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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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OMG. i just saw the OFP2 trailer. It looks horrible. thats all that need to be said

lol very constructive.

You have right.Terriblew physics,terrible destruction system,terrible animation.What are they thinking?In the video one soldier gets hit at the foot and he falls down very realisticly so I can see your point.Oh and the sounds are just crap.ArmA has way better sounds like bibiguns.And the nightvision in OFP2 you can see at the night but in ArmA no you cant.It is just not realistic to see at night with NV.

ArrmA 2 is the best.No reason why.Just its the best.

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Looking at the realeased screenshots of Dragon Rising, I always thought: "That grass looks quite dense, nice looking". After seing the gamestar video (at 1:15 to be more specific) you can se crearly how the grass is rendered just a few meters around the camera. I understood then, after looking again at some screenshots, why they always used a very low perspective...

I also do not recall having seen a forest in the videos or the screenshots.

The more I see the videos, the less impressed I am about this game.

Also, funny to see Clive declaring himself as the inventor of AI in games:

Quote[/b] ]

"Up until now, there's been no such thing as artificial intelligence in games, it's just a series of scripts", boldly proclaims Clive Lindop, lead AI and game designer. "As a developer you set soldier X to react when something triggers Y, causing target A to pop out from cover and so on." The problem with this system, he suggests, is that - over time - players learn the rule sets of the game and can predict how the enemy will react. "In Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising there really is an artificial intelligence – it's not HAL and it doesn't learn, but it does make for an experience unlike anything you'd played before."

Source: http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/967/967683p1.html

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Omg and this was supposed to be the next big thing after jesus, i think this looks rather average shooter. Not bad but not very good either. And that clive fella is full of **it with his AI comments imo.

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I like the way how the chinese tank is destroyed. I hope that BIS have something like this. in Arma, this is just ridiculous.

the landscapes and the animations seems great too.

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i keep telling myself that it just in alpha stage, but everytime i ended up with my hands covering my face yelling "Oh NO!!!"

really what have cody done with the OFP name!?!?!?

I like the way how the chinese tank is destroyed. I hope that BIS have something like this. in Arma, this is just ridiculous.

the landscapes and the animations seems great too.

that may the the only upside that i could think of about DR........... banghead.gif

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The animations are bloody dreadful.

Everyone's hunched over like they have a back injury, and there's absolutely no upper-body movement in the running or walking anims.

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To be thoroughly honest, I think CM's wonderful new video has done irreversible damage to my retinas.

But seriously, I could point out all the terrible flaws they included (having heavily scrutinized the video, which also means having watched it several times.... its so short). And I've come to conclude that this is the reason that they have barely released anything for DR, as I've come to call it like some others. Whats worse however, is the depravity of the fans over at the CM forums, sad really to see how happy they are of their pathetic new vid.

I guess what I'm really getting at is that, BIS rocks for supplying an abundance of info, in motion picture form, and otherwise. And the highly reduced standards of DR are just like a metaphorical stab to the heart... Seeing the beautiful OFP name used thus.

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It doesn't look great, but on the harder settings the gameplay might still be realistic and good fun... Well, I would say that if I hadn't read the developers' own words that made me think the game isn't going to be what it should be. Despite this, I've still got a smidgen of hope.

I hope the compass will be able to be turned off in the options, so I won't nit-pick at this stage.

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The gamestar video..lol...you have a soldier run into gunfire!

Also, still no more than 10 soldiers on screen at once.

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The gamestar video..lol...you have a soldier run into gunfire!

Also, still no more than 10 soldiers on screen at once.

according to CM forum fanboys that just shows how intelligent the AI is... taking cover to the sandbags would only get you killed by a 203, so running into gunfire like a dumbass only shows how advanced the AI will be.

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I like the way how the chinese tank is destroyed. I hope that BIS have something like this. in Arma, this is just ridiculous.

the landscapes and the animations seems great too.

that may the the only upside that i could think of about DR........... banghead.gif


Everything else sucks balls and looks too arcadish anyways


But it is Alpha stage... let's hope they are more interested in releasing a quality game than making $$$ fast...

Again, they will fail if they release the game in September... that's 6 month

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My earlier response was a bit harsh, considering the game is still being made. But it still hurts to see what they've done with this game. I just played ArmA with the settings maxed completely and it looks quite noticeably better than what they've had to show for DR so far. Not that it is really important how good a game looks, but considering that ArmA was released 2 years ago (and I realize that the mega patches are the reason some people are even able to play the game at all, let alone max their settings).

Still, the gameplay, from what small info I've gathered from the redundant articles, seems mild to acceptable. I guess its what I get, having BI games for standards.

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from what i saw.. it looks crappy..

they need to work alot on this version..

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Wow, i am impressed to see such horrible, robotic and featuring the bad "broken back" shooting animations from OFP1 for a supposed big budget game in 2009.

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This looks so funny (in a very bad way) its simply a joke.... definitely nothing for me. icon_rolleyes.gif

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They really should change the name to BF:DR(I will call it that from now on, join me! ).

Honestly, I was a fool for thinking CM could make a

non-mainstream/realistic game.  icon_rolleyes.gif

O well we have a savior:  ARMA2


                                    pistols.gif  BF:DR

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It looked very much like OFP with better graphics to me. Now that would be a good thing ... if this were 2004 ... confused_o.gif

I was reasonably certain that CM's game would turn out to be better than BIS' about 1,5 years ago, and since that time, DR hasn't stopped going downhill yet for me.

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Good evening....

Did anyoe saw this video on Youtube...? I am a bit confused about this.....

Is this a official OFP DR Tailer? Rendered by Comunnity Member. i think it is because it look a bit to overdosed..?

<<<OFP DR>>>

Regards -rF- Cultivator

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Now that looks like a game I would buy, the detail is great, they even bothered to do real Eotech sights wow_o.gif

So sad its just CGI and has no relation to the actual Dragon Rising.

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Good evening....

Did anyoe saw this video on Youtube...? I am a bit confused about this.....

Is this a official OFP DR Tailer? Rendered by Comunnity Member. i think it is because it look a bit to  overdosed..?

<<<OFP DR>>>

Regards -rF- Cultivator

Wow, now that would even beats Arma2s ass...

However this can't be true.

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