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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    ...was so excited about getting UK paras and commandos that I missed the release date ...went straigt to dl
  2. Private Evans

    The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

    Just a short question :) since all your new maps are of such outstanding quality, do you consider making the older outdated maps an optional download ? cheers and keep it up !
  3. This makes me really happy :)
  4. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    Since you are planning to add an arid version of the stealth helmet :) ...any chance for a pacific version of the boonie and the heavy vest and perhaps even some green retextures for the snake skin vests and helmets ? cheers :)
  5. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Amazing ...this would perhaps even allow to make a Russian faction :)
  6. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    oops sorry.. edited now properly..thought that I did but closed topic after writing without checking it
  7. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    Honestly I don't have a clue what happened here...I wrote a topic reply as usual
  8. Sorry for being unclear...what I mean is, that since AiA there are footstep sounds missing for a lot of ground textures/surfaces. I am just curious if this is because of being low priority or being that complicated, especially since the whole system has been remade by BI. cheers
  9. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    Awesome... Voice acting is amazing... now waiting for the full campaign xD cheers ...a CTRG Shemaq would be a nice addition...
  10. Very good update and good move to add jbad buildings :) Regarding interiors...could you maybe make the Hospital and maybe even the large Office building basements enterable like it was possible in the DayZ mod . If I remember correctly it was possible to destroy the Hospital windows and enter the building, at least the reception area in the basement same could work for the Office building Just an idea :) Also will it be possible in the future to add proper footstep sounds to all surfaces ? keep it up and thx a lot for doing this
  11. Private Evans

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Absolutely right ..I think the whole civilian thing in Arma 3 ( which is not satisfying) should be not discussed here . I just wanted to provide ARMA3_JSOC some of my own testing results regarding RDS working with Alive :) cheers PS: tested also RDS with TPW which spawns vanilla civilians but RDS vehicles on tested Russian maps
  12. Private Evans

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Tested RDS with Alive on Beketov...civilians not spawning at all...ambient vehicle placement works but is very bad...lot of cars explode or spawn in the middle of the road. Tested RDS with Alive on Chernarus...civilians spawning properly ( only when set object priority to do not filter)...ambient vehicle placement is very bad ( same as on Beketov). Tested RDS with Alive on Altis...civilians spawning properly ( only when set object priority to do not filter)...ambient vehicle placement is very bad ( same as on Chernarus and Beketov).
  13. Private Evans

    3den Enhanced

    Sure Sure that works...it is just me wanting things too perfect sometimes :)
  14. Private Evans

    3den Enhanced

    That would be awesome...maybe it is just me but I really would like to have only factions visible in the editor that I want for a scenario, means especially hiding vanilla factions when using total conversions like Unsung, Optre or WWII mods, but also selecting single factions when using a bunch of larger mods together like for example RHS and CUP etc. cheers
  15. Private Evans

    3den Enhanced

    Just wondering...would it be possible to add a function that can hide factions ??
  16. Private Evans

    Where would BIS have to go next, to top the Tanoa map?

    I hope they will keep and port the current maps Altis/Stratis, Tanoa (and Malden) to future games/projects plus adding new maps. Would be nice to have 5 or 6 different BI maps providing the same quality for the game at the same time :)
  17. Nice ! Would be so cool to see more stuff like yours of the early campaigns and scenarios like Polish, French and British units for example....would work very well with your Germans keep it up and a happy new year
  18. Private Evans

    SSF Factions and Faction Overhauls

    I think what is desperately needed are OPFOR factions ( beside CSAT) that work with the A3 2035 setting vanilla game :). So Pirates, Thugs, Insurgents etc would be more than welcome.
  19. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    Everything that adds to this faction is more than welcome :) As I said BI created a very cool faction but then did not finish the job properly. However with all your goodies it should be possible to create some cool units and groups later on ...using your stuff as a requirement. Can't wait for the SP mission ! cheers :)
  20. Private Evans

    CTRG Mod

    Will this be a complete overhaul of the CTRG faction ? Would love to see different units/groups for different regions ( arid, desert, jungle, navy, urban etc etc) including proper vests and weapons. Beside this I do not think that we need heavy gear like tanks or jets, but a lot of stealth and high tech stuff and mainly light land, air and sea vehicles for quick insertions. A dream would be a submarine (static) including some interiors as a base of operation. really happy to see this since BI missed to make CTRG a real complete faction :)
  21. Private Evans

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    "EPIC" !!! Such a huge map and then this amazing amount of detail providing locations for nearly all kind of scenarios :) ( the airport would be a map on its own in other games) Hope you will find the time to add all the small details like footstep sounds, dust and different ambient sounds later on. thx a lot btw it runs fine for me without CUP Terrains ( just one warning about missing desert stones clutter)