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  1. Howdy fellers, got a new kind of mission here for you. In the steam workshop you'll find WWWonderland, where you play as a CIA agent in East Germany working to smuggle, assassinate and otherwise be a nuisance against the Eastern forces. 999 respawns, use radio trigger to control your outfit (alpha for neutral clothes, bravo for enemy disguise). Insurgents will help you after you gain some reputation with them by doing missions. Supports saves. Make money by doing missions around the orange markers (find people to bring West in churches across the East, Officers will spawn in some towns for you to assassinate, truck to be smuggled can be spawned by the tracks in the factory at Grisleban) Thanks for giving it a shot. This is my first real scenario, hope to create better scenarios as time goes on. *Requires Global Mobilization CDLC
  2. I try to setup multiplayer gaming (host and/or dedi) on Chernarus Winter. The problem is, that in every mission style (escape, dynamic recon) all units still have summer clothes. In Antistasi, I managed to pick up artic units which have winter clothes, but all civilians are still running in summer shorts. Someone gave me a hint, that I could edit mission file and add units there but I have 0 skills in editing. Is there an easy way to do this trick? I had basic experience 20 years ago to create simple missions in Operation Flashpoint without scripting, but now new tools look very unfamiliar to me. I tried to google this but couldn't find anything.

    GF Breath Script

    GF Breath Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Breath Script , breath particles , for Cold weather conditions. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Breath Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Breath particle , for Cold weather conditions. The particles will spawn according the fatigue. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.0 Fixed , the cycle of breathing particle , depending on fatique. Added an exclude headgear list. v1.1 Fixed , the particle was spawned ,on dead units v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40267&n=last#bottom Armaholic GF Breath Script
  4. TheQueenMalkova

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I had a look in the face of war mod but there are only summer uniforms. Is there any mods that include the coat and other winter uniforms of the Japanese Army?
  5. About [RATS.ins] jujurat presents Heilstein, a 2km terrain that seeks to provide a playable, atmospheric, and engaging take on German countryside in WW2. Heilstein is an area that is south of Simmerath, and was briefly occupied and fought in during the end of the Allied invasion of WW2. It is also south of the Hurtgen Forest. This terrain attempts to recreate Heilstein, and the areas around it in the approximate time period using geographical data, and of course some fictional liberties taken to make the map playable for Arma. Features 2km terrain that recreates winter German countryside in WW2. Serves as a winter alternative to my upcoming Hurtgen terrain. Extensive forest/atmosphere detail. Rolling hills, farms, villages, forests, and valleys. Custom lighting configuration. Ambient crows. Fighting positions and and trenches, as well as small terrain detail for fighting maneuvers. Breath fog; courtesy of haleks. Working snowflake precipitation, courtesy of CUP. Snow objects on the ground around forests to simulate build-up. Planned Features Continued support and improvement based on community feedback. Notes The breath fog script should be running clientside. You can remove it or disable it in the event of sudden performance drops or mod conflictions by simply dragging out the 'test' pbo from the addon's directory. It was created by Haleks, thank you very much! Stats for Nerds 2km Cell Size 2 Credits and Thanks For providing great information and help at times of need: Mondkalb Ice Adanteh Temppa Icebreakr EO haleks A3 Discord Terrain Channel HorribleGoat Bohemia Interactive DOWNLOAD
  6. GF Ambient Environment Winter Script- Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Ambient Environment Winter Script , create your desired Environment. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Ambient Environment Winter Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , initPlayerlocal.sqf and the Description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Create your desired , Ambient Environment. This is a compilation of scripts and it is also including , the GF Ambient Environment Winter Script. The included Scripts are : GF Breath Script GF ColorCorrections Script GF Fog Script GF Weather Script GF Ambient Environment Winter Script The GF Ambient Environment Winter Script includes , a snow script and ambient sounds, for animals , birds for day and night , man sounds , forest SFX , wind blowing sfx and weather sound according to forecast. The available options can be edited in GF_AEW_init.sqf It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.2 GF_Breath Script Updated. v1.1 GF_Breath Script Updated. GF_Fog Script Updated. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40268&n=last#bottom Armaholic GF Ambient Environment Winter Script- Mod
  7. Hi All, The Goal of this Retexture Mod is to add more Winter Stuff as already did IndeedPete (Thanks for your job) with his Snow Tigers CSAT Mod. This is a beginning but I hope to add more particular Units and dedicated vehicles soon. Actually WInter Vipers can be found under "Winter Viper" faction in OPFOR Side. There are one Infantry Squad and three Infantry Teams (AA, AT, Demo) available. I also added a tactical vest to each unit as it's cold in Winter and I retextured weapons, bags, uniforms and helmets (but indeed I am not a specialist in Texturing) which are all available in Arsenal. To Bohemia, I hope not to break rule as I used your content and if yes let me know how to correct my mistakes. Changelog V0.0.1: - Added : Winter Weapons and Equipments (ARX, Uniform, Tactical Vest, Helmet, Titan AT, Titan AA). - Added : Winter Viper units (WH Viper Rifleman, WH Viper Team Leader, WH Viper Explosive, WH Viper Medic, WH Viper Marksman, WH Viper AT, WH Viper AA, WH Viper JTAC). - Added : Winter Viper Faction (OPFOR / WInter Viper). - Added : Winter Viper Groups (Winter Viper Team, Winter Viper AA Team, Winter Viper AT Team, Winter Viper Demo Team). Below some Screenshots: Thanks in advance for your feedbacks, questions, support and to Bohemia Interactive for the only game I have in my Computer. Update 1st of January 2019 (Happy New Year to All) Changelog V0.0.2: - Added : Winter Viper unit WH Viper Repair Specialist. - Added : Winter Viper Squad (7 units). - Tweaked : Winter Viper Team (WH Viper Team Leader, WH Viper JTAC, WH Viper Medic, WH Viper Marksman). - Added : Winter Motorized Infantry Squads (Winter Viper Motorized Squad, Winter Viper Motorized(Armed) Squad, Winter Viper Motorized(AT) Squad). - Added : WH Qilins (included WH Qilin unarmored, WH Qilin armored, WH Qilin AT). - Added : WH Viper Zamak MRL. - Added : WH Viper Y-32 Xi'an (Infantry Transport) and WH Viper Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport). - Added : WH Winter Viper Pilot. - Added : Winter Viper Diver Team Leader, Winter Viper Diver Explosive Specialist, Winter Viper Diver Medic and Winter Viper Diver (AT). - Added : Winter Viper Diver Team, Winter Viper Guards, Winter Viper Motorized Artillery. Donwload Links: Steam Link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2250835534 Armaholic Link : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34705 Yanou
  8. Djalka is a fictional 32.6km^2 ArmA 3 terrain version of the South Georgia Islands, located to the further east of Argentina past the Falklands / Islas Malvinas and were part of the conflict at the time. It is a snow-covered tundra-like terrain, with many mountain peaks, long roads and drives, many towns, military bases, factories, deep sea, and a lot of ocean and air environment for diverse encounters of all types. The map contains a lot of diverse areas ranging from populated cities to complete open terrain, alongside coasts and rocky mountains, vantage points on landmarks, and much more. There’s a few easter eggs and the maps is to be updated more in the future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Georgia_and_the_South_Sandwich_Islands Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1990519900 Launch trailer: Images: https://imgur.com/gallery/QtcMIGT Map: The goal was to make a fun, big, and distinct snow terrain that’d scratch the itch the ArmA 3 community had been having for a snow/winter-themed terrain. The map is also located in a location uncommon to videogames and ArmA 3, which is in South America, east of Argentina - the forgotten island that was part of the Falklands conflict. The map is by no means similar to the real-life location, other than the shape and structure of the terrain. All the cities, military bases, farms, landmarks, and so on are purely fictional for recreational purposes of the terrain. This was a personal project I embarked on when I was 16 in highschool. It was my 2nd map attempt and a more serious and big one at it. I ran into a lot of technical issues, a learning curve, and on and off work trying to juggle real life, my other hobbies, computer problems, high school, and college. Most of the work in this map was done around that time. This project first started in March 2017, and after lots of work, I am happy to release it for people to enjoy and have fun missions on. There is more to come, as I plan to upgrade and do more detail work on this map. I am open to suggestions, and if anyone wants to volunteer ideas or help with object placement, feel free to contact me. Requirements: CUP Terrains - Core Technical Details: -32km x 32km Size -Altitude range of 0 to 400 -Tundra/winter/snowy biome with falling snow (replacement of the Rain parameter) -Multiple settlements such as a large electrical plant, saw mills, farms, military bases, and many towns and cities made with vantage points in mind for missions. -Small deserted islands scattered around the island -Some open fields for mission makers & object placement License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ Special Thanks & Credits: -M1lkm8n for very specific help fixing up errors and lending a hand into sorting things out and fixing issues, really awesome guy, I owe him one! -BPS and PTR for their permission to use their winter vegetations -ArmanIII for his permission to use his winter vegetation and his helpfulness -Community Upgrade Project team for their conversion of the ArmA I and II assets to ArmA III -Snake Man, Lappihuan, M1lkm8n HorribleGoat, Mikero, Ice, & bludclot for being really helpful and giving me a lot of pointers and help throughout the #terrain_makers Discord chat to make this terrain possible! -The ArmA III #terrain_makers Discord chat, and all the help and support from diverse community members -Adanteh for ObjectPlacementTBH, awesome tool and really useful! -Bohemia Interactive for this opportunity to make our own content and express our creativity, making a welcoming environment for users to create wonderful things on, and for such an amazing game! Thank you! ANY REUPLOADS (STANDALONE OR PART OF MODPACKS) TO THE STEAM WORKSHOP ARE PROHIBITED AND VIOLATING THE STEAM WORKSHOP EULA SECTION 6D, REUPLOADS WILL BE TAKEN DOWN VIA DMCA NOTICE WITHOUT WARNING!
  9. Djalka WIP Thread In-game pictures, screenshots, wips, and demos will be posted down in the replies as I update the thread! Hello there! Here I will present my personal and fictional representation of the South Georgia and Sandwich Islands, which is a snow/winter terrain based mainly on the South Georgia Island; with the slight modification of making it a habitated and populated place, to make things more interesting. Cities, military bases, villages, farms, factories, ports, and much more are going to be present in my rendition of this unique geographic area, hope you'll enjoy to join me in the journey of making it, and even more once it is released! Release date: February 7th, 2020. Latest update: February 3rd, 2020. Map Images https://imgur.com/gallery/QtcMIGT General Information and facts In this thread, I will try to keep a development diary and a place to know how the development of my project "Djalka Islands" is coming along. The island is based off of the South Georgia and Sandwich Islands, it is a fictional recreation set in an alternate reality, cause in real life these islands only have snow and mountains, no trees nor civilization. On the other hand, my version will contain flora and fauna, and also cities and military bases. The island size is of 1000km2, 32x32km. In real life, these islands are always under very cold and snowy conditions, there's only been civilization (a factory) for a very short period of time in reality but I believe that is no longer functional, currently in real life the place is completely empty, but that will not be the case for this fictional recreation! 😛 I decided to make this map as plenty of my friends and people I knew were telling me that ArmA needed more snow terrains, so here I will try to get it around and hope for the best! I decided to make the South Georgia islands is it was both something that could fill the gap for the lack of snowy terrains, and also cause it was a place I could feel identified with 🙂 I will also be accepting suggestions and ideas, or things people would like to see featured! For example, would you like to see a mine? Caves? Ditches and trenches? Just say so and if you want where would you like it aswell and it take a look at it and see what can I do! Project started: March 2nd, 2017 Current progress and features (currently Work In Progress) -3x Military Bases -6x Factories -10x Cities -5x Farms -Many mountanious peaks that go from sea level to 590m -Sea approximately as deep as 300m -Distance from one corner of the map to the other: 32.6km -Custom snow ground textures -Current object count: 103k -A lot more to come as I develop, many things planned for the future! 🙂 Current release status: Fully playable state, everything is ready for release, all that's left is details and embellishments. First release planned for Friday, February 7th. Future requirements upon release: CUP - Core, by the Community Upgrade Project development team Special Thanks & Credits: -M1lkm8n for very specific help fixing up errors and lending a hand into sorting things out and fixing issues, really awesome guy, I owe him one! -BPS and PTR for their permission to use their winter vegetations -ArmanIII for his permission to use his winter vegetation and his helpfulness -Community Upgrade Project team for their conversion of the ArmA I and II assets to ArmA III -Snake Man, Lappihuan, M1lkm8n HorribleGoat, Mikero, Ice, & bludclot for being really helpful and giving me a lot of pointers and help throughout the #terrain_makers Discord chat to make this terrain possible! -The ArmA III #terrain_makers Discord chat, and all the help and support from diverse community members -Adanteh for ObjectPlacementTBH, awesome tool and really useful! -Bohemia Interactive for this opportunity to make our own content and express our creativity, making a welcoming environment for users to create wonderful things on, and for such an amazing game! -And thanks YOU! So yeah, I'd be glad to hear what you guys think, what you guys suggest and your ideas, or anything, just discuss as you'd like, hope this interests some of you! Soon it will be a place for combat and many adventures! 😛 Thanks you for your time and for visiting my thread! 🙂 Kindest regards and best wishes, K9S.
  10. Norway, 1941. The whole world is caught up in the frenzy of war, the world's powers are amassing their armies and they're expecting our team to inflict damage to the German operations behind enemy lines. The stormy weather over Norway is tossing our Dakota around like a rag doll. We can only have faith in our pilot's abillity to get us to the drop zone. We're going into action knowing that we will bravely complete our mission. One day we'll look back on this and remember when we, members of the SAS, risked our lives to fight for a better world. Hello. This singleplayer mission is my tribute to one of the best WW2 games - Hidden and Dangerous 2, also created by the Czechs like ARMA 3. I tried to reproduce as accurately as possible first operation from H&D2 but of course not everything can be done in Arma 3. Mission have: -Original soundtrack from H&D2 -Some interesting scripts (for example underground bunker) -Provides 1.5-2 hours of gameplay -No bugs (I tested this mission many times to eliminate potential errors) I spent many, many hours(especially by building a German factory complex and an underground bunker) on it so I hope you will enjoy my mission 🙂 Its four missions from H&D2 compiled in this one ARMA 3 mission: First strike: Scout: Rendezvous: Iceberg: Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1944992100
  11. Hi all, Here is a new WARLORD ,CUP oriented scenario, if you love Chernarus in winter! You can play in MP only but this scenario is fine on solo MP (but hard). You need all CUP mods (+CBA). Recommended addons: Enhanced movements, JSRS sound mod (with some limitations on CUP assets) MGI Tactical pack (for beginners). As usual now, there are plenty of mission parameters, coming from Warlord or added for: - All AIs in a played leader group can heal and be healed/revived by player or Ais. - you can opt for civilian life , and opt for human bombers also (enemy for reds/blues). - you can opt for weapon loots in houses. - you can mark unconscious and/or dead units. There are some enemy areas, all the map. So be cautious when you plan a path to next sector. Have fun! on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1618406445 Pbo for servers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gmbt17zovk39ou/CHERNARUS_WARLORDS.Chernarus_Winter.pbo?dl=0
  12. Steam workshop link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652839680 BACKGROUND: The U.S. has sent our team to assist U.N. humanitarian aid forces in Chernarus. Rebels forces have been attacking the U.N. and stealing supplies. There is a blizzard moving through Chernarus, and the rebels are using it to cover their attacks on the U.N. OPERATION SNOWMAN: The rebels attacked Hope Station at 03:00 this morning under their mission name 'Operation Snowman.' Their next target is Salvation Station, where your team is stationed. Defend the location, eliminate the rebel presence in the area, and get Hope back!! FEATURES: Close-Quarter Combat Revive Virtual Arsenal Dynamic Civilians & Traffic Mobile Respawn Snow Storm! (You can disable it from mission parameters) REQUIREMENTS: CUP Terrains RHS GREF RHS USAF RHS AFRF CREDITS: Civilian scripts by Enigma Snowstorm script by ALIAScartoons Settings button by nEXaus A few scripts from Occupation by BangaBob Thanks to Yumsum, Porte and Phil for all their patience in testing.
  13. Author: JTS Introduction Mission with advanced stealth mechanics. This mission was not planned, but I decided to create it before new year 2019. A little present for fans of stealth. This mission is the base for future stealth missions (I hope). This is the fastest mission I've ever done. But quality is present Description The fight for Thirsk island between insurgents and the Americans has been going on for a couple of years now. About a month ago, the Americans managed to capture the southern part of the island. In the Thirsk city americans placed their armored vehicles and containers with ammunition. This is a serious threat. A couple of hours before the new year, a special forces squad of insurgents got a task to arrange for the Americans true fireworks... Features - Small cutscene - 2 localizations: English & russian - Cold & frosty atmosphere - Dead body detection system - Factors influencing stealth (Reloading weapons, body stance, running / walking speed, body dragging, suspicious action, wearing a uniform, weapon's state (Lowered or not)) - Snowy weather - Possibility to drag dead bodies Notes - It is recommended to enable music in your game settings - Read briefing carefully - NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ACE and other mods, which change the behaviour of AI (like ACE) - No JIP (Join in progress). To avoid arma bug with mission restart - choose the mission again from the mission list - Be sure you disable all not needed mods before you start the mission (Mission will be disabled if using prohibited mods) - To avoid problems, it is recommended to run the mods in a specific order (See steam workshop) - Recommended monitor settings: 1920x1080, 16:9 - Recommended In-Game UI settings: (UI Size: Normal) Credits & thanks Urban (Mission testing) ALIAScartoons (Snow storm script, JDAM bomb script) Screenshots Requirements - CBA A3 - CUP Terrains - Core - CUP Terrains - Maps - CUP Weapons - CUP Units - CUP Vehicles - PLP Containers - Footstep Sound Fix - Forests - Thirsk Island - Footstep Sound Fix - Thirsk Winter Download (Steam workshop) Download (Armaholic)
  14. Here's a quick CWR2 winter mission for Christmas! Download from Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1x5qp7zauatbvmd/cwr2_sp_northskirmish_1-00.cwr2_poseidon_w.pbo/file Put it in your missions folder inside your ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead directory. You know the laws and stuff; don't steal my work in your name! Always mention if you want to edit my missions/addons before releasing anything! Merry Christmas!
  15. Chernarus Winter A3 by ArmanIII (port by Arthyc) Description: This terrain is the winter version of Chernarus for A3. Prepare to fight in the snow. An advice, don't forget your warmest uniform! Original A2 version by ArmanIII: here Screenshots: Change log: v1.11 - fixed: missing server key files v1.1 - fixed: Objects altitudes issues - fixed: missing sound files v1.0 - added: Custom Satellite Map - fixed: Artefacts issues - fixed: Crash and stability issues Known Issues: / Credits & Thanks: -ArmanIII for A2 version -Mikero for his tools -Bohemia Interactive Studio Requirement: - All In Arma Terrain Pack or @CUP_Terrains Download link: (595.3 Mo) - Mega (Mirror 1) v1.11 - Armaholic (Mirror 2) v1.11 - withSIX (Mirror 3) v1.11
  16. cookies2432

    Ergon County

    Ergon County Ergon County is a fictional terrain based off of the rocky mountains in Canada and the USA. Dense forests with tall trees covered in snow litter the landscape of Ergon County with its vastness. It has recently seen increased military presence with new bases being built and an airfield where trespassing is punished by death. However it still remains a place of civillian life, even with the increased presence of military personell. You can find several villages / towns scattered around the landscape whom with their presence, represent a peacefull and quiet region. What is Ergon County? Ergon county is a map that aims to bring more of the winter aspects into ArmA 3 and to provide a new fun and greatly detailed map for people to play on and enjoy. Note: Ergon County is still in heavy development and such, bugs are to be expected and if you do encounter them, please send information about them to me as it will help me get it out of pre-alpha sooner. If you have any feedback or suggestions to the map then feel free to leave a comment on the workshop page or contact me directly through steam. Terrain Features: Size: 4.10 x 4.10 km (16.81 square kilometers). Winter: Ergon County is a land filled with snow and dense winter forests which brings you a not as often seen aspect of ArmA 3 Variety: Scattered villages / towns whom are greatly detailed as well as several military installations scattered around the region with a personal military airfield. Dense forests: Instead of the usual style of forests which are a bit open, the forests in Ergon County are truly dense and give you the feeling of deep and vast forests. Open areas and accessable buildings: Ergon County offers a lot of open areas and locations which are perfectly suited for player-made areas such as camps or bases. Almost all of the buildings are enterable as well and the aim is to replace non-enterable buildings with enterble buildings. Planned features Atleast one more airfield (civillian most likely) as well as more military installations. Additional settlements such as villages and town but also possibly camps / smaller wilderness settlements. Added detail to the whole of the map, including the areas which are not "inhabiteted". Known issues: Airfield not completed in regards of ai being able to land there (planes). Changelog: Licensing and usage: You are free to use this map on any server you'd like. If you're however planning to edit it, please contact me first (via steam or the forums), I will most likely say yes as the primary purpose of asking is for me to have an idea of how many people are editing and their reason for it. Download: NOW OUT ON ARMA 3 LAUNCHER UNDER THE MODS TAB! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1125425768 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33198 Screenshots (more available on the download page down under the update replies on this topic).
  17. You are a lone wolf. That's why we need you. The Russians are developing the most powerful nuclear weapon ever designed thanks to the knowledge of a captured American scientist. We need you to get him back. Commence Operation Snowy Mountains. Features -Original Music -Full voice acting -Reconnaissance and assault -Open world gameplay -Randomized objectives Download the mod here. Listen to the original soundtrack here.
  18. DOWNLOAD LINK (3mb - Updated 28JAN2018) This is a simple retexture of the Airframe and Opscore helmet from the Military Gear Pack created by Adacas. He graciously provided me permission and source files to retexture his helmets with Multicam Alpine Camouflage to fit into Winter Terrains such as Winter 2035 and Winter Chernarus With this being a retexture it requires Military Gear Pack version 1.7.1. This is my first retexture that I am posting for public download, I'm open to suggestions for improvement for my future work. Thanks to Adacas for allowing me to put this together and post it for others to use! Please do not upload this to Steam Workshop.
  19. BARIGA EDIT: 1.4 out: - repacked content for better filesize - fixed objects not showing on ingame map - minor changes to placement of some trees (wich were ranging too far into roads) (older version also included:) - Replaced bulletproof bushes with custom made (non bulletproof) bushes. - Added signature and bikey steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=886316372&searchtext=bariga Armaholic download: withSIX download: ArmA3.de Mirror also avialable (still 1.2): DESCRIPTION: This terrain is completely fictional and not based on any realworld location. I tried to acchieve a look that differs from other terrains, as it is always nice to have some variation. Background: The area of Bariga had to be evacuated because of an incident in a research facility nearby. Nobody ever returned and the evidence of the escape in a hurry still can be found all arround the settlements. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some specs: size: 25 km² about 300000 objects (mostly plants though ;-) ) custom terrain-textures ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first terrain ever, so please be dulgent ;-) SCREENSHOTS: And as requested... SATELLITE IMAGE
  20. Happy Saturday! I would like to share some pictures of a terrain I've been working on for the last few months. I am planning on releasing it either on Steam or Armaholic very soon! I am using it as a testing ground for some custom winter-themed .p3d objects (which I am new at making). This is my first terrain and my first mod, and if I were to start over again I'd do a lot of things differently, but I want to publish this either way because I think there needs to be more arctic themed-maps. Right now I am more interested in starting a new project than I am developing this one much further, so I would potentially be open to sharing the source files with someone if they wanted to further develop this. Russian Fjords is a top-secret government military zone, where high tech weapons, vehicles, and equipment are developed and manufactured. It is centered around a deepwater bay in the arctic ocean, and there is only one well-guarded road in or out. The terrain design is somewhat experimental, with some underground tunnels and a high resolution heightmap. The map could be used for sabotage, espionage, intelligence gathering, or even some kind of James Bond themed machina. Honestly you can use it for whatever you want, it's just not really designed to be used for traditional mission based gameplay, it's more meant as a decent-looking, immersive, cinematic landscape than anything. Features: - 8x8km Arctic Map with 6 custom ground materials (Thank you to Dmitry Chugai of texturelib.com for the ground textures) -Heightmap, Attributes, and Sat map created using L3DT Pro and MS Paint - Unique modeled and textured .p3d objects (Snowy fir trees, space rocket) using 3ds MAX and GIMP - 10,000+ hand-placed objects - A long road which goes all the way around the map and took foreveeeeer to level out - An industrial port, and a military airbase, and several military research areas - Several road tunnels - No mod dependencies, should be compatible with any other mods Known issues: -The stock arma 3 rocks do not look "Great" since they are not covered with snow. When I started this map I did not know how to do custom objects at all. -I have not tested this map with AI and don't know how they'd behave, especially in caves/on ledges -The caves are questionable and I wouldn't recommend making a map with them the way I did. The rocks do not occlude light as you'd hope. - Because the heightmap resolution is 4m, some areas are sharp and bumpy, and depending on your terrain LOD setting, distant terrain can look kind of bad. On my next terrain I'll be using at least an lower heighmap resolution to prevent this, but I am not planning on going thru the entire map and fixing every bump at this point - The ocean goes from shore to super deep very quickly. I do not plan on fixing this - I have messed with the rain settings in config to try to make the rain look more like snow but maybe some people will think it looks funky now. I think built in snow support in Arma 3 would be sick, but for now you can at least use some snow scripts (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29156 is one snow script, but the PPEffect color correction can make it very bright and hard to see anything during the day. tweak the script as necessary) - There may be issues with my custom objects that I'm not aware of, I'm very new to making objects Planned features: -Creating snow-covered clutter, and objects such as bushes and rocks, maybe icebergs, improving the look and functionality of objects -Adding some more docks and smaller decoration-type objects such as fences -Possibly Adding some runway overlays -Properly naming and labeling all locations on the map in Russian/Cyrillic -Possibly moving the zone of the map north so that the days are shorter -Continually improving my understanding of how to write a proper config (snow particle effects for driving in the snow is one thing I have yet to master) Please let me know if anyone would be interested in working with me on this or a future projcet! I am open to working with others! Thank you!
  21. Merry christmas from the Cold War Rearmed² Team! As a small christmas present we release the famous Winter Kolgujev Island, together with some Units, the required Weapons and some interesting Missions. This Release contains the following features: * Winter Kolgujev Island * A basic set of units in Winter camouflage * A basic set of weapons required for the Units and Missions * Some SP and MP Missions Please see the included readme for details, instructions and class names. Note that ArmA2 and Operation Arrowhead (CO) is required! CWR² Winter v1.03 @ Armaholic.com CWR² Winter v1.03 @ Armedassault.info CWR² Winter v1.03 @ Six-Updater Dedicated to Planck, we will never forget you.
  22. I just bought ARMA2 on steam, have everything set to Very High. Started up training, and the game is unplayable. It runs way too fast. I move around like the flash, with foot step noises going at a drum roll pace. I free look too fast as well, turning down mouse sensitivity all the way just makes it somewhat controllable. My system is as follows AMD p2 x4 3.6ghz radeon 6850 win7 home x64