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ARMA 2: OA beta build 77819

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This beta is super stable for me and frames always high

I'm playing editor made missions with lots of vehicles and AI and also tried a few singleplayer scenarios

atoc=7 for me and all settings on "high", viewdistance 2500, Post Processing Low

Everything looks better and runs smoother than ever:yay::bounce3:

The game was nearly always good for me but its just that it now looks better visually and runs smooth all the time

Great work BIS:)

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Just wondering @BIS: is the AToC functionality considered fully implemented and complete as it is now, or do you see room for improvements? For example performance optimization or expanding it to other vegetation types?

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At this point I think the best solution would be to implement multiple move-commands, instead of the one we have right now, overriding the groups behaviour mode.

From the clients view (or looking at the interface/gui) we should have multiple options to choose from instead of just a simple move command:

  • "some name": slow, careful movement with bounding-overwatch
  • "some name": normal movement at regular speed with bounding-overwatch
  • "some name": immediate, fast movement without bounding-overwatch

As for the names of these movement commands, I guess someone with better understanding/feeling of the language shall decide... but you get the point.

The important thing is that such a specific move-command shall override the groups behaviour otherwise affecting the units movement mode. For example you should be able to set your group to stealth, limited speed, but then you select 2 units and give them a "fast movement without bounding-overwatch" move-command and they will run there, while the rest of the group still does bounding-overwatch...

Wouldn't that be awesome? :D

The same is true for the other side of the coin: scripting. There too, a more specific moveTo command, or even one with a different syntax so that the modus could be chosen would be totally tits.

I think this would make ingame commanding aswell as scripting instantly a pleasure again, regardless of the quirks currently present in the regular movement behaviour/pattern.

Edited by ruebe

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I probably have over-mentions ghost recons "at all costs" mode. Again as mentioned it was an option.

I think what's now implemented is a step in right direction, but yes I can see now that you cant "return back" so easy to bounding "if you want again".

So I agree above, a default danger behaviour but also an override to split needs with move fast and also normal, instead of current all-in no option. So to make it a new command would be the best way.

That way in context menu you can select all men point to a vehicle and "at all costs" can show so you can get them to shift fast, or dont click it and that means they will bound as normal (if they are in danger at that moment). I also agree that yes you can then select individuals to scoot fast while other team members bound and obviously color teams to do the same thing in split groups. That way you can have heavy weapon members selected out of the group to shift fast to a cover spot (now cover options are better) and things like that. Oh ... and lets not forget getting the medic quickly to heal!

Edited by mrcash2009

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CTRL key is unused when you give your soldiers a movement order. I think it won't be too hard for BIS to do "move fast to" order via CTRL+Click. Even VOs for 'move... fast... to' are there if you'll lift 'fast' from vehicle command voice overs

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@mr cash the vehicle boarding should remain as it is now. If I want my men to get into something, then I want them to do it immediately! Only the current Move command should be reverted. A new Move Fast command should be implemented that does exactly what the current Move command does. I think CTRL+Leftklick would be a good idea, or it could be in the List that pops up if you hold ALT

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... or it could be in the List that pops up if you hold ALT

Huh, I had to pick up the manual to read it. I didnt know a list will pop up when I press alt.

By reading the manual I actually learned a few good things that I never knew and that I will use. I guess playing this game a decade makes you stuck in old habits.

I still command my group the old OFP way. I dont really like space with all the console icons and shit. Luckilly I know the old menu by heart, the only thing that doesnt work the old way is the teams..

Sorry for OT. But a tip for you old guys that think you know this game. RTFM :p, you might learn something new.

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I think CTRL+Leftklick would be a good idea, or it could be in the List that pops up if you hold ALT

How about this: First you select the desired units, and then you click somewhere, resulting in the current behaviour: a regular move command, respecting the groups behaviour. BUT: if instead of clicking somewhere, you may hold down the left mouse button, a simple menu appears with the different move options available to choose from. Release on such an option and voila, the go slow/carefully or fast... Release the mouse-klick without any option in focus and the regular move is issued (or nothing happens, maybe). And of course, that menu needs to appear immediately, yet the current mouse-focus needs to issue the regular move-command - to make it fast, yet reliable.

IMHO something like that would work way better than some obscure combination. Also no additional key-bindings would be needed for this. Just don't call it "radial thingy", erhm, even if it ends up to be the best solution available. ;)

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How about this: First you select the desired units, and then you click somewhere, resulting in the current behaviour: a regular move command, respecting the groups behaviour. BUT: if instead of clicking somewhere, you may hold down the left mouse button, a simple menu appears with the different move options available to choose from. Release on such an option and voila, the go slow/carefully or fast... Release the mouse-klick without any option in focus and the regular move is issued (or nothing happens, maybe). And of course, that menu needs to appear immediately, yet the current mouse-focus needs to issue the regular move-command - to make it fast, yet reliable.

IMHO something like that would work way better than some obscure combination. Also no additional key-bindings would be needed for this. Just don't call it "radial thingy", erhm, even if it ends up to be the best solution available. ;)


Sounds like a great idea. Such a menu could theoretically also be made to include other useful commands, so long as it doesn't get too cluttered.

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Uh huh - try doing that with 8 units - each of which you want to move separately NOW and it will be annoying.

Click for bounding overwatch movement, CTRL+click for fast movement = is the way to go. No need for menus.

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Uh huh - try doing that with 8 units - each of which you want to move separately NOW and it will be annoying.

How so? You hit F1, move the mouse cursor to the spot you want the unit to go to, click (while holding the mouse button), the menu immediately shows up - centered exactly on your cursor, you either let the mouse-button go immediately or you quickly drag the cursor (while still holding the mouse-button) to the desired option. (these options are preferably arranged circular around the centered position, so you may always drag a bit in the known direction which is very fast)...

You hit F2, ..., repeat. Whats wrong whit this? While the left hand is free to hit the Fn-keys, you chose the spot/move-mode with your right hand (the mouse). What you suggest is pushing the Ctrl-Key and the Fn-keys alternately with your right hand, which honestly seems way worse. Or how do you plan to select your units?

Also Ctrl + klick, while fast, seems way more prone to cause problems. Ctrl + F4 anyone? :D

After the second time you do this, that smiley changes to this one here: :mad:. And really, this is no artificial problem. With F4 you select your forth unit!

Really Ctrl + anything is a no go. Especially in Arma and in combination with unit-commands.

Such a menu could theoretically also be made to include other useful commands, so long as it doesn't get too cluttered.

If there is need for more, and aslong as thematically grouped, I can imagine a toggle-key for the left-mouse-klick, opening different such menus.

But honestly, if more commands should come up, IMHO they'd belong onto the mapscreen in form of a 3d-gadet such as the compass (something appropriate) with buttons or lists to issue commands on the map-screen. Commanding on the map-screen seems appropriate anyway, while the core-game and its interface wouldn't get messed with at all. For example I'd really like to see such a Highcommand gadet for the map-screen, where more commands would be possible in a userfriendly manner.

Edited by ruebe

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How so? You hit F1, move the mouse cursor to the spot you want the unit to go to, click (while holding the mouse button), the menu immediately shows up - centered exactly on your cursor, you either let the mouse-button go immediately or you quickly drag the cursor (while still holding the mouse-button) to the desired option. (these options are preferably arranged circular around the centered position, so you may always drag a bit in the known direction which is very fast)...

If menu will appear every time I click LMB it will be ultraannoying. If menu will appear seconds after I'll hold LMB - it will be ultraslow and annoying. Not mentioning constantly moving the mouse to select that 'move fast' option.

What you suggest is pushing the Ctrl-Key and the Fn-keys alternately with your right hand, which honestly seems way worse. Or how do you plan to select your units?

For example I want to select unit 2 and 4

F2, F4 then point mouse to where I want them to move -> Ctrl+Click. Simple. Effective. Fast.

Also Ctrl + klick, while fast, seems way more prone to cause problems. Ctrl + F4 anyone? :D

What does Ctrl+F4 do exactly and why would I want to press both of them at the same time?

Are you sure you are not confusing anything with selecting 4th unit, while rotating your head?

Edited by metalcraze

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Are you sure you are not confusing anything with selecting 4th unit, while rotating your head?


I'm getting old I guess :D

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Is anyone having a problem with Stealth mode?

If I place a group and use a stealth waypoint followed by a move waypoint the group advances slowly using cover as it should.

However if I then set the leader of the group to playable the group never moves unless an actual player is used.

Shouldn't the AI take over a playable unit when there's no player?


It seems that it's more that they are very reluctant to cross roads, one or more of the group gets hung up.


Edited by F2k Sel

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I have strange issues with AtoC=7:


Edited by [LB] boggler
Hotlinking image < 100kb

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I got that when I had certain Anti-Aliasing parameters forced in the Catalyst control panel, try some different options in your driver's 3D settings.

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How about this: First you select the desired units, and then you click somewhere, resulting in the current behaviour: a regular move command, respecting the groups behaviour. BUT: if instead of clicking somewhere, you may hold down the left mouse button, a simple menu appears with the different move options available to choose from. Release on such an option and voila, the go slow/carefully or fast... Release the mouse-klick without any option in focus and the regular move is issued (or nothing happens, maybe). And of course, that menu needs to appear immediately, yet the current mouse-focus needs to issue the regular move-command - to make it fast, yet reliable.

IMHO something like that would work way better than some obscure combination. Also no additional key-bindings would be needed for this. Just don't call it "radial thingy", erhm, even if it ends up to be the best solution available. ;)

I dont want it that way, its difficult to get working with VAC or similar programs. If BIS goes for such a method I hope they make a key-combo in addition.

@ Andersson. See my sig :p

I have sigs disabled so thanks for the headsup and laugh! :D

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boggler;1847268']I have strange issues with AtoC=7:


Damn! You finally got the Chernarus wintermap I always wanted... sorry, couldn't resist. BTW that would be nice for the next DLC. Chernarus is already there.

Concerning the atoc the trees on Chernarus looks fine, but in Takistan they still have lod problems. (using hd5970 ccc 10.4 - I also tried ccc 10.2 no difference. Just the latest ccc driver is a disaster.)

The new FPS are awesome, can fly low above earth in Chernarus and still have sufficent FPS. Good work BI.

Edited by Zipper5

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Some link's showing the difference between patch 1.57.76815 and the new beta patch 77819 with AtoC.

No change in settings for pictures and default in ATI CCC 11.1


Great improvement and fullness of foliage is clearly visible in comparison to earlier patches although i am getting slight transparency on the trees(not an issue). Also since the last patch/es seems to have made the scope's a lot more fluid, i mentioned this before but definitely it has improved for me after some more testing.

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I love AToC. Delivers better visuals than i have ever seen, with vegetation. I didn't find it to be too heavy on FPS BUT keep optimizing BIS!!!

BTW, this has nothing to do with the BETA but what's going on near the mosque in Zargabad the performance goes a lot lower around there. Maybe there's a problem with the mosque's P3D i don't know.

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Also since the last patch/es seems to have made the scope's a lot more fluid, i mentioned this before but definitely it has improved for me after some more testing.

you are right about the scope, but when I use the Binocular_Vector especially at night with NV it cuts my fps down to 50%...

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anyone had Crash to Desktop with this build yet ?

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How about this: First you select the desired units, and then you click somewhere, resulting in the current behaviour: a regular move command, respecting the groups behaviour. BUT: if instead of clicking somewhere, you may hold down the left mouse button, a simple menu appears with the different move options available to choose from. Release on such an option and voila, the go slow/carefully or fast... Release the mouse-klick without any option in focus and the regular move is issued (or nothing happens, maybe). And of course, that menu needs to appear immediately, yet the current mouse-focus needs to issue the regular move-command - to make it fast, yet reliable.

IMHO something like that would work way better than some obscure combination. Also no additional key-bindings would be needed for this. Just don't call it "radial thingy", erhm, even if it ends up to be the best solution available. ;)

Loving the idea - would work well. I would just change the 'hold left button' to left button select unit on map (ala C&C etc) then right click on where you want them to move/action/etc (it either brings up a further 'radial!' menu or normal menu.

@Dwarden - no crashes so far. Seems very stable, good FPS, not really using the AToC presently.

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I got that when I had certain Anti-Aliasing parameters forced in the Catalyst control panel, try some different options in your driver's 3D settings.

You're right. Mea culpa, BIS.

There 've been forgotten settings at the forceware ...

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