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  1. I am trying to create a custom crate paradrop at heli transport waypoint. Crate is made with parachute, but the problem is it just stays at the altitude the crate is detached from the vehicle. _wp1 = transportGRP addWaypoint [(position (leader ghost)), 30]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; [transportGRP, 1] setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS"; [transportGRP, 1] setWaypointStatements ["true", " _acrate = 'Land_WoodenCrate_01_F' createVehicle [5123.63,4869.14,0]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_plum_green', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhssaf_mag_brd_m83_green', 2]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_mag_rgd5', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_30Rnd_762x39mm_polymer_tracer', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_45Rnd_545X39_AK_Green', 20]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_VOG25', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N14', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['ACE_10Rnd_762x54_Tracer_mag', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_20rnd_9x39mm_SP6', 10]; _acrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ['rhs_5Rnd_338lapua_t5000', 10]; _acrate addBackpackCargoGlobal ['B_Kitbag_rgr', 3]; _acrate addItemCargoGlobal ['ACE_salineIV_500', 10]; _acrate addItemCargoGlobal ['ACE_personalAidKit', 2]; _acrate attachTo [(objectParent (leader transportGRP)),[0,0,-1]]; detach _acrate; _chute = 'B_Parachute_02_F' createVehicle position _acrate; _chute attachTo [_acrate, [0,0,1]]; "]; How to make so the crate falls down to ground?
  2. Hi, I am using attachTo to paradrop a tank. The idea is the player is driving the tank on a "special" helipad in base and then the tank and the player got paradropped on the map. Its working fine until the tank touches the ground and the parachute detaches, the tank goes under the map and disappears! The player can eject and its fine but no more tank for him. Here is the code used in the trigger of the helipad: openMap true; onMapSingleClick " openMap false; _veh = (vehicle player); [_veh,150,_pos] call BIS_fnc_setHeight; _posNew = getPosATL _veh; _para = createVehicle ['B_Parachute_02_F', _posNew, [], 0, '']; _para attachTo [_veh,[0,0,0]]; onMapSingleClick '';"; Funny thing is if I do the script without the parachute the tanks got paradropped fine from 150m without breaking anything. 🤣
  3. Hi guys, I have a little problem with paradropping enemy AI. They open their parachutes fine but half of them die when touching ground. They are dropped (spawned) at 300m and parachute opening happens at 200m. Here is the code: _paraPos = (getPosATL DROPPLANE); _paraPos set [2, 300]; PARAMEN = [_paraPos, EAST, [ "gm_gc_army_squadleader_mpiak74n_80_win", "gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_win", "gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_win", "gm_gc_army_machinegunner_lmgrpk74_80_win", "gm_gc_army_machinegunner_assistant_mpiak74n_lmgrpk74_80_win", "gm_gc_army_antitank_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_win", "gm_gc_army_antitank_assistant_mpiak74n_rpg7_80_win", "gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_win", "gm_gc_army_rifleman_mpiak74n_80_win" ]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; PARAMEN deleteGroupWhenEmpty true; {_x addBackpack "gm_backpack_t10_parachute"; } foreach units PARAMEN; 0 = _x spawn { waitUntil {getPosATL _this select 2 < 200}; _x action ["openParachute"]; sleep 30; }; _stalking = [PARAMEN, group (allPlayers select 0)] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk;
  4. civiciam

    Zero Hour

    Zero Hour takes you to Malden. Parachute in with your two squadmates. Find the target and kill him (confirm the kill up close). Exfiltrate by chopper. You can choose to kill the power with your radio trigger when close enough to blow the fuse. But you can also go in guns blazing. Your choice! A lot of custom scripts, audio and events. Single-player or CO-OP up to 3 players. This mission runs at 80+ FPS (high-end PC). Mission context: Kill Yusuf Gadahn. Yusuf's brother Usama Gadahn was questioned yesterday. He ratted out his brother's location. Do whatever you need to take Yusuf out. He is known to be very aggressive. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2814939024
  5. [RELEASE] Script to para jump and land with your squad in formation When using steerable parachutes, my squad never followed me. They were spinning around, hanging in their parachutes, and they were landing wherever they want. I got tired to catch up with my squad after every jump, so I wrote this script. WHAT IT DOES: If you go into freefall, your squad will drop out of the aircraft. When not looking at your squad, it gets repositioned behind you. In freefall and when they are in their parachutes. Your squad opens the parachute when you do, or when they reach a height between 100 and 75 meters. Your squad should land close to you. To make the units not spin around in their parachutes, the simulation of the parachute is disabled. THE SCRIPTS: Add this eventhandler for your player unit, to check for freefall animation: AIM_fnc_paraDropInit (this adds the action to open your parachute, handles your squad exit out of the aircraft, and initializes the formation) AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute (this opens your parachute, and for squad members it waits until you have opened your parachute) AIM_fnc_paraDropFormation (keeps your squad close to you, until you landed) YOU HAVE FOUND ISSUES OR YOU HAVE OPTIMIZATION SUGGESTIONS? Don't hesitate to tell me your feedback, down in the comments below. ANYTHING ELSE? No. Just have fun! 🙂 MAKE ARMA, NOT WAR! ...and maybe check out... "OPCOM - OPERATION COMMAND"
  6. well, i'm trying to create a ww2 scenery with parachute jump. And for that I'm using the IFA3_LIB mod. The C-47s from there have the normal sitting position and also the standing up position which is when you are about to jump. I wanted to make the player not have to worry about clicking anything when jumping, so I got this script so that the jump could be done alone: Now an important detail, this script works perfectly when the plane's crew is seated (in game they appear as: crew) But before the jump takes place/the above script runs, I put in another script that makes the entire crew that was seated to stand up, and therefore be in the standing up position. In this case, when the plane reaches the trigger with the jump script, everyone standing inside the plane is still inside the plane... :l I believe maybe that's why: since when they are standing they are apparently no longer considered "crew". But I don't know, I don't know much about scripts, I was wondering if there is another variety to use in forEach other than "crew" that works for this case... An example of all units jumping out of the plane except the pilot would work but I don't know how to do it. Challenge launched! xD Thanks in advance guys!
  7. BRA-Samurai

    Paradrop vehicles

    Hello, i'm struggling doing this and maybe i'm doing something wrong For the mission i'm setting an Heli squad with players that will have to take a CH, slingload a Lightvehicle with players already on it reach a destination and paradrop the vehicle from safe altitude. Actually when CH unhooks the vehicle this will not open the parachute and this fall on the ground destroying the vehicle and killing everyone inside is there a way i can create vehicles via Zeus with parachute already on it or give an already existing vehicle a parachute?
  8. Static line paradrop using Vehicle-in-Vehicle for having jumpers stand up in the aircraft. GitHub Steam Workshop
  9. I am trying to create a cutscene where a crate is dropped from the air. I use this crate as an 'actor' for the cutscene and delete it after it has served its purpose, after which I just simply have a second crate setup for the actual objective So far everything has been setup right, exepct for the parachute. Which doesnt seem to work properly on a dedicated server The way I have currently set it up is via a series of triggers. First I enable the simulation, unhide it and set its position using the SetPos command Then I proceed to add the parachute using this code: para1 = "B_parachute_02_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; para1 setPosASL (getPosASL crate1); crate1 attachTo [para1, [0, 0, 0]]; para1 enablesimulation false; Now this seems to work fine in singleplayer, but on a dedicated server it either creates 2 parachutes or it puts the crate in the corner of the map, its really wierd and unreliable Any suggestions?
  10. Hi guys. I'm back after a VERY LONG time away, and find out that i still can not code to save my life! Can someone help me please? I'm sure this exists elsewhere and I'm sorry, I have searched but came up blank. I'm trying to write a little script to drop me and my AI (or player) team out of a BlackFoot. I 'could' give each unit a parachute backpack and force them to 'eject' as the plane goes through a trigger right? But I don’t want to do that, as the units will loose their default backpacks (medic, ammo bearers, explosive guys, etc). So what I’m doing is spawning a 'steerable_parachute' behind the plane and moving each unit in turn using movindriver. The problem is that they will not move to the chutes if they are in the plane. If they start on the ground, they'll instantly move to the chute. If i put them in the plane first at the start of the mission, they will not lose their association with the plane. UnassignVehicle doesn’t work. Can anyone please help me sort this stupid little issue please, it's driving me nuts! (I could share the script if you wish, but it's so rudimentary (and doesn't work!) there's no real point.
  11. Hi guys been a while and start to make some new missions ! I want a paradrop done and the script I use works accept that for some reason the bloody chopper stalls and doesn't go to the next waypoint ! Anyone any idea why this happends and how to solve this pain in the behind problem ? Use; eject.sqf init of the trigger : [] exec "eject.sqf"; Waypoint is far away and on careless slow speed. Like I said they AI get kicked out it is the chopper that stop moving too the waypoint and start landing and hoovering With regards, KillerBee
  12. Hello, I have a problem with the AI helicopter after paradrop. The helicopter stop following his waypoints after the paradrop. It just stay in hovering flight. I would like to make the helicopter follow his waypoints again after paradroping.... Here is the command that I've put in the "On Activation" field of the helicopter drop waypoint: paratroopers leaveVehicle heli; {_x action ["Eject", vehicle _x];} forEach units paratroopers; I d'ont see what other command line(s) I should use. I defeinitely need an expert. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is my test senario (3D editor): https://mega.nz/#!FgAn3Rqa!2MR4nIZOQGo2l92l2l0nbHKg8Ar20hm6_r1uW06v1UI GOAL: the helicopter must land at Camp Rogain after paradrop. Thanks and regards. PS: the problem does not happen when the player is the paratroop team leader.
  13. I have posted this question on a couple of threads , my apologies for duplicating it but I am a Newbie and it wouldnt let me start my own topic. I am having trouble with my helicopter remaining stationary after ejecting the last of its AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go too. It drops the troops ok but then just sits there and wont move. I have tried all sorts and its driving me nuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.