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Everything posted by SuicideCommando

  1. SuicideCommando

    3CB BAF Weapons

    The L129A1 looks great. Nice pic as well.
  2. SuicideCommando

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    What's this BFST mod that I've seen in some pics in the last few days? Can someone provide any info on it?
  3. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    I meant no offense to the WW2 enthusiasts. I myself own a Mosin Nagant from the Soviet Union made in 1943. It wasn't even that expensive, probably because they literally made millions of them. Nice to know what goes into the process of choosing which to make as well. I'd like to put in a vote for the SCAR platform since it's just voted on then. :D -edit- I mean look at it, a thing of beauty. https://fnamerica.com/products/rifles/fn-mk20-ssr/ -edit again- And thanks for both MK46 and 48 Mod o's and 1's. Love those two machine guns toadie. So glad you made them.
  4. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Cool, thanks for the official list of what's to come toadie. Can't wait for the SIG pistol pack at any rate. :)
  5. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    Crap. Well that just stinks. I'm not prepared to spend a ton of money for a couple models even though toadie makes the best ones for ArmA 3. Someone must have spent a lot to get those WW2 weapons that high of a priority too. Ah well, I'll just hope that vanschmoozin releases his SCAR's in the not too distant future with the rest of his uniform and gear addons.
  6. SuicideCommando

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    Thanks kiory. Be nice to use some of the player created scopes with this beast.
  7. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Out-freaking-standing work warlord. Some nice wallpaper material there.
  8. SuicideCommando

    NIArms Release Thread

    war_lord - What's next on Toadie's plate after the Sig pistols and rifles? I want a MK20 SSR and other SCAR variants real bad and would possibly put alittle cash down for them. I think that they were higher up on the list but I can't seem to find it atm.
  9. SuicideCommando

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    Looks great so far. :)
  10. SuicideCommando

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I just hope Adacas will make Tier 1 compatible with his former gear pack as I have no intention to stop using it. The quality and depth that's he's already made in his first gear pack is top notch.
  11. SuicideCommando

    Project Infinite v1.0

    jackco - It's not released yet. Bnae is still working on it.
  12. SuicideCommando

    SSF Factions and Faction Overhauls

    Oh sweet. Thanks jarrad. I'd be in your debt then. :)
  13. SuicideCommando

    SSF Factions and Faction Overhauls

    Hey jarrad, i have a request. I know you're busy with several projects at the moment but I was wondering if you'd consider doing a weapon config for EricJ's Taliban Fighter's that you could outfit with NI Arms AK pack. I ask for that as I don't have any of the RHS mods, I have a capped bandwidth amount from my satellite ISP or else I'd use something like Project Opfor. Here's a link to his mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29542 I just really need a Taliban looking unit mod for all the Afghanistan based maps I use. I mainly play SP due to my crappy connection and mainly play Dynamic Recon Ops. missions and would love to have an Taliban looking unit addon that didn't have a ton of dependencies. Thanks for looking.
  14. SuicideCommando

    [WIP] Final Front Weapons pack

    Wow, I'm not a WW2 ArmA player but those are some impressive models and textures diabolical.
  15. SuicideCommando

    Spartans MK14 EBR's

    Nice retex SS.
  16. Thanks for the update, looks great.
  17. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Very cool warlord, thanks for sharing.
  18. SuicideCommando

    Army of the Czech Republic A3 - ACR_A3

    Thanks for the standalone mods, they are much appreciated. And nice work. :)
  19. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Keep at it warlord, you know we all appreciate your hard work and dedication on these.
  20. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Very nice work again warlord, that 47 model is lookin good.
  21. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Outstanding warlord. Nice to see them in-game even though they're not completely finalized.
  22. SuicideCommando

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Wow, looking great warlord. Cannot wait, as I've said before. :D
  23. SuicideCommando

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    lol, nice pics. :D
  24. SuicideCommando

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    I'll second what jacobs said. The USP is overpowered and an updated cfg for version 3.5 of ASDG joint rails would be much appreciated.
  25. SuicideCommando

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    I'll second that. Thanks very much. This is one of my favorite weapon mods for ArmA 3.