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ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

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I totally agree with you zipper I further think they should have made the game require the arma 2 with OA so everyone would just run combined ops because if everyone ran combined ops everything works for everyone.

Not only that but as you stated you get all the modded content from both oa and arma 2

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There were no issues running them together in terms of stability, performance, or anything, they just don't have OA's features yet. Now, by uninstalling it, you're limiting yourself to probably 1/4 of the community content out there today, as most is made to work with Combined Operations.

That was a rather needless uninstall.

I don't use a whole lot of the community content usually so I'm at no loss there. I often go through a lot of the stuff available on armaholic and appreciate the work done as it is superb in most cases but I think it's bad to make the assumption that just because there's things available that everyones going to go and download it.

I realize there were no performance issues at all, original ArmA2 ran excellent for me, it was fun to play and I enjoyed editing missions on Chernarus and Utes. I'm not hating on the game at all however when OA was released I waited a bit and picked it up about the time BAF came out, and A2 ended up becoming obsolete for me. I stopped using it as it was annoying that the new/extra features that came with OA were not entirely capable of being used with the standard A2 units. The A2 content in the unit/group selection in the editor was never being used and it felt like it was taking up space and getting in the way from my viewpoint, so I got rid of it. So was it a needless uninstall? Maybe to you, but I'm happy with it. Besides, I still bought A2, BI still got my money..no real loss for anyone. If they decide to update A2 content to the extra features OA has then I will happily open the dvd case sitting next to me and reinstall it.

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Stupidwhitekid, the loss is yours. There's so much handy content in A2 that you have prevented yourself from using.

Again....your opinion. I don't see why it's a big deal..if I never used any of it and it felt cluttered to me why would it matter if I didn't bother keeping it? I'll say it again, if they update, I'll install it right back to my computer. Until then, I'll keep it the way it is. If I'm happy with it then obviously I'm not really missing out or preventing myself from using community content I would never download anyways.

Before this gets any more off topic from pointless posts I'd like to say I want to see a BAF2 or BAF Extended. Having Brits as a faction with some of their stuff to mess around with was a lot of fun, especially running joint op styled missions with the US forces, however it always felt a little limited in terms of what their role would be. Maybe if there is a OPFOR DLC with China or someone in it BI can find a way to work them into it.

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hmm own A2 and OA... And only run OA, when you can just install OA into A2 for CO and get Cherno? How can one play this game with out Cherno? The desert maps are good, but Cherno is the best map. Of course that is my opinion, but really? Uninstalled A2? No new beta patches.. no new content... But if thats what you like then your opinion is suspect.

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Besides that it keeps the community servers running the same stuff the mission makers and modders no one has to worry because its all the same honesty I think bohemia should have packed the original with OA to keep the community more united it would make a better presentation for the game and would have gotten more people to play the game. I mean just pack it in for 10 bucks and ONLY sell it that way remove the narrow minded thinking.

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Would be happy if we get as Christmas present that PMC+BAF discount pack on steam again.

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I would like to see some quality PLA or aussie units, Fromz did some good work but the best stuff wasnt released because he sold it to major companies and it would be copyright now, VME looked really promising but as far as I know they have stopped developement, China is one of the worlds major super powers, along with USA and Russia, what game is complete without all three? And Aussie units are already done to a high standerd but the AAW team, but I guess Bohmeia could work with them to improve even more.

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China is without a doubt the content that I would like to see added to the game. I would also like it better of we had maps that were continents or countries we have heard of.

Map of China or Iran USA all good stuff and then we might even see more DLC like Sean units. I just hope this game never loses its size the size of maps in this games makes it.

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I would like to see some quality PLA or aussie units, Fromz did some good work but the best stuff wasnt released because he sold it to major companies and it would be copyright now, VME looked really promising but as far as I know they have stopped developement, China is one of the worlds major super powers, along with USA and Russia, what game is complete without all three? And Aussie units are already done to a high standerd but the AAW team, but I guess Bohmeia could work with them to improve even more.

VME has not ceased development on their PLA mod, in fact it is now in closed beta. Do not assume it will be released here however.

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Maybe it was already told here but I'd say that all additional content producing should be left to the community (with sharing sample models of vanilla units). And BI developers would better focus all their attention on polishing vanilla units and game engine - there are a lot of issues to solve in original content.

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Maybe it was already told here but I'd say that all additional content producing should be left to the community

I would strongly disagree here :

1) Game Artists (modelers, textures...) cannot "polish" the engine, only coders can. In the meantime, if they want to justify their pay and eat, they need to produce something worthy to be sold. They do not take time from polishing the rest of the game.

2) BIS does not earn money on bugfixes. So they have to sell new content to finance the bugfixing, which they do. New DLCs also serve as promotional event for the press to talk about Arma 2 and thus raise awareness about the product. More customers = more money = more support = more polish.

3) Few community content has the quality and consistency of BIS content (models, textures, configs, music, custom voices, missions, terrains...) so any good new asset is welcome. It's not mutually exclusive.

4) Official BIS content can be used in any mission and online with the certainty of not being an entry barrier, thanks to the Lite versions.

5) New BIS additionnal content is also the basis to new abilities (engineers, artillery systems, video playback, ULB...)

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I would strongly disagree here :

1) Game Artists (modelers, textures...) cannot "polish" the engine, only coders can. In the meantime, if they want to justify their pay and eat, they need to produce something worthy to be sold. They do not take time from polishing the rest of the game.

2) BIS does not earn money on bugfixes. So they have to sell new content to finance the bugfixing, which they do. New DLCs also serve as promotional event for the press to talk about Arma 2 and thus raise awareness about the product. More customers = more money = more support = more polish.

3) Few community content has the quality and consistency of BIS content (models, textures, configs, music, custom voices, missions, terrains...) so any good new asset is welcome. It's not mutually exclusive.

4) Official BIS content can be used in any mission and online with the certainty of not being an entry barrier, thanks to the Lite versions.

5) New BIS additionnal content is also the basis to new abilities (engineers, artillery systems, video playback, ULB...)

Five well-made, valid points.

When did da internetz find its voice of reason..? :rolleyes:


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When did da internetz find its voice of reason..? :rolleyes:

Apparently, some time around December 2006. ;)

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I would strongly disagree here :

1) Game Artists (modelers, textures...) cannot "polish" the engine, only coders can. In the meantime, if they want to justify their pay and eat, they need to produce something worthy to be sold. They do not take time from polishing the rest of the game.

2) BIS does not earn money on bugfixes. So they have to sell new content to finance the bugfixing, which they do. New DLCs also serve as promotional event for the press to talk about Arma 2 and thus raise awareness about the product. More customers = more money = more support = more polish.

3) Few community content has the quality and consistency of BIS content (models, textures, configs, music, custom voices, missions, terrains...) so any good new asset is welcome. It's not mutually exclusive.

4) Official BIS content can be used in any mission and online with the certainty of not being an entry barrier, thanks to the Lite versions.

5) New BIS additionnal content is also the basis to new abilities (engineers, artillery systems, video playback, ULB...)

1) Unfortunately there are issues in vanilla content that need involvement of game artists (for example that ugly T-72 model with DShK:(, some issues with Force Recon models, RPK model). So, there are many things to do not only for coders but for all team.

2) I would change this chain: more polish and support = more customers = more money. Product with few errors and bugs which are briefly solved - that's the best promotion for every game. But not some not very accurate DLCs.

3) You're right, now there are few teams that can provide community with top-quality addons (sad but true:() but note that addonmaking in A2 needs some examples because of its complexity. And... still there are no available MLODs and tutorials form developers (allthough MLODs for OFP and A1 were released).

4) I don't see any difference between downloading needed addons and buying DLC. In the age of fast internet it's not so hard to follow the link to Armaholic and to download addon that is used at server (there are not so much of such addons). Friendly speaking, Lite DLC versions are unplayable - they look almost like untextured models. So I don't think much people use them in game.

5) This abilities are included in the patches but not DLCs.

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Dunno if this is the right place, but I would love to see BI throw together a 'fantasy pack' of science-fiction type things. :) I mean, there's been several very cool sci-fi community mods - Predator, the anime Mechs, and others.

Maybe nothing too big, to detract from the realism market that is the core, but something for the modelers/texture guys to just do something a bit different. They could create generic things like: a laser blaster, gravity gun, military exoskeleton, stuff that doesn't need licensed. Could be a neat diversion.

Regardless, I am more than pleased with the available DLC and BI's choices about content.

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More customers = more money = more support = more polish.

polish? I thought they were Czech.

Sorry couldn't resist...

Edited by *Zeewolf*

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2) I would change this chain: more polish and support = more customers = more money. Product with few errors and bugs which are briefly solved - that's the best promotion for every game. But not some not very accurate DLCs.

What la-la land do you live in?

Even the massive budget games like GTA and CoD have bugs, and they have production and beta testing teams numbering in the 100's and budgets running into the 100's of millions.

The chain is exactly as EricM posted. Something creates media hype, that leads to more customers, leading to more money etc etc.

The advertsing budget for games like CoD and GTA are bigger than the entire budget for a project like arma. Thus it has more media hype and sells more.

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2) BIS does not earn money on bugfixes. So they have to sell new content to finance the bugfixing, which they do. New DLCs also serve as promotional event for the press to talk about Arma 2 and thus raise awareness about the product. More customers = more money = more support = more polish.

This is obviously the main reason. A company selling something has to make money. However, this shouldn't be at the expenses of some important aspects that might push people to lose interest. I don't know you, but I'll think about it twice before buying arma 3, should it ever come out.

And it's true that only coders can polish the engine, and that's exactly the reason why there should be more resources devoted to it: the community can't improve the engine. So my preference would be for BIS to focus more on things that the community can't change, and let the community do the rest. And you might say that the community content is not that great, but it mostly looks all right to me, although I have to say that I don't spend most of my time looking at it.

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What la-la land do you live in?

Even the massive budget games like GTA and CoD have bugs, and they have production and beta testing teams numbering in the 100's and budgets running into the 100's of millions.

There's big difference between having bugs at the moment of starting game production and having bugs years after release (although they are not so hard to solve). I haven't seen so much bugs in GTA that remained for a such long time. And I see them in Arma. Instead of solving them developers produce more DLCs (which have their own issues).

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Instead of solving them developers produce more DLCs (which have their own issues).

Ugh, not this old chestnut again :j:

Artists that make DLC != programmers that fix bugs.

Sure they could fix artwork bugs, but aside from a handful of people more interested in nit-picking, there really isnt anything thats totally game breaking.

Prime example: "Oh noes, the T-72 has a dshk instead of an nsv1!11!!!one!!1"

well they're both 50 cals, they both have a similar rate of fire, and they both achieve the same thing in game. So aside from a minor visual issue, its not game breaking.

Mission and engine bugs are, but they arent the same people that make the majority of the DLC.

Edit: oh, and GTA has tons of bugs, but for some reason people are always willing to overlook them? The PC version was barely playable in its first release...

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