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Everything posted by Marc13Bautista

  1. Marc13Bautista

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    I'm hoping the new patch for RF comes out soon. Definitely waiting for fixes to Air Control (SP) if I'm gonna make an attempt finishing it.
  2. Marc13Bautista

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Recently released this Realistic Names mod to include Reaction Forces (and Western Sahara) support: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248094475 I made a few observations on the new helicopter and its variations. Though they all seem to fall under either the H225 Super Puma (civil-orientated) or the H225M Super Cougar (military designated by the M). I looked through each one in editor (and their customizable components), there are about 7 total unique variants of these helicopters in all. In my mod, I renamed them based on their equipment and probable role they might fulfill. - "H240 Transport" -> "H225M Super Cougar Transport" [BLUFOR- Gendarmerie, ION Services] // Available are the fuel probe, exhaust suppressors, floatation bags, and extra (fuel) tanks. A military variant. An H225M Super Cougar, meant for general transport of 20 passengers. No nose-mounted radar. Likely meant for long distance transportation of troops (by ION and Gendarmerie). - "MH-245 Cougar" -> "H225M Super Cougar CSAR" [BLUFOR- NATO] // Available are the fuel probe, exhaust suppressors, and floatation bags. A military variant. An H225M Super Cougar, meant for general transport of 20 passengers but also has 2 wing-mounted weapon pylons and a nose-mounted radar. Has no extra (fuel) tanks. Probably meant for Combat Search & Rescue (CSAR) operations in combat zones. - "MH-245 Cougar (Unarmed)" -> "H225M Super Cougar SAR" [BLUFOR- NATO] // Available are the fuel probe, exhaust suppressors, floatation bags. A military variant. An H225M Super Cougar, meant for general transport of 20 troops but has no weapon pylons. Only the nose-mounted radar and extra (fuel) tanks. Likely meant for SAR operations in non-combat zones. - "RAI-350M Cougar (Unarmed)" -> "H225M Super Cougar HADR" [BLUFOR- UNA / Independent- AAF, LDF] // Only the exhaust suppressors are available. Still a military variant. An H225M Super Cougar, meant for general transport (or evacuation) of 20 troops/civilians but has no weapon pylons. Has no nose-mounted radar or extra (fuel) tanks. Probably meant for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations. - "RAI-360M Cougar" -> "H225M Super Cougar SOCAT" [OPFOR- SFIA / Independent- AAF, LDF] // Only the exhaust suppressors are available. A very unique military variant. An H225M Super Cougar but with a nose-mounted 20mm cannon akin to the IAR 330L Puma SOCAT (which was configured for anti-tank and battlefield support operations). Has only 12 passenger seats (instead of 20) due to the cannon ammo, but 4 wing-mounted weapon pylons. Has no nose-mounted radar or extra (fuel) tanks. This variant is likely made to be a SOCAT configuration for the H225M Super Cougar, as the IAR 330L Puma SOCAT was. - "H235C Transport" -> "H225 Super Puma Transport" [Civilian- Civilians, IDAP] // No unique components available. Certainly a civilian variant. An H225 Super Puma, meant for transporting 15 passengers. Interior design of the helicopter supports its purpose for being a civilian passenger transport. - "H240C Transport" -> "H225 Super Puma VIP" [Civilian- Civilians] // Only has floatation devices. Certainly a civilian variant. An H225 Super Puma, also meant for transporting 15 passengers. Interior design of the helicopter supports its purpose for being a civilian passenger transport. Just to not be redundant and due to the flotation devices, this will probably be meant for VIPs. Also has extra (fuel) tanks. - "H245 SAR" -> "H225 Super Puma SAR" [Civilian- Civilians] // Available are a searchlight and floatation devices. Specifically a civilian variant. An H225 Super Puma, meant for transporting 8 passengers (one is on a stretcher). Also has a nose-mounted radar and extra (fuel) tanks. This variant is tailor made for all-weather search, rescue operations and water bombing. I don't know the actual real life designations of these configurations (aside from the SOCAT and SAR) so maybe someone could offer some feedback. 🤔 Edit: Also I need to add the secret NATO variant with the nose-mounted cannon used in Air Control... Added. Thanks for mentioning "B_Heli_EC_02_RF", POLPOX!
  3. Marc13Bautista

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Yeah I guess it's a really rare but kind of mission breaking bug. I just figured out that workaround since ramming the stuck team with a ammo container didn't count as the player's kills (no penalty) and only added to the casualty list. It resolved that bug by canceling that task and I get the order to RTB again. 😂 Well it was a sacrifice I was willing to make. As for very hot town LZs near the frontline- yeah I had the same issue. Maybe with that specific town as well. In my run, I was going to resupply towns as usual near the frontline when I see that there was a red splotch (I run Bloodlust mod) of where the glow stick guy was supposed to be... huh... weird. I hover to land the supplies and suddenly the AAF from a town over open up with their IFV cannon and tank hmg at me. I somehow survived that by flying low. Also explains the gibbed glowstick guy lol. It's just strange how being near a red town that's AAF occupied automatically spawns exactly (at least): 1 tank, 1 ifv, and maybe a squad of anti-air infantry. Maybe 500 or so meters away? Any farther from them and they despawn. I was hoping there would be unlockable strike missions if the FOB detects the player(s) unlocking a jet or drone of any kind to strike at any red towns near the frontline but nope- they either don't spawn past the 500m or they do and instantly get you. 😔 Oh well.
  4. Marc13Bautista

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    I had this exact same problem in my Air Control run. Although I "worked around" this by hooking up a large cargo container with my Huron and battering ram the bugged team with a cargo container of ammo... There really should be separate or wider apart AI infantry spawn pickups so they don't get broken like this. Another issue I had is when AI pilots when I command them to land/disembark at the FOB (mainly the starting one) will just be crashing into the hangar or into the supply trucks. I guess that's an issue with vanilla AI though. Also why is there no medical landing pad for Telos (town next to FOB Casino / Altis International Airport)? It has a spot to drop off supplies but no where to drop medical crates. I get there's a hospital nearby FOB Casino but a short medevac trip is kinda unnecessary lol. Hope Air Control gets ported over to Tanoa and other big maps like Livonia. It can get a little repetitive in single player but it's pretty fun.
  5. Marc13Bautista

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Would be awesome if you release your Normandy port on Steam Workshop. Would be a blast doing Pilgrimage in that map. 😁
  6. Originally, when I was trying out ECP Redux, I was amazed at how most of the buildings were replaced by newer, enter-able ones. (Little did I know they were originally from FFUR 2008). I bring to you a standalone pack that brings only the buildings and vegetation without FFUR's other cool (yet performance heavy) addons. The buildings and vegetation are really resistance objects but converted for game wide use. You will find that most of the buildings from vanilla OFP/CWA's Nogova, Everon, and Maldova islands are now replaced by enter-able ones (though some may be out of place) along with neat looking grass and resistance trees that are so damn beautiful! Since this makes all objects from vanilla into resistance objects, there will be very few out of place objects (play "Steal the Car" for example and look at one of the apartment buildings) but nothing game breaking. This addon could be applied to any other mods such as ECP and Kenox's latest mod, Extended Effects. It also works without errors with missions like Abandoned Armies (which inspired me to make this updated pack because of some error popping up when replacing islands)! Installation: 1. Download these two files: Data (http://www.mediafire.com/file/w52425y6j1a4241/Data.pbo) and Data3D (https://www.mediafire.com/view/td735j39jjrr893/Data3D.pbo) 2. In your OFP/CWA directory, find a mod folder to use (or create a new folder called @buildings) and then find a folder called "dta" (create a new folder called "dta" if there isn't one) and create a folder called "HWTL" inside the dta folder.. 3. Place the Data and Data3D files you just downloaded into the HWTL folder. 4. In the launch options of your OFP/CWA shortcut add "-mod=@buildings" or whatever mod you are using. 5. Enjoy! You can see if the building addon is working by loading up a mission such as "Steal The Car" and see if some of the buildings has changed 1. To install, just go into the "FFUR Buildings & Grass" folder and extract "DTA" to the OFP/CWA directory and Addons in any custom addons folder or the same directory. (*If you're are modding dev and would like to edit the objects and textures at your own hand then go right ahead to "Backups & Tools". Have fun!) (Updated) *7zip or winrar extractor is required to extract. Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xfhv1eb3q6i8lib/Resistance+Enter-able+Buildings+and+Vegetation+Replacement+Addon+(FFUR+2008).zip (2/20/17) (Latest) (FFUR Buildings and Grass) * http://www.mediafire.com/file/82co5ei2bgp86pg/Less+Lag+Option.zip (2/22/17) (Alternate verison if you don't want SLX grass and want more performance instead) Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/g86mazy16z6l77d/Black+Hawk+and+Buildings+Addon.zip (2/14/17) Download the zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/file/49gg9aua76r87sa/DTA.zip (2/18/17) (Old) (You can ignore this one) Re-modified to fix Black Hawk error. (adds custom Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk BAS texture from BAS studios). Follow the provided read me for further instructions (and be careful to follow the format to avoid problems). Please report any more errors that appear below. I almost forgot about adding in JAM!!! Credits: FFUR 2008 - The creators of the addons you're using right here! (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/64427-ffur85-2008-edition/) Me (Marc) - The one who modified it as a standalone pack for people like myself. ;) THIS ADDON IS NOT CREATED BY BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE STUDIO S.R.O. OR CODEMASTERS SOFTWARE COMPANY LTD. AND THEY DON’T HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADDON. BE AWARE THAT THIS ADDON MAY BE PERFORMANCE HEAVY EVEN WITHOUT SLX GRASS!!!
  7. Marc13Bautista

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    It should work? I copied over some code from GOM's Aircraft Loadout mod and modified it for Vehicle Tuning. Also changed the initialization of this mod's menu to not use "action menu"- but instead the 0-8 radio support menu just like GOM's Aircraft Loadout. So any player should be able to launch it now. 😉 It's also less annoying since "Tune Vehicle" no longer gets added to the list of actions blocking the center of your screen.
  8. Marc13Bautista

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    Made a mod version of this Vehicle Tuning V1.01 so that it also auto-initializes on any mission/campaign startup and gives the action menu "Tune Vehicle" when within 25 meters of any vehicle. Hope this is alright. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989997127 Also did a version for Aircraft Loadout V1.35: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989820593
  9. Marc13Bautista

    [Release] GOM - Aircraft Loadout V1.35

    @Grumpy Old Man I've made a mod version of Aircraft Loadout V1.35 so that it auto-initializes on any mission/campaign startup and gives the 0-8 radio menu option. Hope this is fine! 😄 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989820593 Also did a version for Vehicle Tuning V1.01:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2989997127
  10. Any chance for support for the new and refined dog mod by MFR? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2912186689 Also disabling TPW Fall and Bleedout, this mod is compatible with Armor Plate System mod by diwako. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2523439183 😀
  11. @tpw Any chance there will be a fix for the animation glitches to AI when TPW Fall module is enabled? The problem specifically stems from this setting in TPW FALL: "(0 - 1, 0 = no reaction to bullet hits, 0.01 = will almost never use animated falls, 1 will always use animated falls)" At any value (including) "0.01" - "1" this problem occurs- When AI were set to idle or to do an animation by a mission maker, they do the weapon holster animation (but no pistol/invisible gun in hand) or start twitching and repeatedly do that once TPW Falls initiates. Instead of repairing/standing idle/etc animation they are meant to do. I like the ragdolls and hit reactions that TPW Fall offers, but it gives this really immersion breaking issue, and also breaks functionality of singleplayer missions (AI meant to do relaxed/unalert animations in a stealth raid- broken and do the above broken animations and raise the alarm...). Disabling FALL fixes the issue- but removes the hit reaction/ragdolls functionality all together... Only other solution I could find is to use Halek's Impact mod to replace TPW Fall. But it doesn't seem to be fully compatible with TPW Bleed (causes AI to sometimes freeze in place after being revived from incapacitation). I'm not sure if the bug long existed beforehand or if it was introduced in your last "Feb 10 @ 5:28pm Update" "[CORE 1.98, SKIRMISH 1.65, SOAP 1.74] Refactored unit disabling/enabling code, should largely eliminate artifacts such as units stuck kneeling, dodgy somersault transitions between animations, units falling through terrain etc ad nauseum. Added Sehreno support." But it could be a combo of both your latest update and that FALL setting inadvertently causing this AI glitch. 😔
  12. Thanks a lot for this! Much more efficient for making multiple presets when using this over the manual download everything and saving every individual preset by hand. I've used it to make 28+ presets for my own modpack. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2415922767 😅
  13. Marc13Bautista

    WW4 + ECP Config Update

    Recreated the ECP config for Sanctuary's WW4 mod in order to get the models to work (Sanc seemed to have left these out). Get the config here and overwrite it after a full installation of ECP 1.085e (with the patch applied after) and the WW4 pack. If you want to use noob1's gun MODERN pack (with JAM) of re textured guns and sights, download his pack and overwrite with this config.cpp (remove the "(2)"). If you're using noob1's CLASSIC pack of re textured guns and sights (without JAM or any special ammo changes, download this config.cpp and overwrite. (remove the "(3)").
  14. Damn amazing! You've made something already quite fun to play with huge replay-ability and ported it to great new maps with a lot of changes. Love it. 😄
  15. Marc13Bautista

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Chance for someone to port Pilgrimage to these two amazing maps? I think they would be a pretty great experience. (Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 6~esque even). Niakala - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2801060088 Isla Nueva/Libertad - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2734575927
  16. Marc13Bautista

    AI takeoff from USS Freedom

    If anyone is still looking for a solution to AI taking off from the USS Freedom, this it it! It even has landing and so so much more to it. USS Freedom Carrier Deck SP system by RickOShay https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2792794325&tscn=1649825943
  17. It's also very prevalent when using WebKnight's Avionics mod. Any armed aircraft will also fire missiles. 😅
  18. Marc13Bautista

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Ah I see. Thanks. Didn't know it was a setting.
  19. Marc13Bautista

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    How do I access your signature and find the download? Got no idea how to do this on these forums... Like neofit did before, I'm also getting the case of the mission hanging halfway before it loads after Pilgrimage settings. Hoping the first page links may get updated or all of the latest and working versions would be on the steam workshop for easier access. Lots of great maps to try out for this fun mission! Edit: Also, sadly it turns out that pvt. partz's Taunus port doesn't appear to be playable anymore due to a missing addon that no longer could be downloaded(?). I did find the required "Arma Nature" mod for it on the steam workshop, but the "Editor Objects version 3" mod is nowhere to be found. Armaholic is down as well so it doesn't appear there's anywhere else to get it. If anyone could modify the Taunus port, (maybe pvt. partz) that would be awesome. Would love to try Pilgrimage on that map. If not, that's fine.
  20. Marc13Bautista

    Rydygier's Trivia Vault

    Any chance the incognito mod could receive an update and possibly an (official) release on the workshop? It's a very game-changing mod that not many know of, and works pretty well with Ace and its holstering feature. It would be awesome if it gets some CBA options to customize in-game as it can be compatible with most user-content (Pilgrimage, Ravage, etc.) but breaks some other missions that have their own incognito system in place (Vindicta, Overthrow, Antistasi, etc.). So having that option to enable/disable at will in-game would also be a nice bonus, instead of unloading from the launcher and waiting for A3 to load up. I was also wondering if it is possible to combine the mod's functionality with this mission-maker version that I've come across: Awesome work Rydygier for these mods!
  21. https://www.dropbox.com/s/edojnoj4upe0guz/tpw_mods_readme.txt toolong;don'tread: - Download files from the dropbox link - Extract the contents of the zip file with winrar or 7zip - Open the folder and run the install.bat - Add @TPW_MODS to Arma 3 launcher -> Parameters -> All Parameters - Tick the "Mods" option and put in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@TPW_MODS" (or whatever address TPW Mods installed in... should be in your Arma 3 install folder) - Run the game and play like usual with TPW now + Further customization is explained in the readme. Refer to the first page and the dropbox links for what each feature does. Edit "TPW_MODS.hpp" with Notepad++ (or similar) found in your Arma 3\userconfig\TPW_MODS\ It can't get any simpler than that. 😐
  22. Ran this mod on the single-player battle royale mission by gtaboncer. Definitely creates a much more lively experience (with civs, furniture in buildings, and animals). Works without conflict as well. TPW's 2035 glasses are really helpful as well.
  23. Word of warning. If you're using the Brownbear addon by Walk3r (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2304572252), then a few moments when you spawn into a mission, a damn missile will spawn inside of you (and can explode) and kill you. 😂 Would avoid it until that's fixed lol. https://imgur.com/a/fWYrl4U
  24. I've done a video of your mod showcasing a bit of what it does for the Vindicta mission. Hopefully, someone could do a full video showcase to help others get a preview of what each feature does. 😅
  25. Just dropping by to say... WHERE HAS THIS MOD BEEN!?!? I've only played Singleplayer ever since my friend gifted me A3 and this was exactly the mod I was looking for. I only caught wind of it after looking around the workshop, coming up without much results... and finally taking a look at the forums. I have to say that my experience with Arma 3 Singleplayer with this mod has my mind blown. I am currently running this mod (installed it manually from dropbox), since the workshop port is broken [this one is not supported by you but it is what lead me here] with a ton of mods I had already collected that worked alright for me. I'm not sure which mods I need to remove in the case that anything listed would conflict but hopefully compatible. Thanks again for this awesome mod! Edit: So far the mod has been working great with my mod pack. Though I get the occasional "Sound greekmusic0 not found" error that pops up from time to time. Even when underwater lol. Edit2: Hmm ok so I changed SOAP to be polyglot but I still, end up with an error. This time it's frenchmusic0 not found. Is this feature supposed to work properly and it may just be a conflict with one of the dynamic AI voice addons I have installed? Or is this error normal to show up every now and then? I'll try and single out my sound mods to see if the former is the case. Edit3: Alright and I went through and disabled my sound mods (EFT Voice for AI, Project Human 1.2, STALKER Voices for AI, Unit-Voiceovers). I still get the same (French) error. I guess I could safely ignore it then if it doesn't harm gameplay albeit it's a bit annoying for it to pop up. Edit4: And I just realized (from the above post) that there are two userconfig folders (in @TPW_MODS folder and Arma 3 folder) which have their own "TPW_MODS.hpp." I guess I had to make changes to both. Still didn't solve my issue though with the pop-up eh. I've gotta say... this mod alone makes the Vindicta mod so much more alive with civilian + animal ambiance alone! The sounds and occasional fly-by helicopter (and prop duster lol) along with the civilian boats and them driving cars (not running over people) are an experience. Even the distant police sirens were a great indicator of incoming hostiles that it fit so well.