right of the BIS bar, to make it more subtle and not taking so much space? Probably 98% of active BIF members are aware of newest BIS products, so there is no need to break layout consistency by adv.

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Bring the old icons back. New icons have a low contrast, so you cant see immediately if there are new posts.

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Bring the old icons back. New icons have a low contrast, so you cant see immediately if there are new posts.

I agree, the new post icons are awfull :(

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Yep the new icons are far worse.

@Big Dawg KS

Great contribution..

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Great contribution..

If I can sum up my thoughts with an 8 second youtube video instead of writing them... why not?

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Then only icon bothering me is the UGE and ugly star near moderators' name.

Yea what's with that? The older way of indicating moderator status was better.

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Using Firefox 5, I have just lost the ability to open threads using the 'down arrow' icon in a new tab. It always opens a new window instead.

edit: And now the tab ability is back. Nevermind :p

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Arg! Its so bloody hard to see which threads I've already posted to ....... :(

Not liking the change thus far .......

so you cant see immediately if there are new posts.

I use the "NEW POSTS" button ALL the time.

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SURVIVE the forum changes

ADAPT to them

WIN at life?

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I use the "NEW POSTS" button ALL the time.

Me too. If only it could made to filter out posts from the "Flailing, Whinging & Bossing Developers about forum", AKA ArmA3 discussion.

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