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About killzone_kid

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    Chief Warrant Officer

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  1. Thanks, I'll have a look EDIT: Revision: 152400
  2. I've added https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlModelVectorSide, seems missing
  3. my guess is because x,y,z vs x,z,y issue
  4. killzone_kid

    Player in remoteExec

    try switch (vehicleVarName _vehicle) do instead of switch (_vehicle) do
  5. Rev.150091 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableEnvironment
  6. Make a feedback ticket I will add an option to enableEnvironment
  7. killzone_kid

    callExtension question(s)

    there is no limit if you use extension callback
  8. where did you get this code from?
  9. killzone_kid

    disableBrakes work only after push

    When you disable brakes the vehicle is in sleep state like @reyhard explained. You can awake the vehicle but the force of gravity translated to pull might not be strong enough. But giving vehicle a little velocity nudge is all you need quad disableBrakes true; quad setvelocitymodelspace [0,1,0];
  10. could you point to where it says wrong? can you give example what code doesnt do what you expect?
  11. lbselection for non LB_MULTI was bugged. There are minor fixes several of them including crash so wait until dev. Some will make it into hotfix some to 2.12. If you know of any bugs -> ticket + tag me
  12. Next dev will have a few fixes to LB_Multi controls
  13. There are problems with multiselect listbox, one of which @Larrow has described but there are more
  14. Have you seen https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weaponState ?
  15. killzone_kid

    Remove flying insects into buildings

    enableenvironment false removes insects too