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Quote[/b] ]###### Description #######

This addon contains 3 ships for Independent (RACS), one ship for OPFOR, a civilian freightship as real ship and as static object.

This addon also contains 2 retextured BIS Units (officerE and officerG) to fit as crew for the ships and a static object to be used as naval contact mine.

The Ships are intended and pre-configured to use mando missiles addon (recommended but not needed). Placement of the mando missiles gamelogic is enough to activate the system. the system cant be deactivated, but additional usermade missilecapabilities should be possible (not tested). The implementation of the missiles is far from perfect at the moment nevertheless it is a "plug and play" solution to use mando missiles in a navy battle without any sripting skills from the user needed. For general information on mando missiles check the link above.

Full credits for the scripted missile system to mandoble, please dont bother him with issues you have with sc9_ships1/mando missiles.

The static Freightship is intended as missionobjective allowing

the players to walk around and fight CQB with the enemy.

It has building positions to allow easy placement of ai units.

Exact placement in editor is needed, use the empty version, not the one on civilian side.

Always do high adjustment by writing something like

this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, .1]

in the initline of the static freight ship. this addon is very basic atm

but should have the mainfeatures it needs to test general functionality.

please be aware that weatherchanges or changes of daytime or even worse seasons

result in different water levels, and a pefectly placed ship will be in air or filled with water a few hours later.


picture in big




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perfect work !

BUT : why the (defender class?) attack EVERY UNITS in air with mando missile (EAST, but WEST and IND too)... wtf ? biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]BUT : why the (defender class?) attack EVERY UNITS in air with mando missile (EAST, but WEST and IND too)... wtf ? biggrin_o.gif

USA is enemy to racs, but i cant confirm the blue on blue behaviour, did you teamkilled something before you get vaporized? did you use a special air unit/addon?

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perfect work !

BUT : why the (defender class?) attack EVERY UNITS in air with mando missile (EAST, but WEST and IND too)... wtf ? biggrin_o.gif

You can set racs against all, or friendly to opfor or bluefor.

It's in the editor under the time/date weather section.

Make sure Racs is ticked friendly to bluefor etc.


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Yep, racs vs blueford (teamkilled) ; choppers and aicrafts from ArmA Vanilla, + ACE and RKSL choppers, everytimes.

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the racs units are enemy to all other sides except themselves. if you want US units to get not attacked give them a racs teamleader and set the possibility of presence of that teamleader to 0% (wich switch the US units to racs units and therefor to friendly)

the editor setting racs friendly to US has no effect on the scripted missile system.

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amazing work mate , the mines are a lot of fun , and including Mando missiles is one of the smartest decisions i've seen in an addon maker notworthy.gif

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such addon was missing in Arma biggrin_o.gif

it is good to see such addon biggrin_o.gif

it was needed biggrin_o.gif

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Had not time to test this yet, but looking through the setup scripts it seems you did a good job Scars thumbs-up.gif

About the enemy sides problem having west engaging RACs, you might proceed as follows using nanuchka_init.sqf as example:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

while {(alive _launcher) and ((count crew _launcher) == 0)} do


// If the ship is alive but empty, no enemy sides are "decided" yet

Sleep 2;


_enemysides = [];

if (alive _launcher) then


switch (side _launcher) do


case west:


if (!isNil "scars_mma_enemies_west") then


// If enemy sides for west was defined by mission editor

_enemysides = _enemysides + scars_mma_enemies_west;




_enemysides = [west, east, resistance, sideEnemy]-[side _launcher];





// Now use _enemysides as 11 parameter for your AI missile activation script (sc9_basicsam.sqs).


So you allow the mission editor to define scars_mma_enemies_west, scars_mma_enemies_east, scars_mma_enemies_res and scars_mma_enemies_civ in mission init.sqf with the desired enemy sides for each side (just make sure your init scripts waits 2 seconds or more before initializing everything). If the mission editor doesnt define them, then you proceed with default enemy sides assignment.

Another point you might want to consider is to add some basic coastal structures able to be used to reload missiles or torpedoes.


If you want to go a bit further, you might add a while {alive ...} do at the end which checks for side changes of the ship (in case it is abandoned by its former crew and captured by anyother side). You need to get the handler of mando_missileattacker.sqf (executed from sc9_styx.sqs, sc9_basicsamE.sqs, etc), terminate the script, and execute it again with the new enemy sides array.

Note that this will change with MMA 2.35, as enemy sides array will be also stored as vehicle variable of the launcher and you can change that at will without stopping any running script.

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thx for the positive feedback guys, special thx for the mirrors!

thank you very much mandoble, i will implement the additional parameter for the enemy side for sure. reload capabilities are a great idea aswell, maybe some kind of pier or something, need to think a little more about it.

your missiles add the real fun to my boats, without them i would have lost motivation long time ago, you had and will have major impact on my addon, thanks for that. notworthy.gif

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Love the mix Scars !

Well done  thumbs-up.gif

I love the mines, but its just a shame my Scuba diver can't approach them sad_o.gif   ..... boom.

Wasn't going to add Mando Missiles directly to my Frigates ... but your example makes me think twice wink_o.gif Well done

For the Bow wake and the Stern wash, Have a look at my Hydrofoil config, its easy to move ALL these points without having to move your model (in O2)

BTW, I see you have some "NoFly" scripts but doesn't seem to be working.

For other people info, this is what happens to larger ships in ArmA when ArmA default missiles are used against them, or missile/bombs from other addons where the GEOMETRY LOD collisions have not been disabled.




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Oh what with this and gnats frigate i'm building up a nice big navy.

How come Racs are getting most of the stuff tho? We need some west stuff a submarine would be nice :-)

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I love this addons !!!

unlike Gnat, who created his topic about NAVY 2 years ago and did nothig, you have really done something great for Arma NAVY! Plz, try to create more NAVY ... I really hope this addons will become part of good mods or maybe Warfare mod-mission units smile_o.gif))

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I've just tried them for a few minutes and I love them, great work !

Ãœber thanks !


unlike Gnat, who created his topic about NAVY 2 years ago and did nothig

Such comments make me ANGRY !  banghead.gif

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unlike Gnat, who created his topic about NAVY 2 years ago and did nothig

But every addon maker can't simply dedicate 365 days of the year to develop addons, so there has to be a limit to when they can work on addons. Gnat just simply works on what he can when he can, and if the ArmA engine can allow what he wants to do. Scars09 did a good job with his ships, I'm pretty sure he dedicated what time he could and released them when he was satisfied with the results.

Everything just takes time, no body can't just simply release an addon at the push of a finger every time they want to. If you don't like how long it takes Gnat to release something than stop complaining about addon makers taking their time and go and create the addon yourself. Maybe then the typical community person will see how long it takes to release something, and why some may never release it all or just simply put is aside for so long and move onto another project. The ArmA engine can only perform so much in which addons will either have to suffer for the lack of the engine capabilities, or the maker will wait until they can make a work around for it.

Again Scars09, this is a great addition to ArmA and looking forward to the improvements.

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