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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    Although i haven't tried the new update due to ongoing hardware problems....... :o:......here are a few observations on the feedback for v0.1.2 The new "running walkers" seem to be a hot topic....personally as a child of the 70's my preference will always be for George Romero style "walking zombies", so i'm kinda sad that they now "run", i liked the mix of walking and running zombies from previous versions. Maybe a balance could be struck.....bring back the "walkers" but give them a much higher damage threshold,....In parallel to this the "runners" could have a lower damage threshold. While we are on the subject of zombie behaviours could i remind you of the phenomenon i found when using DSS zombies and TPW_Fall mod, It's worth bearing in mind Ravage and DSS both use Teacups animations.......
  2.  EO


    Hey Haleks, Ravage is already maturing nicely...the next update is looking tremendous.... I just always feel obliged to say "thank you" everytime i post here, just for releasing this boundless project. Your modules are already producing quality work elsewhere. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29657
  3. There is absolutely NOTHING on offer here that i dislike.....very much looking forward to this project....best of luck Romzet.
  4.  EO


    Make sure you enable tutorial hints in your Arma 3 settings menu......it will tell you all you need to know while playing "Ravage"
  5. Hi Gunter, The eclectic mix of features you have compiled for the IFA3WarMod is just superb....are there still plans to bring a version of this mod over to A3?
  6. Hi Gunter, As this is an essential part of my IFA3 experience now, are there any plans to make an A3WarMod? ........would love to see this eclectic bunch of features be a standalone mod for vanilla A3? edit.....Doh! just remembered there's an official thread for your WIP A3WarMod, will repost in relevant thread.
  7. Good suggestion......but maybe asking for this request in the MCC thread would be more beneficial. ;)
  8. Many thanks for releasing this, good job Arthyc. ;)
  9. Gimme a second while i re-attach my jaw..........sublime detail Silola.
  10.  EO


    Okay...what part of "don't make me too envious" do you not understand. :P
  11.  EO


    My GPU has just decided it's had enough of this life..... :computer: I guess i gotta watch from the sidelines for the time being.....don't make me too envious Guys. :k:
  12.  EO


    Had an awesome night with Ravage.....weather was particularly spectacular......
  13.  EO


    Hi haleks, regarding the added support for RHS Escalation mod.....will Ravage also recognize mistyronin's ION Services Inc. config addon. Again, thanks for releasing Ravage, it's a pretty inspired piece of work.....i liken it to a great book.....Ravage is the novel....the Modules are the novellas.
  14.  EO


    Bearing in mind the terrain has been devastated by disease and has pockets of radiation everywhere.....i'll have my rabbit "well done" thanks....and we'll need some water purification tablets to go....... There should be a real risk to "living of the land" in Ravage.......
  15. Congratulations to everyone on the CUP team......really appreciate all the time and commitment so we can all play with these cool "old" toys again in A3.
  16.  EO


    That's where Bad Benson's Bad Boy comes into play...... ;)
  17.  EO


    .....there's no shame in that, the Mod is beautifully brutal in that regard.........I feel it.........Heck, we all feel it..... You could always lay down a few modules in the editor and tailor an experience that suits your playstyle. Edit. Ya beat me to it cosmic :P
  18.  EO

    Enhanced Movement

    This plus Ravage is f*****g perfect......Thank you.
  19.  EO


    Having much fun with the Mod.....running all the supported mods except ACE.....much smoother performance than v1.0.0.......no issues after 2 hours play.....except for wearing out the edge of my seat....... As generous as the Module suite is........would sure love to see an Ambient Lightning module somewhere down the line.....similar to Shpook's script...... Keep doing what you are doing Haleks... The strength of both Mod and Modules on offer here is frightening....... :clap: Edit. A little gameplay created with Ravage modules and Shpook's Lightning script....
  20.  EO


    Many thanks for this new version......i hope it's as brutal as v0.1.0
  21. Hi Folks, with kind permission from tpw, here is a revised TPW_AIR script which will spawn ambient flybys of aircraft only from the Iron Front mod. To customize which aircraft you would like to spawn just change the specific classname in line 34 of the script, currently all Iron Front aircraft classnames are included. Enjoy. /* TPW AIR - Spawn ambient flybys of helicopters and aircraft Author: tpw Date: 20140611 Version: 1.28 Requires: CBA A3 Compatibility: SP, MP client Disclaimer: Feel free to use and modify this code, on the proviso that you post back changes and improvements so that everyone can benefit from them, and acknowledge the original author (tpw) in any derivative works. To use: 1 - Save this script into your mission directory as eg tpw_air.sqf 2 - Call it with 0 = [10,300,2,[50,250,500],0] execvm "tpw_air.sqf"; where 10 = delay until flybys start (s), 300 = maximum time between flybys (sec). 0 = disable, 2 = maximum aircraft at a given time,[50,250,500] flying heights to randomly select, 0 = all aircraft (1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded) THIS SCRIPT WON'T RUN ON DEDICATED SERVERS. */ if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; if (count _this < 5) exitwith {hint "TPW AIR incorrect/no config, exiting."}; if (_this select 1 == 0) exitwith {}; WaitUntil {!isNull FindDisplay 46}; // VARIABLES tpw_air_version = "1.28"; // Version string tpw_air_delay = _this select 0; // delay until flybys start tpw_air_time = _this select 1; // maximum time between flybys tpw_air_max = _this select 2; // maximum number of aircraft at a given time tpw_air_heights = _this select 3; // flying heights to randomly select tpw_air_civexclude = _this select 4; // 0 = all aircraft, 1 = civilian aircraft excluded, 2 = military aircraft excluded tpw_air_active = true; // Global enable/disabled tpw_air_speeds = ["NORMAL","FULL"]; // speeds for spawned aircraft // LIST OF AIRCRAFT - Thanks to Larrow for the code tpw_air_aircraft = ["LIB_FW190F8","LIB_Ju87","LIB_P39","LIB_Pe2"]; // AIRCRAFT SPAWN AND FLYBY tpw_air_fnc_flyby = { private ["_pos","_px","_py","_pxoffset","_pyoffset","_dir","_dist","_startx","_endx","_starty","_endy","_startpos","_endpos","_heli","_height","_speed","_aircraft","_aircrafttype","_grp","_time","_pilot","_wp0"]; _pos = position (_this select 0); _px = _pos select 0; _py = _pos select 1; // Timer - aircraft will be removed after 5 minutes if it is still hanging around _time = time + 300; // Offset so that aircraft doesn't necessarily fly straight over the top of whatever called this function _pxoffset = random 1000; _pyoffset = random 1000; // Pick a random direction and distance to spawn _dir = random 360; _dist = 4000 + (random 4000); // Pick random aircraft, height and speed _aircrafttype = tpw_air_aircraft select (floor (random (count tpw_air_aircraft))); _height = tpw_air_heights select (floor (random (count tpw_air_heights))); _speed = tpw_air_speeds select (floor (random (count tpw_air_speeds))); // Calculate start and end positions of flyby _startx = _px + (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset; _endx = _px - (_dist * sin _dir) + _pxoffset; _starty = _py + (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset; _endy = _py - (_dist * cos _dir) + _pyoffset; _startpos = [_startx,_starty,_height]; _endpos = [_endx,_endy,_height]; // Create aircraft, make it ignore everyone _grp = createGroup civilian; _aircraft = [_startpos,0,_aircrafttype,_grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _aircraft = _aircraft select 0; _aircraft setvariable ["tpw_air",1]; _pilot = driver _aircraft; _pilot setcaptive true; _pilot setskill 0; _pilot disableAI "TARGET"; _pilot disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _grp setCombatMode "BLUE"; _grp setSpeedMode _speed; _grp allowfleeing 0; // Flyby _aircraft domove _endpos; _aircraft flyinheight _height; waitUntil {sleep 2;(_aircraft distance _endpos < 1000 || !alive _aircraft || time > _time )}; deleteVehicle _aircraft; deleteGroup _grp; }; // RUN IT sleep random tpw_air_delay; while {true} do { private ["_air","_counter"]; sleep (random tpw_air_time); // Count spawned aircraft _air = (position player) nearEntities ["Air", 5000]; _counter = 0; { if (_x getvariable ["tpw_air",0] == 1) then { _counter = _counter + 1; }; } foreach _air; // Spawn new aircraft as necessary if (tpw_air_active && _counter < tpw_air_max) then { [player] spawn tpw_air_fnc_flyby; }; }; There is a "hidden" aircraft in Iron Front, the Li-2, the cargo/transport/bomber plane seen in the Intro. Below is the classname of the Li-2 which can also be added to line 34 of the TPW_AIR script. "LIB_Li2"
  22. Works a treat, thanks for the information...... With your permission could i share the revised TPW_AIR script in the Iron Front in Arma 3 forum thread, i'm sure mission-makers would appreciate this.
  23.  EO

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    There is a brief description of what each module does if you click on the "SHOW INFO" button.
  24. You'll need to throw Gunter a bigger bone to chew on other than offering up those scraps..... :P
  25.  EO

    DSS: The Mod

    Very nice update.....can't wait to try out those new vault animations. Thanks for all the hard work Ranwer. ;)