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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    May I ask about these 2 images?
  2. Alex150201

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    I have no download limits :)
  3. Alex150201

    [WIP] Terrain "X-Cam-Taunus"

    Oh my gawd.
  4. The map looks beautiful so far!
  5. Alex150201

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Oh my god they look beautiful!
  6. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Concealment on Tanoa

    That was a great video and I'd love to see more!
  7. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    I legit loaded up arma 3 with faces of war 2 mins before you posted and thought to myself "Hmm haven't heard from them in a while" You guys have done a beautiful job keep it up!
  8. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Glad I helped.
  9. Alex150201

    Faces of War [WW2]

    You can try and do soldierOne action ["Eject", vehiclename];
  10. I also voted for you guys :( Don't let that bring you down though your work is amazing and we thank you for it! Hopefully next year!
  11. Alex150201

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    Well my friend, consider moving to Venus where the length of 1 day is 116 days and 8 hours :)
  12. Alex150201

    You've played to much Arma when:

    I thought I would take the time to answer them all :) When every game you play, your looking for the editor. -Yes When addons and mods start to exceed your hard drive capacity. -Yes (I have 2 hard drives of 1 TB each one is full and the other one is almost full) When you spend most of your money on upgrading your computer so you can play the game better. -Yes (Probably that's why my bank and wallet are empty :P) When you stop to rest halfway to the garbage dumpster as soon as you start breathing heavier. -No (I'm in the army so I don't have such problems :rolleyes:) When you stay outside in the rain knowing you wont get wet. -Yes (Everyone walking with umbrellas and raincoats and I am there just with a jacket on not even a hood) When you mount a spotlight on your car because your headlights only shine 30m in front of you -No (I only have ~1500 I think this will happen at around 2000 hours) When you watch a war movie and get up to find cover when the shooting starts. -Yes (I jump behind the couch) When you start to stink and need a shower but think no one will smell you in the game so you keep playing. -Yes (until my girlfriend comes in my room ) When your cat is meowing at you for food but you think its the ambient animals ingame. -No (I don't have a cat otherwise that would probably be the case) When you set the actual time and day in the editor to the real time. -Yes (Just all the time) When you get in your car and step on the gas right away thinking it will go. -Yes (Done it a couple of times :P) When you start wearing a backpack everywhere you go. -Yes (I am wearing a backpack everywhere I go lol :lol:) When you get to a door and it takes you 2 minutes to open it. -Yes (I just can't open doors anymore thanks arma) When your boss at work tells you what to do and you reply with roger. -Yes (Again I'm in the army so I do it anyway) When you get to a ladder and your stuck at the bottom because your waiting for the up arrow to show up. -No (lol) When you start going into random houses looking for loot. (Ravage mod) -No (Not the apocalypse yet) When you walk around with a flashlight on at night. -Yes (Does using my phone's flashlight count?) When your game time exceeds the amount of time you've spent at work. -No (Not there yet ^_^) When the traffic gets bad you think you can just drive across the field instead. -Yes (I tell this to my girlfriend when she is driving and we are stuck in traffic :P) When you for get your actual name because you talk with everyone using your game name. -Yes (I forgot what my real name is) When your walking your dog and he starts to wander off, and you yell 2, return to formation! -Yes (I don't know why I just do it for fun sometimes but instead of 2 I say you :232:) When you feel slow and tired you think your lagging. -No (Thank god I don't feel like I'm lagging because lagging even in game makes me wanna smash my router)
  13. Hello everyone, I have a question here. I started working on something that I considered really simple which turned out fast a bit more complicated. I've been continiously banging my head on my desk for the past hour so I decided to come over here where I would surely get help from some of the more talented folks out there. Basically how do I check if and what the player has selected in his inventory? For example: In this screenshot the player has selected the First Aid Kit. How do I check if he actually has done that?
  14. Alex150201

    Selecting Inventory Items

    Hey thank you everyone for your help the problem has been solved thanks to you guys. Here is the script for someone that will need it. while {true} do { waituntil {!(isnull (finddisplay 602))}; { ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl _x) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "if (""First Aid Kit"" == lbText [ctrlIDC (_this select 0), _this select 1]) then {createDialog ""AM_Telport_Dialog""};"]; } count [633, 638, 619]; };
  15. Alex150201

    Selecting Inventory Items

    What I am simply trying to do is when you double click a certain item it opens up a dialog
  16. Alex150201


    You say the game is poorly optimized? Trust me there are worse games out there. I have a rig similar to yours and I run on High with 4k view distance and I play between 50-90 fps.
  17. Alex150201

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Is there any chance the CUP Little Bird will get replaced with this one?
  18. US Military by Delta Hawk Black Ops Weapons by beppe_goodoldrebel
  19. Alex150201

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Thanks Adacas, here are some obviously non professional pics: http://imgur.com/a/wuI8b
  20. Alex150201

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    I can't see the pictures :(