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Especially regarding the last 2 posts in here by W0lle and Tankbuster, i would like to know why this thread


has been closed. It was only very losely related to ACE2, more addressing to some more general problems which might be repeated shortly with ProjectReality and maybe also other mods that might hit the ground in near or far future.

So i saw it more as a "general handling of addons in the future" thread, ACE2 only mentoined as being the first mod.

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It's because of your anti English avatar ;)

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What? You don't like my facepaint? :p

Hehe, however, thanks for renaming and reopening.

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We do not allow quoting of images, no matter what size they are.

Is there any chance of mitigating this rule in the near future? It happened to me too recently - though through no fault of my own, as the image I quoted was blocked by a filter and I simply couldn't see it. In any case, I honestly think it's a bit silly handing out infractions because someone quoted a small 10kb image.

I think the rule should at least be modified in such a way that quoting images under a certain size is allowed, for example anything smaller than 600x400 and 50kb. While we're at it, I think the 100kb image size limit could be upped to ~250kb (if not dropped entirely), as average bandwidth has increased dramatically over the last decade. :)

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Thread rename request..


It's not my thread originally, but the OP isn't replying any more and he didn't title it very well. A better thread title might be, "How to configure your dedicated server so it prevents ACE users joining"

Sickboy has been good enough to show us how to configure the server so that it prevents his users joining. kudos to him for that.

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However reporting such a thread might be better (and faster) than asking here. ;)


As far as I remember the hint not to quote images was the only "punishment" for that image quoting. I can't speak for the other Mods but of course I would not hand out an infraction or even a warning for quoting a 10kb image. Often I just remove them without any comment and move on.

Regarding the image size limit: We had that discussion several times in the past years and no, we will not change that limit. There is always the option to either use an image hoster who's providing thumbnails or in worst case you can post a reduced image and post the link to the high quality one below.

Edited by W0lle

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However reporting such a thread might be better (and faster) than asking here. ;)

Thanks W. Will bear that in mind for next time.

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As far as I remember the hint not to quote images was the only "punishment" for that image quoting. I can't speak for the other Mods but of course I would not hand out an infraction or even a warning for quoting a 10kb image. Often I just remove them without any comment and move on.

I was referring more to this post, where I recieved an infraction for quoting a small 6KB image. I guess all mods are different. It's no biggie and I'm not here to complain about my case specifically, but I feel that the rule could be changed to allow quoting of small images. ;)

Regarding the image size limit: We had that discussion several times in the past years and no, we will not change that limit. There is always the option to either use an image hoster who's providing thumbnails or in worst case you can post a reduced image and post the link to the high quality one below.

Okay, I guess that's settled then.

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I was wondering if it is in the best interest of this forum to change the name of "Official ARMA 2 expansion announced: Operation Arrowhead " to "ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread" or similar.

Mainly to strengthen the division between the press coverage and discussion of ArmA 2: OA.

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Each thread can contain posts concerning your group team or squad. This can be announcing new recruiting, announcing training or competitions or new server software or things like that.

from the squad pages

Are we able to post on the completion of our first "main" operation, with a video in?

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from the squad pages

Are we able to post on the completion of our first "main" operation, with a video in?

As long as you don't post a new "completion of operation with a video" every 7 days it will be ok.

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i got a question for w0lle, how do you see how large an image is? Downloading them is really time consuming..

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Right-click on the image in your browser, then "view image info" (might be called something similar in other browsers). ;)

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thanks! It's there on firefox for me.


you guys should change the Off topic description, it still says operation flashpoint.. perhaps change it to "not related to BIS" or something

Edited by Fox '09

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perhaps you should change the "addon request thread" title to "Addon Request Thread - ALL REQUESTS GO HERE" or something..


sorry for double post :(

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We can at least try it.

Though it doesn't help when people starting new threads on purpose because they think they get more attention this way.

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Sounds stupid but can we have a hot girls thread?

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Sounds stupid but can we have a hot girls thread?


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