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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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Thats what I did, dont want to mess with the ACE folder as I want that 100% compatible if needed.

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Just a quick question, has ACE allowed us to swim across rivers without loosing our weapon and other kit we're carrying?

And one request. Would you consider adding a Mortar to ACE? Setup the same as the Browning .50 but maybe an interface to adjust range, ammunition type etc?



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And one request. Would you consider adding a Mortar to ACE? Setup the same as the Browning .50 but maybe an interface to adjust range, ammunition type etc?



Mortars will be added. The mortar team was already placed in the GROUPs (aka F2) and the WGL had mortars too.

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Rucksacks - Can I ask if its possible to have an invisible rucksack. This may sound odd but its to allow addons that have a backpack pre modeled onto them to make use of the rucksack system without looking stupid?

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The current release of ACE+ECS best ArmA so far. Will you include Bradley for the next update?

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Cant make any promises for the next patch, but I think it was already stated that the M2 will be replaced as soon as possible.

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Cant make any promises for the next patch, but I think it was already stated that the M2 will be replaced as soon as possible.

that would be great!

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I would like to make a request on new groups in the editor for Desert Camo Marines instead of only Woodland. Or if anyone could tell me an easy way to create a group.

This might not be exactly what you're looking for, but it is a work around.

Do you use the same "groups" over and over for multiple missions (say, your missions are always designed around a squad of Marines and a medic, so a 13 player co-op)?  If that is the case you can just have a "template" mission on any island that has the groups you want.  When you create a new mission on a new island, you can use the import button on the right and import the groups on the template mission onto the island and mission you are creating currently.

I hope that is an easy work around for you.

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An idea would be to have enemy AI drag you further away from your team instead of leaving you there to either die or be rescued by your team.

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Talking about bullets:

Whats with the dispertion? of bullets??

Im laying down fully calm. Aiming with iron

or acog. Fire, but the bullet wont hit the target!!

It miss with up to 50cm or even more..

Sway isnt a issue here...I have sway to minimal.

Latest patch nr 4 ace patch and 1.15 game patch.

If you have moved previously or being tired and then lie down - reticule comes together and all looks fine. However the higher dispersion stays longer.

Its high dispersion because you havent calm down enough. I made some tests on this as i thaught the same as you first. Test to rest longer before shooting. I tested with reticule visible (crosshair) and it became very obvious with it on.


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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fRemoveMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag - Success not found

String (0) ACE_fAddMagazine - Unit: WEST 1-1-A:1 (Logos) - Item: ACE_30Rnd_556x45_B_Stanag_M4 - Success not found

This bug comes when i use the M4&M203 Weapon, i can shoot and i have no visual errormessages but the cartridges dont flop out of the gun. Any ideas?

I use just ArmA 1.14/1.15 with ACE 1.04

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Hey, I'm having a bug where after an explosion occurs and the deafening effect fades, I cannot hear effect sounds anymore, only radio comms. Anyone have any ideas?

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i was wondering if it is possible to stop a unit bleeding out ?

or to disable the respawn funtion for one specific unit

im working on a scenario where a high value target has to be kidnapped .. i am using norrins capture script  and all works well ... however the captured unit has problems following directions on the afghan village map ... a solution is to

disable the target and drag him to extraction zone . this also works well and proves a real challenge  .. however if the target dies during the extraction he is respawned which kinnda buggers the mission

anyone know of a plausible work around ?

best wishes   smile_o.gif

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Thats not a bug but debug messages. Ignore them.

i ignore it but it looks silly that all weapons drop out the empty cartrigdes instead of the M4's with M203 GrenadeLauncher

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Thats not a bug but debug messages. Ignore them.

i ignore it but it looks silly that all weapons drop out the empty cartrigdes instead of the M4's with M203 GrenadeLauncher

Those messages have nothing to do with the bug you're describing smile_o.gif

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... i got an error message which tells me to name my soldiers in the DAC_STRPlayers but where to find this file? Can anybody help me plz?

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@ _barns_ : you'll find it in the file "dac_config_creator.sqf" in DAC\

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@ _barns_ : you'll find it in the file "dac_config_creator.sqf" in DAC\

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thx alot it was maybe to close to my nose so i did not see it smile_o.gif

btw how many players can i naem inside there? p155 possible?

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@ _barns_ : you'll find it in the file "dac_config_creator.sqf" in DAC\

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thx alot it was maybe to close to my nose so i did not see it smile_o.gif

btw how many players can i naem inside there? p155 possible?

This is ACE, right? I'm a little hung over this morning so I could be mistaken. wink_o.gif

I'm not quite sure how many though.

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Sorry if it sounds stupid, but how to use correctly the ATGM and TOW while in the Cobra and Ah-64 gunner seat ?

When I try in the editor with a AI pilot, I use the gun cam, with the laser on and overlay on but when I lauch any type of missiles (ATGM or TOW), they never it the target I'm aiming for...they climb to space or hit the ground randomly....

So as you can see, I'm probably doing something wrong and need help..thanks

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I find the TOW and the default Hellfire mode always work fine with the laser on and enough distance to target. Some of the other Hellfire modes seem to work at long ranges, but some don't work at all, or hit way off the mark.

As I said, the TOW and whatever the first Hellfire setting is work fine for me every time.

Gotta love firing off your fourth Hellfire before the first one's even reached the target, then dragging the rest onto nearby targets. You can completely blat an enemy position in seconds from miles away - brilliant.  biggrin_o.gif

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1. Make sure that you have the laser on. (Autolock doesnt work)

2. Nose of the helicopter is pointed at the target, so the angles fit

3. Have enought distance to the target for the initial flightpath. (IRL the Hellfire needs about 800m min range, in ArmA its less but depends on aircrafts direction, height and distance to the target)

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Daniel @ Mar. 02 2009,02:15)]I find the TOW and the default Hellfire mode always work fine with the laser on and enough distance to target. Some of the other Hellfire modes seem to work at long ranges, but some don't work at all, or hit way off the mark.

As I said, the TOW and whatever the first Hellfire setting is work fine for me every time.

Gotta love firing off your fourth Hellfire before the first one's even reached the target, then dragging the rest onto nearby targets. You can completely blat an enemy position in seconds from miles away - brilliant.  biggrin_o.gif

ok, I think here's the problem...my crappy old computer (ati radeon 850 XT 256 mb video card)...

I can't play with more than 1500 meters View distance so I may need more distance between me and the target

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Haven't read through everything yet, but... Bug in animation/wounding system:

I was wounded and hit the deck while reloading an M3 MAAWS. While downed, my character was doing the reload animation constantly, and enemy would even keep firing on me (I was alone at the time).

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