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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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Can't see them, but no great loss i guess...



Not ready for public consumption....

I'm sure I've heard that one before.

Possibly posted originally to show the CM Board and investors that the black hole that is CM's "Operation Flashpoint" prooject is producing something.

Or possibly that if any of the public consumed those images they would come away with a nasty case of virtual dysentry.

On a side note, we should really be grateful the CM are pumping shit like this out. One can only hope that all this shit will fertilise the ground for better products to grow from elsewhere. Of course this would mean that the gaming industry as a whole is teeming with life and innovation. So that thought may be a little off.

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Those aren't even 3d renders, but rather 2d concept art screens...

Anyhow, they are not fooling anyone anymore i guess.

Last time i checked the RR forums, there were dead, and there was a post about a very important press release...and that was 2 weeks ago

lol that press release has come and gone AFAIK. I was expecting..... more.

OFDR's Mission Editing forum is the #1 reason I stick about their forums. Because alot of the guys still there I've got to know and have helped me miles in learning to script with modern-ish languages like LUA.

The game itself "isn't so fantastic" ......

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So, realtimeuk put those images up as part of their online portfolio, and Helios is claiming that they aren't finished yet so they need to be taken down... Something sounds wrong there.

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If they're complaining about rampant piracy they should be releasing their games with at least some form of DRM. :rolleyes:

That, or start making good games.

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lol, pay for the box. And then pay for the game at a later date as DLC? :confused:

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Only one thing to say: What a C*@t! ***

***Before "anyone" has a fit - I meant Mr Cousens, NOT Ben :D

EDIT: Dont Codebastards sell half a game in the shops anyway? Wheres the change? And then there is the matter of the support life of thier products. The DLC would have to come out fairly quick before support for the title is dropped. Making not so much DLC, DTS - Download This Suckas. More bullshit from the masters of bullshit.

Edited by Bascule42

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Red River wont even be half a game, the amount of features and content is something equivalent to something you would get from an Xbox live arcade game.


No Editor, No Multiplayer, No vehicles, No This, No Brain cells

Who would really buy this garbage at 60 dollar price point

Conmasters needs to hurry up and close their business while they still can without too much loss.


LMAO nice find,

Not ready for public consumption my arsehole helios.

Edited by Flash Thunder

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Oh did they watch Extra Credits? They proposed this idea and it's actually not that bad, now before you jump on me here is what was discussed.. Basicly, you sell the game as is with single player or some content, generally what you wouldn't need for online play but with this comes half the price or so.

This could lead to more sales, the economy is still a bit tough and every bit counts, not everyone can afford the $50-$70 and not everyone wants to pay that much especially if they aren't getting for the whole package.


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If they're complaining about rampant piracy they should be releasing their games with at least some form of DRM. :rolleyes:

That, or start making good games.

Gabe Newell doesn't think so.


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That guy is right, support really changes the piracy levels. When Crysis Warhead first came out there were tons of people blatantly stating they would pirate the game simply because of the DRM, basicly you have X amount of installed which ultimately screws the buyers over since the pirated version would not have this..obviously they will go for the more supportive and just to spite likely pirate further.

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There's a fine line to walk in the area of DRM, but Codemasters didn't even walk it. They just threw DR to the wolves unprotected, literally. Even Steam uses its own DRM, in a sense. DR used nothing outside of a CD key. If that doesn't say you couldn't give less of a crap about your game, I don't know what does.

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It was just an example of "Screw your community over and your community royally screws you over".

Be it that DR had a weak form of protection I imagine more of DR's piracy stems from A. it was a title that originally belonged to someone else and people decided to go the 'try it before buying it' route, especially considering the amount of 3D renders released. Then it came from lack of community support which leads to negative word of mouth, which leads to a hailstorm of piracy because people are less likely to buy something they hear 'sucks', no doubt RR will be the same if not worse given DR's smerched name.

Personally I like the FADE approach, hard coded into the engine, you think you're safe and then suddenly everything "Breaks", best way to to deter piracy for the ones that will do it anyway..make the game unplayable.

Edited by NodUnit

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I also like he FADE Idea. It somehow shows a great sense of humor. Turning suddenly into a bird LMAO

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There's a fine line to walk in the area of DRM, but Codemasters didn't even walk it. They just threw DR to the wolves unprotected, literally. Even Steam uses its own DRM, in a sense. DR used nothing outside of a CD key. If that doesn't say you couldn't give less of a crap about your game, I don't know what does.


If they had have put protection of some form on it, do you think that whatever good there is in DR today (a few things that I still play DR for) would be there? like the miniscule level of "modding" and mapping.

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Well, BIS' games come with DRM (granted, it gets removed after a while) but it doesn't restrict modders' abilities to play with the game. Given how Codemasters were stupid enough to lock out modding with an official patch, I wouldn't have put it past them to do that at release. Well, they technically still did, just people found a way of getting around it.

I'm pretty sure Red River will lock you guys out entirely.

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Which is a shame, as far as the PC community goes it's a definite middle finger, if they do go that route then the piracy they saw for f11..something will be a small number compared to red rivers..screw the community, get royally screwed by the community.

No amount of marketing is going to save RR from bad press as far as general public goes, I'm sure many reviewers will be bought off for their high scores but word of mouth will spread and with today's tech it will spread fast, and many people take reviewer opinion with a grain of salt compared to the opinions of someone who has already played the game.

At the moment the best investment they could probably make would be modding tools..promote the community and help push them in a positive direction, perhaps earn some trust and liking. If it weren't for the free modding tools, promotion of modding and continuous patches I doubt BIS and the community would be as close as they are.

Edited by NodUnit

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The only thing that kept their game afloat (barely) and they want to lock it out. If that doesn't show they're going for the Activision mentality of game production, I don't know what does.

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At the moment the best investment they could probably make would be modding tools..promote the community and help push them in a positive direction, perhaps earn some trust and liking.

That, my friend . . . isn't going to happen. Instead of adding features to the game, they get rid of them. WTF!!!! No mission editor no PVP, they are sinking their own ship.

kind regards

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I love those target renders. They should stop making games and make more concept art instead.

Yes but after a while, when they get their "render franchise" setup, they'll push MS Paint jobs on us.

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Got to love that the game isn't out yet but there's already a 233 page forum thread on how shit it will be.

I actually dug out operation facepalm the other day to remind me how bad it was and after ten minutes I wanted to eat my own head.

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