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VILAS addons release thread

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Do you have any plans for adding AO features like zeroing and night vision sights to the P85 weapons?

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ooo thanx for reminding, i forget about this issue

what will not be implemented - FLIR in P85 - reason is that i would have to make aaaaaaaaaaaaaall vehicles and humans thermal maps (few months of work) plus FLIR is not funny and not warrior's fair ;)

but zeroing etc. yes, i must remember about it

about NV sights - problem is that old scopes afaik were "only night" or "only day" , not like modern scopes, maybe i am wrong, but afair/afaik old scopes had one type of work (NSPU)

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I'd say there were few FLIR devices at those times so it's just useless spare of time to make all the P85 FLIR-compartible.

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Well... there is "sort of" addon of BTR-80 somewhere on flashpoint_ru made by (if i'm not mistaken) Citizenship.

But its lacking certain textures and is pretty much featureless.

As for the "no FLIR" decision - I say good call! FLIR wasn't really an all that implemented feature at the time (pre-mid 80's) in any military.

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Not only! I know about this addon but it makes the disapperance of gunners on many vehicles (for example bm-21)

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Hello Vilas, how are you?!

I´m just passing by to tell you I´ve made scopes for your Western weapons package as you´ve requested some time ago in Armaholic.

Since I´m new to BI Forums they don´t let me post links here but you can find them under:

Armaholic->Download->Arma 2 Arrowhead files->Addons->Weapons->Dagger Scopes

I hope you enjoy!

Keep it up!

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I try to use this pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9218 with LEA, but I get a "No config.bin found" error.

In second step (analyze) I get the following:

"Step 1/2: Get config files...

No file CfgWeapons.hpp found.

No file CfgMagazines.hpp found.

Process aborted."

Please help, anyone!

Edited by strelnikoff

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because all the weapons and magazines are defined in the config file

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So how do I use it with LEA? Is it even possible?


It is. Here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14592975/arma2/vilas_aks_cfg.pbo

LEA's class generation works best extracting/analyzing from a pbo with config.bin inside it. More or less all I did was depbo the config file and repbo/binarize it with BinPBO.

Make sure both that and vilas_aks.pbo are in the same folder... choose that folder as the source to extract/analyze with LEA and you're good to go. There should be a few items that don't have pictures because it doesn't associate them with default Arma pictures. All of those can be found in the LEA program folder under ...\LEA\resources\pictures\

Edited by Fadi

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Hello Vilas, hope you're well? :)

Just some quick questions. When and how did you get into 3D modeling/addon making? What advice do you have for aspiring addon makers? ;)

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as so many questions I should answer, reason that I not made recently addons, updates etc. are following:

1) real life, second job - computer graphics (I have to work in 2 jobs),

2) DayZ mods making utility of addons , because lots of DayZ mods (not present in this forum, not present in Arma military community) are taking addons and earning money using our addons, they take money for:

- waiting server slots, for example one dayz mod (taken from google) takes 100 USD every month from clan to play in DayZ (do you realize how much clans play on servers ? those people probably earn thousands of dollars monthly),

- pay-to-win content - guys for 25 USD for example sell possibility to start game with for example M4 instead of Makarov, how much players buy it ? probably many,

- hack-pay , vip-mode - players pay for hacks to enter game with godmode for example and kill others,

- donations are collected by mods who... only took our addons and use it in DayZ

another words - I had to stop addonmaking after 9 years of doing it because of "DayZ community", because for example from DayZ community moders you can hear following words "everything what is published in Armaholic is opensource"

i simply do not want others to earn money on my work, if I would release updates next day few DayZ mods would announce "we have 20 weapons more in our mod, join our server, 50 USD per month, 25 USD for starting with this rifle",

DayZ brought to BIS milion customers, much more people when hear "Arma" say "Zombie" than "military simulator", my friends who are players say to me "4 of 5 people whom they know , who have Arma, play only DayZ" , even shopkeepers know word "dayz" and when asked for "zombie game" give Arma copy,

problem is that majority of DayZ mods (i do not say about Rocket but about dozens of "independent mods" ) do not care about addonmakers rights , use those addons to earn money ,

my addons are used in dozen of mods, probably 100 or 200 thousands of players play with my addons, "modders" earn heavy big money and I do not have anything of it, almost all DayZ mods have my weapons pack as essential part of their mods and they collect money on gameplay without sharing with me , although without my addons their "mods" would not exist cause only content they have are my weapons or my cars, all would be okay if money were not involved in this whole situation, not small money, but serious money (as I said, in google I have found as example one mod which takes 100 USD every month from 1 clan to play on server, imagine that they have for example 20 clans ...)

I also cooperate with Martin, creator of Taviana, we create DayZ mod too (for donations) but those are our own content in there, problem is that when I make addon, than other mods just take it and... players say "we leave to other mod cause they have 200 weapons more" (while those 200 weapons more are... my addon) so players leave "my" mod to play with my addons (and pay money) in other "mod" , this is for me unacceptable ,

problem is how to forbid different than military simulation or police-like mods use addons which are intended to be content for FREE OF PAY gameplay for military community or how to force people who earn money share with creator of content which they use ?

dayz is not old-style OFP-like mod fun, dayz is business, i cannot realase addons cause than someone will monetize them :/

good thing is that Dayz Standalone will be released and it will not allow addons - we addonmakers will be finally safe and can create content which will be used FOR FREE by people who like to play without paying, hackers low-life who threat do DDOS you if you not pay money < really, this is no joke, people threat that they gonna DDOS if we not pay them, this is what dayz community is, if we were citizens of USA we would notify FBI cause threatening like "we gonna destroy your server and DDOS it if you not pay 100 usd for our paypal" is criminal act, such things happen often in dayz modding,

probably one day someone will DDOS my website, my forum etc. too

there are kids who "payed 50 dollars for hack and it doesnt work, return me money because your mod do not accept hacks" etc.

so at the moment sadly I have to work only with Martin in Origins mod , believe me I wish I could release addons as in past , but how can I secure them from being used for money by others ? I can earn money on my own graphics , but I do not want others to earn on MY content, they do not have their own content, they copy content and sell it (the same what happned with Taviana in the past), those other DayZ mods makers earned probably thousands of dollars so far, all hackers earned thousands on hacks etc.

what is funny with Taviana - one of mods said they will do their own version of Taviana and they do not take care that Martin made it and it belongs to Martin, cause they can earn thousand dollars monthly on dayz players (kids, lowlifes etc)

I made VW Golf mk2, I made BTR-80 , I made better textures for BTR70 etc. etc. I had plans for at least 10 civilian cars more,

but I afraid that next day after release few dayz mods gonna put news "we have Golf mk2, we have BTR-80 and 10 new civilian cars, come and PLAY" and players (or rather customers in case of dayz modding) in mod of Martin will say "our clan is leaving server, they have Golf mk2, they have BTR80 and 10 new civilian cars"

nothing in past and over decade of this community (since OFP) ever spoiled so much as those "zombies", I really love modding and addonmaking, like I love this community, but I hate fact that some individuals outside of this community earn money on what this community made (including other addons to, of course all Robert Hammer addons with models and textures from Counterstrike modders which he imported to Armaversum, of course Gnat flying autogyro model, of course other addons made by community, islands made by community members as well of course), in normal job when your company earn money on your content, they pay you too,

in dayz "companies" called "mods" earn money without payment to creator who made "99% of weapons and 80% of cars they have"

when I released Hello Kitty version of SMART car i never thought that i will ever read on internet "model which we made for fun" "dayz xxxx new car" "great , thanx dayz xxxxxx team for this great car", this model by the way was already stolen by other person who claims he made and he made textures to convince his girlfriend to play Arma3, guy is still showin it on Imgur and it is 4 days since moderation of Imgur do nothing to remove content,

Edited by vilas

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Vilas, this indeed is a very sad day for the community, with one of its most generous and creative members shutting the door....

The reason for doing so is absolutely understandable however. I really hope that the two communities can come up with a solution to this. Maybe the team that converted Sahrani, you and martin can begin an initiative of some kind.

until then, thank you very much for all the dedication and time you put into addonmaking and giving us so many cool toys to play with.


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Really sad to hear Vilas, no respect these days geez,hope to see you back m8, would be a big loss to the community,but respect it if you dont, you have my respect man, without your models the armaverse would be a very sorry place, thx for all the work you have puth in over the years!!

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I am not surprised.

The modding is dying because people like that and others who take parts of existing "mod" to make their own mixture: time mind OFP is also dead and buried.

Creating 3d still a pleasure, which will no longer be shared.

good road, Vilas.:)

Edited by LODU

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Vilas, this indeed is a very sad day for the community, with one of its most generous and creative members shutting the door....

The reason for doing so is absolutely understandable however. I really hope that the two communities can come up with a solution to this. Maybe the team that converted Sahrani, you and martin can begin an initiative of some kind.

until then, thank you very much for all the dedication and time you put into addonmaking and giving us so many cool toys to play with.


Agree. Actually, I have never played any DayZ game and will be no interest of it at all. I just take OFP, Arma series as the best option of a military simulation game. Personally, I don't see any reasons why people should play something like DayZ under Arma Modding.

Yes, it's really sad we would lose a very good modder like Vilas for that. But this can't be decided and altered by ourselves...

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i am not taking all down, i am waiting , maybe when BIS gonna release Standalone majority of those players will move then, buy Standalone without addons-posibility and than we all have OFP again with Arma3 engine,

or I will be doing stuff which cannot be taken by DayZ mods (cause there is useless), maybe warship, maybe jets, helicopters, heavy tanks , Dayz moders - they mosty want cars, truck (especially civilian) plus light APC plus weapons plus characters,

I wanted so much to deliver much more cold ware era cars (from East, from West, from USA) and more modern civil cars (to be honest i was trired of doing on and on military stuff only and i wanted to be second Mechanic (who not knows Mechanic - he was king of OFP civil cars) )

but it seems that to avoid dayz i must focus on heavy military stuff useless with zombies, so i do not quit at all, i must change focus ( cause last time i made lots of addons with goal to give possibility to use by "city life, roleplay police-bandits" mods and life-rescue stuff)

so maybe i should look what is missing from jets, cause noone in Dayz will use MiG 25, MiG31, MiG 19 etc.

GNAT and ROCK are kings of it, i would try to fill gap which they not made yet although i would prefere to make Mercedes W123, Mercedes van from 80s, few US cars from 80s/70s, more western european cold war cars, more modern cars for civilian play and Arma3 era (both to Arma2 and Arma3) or some weapons, light APCs < but those would be monetized as soon as released, so i must stay away from civilian modern car and rather make another corvette for navy or MiG 19 (P85_Air)

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so maybe i should look what is missing from jets, cause noone in Dayz will use MiG 25, MiG31, MiG 19 etc.

Su-7B/BM/BKL/BMK is missing if you are out of ideas :D

Just wait for the storm to pass, everything will work out just fine, I'm sure.



Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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Also a few extra skins for Franze's Su-17 would be nice to see. I mean DDR, CSLA, Bulgarian skins (your 'fictional' SLA uses Bulgarian camo so I'd say this nation is represented in P85 too).

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anyone has account on Imgur ? I tried to report abuse many times, no result : http://imgur.com/gallery/6RxEq < look, guy claims he did model and textures which i made and which all you know here ,

i would also ask on public one question, on modding Skype channel sometime ago someone said that Rocket said - that due to usage of his code in other Dayz mods, he has right to use stuff in Standalone, does this mean , that if Dayz mods stole my addons , they can be Bohemia Interactive property of Rocket ? cause it sounds not good and i hope it is misunderstanding

Edited by vilas

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What a complete lack of respect that this guy is showing passing of that car the way he is...

Hopefully once dayz standalone is released some clear rules about content are set up, maybe like Iron front has....

From what I can see the only people NOT making money out of DayZ are BI and hard working model makers such as vilas and the like..

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anyone has account on Imgur ? I tried to report abuse many times, no result : http://imgur.com/gallery/6RxEq < look, guy claims he did model and textures which i made and which all you know here ,

I would also ask on public one question, on modding Skype channel sometime ago someone said that Rocket said - that due to usage of his code in other Dayz mods, he has right to use stuff in Standalone, does this mean , that if Dayz mods stole my addons , they can be Bohemia Interactive property of Rocket ? cause it sounds not good and i hope it is misunderstanding

Where in the world would you get that from?

Rocket and BI have stated specifically over and over that they have to do everything in house and will not use anything that is not produced directly for the Standalone.

The DayZ Mod Dev Team (which is run by community members not Rocket (he only signs off on the changelogs)) have created a permission request process that states says stuff about them maybe asking about back porting content from derivative mods... https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/wiki/License-and-permission-to-use

I have no clue who came up with that, but I don't THINK it was Rocket or BI... I think it's all out of the community dev team. They by NO MEANS would ever use any of your addons without your approval.

I reported that album on Imgur. Not sure how they handle it.

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