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WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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It probably sounded a lot harsher than i have intended, i am sorry for that

As it is one of your early models, it actually looks quite good. I mean it

Nope i guess you say it right, the model is fine, but theres some F*ck*d up wheels inside there so i gues, u think i just toke the body and fitted some crappy made wheels underneath it, if i was u think, i might also called that of xD

Well if i find that youtube vid of that guy doing it this way, Ooh my, he will get to know it.. Hehe.

but anyway, Thanks for telling me that, no harsh taking at all :') i guess a bit more knowledge of everything. and i might get along with it.

so i should get a 18 sided wheel with quads.

and try to make the triangles preferred to quads.

Helped Lots, Thanks!! i won't be forgetting the name Pufu fast :rolleyes:

I'll get a look in this tomorrow, got a day of so my free time is filled.

Goodnight for me, maybe day for you.

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no need to change to 18 sides now, just redo the edges.

My post was also referring to generic ways of modelling, and for further references for other project and what not. Triangles are not a bad thing in the end, but at least for me, until i actually finish the model and go optimizing it, i prefer to keep it quads only, as much as i can obviously

best of luck

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I like the jungle pattern, the other camo just looks messy.

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because we all know you make such pro units.

yeah!! enad post some pics !!

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What now I cant give any criticism?

Why does everyone here have a stick up their ass.

It was my opinion, I didn't say anything mean, I just pointed out the other camo(whatever its supposed to be) looks messy. I said I liked the Jungle Pattern! What else do you want from me? Jeez.

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i said i liked the jungle pattern! What else do you want from me? Jeez.

...... A f*cking cheese sandwich :p

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Its not supposed to be real multicam, I rather tried to stick to size you see, of course I could resize it, but found good enough for camouflage purpose.

Also, as far as know (and see on pics), green colour on multicam is far more visible, while here is rather weathered. Woodland parts of uniform should darker whole silhouette eg. on Chernarus, so green shouldn't be so ass-kicking, at least in this game :P

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@SaS TrooP, I had a cool idea for the Jungle troops. You could use the Takistani Army Sniper model which has Ghillie on his upper body and normal combat pants, you could reskin that and make some sick looking Ghillie troops. :D

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@SaS TrooP which models are you using for them?

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something ive been working on for a few months now (well on and off, and since the anouncement of lingor) only just recently picked it up again to give me a lil break from the rangers (and this project allows me to be creative). these guys (well currently only one guy, more should come) are being made mainly for use with lingor, got my own lil back story but ill save that for later, so once the lingor beta is released ill be tweaking these guys to fit in near perfectly with the jungle.

the vest is of a "local" design based off older US vests, old pasgt helmets, basic webbing and kit and US woodland cams in a local cut (btw when i say local i mean "their" design, not saying who they are yet but :P). in the last 6 hours i've completely rebuilt (textured and a lil model work) the vest from the arma1 sample models, so what you see is the clean version, planning to do alot of detailed wear and tear making these guys look like they have spent days out bush. also the BDU's you see there are place holders.

anyway been having ALOT of fun making these guys so will prolly finish em.... maybe.... lol




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Awesome! :D

Can't have enough units! Really excited to see these when they're done.

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Great job!

Is that RBA vest? If yes then I know who they are...

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I like it! Looks very '90s ish. Not too many 1990s units for ArmA II; although there were quite a few for OFP 1, e.g. HYK's U.S. Army units, which were probably the best units for OFP 1, in my opinion.

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no its not a RBA, however certain parts of it were insperations from it. so no they arnt early 90's rangers :P (though that would be a cool idea :P) im working to get these guys to fit in to icebreakr's lingor Armaverse so yer.

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Anyone can guess what I'm now working on?



And, yes, it moves, it fires and planes and choppers can attachto it!!!

Edited by mankyle
Typo and adding more info

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Northern Takistan

40x40 km custom map, made from scratch (ie not based on any real world data) from just two .PSD files (one satmap/layers and one heightmap). Mostly an experiment in rapidly creating large maps, but will be fully playable. About 10% done (heightmap 90%, satmap 70%, vegetation 40% structures etc 1%)





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@DigitalCenturion: Nice... Will be sweet place to play.

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Czechs for regular. SF are both Czechs and KSK.

About units - I am not pretty sure If I will release them yet (they are currently available for squad members). If yes, I will probably resize multicam to make it more realistic, however if you really like the look I can leave it as it is.

Also, I am working together with my friend. Our units are not only clan ones, but takistani reskinned in Rain Pattern, TASS57 and KLMK and still more to come. I am now finishing CDF troops with DPM camouflage. All this units will make generic BLUFOR and OPFOR for use in our missions.

If you want I can also ask him for permission to show screens etc.

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