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Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

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Here's a new WIP video


The FLIR and NVG looks really nice!

Edited by PurePassion

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Here's a new WIP video

The FLIR and NVG looks really nice!

First I was like wth is something wrong with my sound :p but the video does not seem to contain sound anyway it looks pretty ok .

I seem to like the nvg a lot ..

kind regards

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Hmmm...wonder how they got the FLIR to look like that..it looks oddly similar to the SSAO



Right down to the ugly black haze that is generated when the effect is amplified too much. Interesting idea if so when you think about it..

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Was so planning on poo-pooing yet another tech demo....but damn that looks nice and vibrant! That sidewalk explosion, night vision, dynamic lighting etc.... wonder if they're making a game as well as training tools.

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as far as i know, they are making only the tools for training.

There is no plan for a civilian commercial version of the RTI...

That said, the thing looks and feels like a 2012 engine and game. I know that for simulation purposes, the guys at BIA are right: it doesn't matter al that much. For a game (see A2) things are completely different though.

I wasn't expecting a RT editor, or an AAR tools similar to VBS one

I know they are not in the same bucket, but still, i really love the artistic capability of engines such as Unreal, Cryengine and so forth (particles, lighting, and physix).

Edited by PuFu

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I like that a lot.

Awesome attention to detail.

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So who is the target audience for this?

It isn't military that's for sure. Whenever a bullet hits the wall it's like a small C4 explodes and those damn godrays out of every ass again. The soldier is running and the weapon is held perfectly straight, hollywoodish explosions everywhere.

It looks nice visually but it's still Crysis.

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So who is the target audience for this?


It isn't military that's for sure.


Whenever a bullet hits the wall it's like a small C4 explodes

maybe a bit overdone on the particle, but this is part of a tech demo, which is meant to show what the engine and RTI is capable of...

You know what a tech demo is, right?

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Wow, this is jaw dropping :eek:

They have amazing tech demos... nevertheless, the real experience is SO different in the final product.

Guess it's like a fast food. The burger on the poster looks great and the one you get so lousy.

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Is that some kind of a Crysis MP clan?


A serious military simulation would've concentrated on showing nothing but features important to a military. Case in point: a random VBS2 video.

But it's a yet another video from RTI that's all "LOOK AT TEH GRAPHX". If anything this video shows that it's just another Crysis game, even weapons don't have any recoil.

maybe a bit overdone on the particle, but this is part of a tech demo, which is meant to show what the engine and RTI is capable of...

You know what a tech demo is, right?

So what the engine is capable of? The video didn't show anything but cartoon-ish shaders once again. I want to see weapon ballistics and wounding systems and they show me overexaggerated godrays and explosions.

Kinda ironic how even their studio title consists of three annoying PR buzzwords.

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Is that some kind of a Crysis MP clan?

A serious military simulation would've concentrated on showing nothing but features important to a military. Case in point: a random VBS2 video.

But it's a yet another video from RTI that's all "LOOK AT TEH GRAPHX". If anything this video shows that it's just another Crysis game, even weapons don't have any recoil.

So what the engine is capable of? The video didn't show anything but cartoon-ish shaders once again.

Kinda ironic how even their studio title consists of three annoying PR buzzwords.

Department of Defense.

They have no contracts or partnerships so far (at least none that involves weapons systems and stuff) and its already looking promising, imagine when they are done setting the ground and start building upon it.

VBS took almost 10 years to get where they are now, give those men time (and money) and we see were they get.

Edited by Smurf

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VBS started from a game that was built with a "let's show a real war" mindset. You won't find a single video concentrating on nothing but graphics for VBS.

Here it looks like Crysis Modern Warfare. It's been a year and they can't even show a single bit of... you know... simulation.

At best it will be like America's Army. An eye candy arcade shooter that is supposed to recruit soldiers.

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That looked awesome! no doubt... what ever its for i hope it will eventually trickle down for public consumption, but not to far down.

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This was actually suprisingly good :O Still don't know how it handles big terrains and real AI tho...

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hehe and there you have it:

RealTime Immersive Inc. - In-Engine Cinematic :rolleyes:


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I've asked one of the 3D model designer of RTI about this game months ago, he said it won't be end up as a commercial game and will be dedicated for military.

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Bit curious as to what their goal is, what exactly is it supposed to simnulate.

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Judging by that video above your post - Crysis trying to simulate CoDMW.

Lawl they even have buildings exploding for no reason all around soldiers and bombastic hollywood-ish soundtrack. And yet video description literally says that it's a 'simulation demonstration'

Edited by metalcraze

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Well it looks good, but yeah... what metalcraze said ^^

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Bit curious as to what their goal is, what exactly is it supposed to simnulate.


And also love the term 'in-engine' :rolleyes:

Shouldn't that then be a video of massive amounts of code... :confused:

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Fuck that looks nice, looks like they have a simple real time 3D editor. I wonder how easily they can create scenarios with it though. In A2 setting up an artillery battery or airstrikes is complicated enough. I wonder if this is just drag and drop for mission building. I don't know how.much VBS2 is used, but it takes a significant.amount of time and energy to understand all of the scripting language.

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Since we'll probably never actually use it, all we can do is comment on its looks. And it looks incredible.

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