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Porting ArmA1 addons to ArmA2

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thanks i'll give it a try


it's not working... how do i have to use it ??

Edited by caprera

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Hi guys, to shed a bit of light on this I have done most vehicles from arma 1 over.

I used Eliteness to open up the rvmats, got the textures from the arma1 de-pbo'd wheeled folder and put them in my own mod folder.

The proxies need a little playing with to get it right and the tyre puncture doesn't work like the other cars. But as long as you have all the damage textures and rvmats pointing to the right place, make your own config it all works fine.

Here is a config template I use.

class CfgPatches
class my_car
	Units[] = {"arma1car"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters","CAWeapons","CASounds","CA_Anims_Char"};
class CfgSkeletons
class Vehicle;
class Car
	isDiscrete = 1;
	skeletonInherit = "";
	skeletonBones[] = {"volant","","levy predni tlumic","","pravy predni tlumic","","levy dalsi tlumic","","pravy dalsi tlumic","","levy predni zatoc","levy predni tlumic","pravy predni zatoc","pravy predni tlumic","levy dalsi zatoc","levy dalsi tlumic","pravy dalsi zatoc","pravy dalsi tlumic","levy prostredni tlumic","","pravy prostredni tlumic","","levy zadni tlumic","","pravy zadni tlumic","","levy predni","levy predni zatoc","pravy predni","pravy predni zatoc","levy dalsi","levy dalsi zatoc","pravy dalsi","pravy dalsi zatoc","levy prostredni","levy prostredni tlumic","pravy prostredni","pravy prostredni tlumic","levy zadni","levy zadni tlumic","pravy zadni","pravy zadni tlumic","ukaz_rychlo","","ukaz_rychlo2","","ukaz_rpm","","OtocVez","","OtocHlaven","OtocVez","fuel_01","","fuel_1","","prop_01","","prop_02","","prop_2","","prop_1","","damageHide","","damageVez","OtocVez","damageHlaven","OtocHlaven"};
class my_car : Car{};
class CfgModels
class Vehicle;
class Car;
class my_car : Car
	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = {"ammo","sklo predni p","sklo predni l","zadni svetlo","brzdove svetlo","spz","karoserie","motor","zbran","vez","zbytek","levy predni","levy prostredni","levy zadni","pravy predni","pravy prostredni","pravy zadni","clan","clan_sign","zasleh","P svetlo","L svetlo","palivo"};
	skeletonName = "my_car";
	class Animations
		class damageHide
			type = "hide";
			source = "damage";
			selection = "damageHide";
		class IndicatorSpeed
			animPeriod = 0;
			type = "rotation";
			source = "speed";
			selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
			axis = "osa_rychlo";
			memory = 0;
			minValue = 0;
			maxValue = 16.67;
			angle0 = 0;
			angle1 = 2.87979;
		class IndicatorSpeed2
			type = "rotation";
			source = "speed";
			selection = "ukaz_rychlo2";
			axis = "osa_rychlo2";
			memory = "false";
			animPeriod = 0;
			minValue = 0;
			maxValue = 16.67;
			angle0 = 0;
			angle1 = "rad -240";
		class IndicatorRPM
			animPeriod = 0;
			type = "rotation";
			source = "rpm";
			selection = "ukaz_rpm";
			axis = "osa_rpm";
			memory = 0;
			minValue = 0;
			maxValue = 1;
			angle0 = 0;
			angle1 = 2.96706;
		class DrivingWheel
			type = "rotation";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			selection = "volant";
			begin = "osaVolantZac";
			end = "osaVolantKon";
			memory = "false";
			animPeriod = 0;
			minValue = -1;
			maxValue = 1;
			angle0 = -8;
			angle1 = 8;
		class TurnFrontWheelR
			type = "rotationY";
			source = "drivingWheel";
			selection = "pravy predni zatoc";
			axis = "pravy predni";
			memory = "false";
			animPeriod = 0;
			sourceAddress = "loop";
			minValue = "rad -180";
			maxValue = "rad +180";
			angle0 = "rad +90";
			angle1 = "rad -90";
		class TurnFrontWheelL: TurnFrontWheelR
			selection = "levy predni zatoc";
			axis = "levy predni";
		class TurnFrontWheelR2: TurnFrontWheelR
			selection = "pravy dalsi zatoc ";
			axis = "pravy dalsi";
		class TurnFrontWheelL2: TurnFrontWheelR
			selection = "levy dalsi zatoc ";
			axis = "levy dalsi";
		class FrontWheelR
			type = "rotationX";
			source = "wheel";
			selection = "pravy predni";
			axis = "";
			memory = "true";
			animPeriod = 0;
			sourceAddress = "loop";
			minValue = 0;
			maxValue = 1;
			angle0 = 0;
			angle1 = "rad -360";
		class FrontWheel2R: FrontWheelR
			selection = "pravy dalsi";
		class BackWheelR: FrontWheelR
			selection = "pravy zadni";
		class BackWheel2R: FrontWheelR
			selection = "pravy prostredni";
		class FrontWheelL: FrontWheelR
			selection = "levy predni";
		class FrontWheel2L: FrontWheelR
			selection = "levy dalsi";
		class BackWheelL: FrontWheelR
			selection = "levy zadni";
		class BackWheel2L: FrontWheelR
			selection = "levy prostredni";
		class FrontWheelDamperR
			type = "translationY";
			source = "damper";
			selection = "pravy predni tlumic";
			axis = "";
			animPeriod = 0;
			minValue = -1000;
			maxValue = 1000;
		class FrontWheelDamper2R: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "pravy dalsi tlumic";
		class BackWheelDamperR: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "pravy zadni tlumic";
		class BackWheelDamper2R: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "pravy prostredni tlumic";
		class FrontWheelDamperL: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "levy predni tlumic";
		class FrontWheelDamper2L: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "levy dalsi tlumic";
		class BackWheelDamperL: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "levy zadni tlumic";
		class BackWheelDamper2L: FrontWheelDamperR
			selection = "levy prostredni tlumic";
		class damageVez: damageHide
			selection = "damageVez";
		class damageHlaven: damageHide
			selection = "damageHlaven";
class arma1car: my_car{};
class CfgVehicles
class Car_sedan;
class my_car: Car_sedan
	maxSpeed = 100;
	displayName = "arma 1 sedan";
	model = "\my_car\arma1car";
	insideSoundCoef = 0.9;
 		soundGear[] = {"",0.000562341,1};
 		SoundGetIn[] = {"\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",0.562341,1};
 		SoundGetOut[] = {"\ca\sounds\vehicles\wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-getout-1",0.562341,1,30};
 		soundEngineOnInt[] = {"ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-start-1",0.398107,1};
 		soundEngineOnExt[] = {"ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-start-1",0.398107,1,250};
 		soundEngineOffInt[] = {"ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\int\int-offroad-stop-1",0.398107,1};
 		soundEngineOffExt[] = {"ca\sounds\Vehicles\Wheeled\offroad\ext\ext-offroad-stop-1",0.398107,1,250};
	getOutAction = GetOutlow;
	mapSize = 8;
	armorGlass = 0.5;
	armorWheels = 0.1;
	transportSoldier = 3;
	driverAction = Landrover_Driver;
	castDriverShadow = 0;
	preferRoads = "false";
	class Damage

Hope this helps

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gday i3luevein,

do you mean BI a1 vehicles or community made or both?

It would be great to add the yet missing to CAA1 and/or make standalone releases.

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What about SCARs ? Can anyone port them ? Or maybe if someone can give me an idea how to do that, I will be more than happy to do it.

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I'll see if the SCARS can be ported over with just a config change. If it works I'll ask for original maker if it would be ok to port them.

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I'll see if the SCARS can be ported over with just a config change. If it works I'll ask for original maker if it would be ok to port them.

I asked Scubaman 3D for permission to port his Scar weapon pack over to Arma2 a while back and the answer was a resounding "no". This was because the models were sold to a third party...:sorry:

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gday i3luevein,

do you mean BI a1 vehicles or community made or both?

It would be great to add the yet missing to CAA1 and/or make standalone releases.

Any, just check the model creator and see if its ok with them to use it, if you have the unbin model make sure they used the normal naming convention for animations.

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I do read this topic from time to time :) I am working on porting over the MGS4 units. More of a "redux" than a port though, as I have added a lot of custom models and stuff to make them match the source material. Should be ready sooner or later.

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That's a shame. Those were very well done Mk.16 and Mk.17 models...

We will get them in OA, let's hold our breath until it's released :D

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When porting over default BIS ARMA1 units to ARMA2, do you only have to edit the configs or you have to edit the p3d also?

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permission denied.

Edited by ffs
permission denied.

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Thanks! Downloading and Merry Christmas too!

Thanks Kheirro for giving us the download link. Mirror @Armedassault.Info

Edited by Marko112

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If only filefront would not have decided to give during these holidays :)

Any chance for a different download location?

(check my sig for public FTP)

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ardvarkdb 11-21-2009, 07:42 PM

I do read this topic from time to time I am working on porting over the MGS4 units. More of a "redux" than a port though, as I have added a lot of custom models and stuff to make them match the source material. Should be ready sooner or later.

Glad to hear ardvarkdb , the MGS was one of my favorite infantry ingame....cant wait to try them out in A2 :yay::yay:

many thks newz....and merry xmas..

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