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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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True, wonder what keeps them from following the majoritys wish and make another campaign that you play as grunt, then specop, tanker and pilot, to ArmA2 that would have fitted perfectly.

This has been more or less confirmed though with OA wich is good. :)

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True, wonder what keeps them from following the majoritys wish and make another campaign that you play as grunt, then specop, tanker and pilot, to ArmA2 that would have fitted perfectly.

Saddly the community isnt as active as in the OFP era when it comes to campaigns, just think of things like the Russian Retalliation Campaign makes me drool.

Well its been confirmed that roles are coming back to the campaign and its the OFP format, so I'll give BIS the time they need to perfect the campaign and really pollish it.

But, on the Czech TV episode the Lead Campaign Designer said they already have the Storyline and stuff done lets hope he's still going to change a few things by reading this thread and the OA campaigns thread!


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Personally I am really enjoying the red harvest campaign. And while I understand that a lot of people want something more "traditional" in the expansion (which they will hopefully get), I really don't want BIS to be discouraged from making something that creative in the future. I mean as far as campaigns in BIS games go (official or user made) this is got to be one of the more unique ones that gives experiences very different from the traditional "take the village and hold" kind of campaigns.

From a purely technical stand point this is easily the best campaign BIS have ever made. Ok before everybody starts saying bugs and CWC let me clarify... what I mean is that it is most technically diverse and complex campaigns they ever made in terms of mission design, scripts usage, modules..etc. which explains why it had more bugs than expected.

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Already posted in the video thread: a very good use of mods; BIS should use this as inspiration for Arrowhead

Watch in HD and fullscreen, it`s worth it!

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpW_o46tg30&hl=de&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpW_o46tg30&hl=de&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Edited by Recta DP

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Already posted in the video thread: First Operation Arrowhead gameplay footage ;)

Watch in HD and fullscreen, it`s worth it! Sound is also great...

In fact a very good use of mods; BIS should use this as inspiration for Arrowhead...

nice, could have fooled me ;)

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First thing I noticed were the same old bad audio effects. BI, if you want to make OA a killer game/expansion, pimp that sound!

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@Recta DP: Please do not spam this topic with useless footage that has nothing to do with the topic in question. Not every body will notice your footage is a lame wanna-be movie...

Stop confusing people.

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How much of VBS will be in this OA expansion?

Why should there even be anything? :confused:

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Why should there even be anything? :confused:

well because arma 2 is a milsim and VBS2 is as mil sim as it gets? so its only logical aht expected that Arma2 is extremely close to vbs2

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Heatseeker, you cant be serious? I have read that some features from VBS will be in OA, such as the FLIR system, and maybe lasers for weapons as well. Do you not agree that these features should have been implemented into ArmA1, much less ArmA2?

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How much of VBS will be in this OA expansion?

So far, IR lasers and FLIR (real FLIR). Dunno what else, I do hope for some info since it's been more than 2 months since the announcement and the topic has more or less became the same questions asked over and over again, well minus that CzechTv clip, that was nice to see.

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Why should there even be anything? :confused:

Well actually I think the real question would be "Why shouldn't there be?"

I only ask that to you simply because the answer to your question is extreamly obvious. Whats less obvious is why someone would question the addition of new features that would, Idk.... make the expansion worth buying?

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Wow, that video was nothing short of epic. Can't wait for OA now :D

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I don't mind the whole one man dies and its over technique. But for the love of god they should have made it an option that if one of your men goes down they can't be killed while on the ground, just stay wounded until healed.

That way you've got the best of both worlds. In the mid to later missions in Red Harvest (especially if you were playing on veteran up with no saves) it just wasen't worth taking them with you as they'd just die die and die again.

For me CWC is still the best campaign by a mile. While I respect what they were trying to do with Red Harvest the engine and the AI just isn't up to the task. For me at least the first mission in the whole campaign was the best and best showed what the game does well. I really would like a CWC style campaign, with huge scope and spectacle.

Its funny how both Arma2's AND Dragon Rising's campaigns have instead of focusing on this style of games strengths, been about small infantry skirmishes.

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The Arma 2 campaign was an important learning experience for Bohemia, IMO. The whole Call Of Duty take on story telling and campaign was horrid, this in my opinion is by far the worst single player *campaign* experience i have ever had in a BI game.

The original flashpoint was absolutely epic, i wish we could go back to that!

For me the editor and multiplayer is what makes this game so good. But if i was to rate it purely on campaign, i don't know if i would even give it 1 out of 10.

imo i loved the COD campaign mode. its like watching a summer action movie where you just sit back and enjoy the ride while Arma 2 is more like an oscar winning war drama movie. Both have its place in my book and both i love.

incidently, i have yet to play the single player campaign mode yet as i prefer to play custom made missions where it takes hours to complete and if you die your dead for the whole session.

It makes it very intense and exciting. Im going to jump back in this game again as i have given it a bit of a rest recently.

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I hope they take the static vehicles animation system from VBS2, where hands actually hold the gun, while gun moves. I remember seeing some vid about VBS2 that showed some insurgent Pickup with PK, and gunner moved PK up/down and hands stayed with the gun, it was good. I mean, even Battlefield 2 has this, why not ArmA2, if its in VBS. (I really hope that they add Ch46 with OA aswell :] )

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I hope they take the static vehicles animation system from VBS2, where hands actually hold the gun, while gun moves. I remember seeing some vid about VBS2 that showed some insurgent Pickup with PK, and gunner moved PK up/down and hands stayed with the gun, it was good. I mean, even Battlefield 2 has this, why not ArmA2, if its in VBS. (I really hope that they add Ch46 with OA aswell :] )

Agreed. It's a small touch but I'd really like to see it included.

And it seems to be possible in Arma as this shows. Not sure why we never saw more of this.

From about 1:06.

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Its an addon and it shows its possible so well just have to wait and see if we get it.

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Just played VBS1 over a friend, and I liked this idea:

Colt series of weapons have their own reloading animations, and AK series of weapons have theirs. it looked quite nice when people reloaded their M4 proprly, and its.. I mean, VBS1! Damn! Optimising the game to this generation wouldn't hurt either. Its weird to be able to run smootlyh every other game expect ArmA2...

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Just played VBS1 over a friend, and I liked this idea:

Colt series of weapons have their own reloading animations, and AK series of weapons have theirs. it looked quite nice when people reloaded their M4 proprly, and its.. I mean, VBS1! Damn! Optimising the game to this generation wouldn't hurt either. Its weird to be able to run smootlyh every other game expect ArmA2...

Yes Arma 2 needs to STOP using the same reload animations for every gun, come on BIS! Dragunovs don't reload like M4's and RPK's don't reload like them either. :mad:

When do you think these animations will be patched?? This is really annoying the reload animations all suck!

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Yes Arma 2 needs to STOP using the same reload animations for every gun, come on BIS! Dragunovs don't reload like M4's and RPK's don't reload like them either. :mad:

When do you think these animations will be patched?? This is really annoying the reload animations all suck!

lets hope this will be in OA then :rolleyes:

I really wish ARMA2 had some more animations, this would be some nice eye-candy for BIS to include with their future games/patches,

whether its OA, ARMA3 or a BIS made OFP sequel (in my dreams:D)

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if we are going to start going on about reload anims, then there only needs to be a few "general" animations. one for reloading m16 type (current anims), AK type, belt fed type, and grenade launcher (almost all weapons in game could fall into one of those categories). Afterall this way its both easy on modders, and some what easier on BIS. however, i wonder how easy it would be to have separate anims for each weapon? would one have to add a line some where in each weapon config/PBO to tel it which one to use, or something more malicious?

and wile im at it, bolt action anims, and make reloading take longer, especially for belt fed weapons...

...but I am not going to hold my breath

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Just played VBS1 over a friend, and I liked this idea:

Colt series of weapons have their own reloading animations, and AK series of weapons have theirs. it looked quite nice when people reloaded their M4 proprly, and its.. I mean, VBS1! Damn! Optimising the game to this generation wouldn't hurt either. Its weird to be able to run smootlyh every other game expect ArmA2...

Nah, unless you are refering to vbs2 the reloading thing in vbs1 is far from true.

I honestly dont care about the look of the animations, i just think the timings should be diferent, i'd like to see someone reload a M240 on the run or as fast as a MP5 ;) .

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