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  1. Hi Folks. My goal is set in my mp training scenario a kind of randomized CQB "killhouse" generator, and I was lucky to find between my old files a scenario folder that have it. It works perfectly in SP but in MP have a problem, and is when my buddys join in scenario walls and targets are not synchronized between the server and the players. I must clarify that I don't know anything about scripting. I understand that the function of the script is to hide the walls and targets randomly to give a dynamic impression to the killhouse. It works with ACE mod menu. Below I leave the details: In a transfer switch init (Land_TransferSwitch_01_F) named "training_tools": _killhousecategory = ["KILLHOUSE", "KILLHOUSE", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _targetcategory = ["TARGETS", "TARGETS", "", {}, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rankillhouse = ["KILLHOUSE_RAN", "RANDOMIZE", "", { private["_w", "_walls"]; _walls = []; _w = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 45 do { _w = _w + 1; _walls set [_count, format["w%1", _w]]; if (_w == 45) then { _w = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0; } forEach _walls; for "_count2" from 0 to 45 do { ranval = selectRandom _walls; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _rantargets = ["OPFOR", "[TAR] OPFOR", "", { private["_t", "_targets"]; _targets = []; _t = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _t = _t + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _t]]; if (_t == 51) then { _t = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.8; } forEach _targets; for "_count2" from 0 to 51 do { ranval = selectRandom _targets; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _ranciv = ["CIV", "[TAR] CIV", "", { private["_civ", "_civilians"]; _civilians = []; _civ = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 33 do { _civ = _civ + 1; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _civ]]; if (_civ == 33) then { _civ = 0; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject false; targetObj setDamage 0.99; } forEach _civilians; for "_count2" from 0 to 43 do { ranval = selectRandom _civilians; target = missionNamespace getVariable [ranval, objNull]; target hideObject true; }; }; }; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; _cleartargets = ["CLEAR", "[TAR] CLEAR", "", { private["_num", "_targets", "_civilians"]; _targets = []; _civilians = []; _num = 0; for "_count" from 0 to 51 do { _num = _num + 1; _targets set [_count, format["t%1", _num]]; _civilians set [_count, format["civ%1", _num]]; }; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _targets; { targetObj = missionNamespace getVariable [_x, objNull]; targetObj hideObject true; } forEach _civilians; }, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _targetcategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _killhousecategory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "KILLHOUSE"], _rankillhouse] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _cleartargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _rantargets] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; [training_tools, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "TARGETS"], _ranciv] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; There are a total of 45 internal walls named consecutively (w1, w2,......w45). There are a total of 51 opfor targets named consecutively (t1, t2,......t51). There are a total of 33 civilian targets named consecutively (civ1, civ2,......civ33) Sorry, my english sucks. Greetings and thanks
  2. House Prefabs ---------------------------------- https://github.com/Shaanig03/Arma-3-House-Prefabs https://prnt.sc/V9UEZJUcoD_T - allows you to creates prefabs for houses and other object classes, then spawn & despawn the prefab or objects & custom loot when the player is nearby/or is away from the house, created for a survival mission that I'm longing to make before heading to Arma 4 - by default there are 115 prefabs(existing furnitures and loots) created for all houses (that is present in Altis, Stratis & Malden) Features: - create custom prefabs and define custom loot positions through 3DEN Editor for a house class or for any object class - spawned/despawning objects are created locally for the player who is near the house saving performance for the server, however loots (ground items) are global but is despawned when there is no player near the house - objects are static by default (for performance) Support (included): - survival pack mod Creating a prefab: - place your prefab house through 3DEN Editor and tag the house as a house prefab by putting the code in the house object's init: _tags = "#houseprefab_local"; ["YourPrefabName"] - you can replace 'YourPrefabName' with any name but note that these names have to be unique for the same prefab house, the same type of house cannot have two same prefab names Creating Objects & Loot Points: - you can place your furnitures or objects, and you can place loot spawning points by placing the code in any helper category object: ["mem_loot", ["Your_Loot_Table_Name"]] - to make your created prefabs appear in game map houses, execute the function in 3DEN Editor by pressing Ctrl+D or going from the top menu to "Tools" then "Debug Console...", paste the below code in debug console and execute it [] call houseprefabs_fnc_createPrefabs; - once executed, it should disable all the prefab houses and objects within the house bounding box, preventing them from spawning in game, since we want to only spawn those objects inside existing map houses - after execution, you have copied the data into your clipboard now to paste the data (script version): - open "SandboxLib\Fncs\fn_defined_housePrefabs.sqf", press ctrl+A and delete all the content and paste your new clipboard and save (mod version): create a .sqf file in your mission folder eg: "houseprefabs.sqf" and paste the clipboard to the .sqf file and execute "houseprefabs.sqf" from your "init.sqf" in the mission folder, like below: init.sqf (file): execVM "houseprefabs.sqf"; - and that's it ^_^ , and wait nope I haven't talked about defining custom loots Defining Custom Loots: - the already existing prefabs have defined loot tables, you can define new loot tables or modify/replace the existing ones - list of existing loot table variable names: c_loot_house c_loot_house_broken c_loot_house_food c_holder_airport c_holder_garage c_loot_house_slum c_holder_shed c_loot_office c_loot_shop c_loot_construction c_loot_industrial c_loot_research c_loot_military c_loot_military_abandoned c_loot_military_tower c_loot_military_office c_loot_medical - example loot table: your_loot_table_name = [ // loot table contains item arrays, these item arrays contains candidate arrays, for an item array a random candidate is selected from the candidates to add an item [ // item 1 (array) [ // candidate 1 has (item/weapon/loot_table) class names(array of strings), item count(array of numbers), item spawn chance(number 0-1), item magazine count (array of numbers) ["ItemMap","ItemGPS","c_custom_loot_table"], // item/loot_table class names [ [1], // item count (with spawn chance) 0.5, // spawn chance from 0 to 1, 1 = 100% spawn chance [[0]] // magazine count if item class is a weapon ] ], [ // candidate 2 has (item/weapon/loot_table) class names(array of strings), item count(array of numbers), item spawn chance(number 0-1), item magazine count (array of numbers) ["ItemMap","ItemGPS",""], // item/loot_table class names [ [1], // item count (with spawn chance) 1, // spawn chance from 0 to 1, 1 = 100% spawn chance [[0]] // magazine count if item class is a weapon ] ] ], [ // item 2 (array) [ // candidate 1 has (item/weapon/loot_table) class names(array of strings), item count(array of numbers), item spawn chance(number 0-1), item magazine count (array of numbers) ["ItemRadio","c_custom_loot_table"], // item/loot_table class names [ [1], // item count (with spawn chance) 1, // spawn chance from 0 to 1, 1 = 100% spawn chance [[0]] // magazine count if item class is a weapon ] ] ] ]; - you can replace the existing loot tables with your own loot classes, replace the loot table name eg to replace: "c_loot_house", you write in: c_loot_house = <loot_table_format> (script version) - to modify existing loot tables take a look at "SandboxLib\Fncs\fn_defined_loots.sqf" (script/mod version) - to create new/modify existing loot tables create a .sqf file and define your loot tables in the .sqf file and execute the file using "execVM" command - to load/add a loot table to a container: [this, missionNamespace getVariable "your_loot_table_name"] call loot_fnc_addLoot; or: [this, your_loot_table_name] call loot_fnc_addLoot; - to quickly copy your own classes I included a little script: [] spawn { if (!isNil "gearCopyMode") exitWith {}; hint parseText "gear copy - enabled<br/>------------------------------------<br/><br/>choose an item type to copy then open arsenal and press Numpad 5 to copy your wearing item"; gearClasses = []; gearType = "uniform"; gearCopyMode = true; waitUntil { !isNull (findDisplay 46) }; player addAction ["Open Arsenal",{ ["Open", true] spawn BIS_fnc_Arsenal; }]; systemChat "gear copy mode: enabled, use Numpad 5 to copy class"; systemChat format ["copy gear classes type is now %1", gearType]; player addAction ["Gear Copy",{ copyToClipboard str(gearClasses); systemChat format ["%1 classes copied", count gearClasses]; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Headgear",{ gearType = "headgear"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now headgear"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Uniform",{ gearType = "uniform"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now uniform"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Primary Weapon",{ gearType = "primaryWeapon"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now primary weapon"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Secondary Weapon",{ gearType = "secondaryWeapon"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now secondary weapon"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Handugn",{ gearType = "handgun"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now handgun"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Vest",{ gearType = "vest"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now vest"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Backpack",{ gearType = "backpack"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now backpack"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Goggles",{ gearType = "goggles"; systemChat "copy gear classes type is now goggles"; }]; player addAction ["Gear: Clear All Copied Classes",{ gearClasses = []; systemChat "copy gear classes - cleared"; }]; systemChat "gear copy enabled"; _arsenalDisplay = nil; _displayList = allDisplays; while {alive player} do { _currentDisplays = allDisplays; { if (!(_x in _displayList)) then { _displayList pushBack _x; _arsenalDisplay = _x; _arsenalDisplay displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { _display =_this select 0; _key =_this select 1; // numpad 5 if (_key == 76) then { // get gear type _gearType = gearType; // get gear class _class = ""; if (_gearType == "uniform") then { _class = uniform player; }; if (_gearType == "primaryWeapon") then { _class = primaryWeapon player; }; if (_gearType == "secondaryWeapon") then { _class = secondaryWeapon player; }; if (_gearType == "vest") then { _class = vest player; }; if (_gearType == "backpack") then { _class = backpack player; }; if (_gearType == "goggles") then { _class = goggles player; }; if (_gearType == "headgear") then { _class = headgear player; }; if (_gearType == "handgun") then { _class = handgunWeapon player; }; if (_class != "" && !(_class in gearClasses)) then { gearClasses pushBack _class; systemChat format ["'%1' class added to copy list, copied class count: %2", _class, count gearClasses]; }; }; }]; }; } forEach _currentDisplays; sleep 1; }; }; - the above script allows you to quickly copy equipment and weapon classes in the Arsenal by pressing Numpad 5 P.S: enjoy ^_^
  3. When I was writing my script, I wanted to create my own script for closing and opening the technique. I am new to writing scripts and therefore used various sources from the Internet. I managed to create such a script, but its correctness leaves much to be desired. Below I have given what I got. But this is not exactly what I wanted, at first I can't make it so that the close button is displayed again during the open close iteration. Help me figure this out, point out what I should pay attention to. /* 0 = [] execVM "addAction.sqf"; */ respMash addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Expand the KSHM</t>", { myResp = [west, "respMash"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;//Creates a respawn point in the technique player addEventHandler ["GetInMan",//Creating a GetInMan event - if a person is inside { ["respMash","player"];//GetInMan parameters = true player moveOut respMash;//Action when true. Will land the player }]; respMash setVehicleLock "LOCKED";//Completely blocks the technique hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS DEPLOYED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 0;//deletes the line of the action Expand KShM respMash addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Collapse the KSHM</t>",//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;//Removing the respawn point in the technique respMash setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";//We will completely unlock the equipment player removeAllEventHandlers "GetInMan"; hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS COLLAPSED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 1; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM player moveOut respMash;//It will land the player if he teleports to respMash = car }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Expand KSM respMash addEventHandler ["Killed",//The event in which the equipment is destroyed { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; respMash removeAction 0; respMash removeAction 1; }];
  4. Hi i need help with god mode not work and need help with editing script i have mod modded script workshop and how to enable in enfusion thnak you 🙂 class God { static void OnPlayerSpawned(EntityAI player) { godMode(player); } static void godMode(EntityAI player) { player.SetHealth(1000000) } }; "OnPlayerSpawned" addPublicVariableEventHandler { params ["_unit"]; God.OnPlayerSpawned(_unit); };
  5. Hey guys. I've been playing a certain scenario for many years (Pilgrimage, by Rydigier), and adding mods to change and improve the gameplay. I was wondering if there was a way to add a survival component to the scenario, like hunger and thirst. With food items and drinks that spawned randomly on the map. The Situation: 1) I happen to have found a mod on the Steam Workshop, called "LOOT (Discontinued)". It's pretty good for spawning items, weapons etc. in buildings, randomly. It works perfectly, as indended, in the mission. 2) For a food/drink addon, I'm going with the field rations from ACE3. As long as you have the items, you can eat/drink. Problem: LOOT can't spawn the food/drink items from ACE3. Altough LOOT's description says that the mod spawns all items from the mods that the user has loaded, it seems that it's ignoring them. Some items from ACE3 are correctly spawned: binoculars, rangefinders... but not the 'inventory' stuff, like earplugs, wire cutters (and water bottles, MREs...). Solution and clarifications: 1) The ACE3 items seem to be grouped under the type "ACE_ItemCore". Now I'm no scripting expert, but pointing this out to LOOT's script, should make it notice that those items exist and include them in the loot. 2) LOOT has a user config file. You can change the probability of loot spawns, and their locations, but the categories are fixed. You can't just go and edit this .sqf to make it spawn certain specific items. 3) I've been looking at LOOTs .pbo file, trying to decipher how to include those items in the spawning, but I don't know how to do it. I don't know where the modification has to be done, and what to write. If anyone wants to help, the mods are available on the Workshop. (or maybe someone can give me tips on what to look for in the pbo, like where the code says that the loot has to come from a certain list of items) Thanks in advance. Work keeps me busy and I don't have the strenght to learn scripting, but after all these years, maybe I should try?
  6. Hello, im trying to make a A-143 with jericho trumpets, so when diving it makes a sound. I have the following code so far, but I have trouble attaching the sound to the airplane. I know of say3D, however I don't think the volume can't be changed in that command, furthermore this script is supposed to be a composition so that it can be spawned on the fly in any mission. Any input is much appreciated! this addWeaponTurret ["cannon_125mm_advanced",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; nul = [this] spawn { params ["_this"]; while {alive _this} do { _velocity = ((velocityModelSpace _this select 1) - 100) max 0; _vol = _velocity / 10; playSound3D [ "a3\sounds_f\sfx\alarm_blufor.wss", _this, false, _this, _vol, 1, 300 ]; sleep 3; }; };
  7. Hi friends of arma i need some help i installed gms with all addons to my exile server to get missions and roaming AI so far it works but not the Roaming AI id like to get some help ❤️ also we hire people sadly nonprofit for script/edit/bugfix if you want add me in discord : Darktechnology#8885 second issue is Traders we tryed implement RHS to them but server would stop working after that but mian issue for now is roaming ai Now to the issue id send here the RPT of server im new to make a server but i got far for being someone with low knowlesge i guess
  8. Hello, I just a little help with the missileTargetPos command. When running it on the VLS Missile it seems to return a random position mid air near the launcher, but not where the missile is actually intended to go. Is there a reason for this or a different way to find the target position?
  9. Hello, is there a way to predefine a set of custom loadouts (with mod contents) and assign them via an F menue entry to a player. Kinda simlar to ACE in Arma 3? I would like the players to spawn with just clothes. This can be defined in the editor. Then they go to a crate or whatever, scroll to their respective role and get their loadout automatically. Is there already a solution for this? Script or mod - doesn't matter. If not: Which documentation/classes would I need to look into? Thanks Miller
  10. Hello, i need some help; im trying to make a humvee like hunter, so with a manned HMG. My thought process was to attach a prowler HMG to the Hunter and the turn everything but the gun invisible. I'm not sure how to do this or if this is the best way to do it.
  11. Greetings to members of the Arma 2 community. And even though A2 is already outdated, it never ceases to be interesting. We need your help with an artillery support script from one of our community users (Bon). The script is excellent in implementation, but there is a condition for the presence of a Game Logic object - Server. But, since not all maps and missions have this module, artillery support does not work properly. Who can help remove the condition on Game logic? So that the script works without it. Help me please. My knowledge in writing scripts is not enough. The authorship of "Bon" will be preserved. I apologize if a duplicate thread has been created or not in that section.
  12. Hello everyone, is there a possibility to add an inventory to a building or an object such as a house or a chest? Thank you
  13. Hello, Consider this key in the stringtable : <Key ID="STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION"> <English>Clear %1 of ennemies</English> <!-- more languages --> </Key> Using a local context, I can easily do : private _localizedDescription = format [ localize "STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION", _cityName ]; However, I'm wondering if it's possible to use such strings with BIS_fnc_taskCreate I could do [ _side, _taskID, [ format [ localize "STR_CID_FREE_CITY_TASK_DESCRIPTION", _cityName ], "some title", // could be localized too "" ] ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; But this will be evaluated server-side and the clients may receive strings in a language that doesn't match theirs I could remotely send the tasks creation on each clients with [ [ _side, _taskID, _cityName ], { [ /* same parameters than previous code */ ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; } ] remoteExec [ "spawn", 0, true ]; This may work, but will require extra work to sync the tasks between the clients and the server, update the JIP queue when a task has changed and probably more stuff And in my opinion, this will goes against the purpose of using the Task Framework, which already handle all of this and can send static localized strings to clients So far, the only clean solution I found was changing the description to a generic "Clear the zone of ennemies" and as title the _cityName. This is acceptable, but I was wondering if using formatted localized strings was possible using the Task Framework Thanks
  14. Hello I want to spawn the explosion of the 30 mm MP-T from the LDF APC using createVehicle. I know you can spawn "HelicopterExploBig" and I was wondering if there was a CFGAmmo for the 30mm explosion.
  15. So I wanted to make programmable AB rounds that explode a few meters beyond the turrets current zeroed distance. I thought I could use currentZeroing but it only gives the manually zeroed distances (100,200,300,400,...), however i need to know the distance the gun automatically adjusts to when lasing the range. Is there any way to get that value? Thanks in advance
  16. I'm trying to make ambient urban combat sounds around a group of players that will be moving through a city by placing units that fire at different intervals with different weapons in order to use less entities than if I were to place squads to fight eachother for the ambience. I have searched high and low for a scrip to put into the Eden Init of an entity to make a unit fire in bursts instead of just 1 shot every x seconds. null = this spawn {_this dotarget t3; sleep 0.5; while {alive t3 and alive _this} do {sleep 0.2; g1 action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; sleep 1 This is the script I'm using, but with this script the AI just shoots once every 0.2 seconds, realoads then fires every 0.2 seconds again. I want the AI to fire a burst of 5 shots, wait for 2 seconds, fire 5 shots and wait for another 2 seconds, then fire a longer burst of 7 shots then wait for 30 seconds. I am terrible at understanding codes like these and every thread I've found on this issue is years old and doesn't answer my question directly but instead basically sais ''Play around until it works'' well I can't cause I'm dumb Sorry if there is an answer for this somewhere and I'm just blind. Thanks for any help I can get!
  17. So currently I have not found many ways with my small knowledge of SQF/arma natives or finding anyway online thats been demonstrated- But I'd like assistance in creating a script. Currently I am using SOG Prairie Fire Exectutor/Random Site modules to place caches that are all removeable via addAction for a search and destroy type mission- With each cache being randomly spawned via module. All of this works and I wish to to map markers to said caches that do spawn, as the Random Site module chooses several different locations. I would like only for (in this instance EAST or OPFOR) to have markers on said objects that are the caches. What method could I use for this? A snippet in initPlayerLocal? Can someone help create a mockup of what that would be? Id like: Markers to be visible for OPFOR only in mission MOST methods for one side markers Ive seen show ALL the markers in the briefing regardless Dont know how to actualize this. In initPlayerLocal? In seperate SQF script? Have them tied to editor placed objects. In this case, the object name/type in the screenshot: Multiple objects that are names cache_(letter)(number) ex. cache_a1 Any help is appreciated. I dont really know where to start code wise.
  18. Hi everyone, this is my issue. Im trying to force the game to display a specific asset on respawn . This is the export code from the virtual garage : _veh = createVehicle ["amf_pvp_01_mag_DA_f",position player,[],0,"NONE"]; [ _veh, ["DA",1], ["showeod",1,"turretshieldhide",1,"showCamonetHull",1] ] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; So basically, i call my vehicle p1 and write this on the init of the vanilla respawn module : this setVehicleVarName "p1"; [p1,["showeod",1,"turretshieldhide",1,"showCamonetHull",1]]call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; BUT ... did nothing, the vehicle respawn with basic camo texture, no error message on preview during the script exec. BTW there is a mod than a user sent me but it dont work. If you saw an error on my script pls explain to me because i dont understand ..
  19. I am pretty new to doing any sort of SQF/init scripting that isnt just frankensteining code together so I would appreciate any help! Simply put, I want to make a fun little roleplay mission where for that mission, a phrase comprised of multiple randomly selected arrays is generated. The Indfor act as captives that are all assigned ONE word from the phrase at random to keep secret. (This is where multiple arrays work better since you can just call the arrays by "word1", "word2", "word3". (I intend to have 4 words, 1 array for each.) And ontop of that I want the entire code phrase to be displayed in its entirety to the Blufor. For this to work, the result of the generation needs to only be prompted once and then have. TLDR: Server generates a code phrase from several arrays. I cant figure out the init code and they usually return as null no matter what I attempt. And to be exact, I dont want people to generate a phrase/array results every time they call; I simply want it generated, stored, and have players access the results. I dont know how efficiently this could be done whatsoever outside of theory crafting nonsensical code. If there is a better alternative please help me out. Please help, Working backwards I am trying to: I inserted the code into initServer.sqf for simplicity; Can execute it as a script later on? Or is a dedicated SQF necessary? This code is almost certainly full of wrong or incorrect syntax/formatting. This is just an outliner of what I am trying. If my method is wrong then please help me goal wise. 2. Have a way to display either a SINGLE result of that array on individual units, preferably just adding a action into their init boxes to get the array/codephrase. I want 2 UserActions I can insert into unit inits; One that displays the codephrase, and one that displays a single array's result- as hints.
  20. Hi im triying to setup a waypoint "on-activation"-script for the task to liberate 3 villages. I want it to check when triggered if there is still enemy units in the trigger area. When there are none left its liberated : which means it should add +1 to liberated villages (3 villages in total). But my script doesnt seem to work. Please i need help. Happy New Year btw ! Screenshots : file:///C:/Users/taras/Downloads/script%20help/problem.PNG Condition : !((count (units group thisList) > 0) && {(side _x == east) || (side _x == resistance)} count (units group thisList) > 0) On activation : _taskName = "Liberate Villages"; _villageName = "Pavlokhov"; if (!(taskState [_taskName, _villageName])) then { taskSetState [_taskName, _villageName, true]; _liberatedVillages = 0; { if (taskState [_taskName, _x]) then { _liberatedVillages = _liberatedVillages + 1; }; } forEach ["Pavlokhov", "Novoshny", "Solnevny"]; hint format ["%1 Villages Liberated! Move on.", _liberatedVillages]; };
  21. I don't understand how the rotation works. Specifically I made Airburst Mortar rounds and want to increase the kill zone by rotating the claymores: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; nul = [_drone,_unit,_weapon,_muzzle,_mode,_ammo,_magazine,_projectile,_vehicle] spawn { params ["_drone","_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; waitUntil { sleep 1; getPos _projectile select 2 > 50 }; while { alive _projectile } do { waitUntil { getPos _projectile select 2 < 30 }; for "_i" from 0 to 3 do { _tungsten_fragments = createVehicle ["ClaymoreDirectionalMine_Remote_Ammo", [0,0,1000], [], 0]; _tungsten_fragments attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _random =round (random 10) / 10; _tungsten_fragments setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,_random], [0,0,_random]]; _tungsten_fragments setDamage 1; }; deleteVehicle _projectile; sleep 1; }; }; }]; I don't understand which numbers in the setVectorDirAndUp Array I need to change to rotate the claymores and what each number even does .
  22. Hey I want to make the C-RAM bullets explode if they fly past the target. I know how I'll do the Code but I don't know how to get the object that the C-RAM is currently shooting at. Any help is appreciated!
  23. So, I used the following code to add cruise misssles to aircraft: this addWeaponTurret ["weapon_VLS_01",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["magazine_Missiles_Cruise_01_x18",[-1]]; If the Code is added to like a rhino MGS or something it works fine, but if added to eg. the Gryphon when trying to lock on to the laser it just has the 4 corners around the laser but doesnt actually lock it.
  24. So I want to make Cuise Missile that can be shot down. So far I've made the following code: this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile","_vehicle"]; _drone = "O_T_UAV_04_CAS_F" createVehicle (getPosATL _projectile); _drone attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _drone setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, ""]; createVehicleCrew _drone; nul = [_drone, _projectile] spawn { params ["_drone","_projectile"]; waitUntil {!alive _drone}; _bomb = "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted" createVehicle getPos _projectile; _bomb setDamage 1; deleteVehicle _projectile; deleteVehicle _drone; }; }]; I works great (beside that the drones pylons stay visible, which I haven't found a fix for) and you can manually destroy the cruise missile with an autocannon. But you cant lock it for some reason. Even if you turn the engine on the spawned drone on you just get the rectangel but not the sound/diamond with dot in the middle. Anyone know why? (Code is copied from the MK 41 Init Field)
  25. Arma 3 script / tool that removes objects that share the same coordinates (3 decimal precision) no matter the scale or height. Sometimes you have objects randomly scaled on the map and they share the same point which causes all sorts of issues, mainly bad FPS drops. "Run object diagnostics" from Terrain Builder usually *does the trick*, but does not detect objects that have different size (scale) or height (even couple of centimeters). This is where this tool shines, it ignores height and scale and only looks for exact same x,y location of dupe objects and eliminates all but one instance. Install/Use: 1. Create new folder P:\RealDuper 2. Export problematic layer from the TB to duper.txt and save it in the same folder 3. Run python realduper.py and file output.txt will be created with all the dupes that share the same coordinates x,y (up to 3 decimal precision) while completely ignoring scale and height of the object. WARNING/NOTE: Be careful not to stack any walls or other objects on top of each other, use different layer name for 2nd, 3rd "floor" of objects as that is recommended anyway when you need to fix something later on. 4. Clear/delete old layer (make backup of course first) and import output.txt in the same empty layer to have cleaned up stuff ready. 5. Enjoy optimised Arma3 project 😉 Download: https://github.com/IceBreakr-SBP/realduper Script was kindly made for Arma3 Community by Origin/Wolk from our SBP Team /salute IceBreakr