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Yesterday we've tested out acemod+acre and tried some 3rd party missions... man, I'm dissapointed, no realism in any of the missions. I'll be working on scenarios soon as this baby gets released.

Story of my life. Huge file size for Ace and Acre, touted as the epitome of realism, and then the missions are all awful.

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He didn't say where home was .. and what mode of transport he was using. Therefore the 3 hours could be anything ......

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All stuff done, I just need ~3 hours for final testing... when I get back home.

When he gets back home, then the three hours will begin :P Read the rest of the line hehe =D

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And as usual, it's done when it's done.. Perhaps the man had a few setbacks. There's so much more in life, then simply waiting around, and seemingly end up being frustrated by that. :)

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Sorry guys that I have a RL to take care off :P trying to fix couple of thing now, then its upload time.

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Take your time man ^^ I was just pointing it out it was when you got home the three hours began :P Take all the time ya need! :D

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Sorry guys that I have a RL to take care off :P trying to fix couple of thing now, then its upload time.


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Because some of you wrote that lack of realism was a problem some of the Duala missions, I decided to give some of you chance to check my mission. I´ve been doing a mission itself since Arma 2 release (yeah, I know. Years go fast :) ) and started using Isla Duala addon from version 1.2 or something. Mission itself was an inspiration from a mission Evolution which I played a lot back Armed Assault times. My scripting skills was back then very limited, and I´am still learning. Not only that I only play a lot my own mission with my friends I improve it almost every day.

Mission description itself:

Isla Duala is in chaos. US special forces has been sent to island to hunt down enemy rebels 8 mobile HQ in 8 different city and restore the order. They are facing thousands after thousands angry rebels and northern military units which are controlling a chaos.

Some key features:

- AI controlled support forces including insertion and extraction to a target area via Black Hawk helicopters (and lots of more different units and vehicles)

- Civilian life around the island as well as local police forces patrolling (allies of US)

- Enemy is not necessarily staying at cities. They patrol in different areas including seas.

- Score system is cruel. You loose points on killing civilians, cops or your own people. You even loose points (20%) on dying to enemy bullet. So this mission is not for rambos. Staying alive is a good idea ;)

- And lots of more... Detailed informations can be found on briefing on the game.


- powerfull PC ;)

- Arma 2 combined operations (arma 2 + OA)

- Always latest Official patch (now 1.57)

- Always latest Duala Isla addon (v1.81 at the moment)

- Nice gaming attitude

Anyway my goal is to make players a feeling that they are just small part of things what is going on in Isla Duala. I´m not going to publish this mission probably for a long time or ever because still is much to do and the chance is that it won´t be ready ever. As well as server will be restarted always when I get some fixes or new features done.

If you want to do a beta testing and comment, then please feel to send a private msg and I´ll give a server password.

Server can be found with a name Rockabilly Server.

Edited by Maltti

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Sorry guys that I have a RL to take care off :P trying to fix couple of thing now, then its upload time.

ill give you untill 5th of july 2011 to complete the map (by then i will be home for some time from work because of the (hopefully) bith of my first born) :p

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I'm expecting mine at beginning of August, too :P

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ill give you untill 5th of july 2011 to complete the map (by then i will be home for some time from work because of the (hopefully) bith of my first born) :p
I'm expecting mine at beginning of August, too :P

Yep, well done gents, I'm sure you'll love being a Dad just like I do. Ice, I'm surprised you found the time to breed what with all the Arma stuff you've been doing :)

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Because some of you wrote that lack of realism was a problem some of the Duala missions, I decided to give some of you chance to check my mission.

No offense Maltti bcoz im sure it will be a good mission but as soon as you mentioned a points system and try not to die too many times i wondered where the realism was?

Congrats on the babies gents. :)

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Lightspeed. Talking about realism, I know that some hardcore players dont use respawning at all when they play and that is of course realistic way to do it. But if I may say, Duala Conflict mission its quite huge (can be 10.000 enemies or more) , and it usually takes days to finish it so thats why there have to be respawn possibilities. But when there is such a thing as "penalties" of dying it gives you (believe me!) whole new point of view playing. That means after many hours of playing you could be back in start where you were if you start making mistakes (ordering airstrike against civlian targets, dying all the time). And that my friend, makes you to play realistic way (if you like that kind of gaming anyway).

If you can find any way to improve that, of course I´m willing to listen ;)


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Talking about realism ....the only way to play is !

No Respawns, No Crosshairs, No Muppets.

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Sorry guys, I've been unable to work on the project during the weekend. I'm planning to wrap this up during this week. Does anyone have a ftp for hosting files (ca. 500megs)? ;)

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Sorry guys, I've been unable to work on the project during the weekend. I'm planning to wrap this up during this week. Does anyone have a ftp for hosting files (ca. 500megs)? ;)

No FTP, but i'll mirror it on SU as soon as released.

Otherwise check out www.multiupload.com

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just quickly Ice - i noticed there is an electric generator sitting next to a radar just above crossroad between nth and sth islands. this generator is appearing invisible except for wheels and fire hydrant on back of it. when i fire at it then it appears.

maybe best to remove this vehicle as it is bugged - it was exactly the same in the Lingor beta and you removed it.

also found one rock half floating on a hill ESE of the dirt airport in the SE.

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I think there was another generator like this in the base next to Kinsella? Only wheels were appearing. But was a long time ago, I might be remembering wrong or it might have been fixed since.

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Generators were removed a month back. No worries :)

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Sorry guys, I've been unable to work on the project during the weekend. I'm planning to wrap this up during this week. Does anyone have a ftp for hosting files (ca. 500megs)? ;)

to stay on track , need ftp still ?

ps, i love your island :cool:

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I got one FTP from Poland and it works great. But I wouldn't mind more as I need mirrors for my islands. I've came back from a short trip and I hope to fix two small bugs from betatesters now and finally release v1.9. Its been going for too long now...

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IceBreakr with due respect but its better not to announce any ETA because it dissapoint people who loves your work.

You wrote almost two weeks ago that the release will be in 3 hours /:.


I love your work and your islands :)

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I know, 3 hours or work... and I didn't work 20 min since then yet! Been busy with RL.

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