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ArmA2: Operation Arrowhead Impressions - ALL OA Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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I installed OA ontop of my ArmA 2 installation so maybe that screwed something up. Tomorrow i'll try to remove everything and do a clean install of OA and see if that works better.

No need to do this... I had formated my PC and only installed ArmA 2 OA.

The vegetation simply look's terrible and i don't think that my GPU can't handle ArmA 2 OA or any new driver will change the vegetation.

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It works well for me. Too bad, I want to bitch like a baby about it. ;)

I'm having fun thus far. Checked out most of the units in the Editor and I likes.

Hopefully the existing mods will get all needed fixes, for those that apply of course.

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Sorry to hear but on my rig OA runs way smoother than ArmA2 guess there are some hardware issues with OA and your PC.

Get 42 FPS in the OA benchmark with everything on VH and my system is bad maintained! No stuttering, almost no popping textures (some few and only when the games runs for the first time).

This is my experience, too.

I've defragged since installing and renamed .exe to Arma2 presuming that it would have a more reliable CrossFire profile.

HD4870x2, specs:

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It works well for me. Too bad, I want to bitch like a baby about it. ;)

No need to be so condescending with the snide remarks, is it really too much to ask to have game that is playable? Especially considering its an expansion, then having to go from a smooth experience to stutters and whatnot is really depressing.

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Well, I have to say I have better FPS in Chernarus than in Takistan, but its fun anyway, we just have to wait for new drivers and maybe some patch. :):bounce3:

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Fuck this shit, runs like ass, looks like ass, fuck you, fuck me, fuck PC

If you cannot be civil you cannot post here, toodles.

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Fuck this shit, runs like ass, looks like ass, fuck you, fuck me, fuck PC

+1 infraction for that childish outburst.

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It works well for me. Too bad, I want to bitch like a baby about it. ;)

Well my problem is that i was really really waiting for this extension... And now i have this strange thing which run's and look's like a game from 2003?

I wasn't that unhappy after Queens Gambit came out for ArmA 1 becouse i knew it would be shit even bevore i played it the first time, but ArmA 2 OA really had looked very nice and i was thinking that this would be better or even as same as good as ArmA 2 but it simply isn't.

So i'm disappointed...

Anyway let's get this thing away from my H.D.D.

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How does it compare to Arma 2 on your rig?

it runs worse on cherno, same spot everything


1.07 had a lot of engine improvements that are not in OA yet.

And i run with PP on normal - SSAO has an impact on performance.

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Runs great for me! smooth good fps and the gfx enchancements are great, i notice them on Utes when testing few things!

Great Job BIS!!!

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Well my problem is that i was really really waiting for this extension... And now i have this strange thing which run's and look's like a game from 2003?

I wasn't that unhappy after Queens Gambit came out for ArmA 1 becouse i knew it would be shit even bevore i played it the first time, but ArmA 2 OA really had looked very nice and i was thinking that this would be better or even as same as good as ArmA 2 but it simply isn't.

So i'm disappointed...

Anyway let's get this thing away from my H.D.D.

Consider yourself lucky. I have to play ArmA II on low or very low settings. I don't even have grass. Its still incredibly fun though. Just turn down your settings a bit. You can still have fun playing it.

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I guess we can exspect a update to ArmA: OA within the first week after the official release today, just remember that we have already seen new ArmA II betas after OA went Gold. My 2 copies will arrive 10:00am by postman today 3 hours after my night shift... I can't sleep until I hold it in my hands ;)

Edited by Beagle

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I just tried the benchmark and it gave me an average of 53 fps so I am happy considering thats on an unclocked I7 920. I do however have a 2 gig video card could that be making a difference? video settings are texture, terrain, objects and video memory all on high. Shadow detail, Anisotropic filtering Anti Aliasing and post processing on normal and view distance of 1600

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...and view distance of 1600
thats it my friend, thats it...1600m is considered a low VD, so no wondern you get high FPS. I can barely stand the look at draw distance of ArmA II under 3000m VD.

(makes draw distance of actual Objects 2000m)

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please read the sticky about PP levels that changed drastically ...

also make use of the -exthreads= and -cpucount= startup parameters in case you have 2 and 3 cores or more than 4 ...

the automatic detection for them is explained in wiki and elsewhere in forum

(dualcore 0 and 2, quadcore 7 and 4)

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thats it my friend, thats it...1600m is considered a low VD, so no wondern you get high FPS. I can barely stand the look at draw distance of ArmA II under 3000m VD.

(makes draw distance of actual Objects 2000m)

Ok I just increased my view distance to 3012 (nearest I could get it to 3000) and ran the benchmark two more times. First time the Chinook got blown up on its passover and at the end of the test I had 50 fps. On the second run things happened like my very first run with no damage to the Chinook. This time FPS was 49, so I have seen an average drop of 3.5 fps after increasing my view distance to 3012. Thats still ok in my book.

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please read the sticky about PP levels that changed drastically ...

also make use of the -exthreads= and -cpucount= startup parameters in case you have 2 and 3 cores or more than 4 ...

the automatic detection for them is explained in wiki and elsewhere in forum

(dualcore 0 and 2, quadcore 7 and 4)

wait, I thought those came in the later beta patches. It's for OA now?




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top job BIS, excellent work. Only 1-2 minor bugs but other than that its spot on, worth every penny :)

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I have to say, I am in love with the dulled lighting in OA, it looks much less CGI and far more real with how everything is softly lit now..ironicly I've heard many people say this is something that makes it look bad. :rolleyes:

The new faces are much better now too, doesn't look like plasticish faces.

Edited by NodUnit

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Shadow detail, Anisotropic filtering Anti Aliasing and post processing on normal and view distance of 1600

You can switch your shadows to HIGH or VERY HIGH.

Normal and low = CPU

High+ = GPU

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This game is GREAT ! It makes me remember when I was playing Operation Flashpoint on Afghanistan maps with my friends.

Here is a little video I edited for my gaming community, featuring american and takistan tanks.

Do not forget to watch it on HD !


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"Sweeper 2 Actual reporting in, over."

"Sweeper 1 did you destroy the cache? Over."

"Affirmative Sweeper 1, it's just a pile of scrap metal now. Over."

"Then continue with your mission Sweeper 1. Out."

I noticed that when I was playing Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 that all of that cross-com talk eventually boiled down in my head to:

Go kill bad-guy at location X.

Rescue good-guy at location X.

Defend location X until further orders.

Too much information!

It's like Vasquez said, "I only need to know one thing. Where...they...are."

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