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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    Forums Upgrade

    Hello web team. I have to say that the forums are shaping up quite well. One question though: I can't see the signatures options when using the forums on mobile. Could we have them on our phones too? Thanks! Correction: Oops, found the settings, they're hidden under "settings area"... No sigs showing though, even though I have them enabled (set to show). Would that be possible like in the last forum versions? EDIT: And another thing I noticed: In the emoticons tool I noticed the recently used ones, which is cool. But that section below the used ones doesn't show all available ones, we first need to click on Category and then Emoticos, which is kind of senseless. All emoticons should appear in the "front page" of the emoticons tool. Thanks. EDIT 2: And maybe ;) the last one for today: We can't center Youtube videos. They appear left hand side only.
  2. Of course I want an Arma 4! But I'm also happy that BI are supporting and expanding A3 that long. If they announced the next game instead of the new DLCs after Apex, I'd have been disappointed. But instead, Arma 3 will still be around for a year or more, which means that we (mission makers at least) can still start working on new stuff, without needing to fear that most of the players will jump on the next game anytime soon. That said, I'm absolutely happy with Arma 3's life span. Much better than the A2 support.
  3. Very sad you stopped, Tom, as the features list of your campaign was very promising. But as I interpret your last post, it gave you more editing experience which on the other hand lets me look forward to your next projects. And your vision for missions (focus on story) is something I can only support! Even though I agree that combat and AI are very fluid I have to say that this is what makes the Arma series so special. Keep it up!
  4. Undeceived

    Campaign template

    Thanks, mate, much appreciated. Good ol' A2... I'm porting BL to A3 but it's still going to take a lot of time. For now my newest stuff is this.
  5. Undeceived

    Campaign template

    Now that's interesting, I don't know how many times I installed the tools but never saw the samples.
  6. Man, that MG42 looks so stunning, I can almost feel that cold steel by looking at these pictures!
  7. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    Wow, AZCoder, thanks a lot! Haha, nice emotions, interesting to see if/how immersive it is for real as I played these parts countless times and didn't feel anything anymore. Sure, open up the scripts, that TV thing is pretty simple but ingenious code, cudos to KK or Larrow (I don't remember right now, but I think it should be stated in there). Again, thanks!
  8. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    That's a nice description, thanks a lot. On that issue you mentioned:
  9. Undeceived

    Krokom, Sweden

    These screenshots really blew me away, absolutely stunning, especially that custom vegetation. Very good. Keep it up!
  10. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    Have fun, AZCoder. Looking forward to your feedback. Btw. I added a new trailer in the first post, it's the campaign's intro cutscene.
  11. Undeceived

    Arma 3 world record hours (10k ++ ?)

    That's right of course, but still one can spend countless hours more in Arma than in the "average" game. I always say that Arma is rather a hobby than a game - for me at least.
  12. Undeceived

    Arma 3 world record hours (10k ++ ?)

    Yeah, IIRC he works or used to work in a book shop - perfect conditions as it seems, and maybe he could even get inspiration or useful information out of some books for Resist.
  13. Undeceived

    Arma 3 world record hours (10k ++ ?)

    It could also be that people with many hours are really ingame, but at times not really playing or editing. I also often go afk to eat or do something else and just leave the editor open because this is just handy.
  14. Undeceived

    [SP] Evil's Last Will

    Hello, I updated the mission and added the new version (v. 1.2) to the first post. Thanks for any feedback!
  15. It's not necessarily related to the behaviour "SAFE" but definitely to setUnitPos "UP". If the AI is set to "UP" (either via script or by commanding it) and then gets into combat mode, this bug will happen. EDIT: Checked with 1.70 and it seems BIS has fixed it now.
  16. Hello guys! Does anyone have an idea why the AI jiggles their rifles like this when they get into combat mode? Btw. it's not only when commanding the AI to combat mode but also when the AI is scripted so (setBehaviour). Yes, I use mods --> CUP and the mod in which the mission is in. My problem is that I can't reproduce the bug in the editor. It might have to do with my mission's scripts, but I have no idea in which way. Hence I posted it here in the hope that someone knows it and can help. Anyone? Thanks a lot! EDIT: Btw. this problem was introduced only recently. I'm not sure in which patch as I didn't play my mission for some months, but everything (related to that) worked fine until now.
  17. Very interesting, Greenfist. I'll check that out. Thanks so far.
  18. Tried "Steal The Helo" the other day - it's a very good mission which I absolutely can recommend to every one! I managed to play it without firing one single shot - but of course if you fuck it up (or if you want to) you can make hell break loose on the island and the author implemented a reinforcements system too. The mission is well elaborated - so do not think this will be a walk in the park like the very first "Steal the car" mission in OFP. It's way bigger and suspenseful! Good to see this here too, Clayman! Have to try your other one as well............ If I get some time. :)
  19. And Larrow has striked again. Thanks a lot guys (for opening the thread and helping)!
  20. Undeceived

    Malden DLC 2035 - Official Feedback Post

    Yeah, looking at the existent screenshots and video snippets it feels a bit like Altis / Stratis. The original OFP look would have been amazing! BUT the steeper and higher mountains are still the same which I loved in OFP. EDIT: For the original look we have CUP Terrains.
  21. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    I'll double check I checked that part with... Thanks for the feedback. EDIT: Checked it now:
  22. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    MP is a life's mystery for me, mate... I don't even dare to open that book. Thanks for popping in.
  23. Undeceived

    [SP/CAMP] Underdogs

    Hi and thanks!