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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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Got to love that the game isn't out yet but there's already a 233 page forum thread on how shit it will be.

I actually dug out operation facepalm the other day to remind me how bad it was and after ten minutes I wanted to eat my own head.

Not out yet? hell, we've only got Sions word and 2 crappy pics from an iphone of the game offscreen at weird angles. Yet, still, a 233 page topic on how shit it will be......

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This game is just plain wrong and before they publish it, a huge Monty Python foot will descent and crush the dev team.

...my hunch anyway

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Not out yet? hell, we've only got Sions word and 2 crappy pics from an iphone of the game offscreen at weird angles. Yet, still, a 233 page topic on how shit it will be......

Don't forget Exhibit A:


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Now that you mention it, I had a quick skim through 10 pages back and did not see the DR thread, perhaps it became merged with this one?

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Now that you mention it, I had a quick skim through 10 pages back and did not see the DR thread, perhaps it became merged with this one?

Nope, it's all the way over there.

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Ingame my back side.

The second one even has a mouse cursor in the middle right :D

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First in game Cut Scenes more like...


re: amount of pages in the old thread. Assuming a default forums setting of 10 posts per page, there should be over 500 pages. IIRC W0lle close the thread at first after 5000 posts. Then by popular demand it was re-opened for another week. Must have been a few bans since, (dont post counts get "uncounted" after a ban)? /shrug: not that it matters.

Followed a link originally posted by cw001...still can't belive it. It's people like this that are to blame for all the ills in the gaming industry. (Bobby Kotik notwithstanding)


EDIT: A belated ode to the memory of all the giggles Sion Lenton provided:


Edited by Bascule42

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Is that a CH53 ? If so that'd be cool... Last time I saw something nice in DR (FLIR) BIS implemented it in OA even better to piss them... So going by that very flawd reasoning, we should have a superduper Stallion in the next installment, right ?

The first pic is just an example of overlit and overdone HDR effect, but the lighting in the second pic is nice but it's easier to bake everything in a corridor shooter, which is what it has become.

Defered lighting does allow for more subtle effects an more lights though. That's something I'd love to see in Arma 2 though.

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That is a badly done Photoshop. We all know that CM's (on) crack military advisers have pointed out many times that the carrying handle on the M4 should be placed just after the front sight, and not on the preposterous fantasy place that it is now. Stick to real life please :D ;)

Guess CM have an affliction with lens flaring.

That is to hide the fact that it's either a render, or that the game is an empty shell. Shiny box and that's about it. I saw the concept art that they had removed, and it showed CH-53s with underslung Humvees. DR didn't even have aircraft, only poorly implemented helicopters (fitted in seamlessly with the rest of the product), so the chance of being able to transport vehicles should be estimated at virtually non-existent. Maybe in a $20 DLC package consisting of just that one feature.

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And I thought Arma2's sun was bad at times..You're right, it does look like another COD clone now.. I'll give DR this, it had a somewhat different art direction, but now the shaders seem to have been tweaked to resemble it as much as possible, uncanny to a point.

I guess this is why I hate console games as far as shooters go, it's the same shit different name (art direction is all the same) to put it bluntly..and yet, I do not feel ready to brash and insult red rivers change..perhaps it's the doubt of it being actual ingame screenshots and more bs renders or something to that effect, or it could be I stayed up all night and have impaired judgement..either way, this storm might be even bigger than the last.

Looking at all of these look alikes gives me a further appreciation for A2 and especially OA's lighting, it may not be "the best" (though by "the best" these days seems to mean some CGI SCREAMING environment where thinds have this uncanny obvious shader effect) but at least it's more unique than they.

Edited by NodUnit

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Sounds itchy.. perhaps you can get a cream for that poor affliction?

Lol, Photoshop edited renders. That would be right up their alley.

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Ingame my back side.

The second one even has a mouse cursor in the middle right :D

After a look, its the same cursor as was in the DR game. I'm gonna stick my neck out and trust CM, and belive they are ingame from the PC version whilst paused. Though, Ingame showing what? A cinematic? A high-res picture on the menu screen? It just looks, too nice.

It doesn't really like CoD like, More, its own style. I'm really not sure about the game anymore. I'm gonna go for it and see what it brings. Can't be too bad, right?


After seeing (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs574.ash2/149616_177006662315216_147516158597600_692099_2940022_n.jpg) image, Now that one looks very CoD style... I don't like the lens flare though, its gonna be really bad when playing.

Edited by Ben_S

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So, we all know that BIS likes to piss CM. Someone should show these pics to the Dev team, maybe we´ll really get that Super Stallion, just to piss CM off^^

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So, we all know that BIS likes to piss CM. Someone should show these pics to the Dev team, maybe we´ll really get that Super Stallion, just to piss CM off^^

Well that would be the only thing . Everything that CM has taken out of OFP is now in Arma 2 CO , feature wise that is .

The promotional text here gave me this :confused:

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I'll repeat my suspisions. I reckon these renders and accompanying text must be part of a presentation from RealtimeUK to CM to view, (and of course showcasing thier work to potential clients). RealtimeUK are a CG company. They do cut-scenes and intro vids. Not in game models and animation. If you look at their work, it's nearly all intro/promotional vids.

As for teh text...even the most sycophantic game reviewers *cough* Gamespot *cough* wouldn't swallow that bullshit. "not for the faint hearted"?; "most tense combat experiences you'll want without signing up with the Marines"? This would be sooo bullshitty it's inconcievable that they expect even the most niave gamer to swallow that. Especially after FPDR. Even for CM.

Edited by Bascule42

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Well, RealtimeUK do Concept Art, Helios just stated on the CM forums that all cutscenes and stuff with be with ingame footage. CWC style (yes, he actuallyed mentioned the original game)

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Well, RealtimeUK do Concept Art, Helios just stated on the CM forums that all cutscenes and stuff with be with ingame footage. CWC style (yes, he actuallyed mentioned the original game)

If you want to belive those shots are actual gameplay footage, or un rendered game engine cut scenes (CWC Style), fair enough. But, given thier portfolio, scenes/images produced by RealtimeUK will most definitely not be in game. Unless CM are stretching thier definition of "in-game" to include rendered cut-scenes.

Afterall, when has Helios ever been given inaccurate information to pass on relating to OFP?

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Who said the 2 images released by CM are from RealtimeUK ?

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Who said the 2 images released by CM are from RealtimeUK ?

Im wondering the same thing, are they talking about the 2 new shots because theyre nothing like the obviously prerendered leaked ones?

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