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VILAS addons release thread

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That isn't what that means at all. It just means once you submit it to the contest you can't unsubmit it. Which makes sense because BI is probably going to tweet/blog/make press relases about the the mods in the contest and include demos, download links, videos, screenshots, etc of the mod, be it images or videos made by the author, or by BI themselves.

If that still doesn't get you take take off your tin foil hate there's this:

iTL;DR they can't money off your mod without an agreement.

Shall the quality of the Entry allow it and shall the Organizer be interested in utilizing of the complete execution of the Entry for commercial purposes, the Organizer will offer the Participant conclusion of a relevant contract (i.e. publishing agreement).

So what? What if they are only interested in part(s) of your entry? Extracting some minor things make an entry incomplete and you are out of the business. From now on modding in ARMA is a commercial and legal issue. If you don't want BI or others to make money with your intellectual property you better get in touch with a lawyer.

I'm very sad about this development. Until now the ARMA community was one, if not the most creative community. It was a "give and take" relation which works as long as money is not involved.

This times are gone.... :(

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I can't believe what I'm hearing here. Since when has competition made anything worse? For years BIS has relied on the community to shape their engine to the players needs with mods. Now they are offering to give something back to those that have put the time and work into making ARMA 3 the best game possible and therefore increasing sales.

I can say this right now, The teams that win the prizes are not going to be made up of the guys that hang out on the scripting forums asking for help with scripts. The winning teams will be made of guys that are the elite scripters and programmers that hang out on the scripting forums helping people out.

Consider the incredible amount of effort that went into the ALiVE module system. Not only did those guys create something amazing, they also offer nearly 24hr support for it on the thread. They have an extremely professional website and an hour of tutorial video that shows how to use it. I cant think of any reason these guys should not be compensated for their effort or at least be given a chance.

Consider ACE 3. Everyone that has ever played Arma 1 or 2 knows that once you play with ACE you cannot ever play without it again. Why not give these guys some incentive to make ACE 3.

When did everyone become so effeminate that competition is looked down upon? Competition is what drives evolution and another word for evolution is progress. May the best teams win.

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When did everyone become so effeminate that competition is looked down upon?

I would have stopped reading the whole post if i saw that smart comment at the beginning.

But while there are some good points in your post, your argument is completely invalid as the community has produced top quality content for the last 12 years without any form of competition.

Edited by ProfTournesol

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no mens here no mens here chef programmer work on da-z wait dudes we have a small team we need time. game is more than a 3/4 year out and not the ground functions not final and work. and then a deadly 500k contest ? better BIS give the money specialist and not searching via 500k contest for maby future team members where have not learned here job .....

money ist deadly for the small A3 moder community ... can one new dude make a good big addon without cba ? and the the other pre worket things from the community ?

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So what? What if they are only interested in part(s) of your entry? Extracting some minor things make an entry incomplete and you are out of the business. From now on modding in ARMA is a commercial and legal issue. If you don't want BI or others to make money with your intellectual property you better get in touch with a lawyer.

I'm very sad about this development. Until now the ARMA community was one, if not the most creative community. It was a "give and take" relation which works as long as money is not involved.

This times are gone.... :(

You might want to look into a few more English lessons before you keep making accusations like these. That part means they have to make an offer for your entire mod, and not parts of it.

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You might want to look into a few more English lessons before you keep making accusations like these. That part means they have to make an offer for your entire mod, and not parts of it.

Please read my message carefully. Thank you.

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I would have stopped reading the whole post if i saw that smart comment at the beginning.

But while there are some good points in your post, your argument is completely invalid as the community has produced top quality content for the last 12 years without any form of competition.

You're kidding right?

Arma/OFP mods have been competing since day one. All similar mods will compete in one way or another even if its competing to be the standard. Its a labor of love but all modders seek validation for their time and effort. So when two guys or teams are both working on a medical system, they are already competing because the better one will become the standard and the other will become invalidated. A perfect example of this is ACRE and TFR. Both are very good radio mods and its naive to think they are not in competetion.

This competition will in no way hurt this community. The stakes have changed but its the same as it ever was.

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Guys let's not derail Vilas' thread... let's keep it on-topic please.

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I can't believe that people are debating over this anyway,if Vilas doesn't want his stuff used, then why not simply respect his wishes??

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I can't believe that people are debating over this anyway,if Vilas doesn't want his stuff used, then why not simply respect his wishes??

Respect on the Internet doesn't exist. I fully understand Villas action and I support his wish that his models will not be used for something with a commercial gain behind it. For most people everything goes and that's the big problem.

This community is slowly going down the drain. I'm quite disgusted with certain kind of behaviors.


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Vilas, as I see, now P85 contains rather large number of units representing Soviet army in Afghanistan. Do you have any plans to develop this branch together with 'normal' armies in Europe?

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Hey it's Maio, your friendly forum moderator.

How about we keep this thread on track and drop the aggressiveness and witty comebacks. If you want to argue, please do it in private and off this forums :)

All posts deemed off topic have been deleted and further deviations will be sanctioned :whip:


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Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I havent visited the forums for long long time and I see a lot of arguments going on in this topic but I want to know one thing, after looking in the older pages I've seen that vilas deleted public mlods either for ArmA 3 or ArmA 2?

If its ArmA 2 ones, that means vilas are we not allowed to use the mlods anymore?

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i keep getting this error: p85_v\ico\icomap_sa8_ca.paa when i try your mod?

I play CO with the newest beta.

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Yep that's a simple fix, just pointing to an icon file that's wrong

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Yep that's a simple fix, just pointing to an icon file that's wrong

How do i change it so it works?



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There is still some config clean up work that i am doing for vilas. However it will not be released until vials gives the ok

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Thanks for your efforts sv5000! Btw do you know of a way to disable the FCS computer for older armour? The ACE guys don't seem very responsive to inquiries. Maybe it can be overriden in a config or something?

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i am preparing to make update of PL modern forces addon (mostly fixes, some additions), P85 update (a lot of fixes, fixed floating of vehicles, some old lowres textures updated to highres) plus i want to start cyco/weird addon (as tribute to all weird and crazy addons made in OFP , cause such addons were also big fun in OFP, cannot be serious all the time):






cat gun is firing fishes, fishes act like grenade , vehicle is merry-go-round for 4 passengers, driver on top is sitting in can, i hope noone gonna get motion sickness riding it, hahaha,

so far models are done, now i must do proper RTM animations for crewmen sitting on it (plus animation for crewman for skateboard)

cat's tail is of course animated when ... use trumpet

so far it is wip, i am thinking about replacing trumpet by silencer from M4 to look more military and eventually putting trumpets on vehicle

Edited by vilas

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Now all we need is a hello-kitty monster truck with a Maxim gun on the back and an actual battle bus model.


Tis going to be fun. :D

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:) A bit like from some Hieronymus Bosch' paintings. I would like such direction - disturbing and bizarre.

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of course i know Hieronimus Bosch paintings, i had whole book/album and it scared my friends that i look at his paintings

monster truck - yeaaa, love this idea, got to do

fighting bus - i already have Ikarus with turret (BIS Ikarus) just with turret on roof with PKM, but Maxim machinegun also can be done

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