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ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead Impressions - ALL OA Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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BIS needs to work out the performance issues. This is like Patch 1.02 for ArmA 2 all over again. I finally had ArmA 2 running smooth at very high settings. I could run Chernarus ~50 FPS at Very High settings. AA high, 3D res 133% and Native res 2048X1152. I could even turn 3D Res to 200% and get above 30 FPS.

NOW. With OA even if I turn all settings to low/medium I still cant get 30 FPS! It's horrible.

The new features are awesome, but performance is TERRIBLE. Trees look pretty bad from 50m or so...Kinda sad. Hopefully its an LOD issue BIS can fix.

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BIS needs to work out the performance issues. This is like Patch 1.02 for ArmA 2 all over again. I finally had ArmA 2 running smooth at very high settings. I could run Chernarus ~50 FPS at Very High settings. AA high, 3D res 133% and Native res 2048X1152. I could even turn 3D Res to 200% and get above 30 FPS.

NOW. With OA even if I turn all settings to low/medium I still cant get 30 FPS! It's horrible.

The new features are awesome, but performance is TERRIBLE. Trees look pretty bad from 50m or so...Kinda sad. Hopefully its an LOD issue BIS can fix.


Can You post your pc specification?

I'm on: Q9550@3.4GHz, 4GB ram, HD4870x2 and 2xhdd raid-0, but I can get 30 fps only if in chernarus forest, where no towns are visible. Playing 1920x1200 resolution. PP off, AA low, terrain low, rest on high. I feel bad... :S

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Most probably a "feature" called penetrability - check if you hitting engine or something hard and unpenetrable. HEAT round has different settings than older HE rounds (speed, caliber...) too.

fraps me hell slows in OA. used playclaw trial.


continue to explore new feature "called penetrability"

if so intended, then in my opinion is not even funny

what type of active armor using in Lada and this takistan moto ? :)

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well i suppose you should be using SABOT rounds rather than HEAT.. or not?

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I was initially taken aback by performance (lower on Chernarus/Utes than with the A2 beta patches) but after a little fiddling I feel it's sufficiently restored. By fiddling I mean using the same framerate-saving mod I had before (PROPER 'Low' Vegetation) and setting PP to Disabled (rather than Low + NOBLUR mod). The Very Low preset still seems to contain motion blur I don't want and exclude the glow I do want. Zargabad's still chunky in places but I guess that shouldn't have come as a surprise. The first patch might bring a little more as I don't think OA 1.52 contains all of the progress made in the last A2 beta patches.

Performance restored, everything else is outstanding. The new content is completed to the usual very high standard and there are engine enhancements too numerous to count but each a total delight. I might've hoped the close-quarters-battle sight position would be found on more (or all) weapons with a magnifying optic (IMO even sniper rifles should allow the possibility of roughly sighting down the length of the scope - for those of us who prefer to play without a crosshair) but that's a very small :icon_sad: amongst a truckload of :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:.

Bravo BIS.

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what type of active armor using in Lada and this takistan moto ? :)

Looks like alien technology to me. :eek::yay:

CDF and Czech soldiers don't speak Czech? I hope this will be fixed in a patch. (At least for those with original ArmA2) I don't really care about them not whispering.

Edited by Hedo

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well i suppose you should be using SABOT rounds rather than HEAT.. or not?

HEAT may be not as good as a modern sabot APFSDS round' date=' but it's still an anti-armor projectile. I mean, HEAT:


And SABOT isn't a type of ammo, it's a way to fire it, with a outer encasing discarded when the projectile comes outs from the cannon. You can also have SABOT HEAT*.

*In theory, i don't know if it's used in any weapon.

Edited by Turin Turambar

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Looks like alien technology to me. :eek::yay:

CDF and Czech soldiers don't speak Czech? I hope this will be fixed in a patch. (At least for those with original ArmA2) I don't really care about them not whispering.

CDF speaks czech. UN (CDF with blue helmets from OA) AFAIK speaks English, as well as Czech units and Germans.

Personally I find this realistic incase you'd have a joint-ops mission with the US guys involved. And I, for one, do care about them whispering. It's an epic feature.

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hi guys im trying to preview a little mission i am making via the games editor but i cant see a way to preview what i have done so far like in Arma 2.

In Arma 2 their was a preview button in the Editor

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hi guys im trying to preview a little mission i am making via the games editor but i cant see a way to preview what i have done so far like in Arma 2.

In Arma 2 their was a preview button in the Editor

Silly question here, but you have set at least one unit as the player right?

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Looks like alien technology to me. :eek::yay:

CDF and Czech soldiers don't speak Czech? I hope this will be fixed in a patch. (At least for those with original ArmA2) I don't really care about them not whispering.

I remember one of the new sound features is that when you give orders you risk giving off your position. Have fun giving off your position when in stealth and your men are shouting :) (Correct me if I'm wrong)


Also, I'm curious, is it ATI cards or something else? Because there seems to be a serious split in player reviews here. It's either crazy bad preformance or crazy good prefomance when compared to A2...

It also makes me wonder if there's a connection between this rift and what version (i.e. Sprocket) you may hav. And I can't help but play devil's advocate and wonder whether some of you are using a valid-legal copy or not. (NOT accusing anyone, just saying it would be pretty stupid to be complaining about preformance when your sailing the seven seas)

So please post your specs and version and maybe we can find a pattern. Or not...

Edited by Sniper Pilot
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum?

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It also makes me wonder if there's a connection between this rift and what version (i.e. Sprocket) you may have. And I can't help but play devil's advocate and wonder whether some of you are using a valid-legal copy or not.

So please post your specs and version and maybe we can find a pattern. Or not...

from Sprocket

i5 750, 4gb RAM, Radeon 5850.

good performance.

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For those who are experiencing worse performance in OA than in Arma 2--despite having high end hardware--there may be a reason. In the 'will my pc run this' thread, some people have noticed that SLI, X-Fire, and dual GPU cards are performing worse than modest single GPUs. Arma 2 had the same problem initially. Renaming the oa.exe to a profile the video drivers can recognize, like crysis.exe, seems to help some people.

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Specs? And what version?

DELL Precision M6400 Workstation. C2D T9600, Quadro FX3700M.

Sprocket, 1.52.

Edited by fabrizioT

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Here's a little sketch-show. Finally i got around doing it. And even for OA.


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I've only played two missions so far and I like what I see. FLIR!!!! OMG!!!

Performance wise I don't seem to have any issues as ARMA 2 always played smoothly for me despite the somewhat low FPS. Time will tell performance wise, but it's looking pretty good so far.

FYI - I have the Steam version and did not experience some of the issues others have noted (having to DL ARMA 2 1.07 all over again) but my folders aren't combined either though I hear there is a way to do that after the fact.

Q6600 OC'd to 3.2ghz


GTX 260

Win7 64

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fraps me hell slows in OA. used playclaw trial.


continue to explore new feature "called penetrability"

if so intended, then in my opinion is not even funny

what type of active armor using in Lada and this takistan moto ? :)

Looks like there is an issue with the indirect hit range/damage calculation for this particular ammuntion. RPG`s, although packing less filler in reality, will instantly destroy these vehicles with everything in it.

Edited by Placebo

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Here's a little sketch-show. Finally i got around doing it. And even for OA.


OMG lol!

im just asking bluntly : Mondkalb, what would you think of a cooperation? Your sketches could be a nice addition to a upcoming video infotainment-show series on armedassault.eu

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Here's a little sketch-show. Finally i got around doing it. And even for OA.


I absolutely LOVE it! Please do more, that was awesome! Though be sure to post it in this Thread!

Edited by Sniper Pilot
Seriosuly Mondkalb I love it!

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yes deffo more more more I recognize your voice from another sketch im sure I do.

I love the bit

"want to see a dead body"


"aint that your girlfriend"


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fraps me hell slows in OA. used playclaw trial.


continue to explore new feature "called penetrability"

if so intended, then in my opinion is not even funny

what type of active armor using in Lada and this takistan moto ? :)

Do you even understand what "penetrate," even means? Possibly, the rounds are going THROUGH the bus, for example, penetrating. Shooting a bus with a tank round doesn't automatically mean it's going to blow up in a giant fireball.

Edited by Placebo

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I love it the setting the fill, and once moders get there hands on it wow I can only imagine.

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