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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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T64, T80, 2S1, BMP1, M109 etc are in separate small addon called vilas_m12 (short from M1, M113, M109, M2, M2A2, M6) and vilas_st (Soviet Tanks)

i see no problem in giving Sickboy MLODs if it requires changes of selections

simply i run out of free time and hardly have no time for addons (little exception you seen W3 Sokol helicopter, Skoda Octavia)

so i see no problem in ACE T64, T80, M109, BMP1, 2S1... etc. now

i dont know their structure (selections names etc., config values) and i have no time to do it myslef

weren't the t-64s and 80s kenji's work and m109 soul assasin's?

sorry you must have created your own models, just don't remember :)

Edited by Gedis

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I know that is not a BMPT cameron/fox and the otherz

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v nice ' date=' is it for rhs or what?[/quote']

It is for my own sanity :)

Joke aside, i am really not sure yet :)

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Looks great pufu, really nice. Look forward to more progress.

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Mowag Eagle IV. The base mesh is a donation by Thomas 3/411, I'm just working out the kinks and adding more details. No ETA.

Work on the Fennek continues at the most sluggish pace.

cool eagle :) seen them on trail with the Irish DF

shame they flipped :P

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Edited by PuFu

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Great looking heli Vilas, there's not too much in your work to fault in the long run of things (and that car brings back memories of mehanic's stuff from OFP, heh)

For what it's worth I figured I'd post here that I just had a go at your P85 pack the other day and for what it is I think it's an awesome mini mod, would love to see the configs updated/a couple of the weapons updated to OA standard (e.g fixing the optics on the SLR FAL, perhaps the ability to use the sounds/weapons from vanilla equivalents in the game already?)

Either way, whether you do or not it's a really nice piece of work over all and I'd love to see more done with it in the future

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pufu - really cool , cant wait to see it baked :)

btw are you planing to model some Kobra optic or other optic? or GP-30 or modern RIS things like Spetsnaz units are using now?

Edited by RobertHammer

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pufu - really cool , cant wait to see it baked :)

btw are you planing to model some Kobra optic or other optic? or GP-30 or modern RIS things like Spetsnaz units are using now?

Yeah, sort of.

The objective is to get the weapon (folded and unfolded) in the game before anything else.

There is still a lot of work to do on it, so things like sights and alike are secondary on the priority list

For other gimmicks, i plan doing:

TGP-A Silencer



Double Mag

I don't like RIS on RUS weapons though, at top, might do something like this side mount RIS, but don't hold your breath for it :)

Edited by PuFu

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any plan for a laser or flash light ? because we haven't Ak with those features

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any plan for a laser or flash light ? because we haven't Ak with those features

flashlight, why not. Lasers? Haven't seen an AK with that yet. Prove me wrong though, and i'll make it

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flashlight, why not. Lasers? Haven't seen an AK with that yet. Prove me wrong though, and i'll make it

i cant seem to find a pic my archives maybee someone else can. The Polish troops i worked with In Iraq back in 2006 had Tantals with PAQ-4c and either a kobra looking sight (not sure exactly what it was) or an acog.

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After quite many abandoned work (9k79 Tochka, 2S1 Gvozdika, Fokker E.III or MAZ-537), I'm finally going to finish something - TATRA 815-7 trucks family, I'm going to make 4x4 (including tanker), 6x6, 8x8 (including tanker) and 10x10 versions. Here is some screens of the 4x4 version.






The texture, you see on the screens is the very first texturing attempt. I still can't get with zhe smdi mask (It's shiny as hell). Anyway, I hope you like it...

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flashlight, why not. Lasers? Haven't seen an AK with that yet. Prove me wrong though, and i'll make it

This might be one? (ok, not a proper Ak but...)








There is some cool Russian equip that could find a way into the game....

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Man Pufu, that AK is awesome, can't wait to see it pimped out and ingame. Will definitely use with the upcoming PMC DLC. :D

Good work! :thumb:

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*Edit* Another reason to despise CoD, they stole the heartbeat sensor idea out of Rainbow Six. The book, not the series.

CoD is all about "stealing" (or to say it nicely "parts have been inspired by") features from films/books/other games, since the very beginning.

Anyways, I beleive in Aliens there was motion sensor, whether R6 book had heartbeat sensor? Anyway, they're something similar anyway :)

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They did use a heartbeat sensor in Rainbow6 the book. I want to say they used it taking down the park in Spain and in the South American jungle at the end. Great book, and Clancy is a great author.

+1 to CoD and MoH insipred by...

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and Clancy is a great author.

Lets say...."entertaining author" :rolleyes:

If you arent a die-hard american patriot. sometimes you just have to "rolleyes" during reading, if some invincible american warmachine defeats its russian / chinese / arab counterpart.

I once talked to a sailor who was with an american carrier group during a international joint maneuvre. There a german dieselelectric submarine was actually able to get the carrier in its sights (and fire an imaginary torpedo), without being detected. There was a lot of fury over this in naval command, and said sailor was like "well reality isnt a Tom Clancy book".

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Well the Aussie's did it as well :)

source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collins_class_submarine

Operational history - The Abraham Lincoln battle group during RIMPAC 2000. Waller operated with this force during late May 2000, becoming the first Australian submarine to be integrated into a carrier battle group. During several multinational exercises and wargames, the Collins class has demonstrated its effectiveness in the hunter-killer role by successfully attacking both surface warships and other submarines.

In late May 2000, Waller became the first Australian submarine to operate as a fully integrated component of a USN carrier battle group during wargames.[169] Waller's role was to search for and engage opposing submarines hunting the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, a role in which she performed better than expected.

A few days later, as part of the multinational exercise RIMPAC 2000, Waller was assigned to act as an 'enemy' submarine, and was reported to have successfully engaged two USN nuclear submarines before almost coming into attacking range of Abraham Lincoln.[170][171] Waller performed similarly during the Operation Tandem Thrust wargames in 2001, when she 'sank' two USN amphibious assault ships in waters just over 70 metres (230 ft) deep, although the submarine was 'destroyed' herself later in the exercise.[170][171]

Waller's second feat was repeated by Sheean during RIMPAC 02, when the boat was able to penetrate the air and surface anti-submarine screens of an eight-ship amphibious task force, then successfully carry out simulated attacks on both the amphibious assault ship USS Tarawa and the dock landing ship USS Rushmore.[171][172]

Later that year, during two weeks of combat trials in August, Sheean demonstrated that the class was comparable in the underwater warfare role to the Los Angeles class nuclear powered attack submarine USS Olympia.[171][173] The two submarines traded roles during the exercise and were equally successful in the attacking role, despite Olympia being larger, more powerful, and armed with more advanced torpedoes.[173] In 2003, a Collins class boat carried out successful attacks on two USN nuclear submarines and an aircraft carrier during a multinational exercise.[174] The repeated successes of the class in wargames and multinational exercises earned the Collins class praise from foreign military officers for being "a very capable and quiet submarine",[168] and recognition of the boats as a clear example of the threat posed to navies by modern diesel submarines.[175]

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