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Everything posted by loopdk

  1. loopdk

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    is this mod updatet to jet dlc?
  2. ARrhh my bad. ISent that a lot of work for somthing you can do pretty simpel?
  3. Billbords can tage jpg,png,paa
  4. Just convert jpg to paa and 512x512
  5. loopdk

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Jackals an coyotyes are not good in snow :D
  6. loopdk

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Like the guys are saying... and i will look like this with a custoim flag
  7. loopdk

    Formula Arma

    is a download avaleble?
  8. didt this die?? we are still hoping for ze us moduls :D
  9. i am runing last beta 265 build and my RPT file is full of private _lastCache = TFAR_ConfigCacheNamespace getVariable "T> 8:32:24 Error position: <TFAR_ConfigCacheNamespace getVariable "T> 8:32:24 Error Undefined variable in expression: tfar_configcachenamespace 8:32:24 File z\tfar\addons\core\functions\fnc_haveSWRadio.sqf, line 22 8:32:25 Error in expression <
  10. loopdk

    Winter 2035

    Tnx for fast respons Mike. I Will trye
  11. loopdk

    Winter 2035

    i can only make it snow for about 4 minuts then its stops......
  12. loopdk

    Winter 2035

    Can this be made server side?
  13. loopdk

    Winter 2035

    I cant wait for that :D that mod is awsom D:
  14. loopdk

    Winter 2035

    Mate... where is the download link :P
  15. loopdk

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I am using the github version
  16. loopdk

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I get this error 20xxx in mission night can you help me?
  17. loopdk

    Splendid Smoke

    Can this mod be upgradet to be serversidet?
  18. Hallo.. I am doing a vinter campain for oure GU and i want to use hidden textures ore reskin ore what ever its callede to make oure weapons more winter thingy ;D We are using the great mod frome 3CB and i found this in the config wivere: hiddenSelections[] = {"hs_base","hs_handguard","hs_ironsight","hs_picatinnysight","hs_emag","hs_ris","hs_afg"}; The riffel i want to set the textures to is: "UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_RIS_AFG_Green" The things i wot like to make whit is: hs_handguard,hs_emag and mabye hs_afg can sombody point me in the right way .. hwo to set textures to this parts hwo to make the textures? I lookede at youtube but cant figure this out.... Hopefull sombody can help ;D
  19. Yep have been talking to thos guys for a long time:D DOnt want to spam there tread becuse there mos is just a small part of this
  20. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Didt you put in the optionals pbo for that ?
  21. Is it poseble to use this with a frekvence? so the tower only works on 1 frekvensce?