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co30 DominationA2! One Team

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So first time making an FSM.. I'm curious, did this turn out basically the same as yours? http://www.506th-pir.org/scripts/oktane/ParaBug.fsm And when this thing runs, it updates at some set interval, checking the conditions? Pretty cool.. and seems to work too!

Looks a little bit different than mine :)

Just one tip, you have to work with priorities in the conditions. If a state is linked with more than one condition you can use priority to set which condition gets checked first (conditions with the highest prio get checked first).

Wow! x_blockspacebar combined with Show Player Names (not the markers) in the settings dialog is an ancient dream come true. Just a suggestion: The names can be fairly long and create a lot of clutter especially when you are a tight group. Is it possible to rename this On Screen, then have a similar dropdown as the marker system? Just an idea :)

Doable, but what should get displayed above the player ? :)

Currently the names are only shown above other player heads when they are max 50m away.

Another thing. Since we're using restricted_weapons, is it possible to have the list of allowed weapons shown in the General Mission Settings part of the settings dialog?

Dialogs, OMG :D But is possible.

Btw, has anybody tested the message system yet ?

You can select another player and send a message to him. If you receive a message you get a notification. The last 30 messages received get stored.


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Yes, tested the message system as well. We were looking for such a function a while back, but kinda forgot all about it. Very nice. Is it possible to implement a special "channel" here, namely "message to self"? Sometimes I want to write notes to myself, like who is given a task or who is on what role etc.

As for what is displayed, the same as on the map. Skip the "marker only" though :) Name, role (add AI-nnn if AI player), and health (only the number, the actual "Health: " text takes a bit too much space, at least on the map).

The list of weapons should be very easy for someone like you :) The elements are already there in an already well laid out dialog. Like:

Usable main weaponry: All, or

Usable main weaponry: List from restricted_weapons that fits your class.

Then the rest of the rules. Makes it easy to find at the top section if they think something is not working.

--- New Issues ---

We tried playing using jtd_fireandsmoke. Somebody came in and crashed in the base, setting much on fire. Indestructable items such as walls and MASH was destroyed. Was this by addon fire or is something broken in the mission (i.e. macros?).

We got side mission "get the flag (unsure of location)", but the flag was nowhere to be seen. If it's only me, then don't bother looking into it, as I'm having some other issues with side missions (no rewards or mission complete updates, but next will be generated) after modding.

Oh, and lastly: Considering all the new stuff, are you fully into Domination again?

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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When I un-comment //#define __OLD_INTRO__ , everyone on the server becomes invulnerable.

It is quite fun for a while but why? I prefer the old intro option since it is much quicker.

Edited by Seaweed

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sorry to be a pain in the ass but i dont code at all but i enjoy tweaking stuff non the less anyways the following i changed

#ifdef __TT__

// chopper varname, type (0 = lift chopper, 1 = wreck lift chopper, 2 = normal chopper), marker name

d_choppers_west = [["HR1",0,"chopper1"], ["HR2",0,"chopper2"], ["HR3",0,"chopper3"], ["HR4",0,"chopper4"], ["HR5",2,"chopper5"], ["HR6",2,"chopper6"], ["HR7",1,"chopper7"], ["HR8",1,"chopper8"]];

d_choppers_east = [["HRR1",0,"chopperR1"], ["HRR2",0,"chopperR2"], ["HRR3",0,"chopperR3"], ["HRR4",1,"chopperR4"]];


// chopper varname, type (0 = lift chopper, 1 = wreck lift chopper, 2 = normal chopper), marker name

d_choppers = [["HR1",0,"chopper1"], ["HR2",0,"chopper2"], ["HR3",0,"chopper3"], ["HR4",0,"chopper4"], ["HR5",2,"chopper5"], ["HR6",2,"chopper6"], ["HR7",1,"chopper7"], ["HR8",1,"chopper8"]];


basically i have hr5 and hr6 as cobras i added, and im fine if they dont respawn, hr7 and hr8 are ment to be wreck lift choppers, but they act like the lift choppers.

what would i need to change to make hr7+hr8 become wreck lift and not lift choppers then they could be used to lift a wrecked cobra if one go's down and add an actual use to wreck lift choppers and stop randoms just always jumping in a respawned cobra, if that makes any sense :S

p.s. as you can see above i did assign the number 1 to both hr7 and hr8, im sure there is more to edit though :P

Edited by marc420

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Ive tried searching this thread but cant find any info about re-spawning of choppers and vehicles in these missions?

Are there any, if not how can i add them?

We keep using vehicles then we cant salvage/repair them and are stuck and have to run like 6 km.. we dont want that!.. :D

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add them in the editor and add one of the following lines in the init line of the new placed aircrafts or vehicles:

handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn.sqf"


handle = [this, 120] execVM "x_scripts\x_vehirespawn2.sqf"

The first one if the aircraft should get respawned if it is either destroyed or got moved and is empty, the second one only if it got destroyed.

quote form previous posts.

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trying to get this to work...

Edited by Frosties

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Hey Guys,

Thanks for this great mission Xeno, we are having tons of fun on it.

However a clan mate of mine has an issue, I said I would post here on his behalf, basically when ever he joins a Domi mission, no matter the version it ALWAYS gets stuck on "Receiving Data". It basically goes like this:

1. He enters the server.

2. He selects a role.

3. It downloads the mission.

4. It loads the mission.

5. He starts receiving data and then it gets stuck. His PC doesn't freeze, it just gets stuck and won't go any further, he can push esc to go back to the lobby.

If he enters the server again, it starts downloading the mission file AGAIN and so the cycle goes on.

We have tried to download the Domi missions manually and place them in MPMissions, but it still downloads the mission file everytime even if the versions are same. This ONLY happens on the Domination missions, all others work fine.

He has reinstalled his game twice (and tried it on a clean install, no add ons), he has formatted his PC and reinstalled everything, still didn't work.

He has tried to join a whole bunch of different servers running Domi and alas to no avail.

He is running Win7 64bit RTM (same as me, mine works).

We have tried EVERYTHING, and he is honestly at wits end with this. We realise its not an issue with Domi itself, but rather an issue that his PC has with Domination missions, we tried the other missions included in the mission pack, like Wings of Steel and it worked fine.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.

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How can i add a function in this file so vehicles will respawn when left empty on the battlefield or destroyed?


private ["_delay","_disabled","_moved","_newveh","_startdir","_startpos","_type","_vehicle"];

if (!isServer) exitWith{};

_vehicle = _this select 0;

_delay = _this select 1;

_moved = false;

_startpos = getpos _vehicle;

_startdir = getdir _vehicle;

_type = typeof _vehicle;

while {true} do {

sleep (_delay + random 15);

_moved = (if (_vehicle distance _startpos > 5) then {true} else {false});

_empty = (if (({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) > 0) then {false} else {true});

_disabled = (if (damage _vehicle > 0) then {true} else {false});

if ((_disabled && _empty) || (_moved && _empty) || (_empty && !(alive _vehicle))) then {

deletevehicle _vehicle;

_vehicle = objNull;

sleep 0.5;

_vehicle = _type createvehicle _startpos;

_vehicle setpos _startpos;

_vehicle setdir _startdir;



it alraedy does it.try on a dedicated server.

The first one if the aircraft should get respawned if it is either destroyed or got moved and is empty

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it alraedy does it.try on a dedicated server.

Whats the time limit for respawn?

We have had choppers downed and no respawn.

And even had vehicles left in the field that wont come back even if they are empty?


BUT we didnt play on a dedicated server at that time.. will try it now...

Edited by Frosties

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I believe the "Receiving Data" problem is an Arma2 video issue. Search the forums for more info.

The .pbo file should be placed in <user folder>\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\MPMissionsCache\

AppData is a hidden folder. So press alt, go to the tools menu, folder options, and in the view tab tick show hidden files and folders.

Then have him ftp the .pbo file and place it in the MPMissionsCache folder. Unless the one that's on the server is different from the one he downloads.

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@MaverickZA: I remember I had problems like this early on. My problem was fixed by upgrading my graphics drivers, and also I think I set the renderaheadframes to 1 (from 3). Not sure if it was only Domination though. But later in a patch, this problem was said to be fixed. Maybe it wasn't fully? Sorry, I have no more ideas here.

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And yet another Test Release available: 1.15T

Again internal rewrites and bug fixes (like bank sidemission fixed), added a new feature, you have to capture camps at main targets (enemy AI might recapture it). And last but not least, internal weather handling changed.



Please report problems in the Dom bug tracker at dev-heaven (http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/issues/new, you need a dev-heaven account for it).

Just a warning, Dom is not made to be played hosted only dedicated!



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I'm trying out my usual edit of the mission, and I'm not getting side mission completes. This time, I'm also not getting any new ones. Killed officer in Kamyshovo with SMAW, but I'm not sure if he was even there. I found vehicles and infantry though, so mission at least was generated.

I just can't figure out what kind of editing would ruin the side mission system though. My edits are fairly simple this time around.

New weather stuff? Fascinating, I was never too fond of the localized weather after I found out AI local to server wasn't affected. But I'm only getting an overcast value in the description, which isn't all that helpful. I'm working on something myself though, for better globalized weather, that I think would suit just fine.

Edit2: Error in player respawn. Still accessing now obsolete iFogLess and all that.

Edit3: Weird one: "You're team destroyed the ammo truck". Except, it had driven to our base? Wtf? :D

Edit4: Bug: x_arifire2.sqf not updated with ARTY_ versions of HE shells. Unsure what the difference is though.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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New weather stuff? Fascinating, I was never too fond of the localized weather after I found out AI local to server wasn't affected. But I'm only getting an overcast value in the description, which isn't all that helpful. I'm working on something myself though, for better globalized weather, that I think would suit just fine.

Yeah, currently only an overcast value. I was to lazy to add something better :)

Edit2: Error in player respawn. Still accessing now obsolete iFogLess and all that.

Fixed it, my bad.

Edit3: Weird one: "You're team destroyed the ammo truck". Except, it had driven to our base? Wtf? :D


Edit4: Bug: x_arifire2.sqf not updated with ARTY_ versions of HE shells. Unsure what the difference is though.

No difference and not working the way I wanted it. Looks nice in the editor (other effects) but not in MP.

I have to check the ARTY module scripts or leave it as it is.


---------- Post added at 12:25 ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 ----------

And yet another another Test Release available: 1.16T

Fixed the bugs Carl mentioned.



Please report problems in the Dom bug tracker at dev-heaven (http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/issues/new, you need a dev-heaven account for it).

Just a warning, Dom is not made to be played hosted only dedicated!



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Starting to think running SLX on the server wasn't such a good idea :D Was fun while it lasted, but I think AI is starting to behave slightly to the side on your intentions. Like officers wandering off, or AI jumping into trucks and go to the base becase I teleported there etc. Fun while it lasted though.

Yeah, I just noticed how "ARTY_SADARM_BURST" didn't show up at all in MP. "ARTY_SmokeShellWhite" seems to work though, but 3 of these shells will slow down my rig if I'm close to it or looking at too much of it.

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Curious question: Does Evolution use a newer version of the revive script? Is this going into Domination (or is it already)?

Unless I've been playing on old Domination servers, the Evolution revive seems to be newer.. Such as calling nearby units for help, more info on the screen. Reviving in itself also takes longer and uses a different animation (ie the official aid one rather than just getting down and doing some stuff with your hands)

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If fasttime is enabled, weather should probably always be false. :)

Otherwise crazy clouds and rain that lasts 3 seconds.

	if (d_weather && !d_with_fast_time) then {
	execFSM "fsms\WeatherServer.fsm";

(This is in multiple places.. just an example)

Edited by oktane

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Morning Guys

Firstly, Xeno, thx to you and your team for these superlative maps!

I do however come here with a small bug. Not sure if it will of been picked up yet as it's is based on Carrier.

I'm running 1.12t on our dedicated. The bug is as follows... if you walk or drive on the carrier towards (on the left hand side of the carrier) the 2 UH1Y's as if you were going to take off, you fall through the ship into the water. Also we have seen MHQ 1 randomly fall through even when it isn't being used. It ends up in the spawn area used when you first load the map (level -1 of the carrier).

If you could take a look it would be very much appreciated.

Once again, thank you.


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I have updated i_common.sqf several times, repacked the pbo and ftp'd it to my dedicated server, but the parameters never change on the server?

the rest of the mission does change (additional vehicles etc.) but the parameters in i_common.sqf are not changing....

I am using domination as a training excercise and want pilots to be able to fly immediately and parajumping with only a 60 second wait between jumps. Changed the settings in i_common.sqf but it never changes on the server...is there a file on the server remembering me based on my profile or something and preventing the use of the new settings ?

---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

well, solved the issue with the immediate flight ....in descriptions.ext it has defaults....set those and now the timeouts are gone...but does not recognize a pilot...apparently I need to add a pilot class?

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First of all Xeno thank you for great mission domination, and new updates.

However yesterday we had some problem with vehicles.

We started Server and did like four or five sidemissions and every time the prize vehicle was F35.

Is it supposed to be like that? Are the vehicles picked randomly and we just bad luck or whats the case?

Edit 2: (The version was 1.16t)

Edited by Mosku_FIN

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We started Server and did like four or five sidemissions and every time the prize vehicle was F35.

Is it supposed to be like that? Are the vehicles picked randomly and we just bad luck or whats the case?


Vehicles are created randomly, so it was just bad luck. We did 3 main targets one time and got 3 A-10's. Just the way it goes sometimes i guess.

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We started Server and did like four or five sidemissions and every time the prize vehicle was F35.

Is it supposed to be like that? Are the vehicles picked randomly and we just bad luck or whats the case?

Stupid me. I forgot to remove some debug code :(

I'll fix some other minor problems and release 1.17 soon.

Oh, and I have fixed the problem with the carrier versions where you fall through the front deck of the LHD (the LHD doesn't like all sea grounds :()


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