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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Mod 2

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ACE works on a gear to stamina ratio, the more gear you carry the less stamina you have. Add this to your already additional primary gear load out, think in terms of would you really want to carry this sh*t around in real life?

SMAW launcher: Weight: 7.52 kg (16.5 lbs) unloaded launcher plus 4.3 (9.5 lbs) to 6.9kg (15.2 lbs) rocket

3x SMAW HEAA or HEDP = LOW 28.5 LBS or HIGH 45.6 LBS :eek:

Your better off paying 3 packs of smoke per grunt to carry the rounds for you :D

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Whats with all this hype of some ppl about dismemberment???

I for one couldn't care less about this, as the whole point of this sim is neutralizing your enemy in a variety of ways, without being wounded or killed yourself.

Who cares if his limbs blow off or not?

If you want dismemberment go watch Zombie Apocalypse or something ;)

It isn't exactly realistic in a military simulator to act as If dismemberment doesn't exist.

It matters If you blow there limbs off or not because dismemberment is a vital tool in phycological warfare. You're not only wounding/killing the enemy but you are doing it in such a way that ensures, If he is wounded, he will not be able to fight again. You are also causing phycological damage to the enemy because the idea of losing their limbs will constantly be on their mind.

These are the point of anti-personal mines, they often aren't intended to kill the person who triggers them, they are intended to stop him being a part of the war machine. Why shoot someone in the chest where they stand a chance of surviving and living to fight another day, when you can blow of their limbs and ensure they won't fight again.

At it's core it's a game, no one is dying, I want it to be realistic, so I want to be shown a real military simulation. I'm not gonig to shed tears for a bunch of pixels, but I want to see realism.

I also get tired of seeing the same animations over and over again, I shoot someone in the head with a barett sniper rifle, and they just slowly fall over. I've seen pictures of the bullet from one of those things split a person's head in two.

I've seen tank shells hit people in-game and all they do is fly into the air -_-.

Without dismemberment it is hard to show realism.

Edited by Sky999

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Blah blah

Seek help.

Leave the small animals alone.

Even if you had a point, the AI doesnt give a shit if a .50 blew their squad leader in half or if he got hit by a rock you threw. So the psychological part doesnt make a difference.

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Our devs are working very hard to finalize systems and content before the pub beta. Wounding is in progress, and might or might not make it in the initial release in the week of the 7th.

However, due to the (near) daily updates, you might be pleasantly surprised before you even realize it's missing ;)

Let's make x-mas take the full month of December :yay:

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. The ACE mod without the wounding/medic system already looks like it does more to improve the game than all other gameplay mods combined and then some. Good to know that it's not far off though!

ACE1 included Mando Missiles, does ACE2 do this? I didn't see anything in the feature list.

On the subject of dismemberment, that should be a separate mod (or an optional part of ACE) that is a visual clientside effect only. The AI should react to heavy fire and casualties regardless of what happens visually.

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It's still just a game. As for the realism the devs have stated many times that they are looking for a balance between gameplay and realism. If dismemberment isn't part of ACE2 maybe that's one of the things they had to leave out for various reason. So if it's not in there it really means squat to me and many other people. I'm not gonna sit there and say "Gee, this just doesn't feel like my time in Iraq and the Stan cause there's no body parts laying around. Therefore I can't play it cause it ain't real."

There's gonna be so many other great features that no dismemberment wont even be a factor. I'm just happy these guys are doing this and I'm not gonna start discussing what I wish they had, I'm just gonna enjoy the new dimension ACE2 adds.

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and yes, I agree that it isn't very important at all compared to actual gameplay fixes. I'd much rather the time was spent on the AI or bugfixing.

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Seek help.

Leave the small animals alone.

Even if you had a point, the AI doesnt give a shit if a .50 blew their squad leader in half or if he got hit by a rock you threw. So the psychological part doesnt make a difference.

Go home troll. ;)

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It isn't exactly realistic in a military simulator to act as If dismemberment doesn't exist.

It matters If you blow there limbs off or not because dismemberment is a vital tool in phycological warfare. You're not only wounding/killing the enemy but you are doing it in such a way that ensures, If he is wounded, he will not be able to fight again. You are also causing phycological damage to the enemy because the idea of losing their limbs will constantly be on their mind.

These are the point of anti-personal mines, they often aren't intended to kill the person who triggers them, they are intended to stop him being a part of the war machine. Why shoot someone in the chest where they stand a chance of surviving and living to fight another day, when you can blow of their limbs and ensure they won't fight again.

1. the ACE team decided that there will be NO dismemberment whatsoever. Reasons have been explained before, so i will not go over those again

At it's core it's a game, no one is dying, I want it to be realistic, so I want to be shown a real military simulation. I'm not gonig to shed tears for a bunch of pixels, but I want to see realism.

2. you are in no position to DEMAND anything. This project is done for free, by a bunch of ppl in their free time..You like it, great, you don't..well, better luck next time

I also get tired of seeing the same animations over and over again, I shoot someone in the head with a barett sniper rifle, and they just slowly fall over. I've seen pictures of the bullet from one of those things split a person's head in two.

I've seen tank shells hit people in-game and all they do is fly into the air -_-.

Without dismemberment it is hard to show realism.

3. Have you ever been in a combat situation yourself? Have you ever lost a limb yourself? Or have you seen a budy of yours loosing one? It's a all funny and well sitting in the couch general position...This subject has been covered so many times before...please stop spamming this thread, is not gonna happen

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There's gonna be so many other great features that no dismemberment wont even be a factor. I'm just happy these guys are doing this and I'm not gonna start discussing what I wish they had, I'm just gonna enjoy the new dimension ACE2 adds.

Right O'!

Really I was happy with just the 'Weapon resting' feature but after reading the full feature list I'm pretty :yay:

Edit: Whats the difference between Ace2 and Acex?

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bla...I've seen pictures of the bullet from one of those things split a person's head in two.

I've seen tank shells hit people in-game and all they do is fly into the air. Without dismemberment it is hard to show realism.....bla

Buy 2 kg of red meat...

Leave it out in the open in the corner of your room for 2wks

Thats what war smells like and looks like if there are worms in it.

Now everytime you sit on the computer, get some from the pack and put next to your keyboard. Pick some and throw to your screen every time you make a headshot.

This is as real as it gets...

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Can i request a small script in ACE two that allows only <insert name here> To be dismembered purely by thought?

The fuck?

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Buy 2 kg of red meat...

Leave it out in the open in the corner of your room for 2wks

Thats what war smells like and looks like if there are worms in it.

Now everytime you sit on the computer, get some from the pack and put next to your keyboard. Pick some and throw to your screen every time you make a headshot.

This is as real as it gets...

You're a genius.

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lol pufu,the only thing I fear it is the dl process,surely I dl everything of ace2

also,who has to make compatibility between ace2 and other addons?e.g.,usermade units needs to be reworked to earn compatibility with ace2 or not?

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It isn't exactly realistic in a military simulator to act as If dismemberment doesn't exist.

It matters If you blow there limbs off or not because dismemberment is a vital tool in phycological warfare. You're not only wounding/killing the enemy but you are doing it in such a way that ensures, If he is wounded, he will not be able to fight again. You are also causing phycological damage to the enemy because the idea of losing their limbs will constantly be on their mind.

These are the point of anti-personal mines, they often aren't intended to kill the person who triggers them, they are intended to stop him being a part of the war machine. Why shoot someone in the chest where they stand a chance of surviving and living to fight another day, when you can blow of their limbs and ensure they won't fight again.

At it's core it's a game, no one is dying, I want it to be realistic, so I want to be shown a real military simulation. I'm not gonig to shed tears for a bunch of pixels, but I want to see realism.

I also get tired of seeing the same animations over and over again, I shoot someone in the head with a barett sniper rifle, and they just slowly fall over. I've seen pictures of the bullet from one of those things split a person's head in two.

I've seen tank shells hit people in-game and all they do is fly into the air -_-.

Without dismemberment it is hard to show realism.

<sarcasm> Thank you for your input ! </sarcasm>


Nice, thx :)

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These are the point of anti-personal mines, they often aren't intended to kill the person who triggers them, they are intended to stop him being a part of the war machine. Why shoot someone in the chest where they stand a chance of surviving and living to fight another day, when you can blow of their limbs and ensure they won't fight again.

Err, the point of anti-personnel mines is that it's hard for a buried piece of metal the size of a dinner plate to shoot someone in the chest. If they could kill easily, they would.

It's a bit of a stretch to say that explosives employed primarily for psychological effect. And that psychological effect wouldn't even exist in a video game. We will fight again another day no matter how many parts of us get blown off.

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Err, the point of anti-personnel mines is that it's hard for a buried piece of metal the size of a dinner plate to shoot someone in the chest. If they could kill easily, they would.

It's a bit of a stretch to say that explosives employed primarily for psychological effect. And that psychological effect wouldn't even exist in a video game. We will fight again another day no matter how many parts of us get blown off.

You sure on that Maturin? I always thought they were intended to maim for that very reason. Either way who wants to simulate AP mines in a game? Or even a sim for that matter?? They're about as fun as IEDs. AT mines and satchels should suffice.

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Err, the point of anti-personnel mines is that it's hard for a buried piece of metal the size of a dinner plate to shoot someone in the chest. If they could kill easily, they would.

It's a bit of a stretch to say that explosives employed primarily for psychological effect. And that psychological effect wouldn't even exist in a video game. We will fight again another day no matter how many parts of us get blown off.

In reality, it's actually better for armies not to kill soldiers, but incapacitate and highly wound them, because then your units have to contend with managing the wounded people. And in a military like the US and Israel's, you're gonna want to evacuate these troops immediately, so it puts a much bigger strain on the units in the area and delays completion of objectives in a lot of cases. Count with that the psychological effect achieved from seeing a friendly soldier without a leg screaming out for his parents is probably much higher than seeing him simply die.

However, this is a game, and even if it was more "realistic" to see rotor blades rip a person in half, it puts much undue visual and engine strain on a game that already struggles to achieve good performance. We don't even know how ACE2 will affect ArmA2's performance, but seeing the amount of addons/scripts running it's probably going to negatively affect it.

I'd rather have more gameplay features/smarter AI than sacrifice performance for dismemberment.

Edit: Just an FYI to the post before mine, ACE2 adds Anti Personnel mines: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Features_of_ACE2#Explosives

Edited by Hamm

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wait we can disarm mines right?

If you find them before they find you - yes.

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^... actually I am slightly worried about the nukes... imagine using them in those 5km by 5km or 10km by 10km islands! hohoho

You should not be. We are talking about tactical nuclear weapons. In the case of the B-61 bomb, I implimented the 0.3 - 5.0 kilo range of the "dial-a-yield" settings. The damage radius from initial burst is quite managable. The fallout pattern depends on the wind. Watch your maps and don't hang around long if you end up in a zone.

The SADM is still a WIP because of time working on ruck system, but those will be out there sometime. But be warned - those weapons are extremely heavy. Even SEALs had a tough time hauling them any distance. They will be on the upper end of my yield range - 10 kilotons.

Unlike the scuds out there - with any of the ACE nukes you are going to have to do more than click on a map. You have to deliver it yourself - taking a lot of risks along the way. There are plans for "release authority" to be supported too, so mission makers can control access to these weapons even better.

Pilots are going to have to learn some extra tricks too. Dropping a B-61 takes a lot more skill than dropping a Mk82 or laser-guided weapon. I suggest anyone thinking about trying out the nukes first brush up on toss-bombing and details of how lay-down mode works. :smiley-evil:

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You should not be. We are talking about tactical nuclear weapons. In the case of the B-61 bomb, I implimented the 0.3 - 5.0 kilo range of the "dial-a-yield" settings.

That sounds great Evil_Echo, but I do have a question. How do these nukes affect in-game performance? Does it slow down the game to a stutter, or is it affected by buildings in the area? Also, how do they affect trees?

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