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ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

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PMC: Maybe it's just me, but the bulletproof mates you get in PMC are a big letdown in my opinion. ArmA series should not deserve such a cheap and dated arcadish trick after 10 years.

I just played PMC05: Elimination, it was really sad to see my squaddie being filled by machinegun bullets by a T-55 and not caring. By the way he also managed to get a cannon shot in the chest from point blank. He skyrocketed 150m away from me. It just took a minute to him to come back, without a scratch ...

Serously, is it really this the way ArmA series meant be played now?

This DLC is just plain poorly designed, not much more to say, i'm sorry. What's worse is it's trading valuable and consolidated OFP/ARMA mechanics for cheap arcadish tricks ...

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Does anyone know when PMC DLC will be released on Meridian 4? I was satisfied buying BAF DLC there so I'd like to stick with this shop.

Not sure on a release date for Meridian, but I've never had any issues aquiring things via Sprocket/BIS, if that helps. :)

Granted things are were a little slow right at launch, it should be painless at this point. ;)

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There are three modules in ArmA, First Aid Simulation, First Aid Action, and Battlefield Clearance that allow all of the first aid to be done. You can drag/carry players, give them first aid, and receive it. Will not fully heal you unless it's a medic but it'll get you back in the fight.

Ah yes, my apologies. The opiate meds I take really mess with my memory. I'd totally forgotten about that, but you are still not able to self heal minor wounds on your own like you are in Op Flashpoint and earlier games like Men of Valor

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Seems to me "proving ground" is a hint to the PMC in total.

I would imagine BIS have taken a different angle with this one to test it out. I think though in total most who have now got comparisons would say BAF was better overal.

I think becuase its not trying to fit a mould with some arcade based angles, I for one am not interested in any missions where im a grunt, so it wasn't for me.

I think that the "model" of BAF with its well packed sub mission content but lower mission length (just in numbers) and balanced focus on scenarios is where its at. I played the BAF campaign once, was completely happy with it (tight and well scripted with voice acting etc etc) as the sub missions within one mission is a great way to balance it. Since then I have played and re played the BAF scenarios numerous times. Seeing that PMC is one large campaign on no scenarios I think is deff the wrong way to go. Kind of like getting a small game with a SP campaign and no MP missions so to speak.

Maybe some "action based" things like PMC should be kept for scenarios would be good, but BAF's campaign I think was a great balance. I would rather have a shorter number of missions and a kind of Harvest Red style sub mission playground within it and a number of scenarios with MP versions too. Then BIS can fit the mould with players with scenarios ... action ones, high command ones ... etc etc etc.

If BIS did that kind of balance with a set number of vehicles and a set number of missions per campaign and a set number of scenarios all around the main unit theme with extra voice pack(S), the extra map (with nuts and bolts for community to extend to user maps) .. we would have a "set" package we know we are going to get. That way every DLC with its price is justified because you know by numbers what's coming. So no one can say "that was short compared to PMC" or "BAF was good but short" or "no more vehicles?" ... I think having these DLC's that cant be directly compared with content (not the theme the content by numbers) sends mixed views when it looks like it lacks in one area and adds in another when compared.

IE if someone said BAF is the package model of all DLC's ... I would know whats to come and will enjoy the next theme its based on, but PMC seemed to be a "curve ball" leaving allot of people scratching heads and then making comparisons.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Seeing as this is a general DLC thread, Id like to see BIS continue with its DLC, i really dont mind supporting the Devs at all. The main thing i want when i buy DLC is a mini Campaign, Was excellent in OA/BAF, maybe not so much in the PMC, but i played it anyway.

Id like the next DLC to go abit further a field, for example, into the realms of (no not WOW) but into International Intelligence Agencies, Such as the CIA, Mi6, Mossad, KGB. I dont mean the James Bond route to it, but something a little more plausible than 007 himself.

I feel its the only logical step after releasing the BAF and PMC.

my two cents x

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Seeing as this sim covers air/see/land/ and wheeled / tracked / etc etc Id like to see areas covered like that, tank based, air based, along side troop based packages.

A DLC based on air support would be good (not EW style) but your a grunt in the air force etc etc, but not sure about wants/sales.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Maybe some "action based" things like PMC should be kept for scenarios would be good, but BAF's campaign I think was a great balance. I would rather have a shorter number of missions and a kind of Harvest Red style sub mission playground within it and a number of scenarios with MP versions too.

I know you haven't played PMC's campaign yet, so perhaps I should clarify a couple of points.

Cut-scenes were separated from playable content (campaign missions) wherever possible, trying to ensure that each mission was atomic as possible, while retaining a sense of consistency in the narrative.

What does this mean? Well, it's designed so that the missions are re-playable. They are, in essence, scenarios; they are all designed for 2-player co-op. 'Elimination' and 'Confirmation' are perfect example of this design philosophy.

Why have we done this? Well, players loved BAF, but often were left wanting more from the campaign. PMC is fundamentally designed to provide some sense of balance between atomic, distinct, re-playable, missions and a developed narrative experience.



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They are, in essence, scenarios; they are all designed for 2-player co-op. 'Elimination' and 'Confirmation' are perfect example of this design philosophy.
First off im not knocking you chaps at all, I was just taking into account the comments and the fact that Arma2 has brought into the world the scenario arena. To leave it blank and merge this view into a campaign is great (points noted) but .. psychology of it = dont want replay a cohesive story now, I want to command in a scenario un linked to it. Because replayable SP is much like all other games, jumping into a linear "story" in order to play a "part" of it different.

I just feel scenarios are just that, a lone scenario taking away from the campaign story in its own bubble, IE some addition mini missions to play around with on top of a story driven campaign (of which I can replay regardless) = in my mind more. In other games how many repayable SP missions do you really play over and over, as opposed to finishing it and then moving onto MP? In my mind scenario bundles are kind of like that.

Just seems to be that BIS have brought this idea into it with "scenarios" since its inception as a sim and yet left it bare to merge with campaign, which goes against the structure of first DLC thus causing confusion.

Unless of course DLC was based on scenarios as an after thought and that's a community section to add too and you have more time with the campaign to get things done right. If so that's cool, but, for me that kind of makes me feel that the next DLC's wont be something I will run out for (not pre order right away knowing what's to come). Still think BAF package model is great and maybe just up the mission to 6, but I dont create it and im not a business and know the time aspect, so for that I will stay silent :)

I can only say all this as I have BAF as the comparison, that sort of being my point really. I would like to add this isn't my view based on that I dont like the DLC thus flaming some un-justified views into the mix (just so people are aware of that). I will most likely get the DLC but certainly in no hurry currently. I am speaking overall all bigger picture as regards the fact we have 2 to compare against.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Is there any chance that both DLC will be released on DVD´s? Cuz i don´t trust online paying and downloading games.

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Is there any chance that both DLC will be released on DVD´s? Cuz i don´t trust online paying and downloading games.

DownLoadable Content is just that... I highly doubt it will be on DVD in near future, but you never know. I would buy it too. I have a nice collection of BIS paraphernalia on my desk and would love to add a couple more boxes... but it's 2010 and online transactions are here to stay.

Trust Sprocket.

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No more new toys, I prefer the enhancement on the simulation of costal combat units to land or air combat units.

I love some destoriers fighting over the sea! lol.

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A few new units and a very long and well made russian campaign ( maybe featuring the KSOR ) is all i need for now.

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I barely understand, why those missions need to be that complex in scripting and stuff, same to the storyline.

Since ArmA1 the people are praying for a campaign like we had in CwC or RH or maybe Resi.All 3 campaign were just cooked with water and salt, but they were a hell of a bunch of missions.

I played it 2 weeks ago, again, just to check if it was just my subject memory or if the cwc campaign was really that great.

It was really that great!

So why not just move back to the roots, and get back to the point OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 was made for.

An infantry military simulation.

So i stick to Shadow_NX ... a long easy made,but action powdered russain campaign ... maybe like RH.

The last DLC PMC prevents me to buy any more DLC, without waiting for the first reviews.Am really disappointed.

A few features were nice like the UAV ,but to be honest, i dont need those stuff in a game like ArmA2.

Another point for not anymore buying the DLC is the fact , i cant learn anymore from it, as all is crypted.Means no learning anymore from sqf files...ashame.

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Finally a Game worth paying for DLC ! I will Pay as long as Bohemia keeps being loyal to there customers like they have all these years lol(like since all the way back to OFP).This is the best game ever, Bring it on!

BTW I think the low texture "Free" vs High quality "Pay" is a great idea.JMO

---------- Post added at 08:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 AM ----------

The way I see it is,Bohemia keeps investing in this game.They believe in what they are doing and they make the game better and better.That and the way the game is designed makes it NEVER get old.All the DLC so far has just made things better and better as the content expands.For Me(An editor whore and Online CoopvsAI player) ARMA2 is the ultimate and I will Pay for DLC that builds on this already great foundation.

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Most important to me would be a flawless full working 3D Editor... I even pay more than the usual 8-9€ for such a DLC..

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Prime, hello community. A few mintues ago I registered me on the bi-forums, to post on the offical Bi-forums my opinions^^ I'm also registered on www.armed-assault.de with the same name like here.

I don't like Dlcs, i don't know why, but every Dlc let me remind, that in the good old gaming time there were no Dlcs just addons.

Today there are many little, very expensive Dlcs, like the Cod6 Mappacks, I don't know why so many people bought them, but it doesen't matter in this moment. Until this moment i bought not one of the two Dlcs of Arma2.

Maybe i will buy them if other Dlcs are released and they will selled in one pack/box.

But anyway in which situation I would choose rather a Addon as a Dlc.

I think, I and many other Fans would be very happy, if you (Bohemia Interactive) would release a good, big Addon with a new big map, many new features(ACE2 as example has many good features=) ), nice new units and only with a few bugs.

If I did some grammar or other mistakes in my post, I feel sorry.

Arma Tiberium

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Prime, hello community. A few mintues ago I registered me on the bi-forums, to post on the offical Bi-forums my opinions^^ I'm also registered on www.armed-assault.de with the same name like here.

I don't like Dlcs, i don't know why, but every Dlc let me remind, that in the good old gaming time there were no Dlcs just addons.

Today there are many little, very expensive Dlcs, like the Cod6 Mappacks, I don't know why so many people bought them, but it doesen't matter in this moment. Until this moment i bought not one of the two Dlcs of Arma2.

Maybe i will buy them if other Dlcs are released and they will selled in one pack/box.

But anyway in which situation I would choose rather a Addon as a Dlc.

I think, I and many other Fans would be very happy, if you (Bohemia Interactive) would release a good, big Addon with a new big map, many new features(ACE2 as example has many good features=) ), nice new units and only with a few bugs.

If I did some grammar or other mistakes in my post, I feel sorry.

Arma Tiberium

First of all welcome to the forums.

Second thing you don't like DLCs, you don't buy them, also BI included lite version. By Addon do you mean Expansion pack? Like Operation Arrowhead? Because that contains what you told about - big new maps, many new features. That, as you saw it took almost a year's work, so nothing such will be out within the following 6 months at least.

On DLC: yes, CoD and likenesses have very small and relatively expensive dlc packages, but the ones made by BI are below them in price and way over them in content, I think you can agree with it. In the time of good old gaming there were no DLCs because of the lack of bandwith the internet could offer, at that time it was mainly good for communication and browsing. Thus if a game company wanted to expand one of their titles they had to make expansion packs, with today's internet capabilities it's faster and cheaper (no disc manufacturing) for them to do this. So I don't think it's a big problem BI decided to go this way with their titles. And as with other DLCs (like in the case of Fallout 3's) I'm sure in time there will be an ArmA 2 CO "Gold" edition which will bundle not only the two DVD titles but probably the DLCs released up until that time. But I'm sure you understand that a 470 Mb (BAF) or a 990 Mb (PMC) sized addon on it's own doesn't worth an own DVD nowadays.

Also, BI takes ideas from ACE mod from time to time (backpack system, CWS, weapon zeroing, laser rangefinders) - even some models are purchased (SCAR).

I barely understand, why those missions need to be that complex in scripting and stuff, same to the storyline.

Since ArmA1 the people are praying for a campaign like we had in CwC or RH or maybe Resi.All 3 campaign were just cooked with water and salt, but they were a hell of a bunch of missions.

I played it 2 weeks ago, again, just to check if it was just my subject memory or if the cwc campaign was really that great.

It was really that great!

So why not just move back to the roots, and get back to the point OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 was made for.

An infantry military simulation.

Somewhat understand your points, but CWC is CWC, it's done. You can replay it any time you like. But if people at BI don't want to double cross their clients, then they have to keep up some diversity in their products, at least in the campaign. Now it's some people wants a campaign that goes like CWC, but what do you thimk the reaction would be? "OMG they recycled the original CWC campaign, how noob are they, shame on dem, I'm nut gonna buy anything moar from BI!"

And it's good that not every campaign is the same as the previous, this way you can have another experience from the same genre.

Another point for not anymore buying the DLC is the fact , i cant learn anymore from it, as all is crypted. Means no learning anymore from sqf files...ashame.

Ok, first why is it a shame that a company tries to protect it's product? Do you remember what happened to Arma 1 mlods? Second, isn't there already more than enough tutorials about sqfs and mission makings?

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@Nephris1: Because:

1) Missions are now more complex and longer.

2) More complex mission require better cheat and debug possibilities for the creator.

3) Need to show off how to use the new systems put into the game.

What's great about Resistance etc is the story. If they redid the story, I'm betting those missions would be remade to be a lot more complex than back then. Bethesdas Daggerfall (RPG, not a shooter :)) also (to me at least) had the best story - at it's time - but the mission contents would look very mediocre if made that way today. But I'd like to see a remake on that campaigns structure.

And btw, if I was BIS, I would prefer to try to do something fresh, rather than just repeat older successes. I tend to dislike those that keep giving us the same game again and again in new wrapping.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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Oh yeah I forgot some point... sorry ^^ That BI give us the light versions without paying a cent is a very brilliant thing ;) Thank you that you support the Mp Community in this point :bounce3:

@Banderas I know a expansion- pack ( I meant expansion-pack not addon) takes a long time and it would be released not until Summer next year, but a new one would be nice^^

A short question what is the secret project at which Bohemia is working ? Is it a agent dlc? xD ( one can try it ;D without question, no answer ) I know probably I will get no answer to this, because it is secret^^

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@Banderas I know a expansion- pack ( I meant expansion-pack not addon) takes a long time and it would be released not until Summer next year, but a new one would be nice^^

I agree with you, a new DVD expansion would be nice, but within the next year, because time is passing and Arma 2's technology will slowly go outdated. Although I hope BI won't drop the title for a few years, as we could see in the case of Dawn of War series, expansion can come many years after an original release (DoW - 2004, Winter Assault - 2005, Dark Crusade - 2006, Soulstorm - 2008 release). I still have very high hopes for at least one more DVD expansion pack, with some new VBS features to come with that (render-to-texture, fully working 3d editor, dynamic view distance, ect...)

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I dont see any harm in making a campaign which has a similar style to CwC. It is by far the best campaign BI has created well Res was very good too.

What was good about CWC was you felt like you were just a cog in a vast military machine. BI could easily if they wanted to come up with a new campaign set in a fictional country in a fictional war and just tell an intreasting story of 1 unit in a larger war. Just tell that story using the military sim as the vehicle. Which is what I felt CWC did.

I've not had as much fun with any of their more recent campaigns as I had with CWC which is a shame because I am always waiting for a game which could give me what CWC gave me, the feeling of being in a war.

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The good thing about DLC is that it can bring income during the periods you're working on the next game or expansion pack.

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If there is a new DVD expansion pack I really hope it'll require OA to run it and everything with OA will be compatible with the new expansion. Not being able to do that with ArmA 2 killed it for me..just recently I even uninstalled A2 so that I'm just using OA because of how annoyingly incompatible it was.

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There were no issues running them together in terms of stability, performance, or anything, they just don't have OA's features yet. Now, by uninstalling it, you're limiting yourself to probably 1/4 of the community content out there today, as most is made to work with Combined Operations.

That was a rather needless uninstall.

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