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ARMA 2: Private Military Company (ARMA 2: PMC) DLC

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i'm pretty sure even if we include some new AK, FAMAS, HK, Tavor

then someone start demanding QBZ-95

Yeah this is probably true. I try to see it from this perspective:

Does it help improve the game and game balance somewhat, while fitting in the existing armaverse?

Yes? Good. No? Maybe it's the wrong addition?

The KA-60 for example is a great addition and would probably fit very well to the EAST side with a proper russian skin on it. For contractors it will work as well, no problems with that (I just hope it will not JUST be for the contractors).

The XM-8 however is a strange choice I agree. The game has enough assault rifles (even XM-8 variations!!!). Yeah sure, having it will be nice, but I don't think people will be particularily looking forward to it, since it's just another 5.56mm assault rifle. Furthermore it creates controversity since it's bascially a cancelled project as you can see.

The AA-12 however will be a nice addition, since it is something fresh (esp. with the shotgun code improvements). I just hope that the existing ArmA2 shotguns will be retrofitted with that as well and not be left behind, like so many other ArmA2 equipment. We still have no thermal vision (not even night vision) on the T90 tank for example.

To create some synergetic effects, it could have been much more interesting to add a couple of "masterkey" type under barrel shotgun sets for existing weapons for example.

Anyways, looking forward to the new DLC, but please please please invest some time and money to bring ArmA2 and arrowhead balance and unit features more in line. Especially now since you can officially buy a "combined operations" bundle. I am sure this would pay off greatly, and you could even make some extra money from selling extra units for the existing factions (or add some reskins to upcoming patches for free).

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BTW, in real life, PMCs get to choose their guns and shit right?

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Does the weapon really matter? The XM8 looks cool, the weapon exists, and there is nothing preventing the US Army or whoever owns the design to finalize and buy/sell it at one point.

And considering that Chernarus and Takistan are as real as Android Hell, I am really not bothered by the choice. Quite the contrary, I like it :)

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i'm pretty sure even if we include some new AK, FAMAS, HK, Tavor

then someone start demanding QBZ-95

Add all of them and done :D

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"...Honestly I would prefer a million times a reskined weapon or vehicle such as the Mi-24 to a new (and crappy) XM8..."

...the XM8 is not a "realistic weapon"

...some of them better than that XM8 crap...

You are, oh so very, VERY wrong my good sir. The XM8 is as realistic as the M4, SCAR and the AK-47. Besides, the year is 2012. There may have been changes. Contradicting the future is silly. Also, the M8 IS NOT A CRAPPY WEAPON

I hate it when people whine when developers add new content and then they whine for not adding any new content. :mad:

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BTW, in real life, PMCs get to choose their guns and shit right?

lol.. Not with the firm I worked with in West Africa.. the day after we arrived at Lungi airport a very large IL-76 turned up with a shed load of soviet weapons and equipment.. that was the 'only' choice.

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lol.. Not with the firm I worked with in West Africa.. the day after we arrived at Lungi airport a very large IL-76 turned up with a shed load of soviet weapons and equipment.. that was the 'only' choice.

what weapons You looted from that IL :)

i mean what's was then used by you and your team ;)

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You are, oh so very, VERY wrong my good sir. The XM8 is as realistic as the M4, SCAR and the AK-47. Besides, the year is 2012. There may have been changes. Contradicting the future is silly. Also, the M8 IS NOT A CRAPPY WEAPON

I hate it when people whine when developers add new content and then they whine for not adding any new content. :mad:

While I don't have the capability to guess the future I'm 100% sure that it's more probable to see a laser gun entering in a future conflict than that "crappy" XM8.

The XM8 is canceled, it's over, it won't seen any combat like any other canceled weapon project, period.

Since it seems a "taboo" here to criticise the XM8 (and being again it's inclusion in ArmA) I want to make the following request for a future DLC:

- A laser gun! :p

I WANT A LASER GUN. If we will have a weapon that won't exist in any conflict (XM8) than I guess I have the right to ask for a laser gun. It would be "fun" and "diferent" to have PMC operators equiped with Laser guns ;)

Edited by ricnunes

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I WANT A LASER GUN. If we will have a weapon that won't exist in any conflict (XM8) than I guess I have the right to ask for a laser gun. It would be "fun" and "diferent" to have PMC operators equiped with Laser guns ;)

You're just trolling at this point, give it up. The XM8 is a real weapon that exists and has been tested before, if you don't know the difference between that and laser weaponry then yea, troll harder.

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Case in point :

If A2 really was only intended as being realistic simulation, and nothing else, then there would be far more important matters to complain than inclusion of XM8

If A2 is not that much locked on realism but more on battlefield integration like no other software, and on scale not seen before (not talking about the other aspects...), then the importance of changing from XM8 can be questioned

What is the impact of changing XM8 that late in PMC dev? It'll probably delay the release. Is it worth it? I don't think so....

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Guys, there IS already a XM-8 in the game. ArmA2 shipped with a bunch of those. It was controverse back then, and it still will be with the new ones in the PMC DLC, but they are here and meant to stay.

Let's not argue about that forever, please. There is no way in hell they are going to change that. :)

I would prefer, if we could shift this discussion more in a direction to provide feedback what DLC content would be useful to enrich variety for existing factions.

For me, it's really really important that the KA-60 will also be included as an EAST version, so I can give it to the Russians without it showing up as a WEST/RES unit on radar. I don't mind, if it has the exact same texture like the one for the contractors, but there should be an EAST version included!

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Aren't the PMC's and all their equipment confirmed to be on Independent side/faction in the editor? There you can easily set them friendly to Nobody/Blufor/Opfor/Anybody. ;)

Numerous (!!) new engine updgrades...

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You don't have to play the game with the XM8 , what a novel thought eh? :D

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Aren't the PMC's and all their equipment confirmed to be on Independent side/faction in the editor? There you can easily set them friendly to Nobody/Blufor/Opfor/Anybody. ;)

Numerous (!!) new engine updgrades...

That depends on the mission. In Warfare for example, this won't work, since both WEST and EAST are fighting RESISTANCE. So just having a RESI KA-60 would deny it to the EAST team, since it would show up as hostile on their own radar when using it.

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That depends on the mission. In Warfare for example, this won't work, since both WEST and EAST are fighting RESISTANCE. So just having a RESI KA-60 would deny it to the EAST team, since it would show up as hostile on their own radar when using it.

All is that you have to do is change the side of the unit in the mission config

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As far as I know, this doesn't work for spawned units, only for those present on startup.

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what weapons You looted from that IL :)

i mean what's was then used by you and your team ;)

We had the usual soviet type platoon weapons.. AK's, PK's, Makarovs, RPG-7's, DHsK's and 82mm mortars etc..

Edited by Trooper117

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Trooper117 - Warning pics are above 100kb limit

btw you are PMC? :p

Ok.. I'll remove them then, no problem, just thought people might be interested.

Used to be 'PMC', rejoined the army..

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Ok.. I'll remove them then, no problem, just thought people might be interested.

Used to be 'PMC', rejoined the army..

They are, maybe you could post only the link.

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Those russian weapons in the pics looked like brand new.

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Yes they were brand new.. we spent a shed load of time getting them unpacked and ready for operational use.

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