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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Public Release!

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Dunno if its already been said but the AI'S have trouble dragging wounded comrades and how do you look into the scope for the designated marksman? Also how do you place satchel charges?

"Print this topic" then go to Edit in your browser and select Find. Try a word search for "drag" or "scope". I believe these have been discussed previously, I could be wrong though.

For satchel charges, it should be the same as before, through the action menu. I've only tried it once and if I remember correctly it worked the same as with out ACE.

That reminds me I should probably try out the different explosives, I keep forgetting. biggrin_o.gif

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I notice that when i command a team and press F2,F3 ect.(for ai teammates) in bigger firefights it gives Low Fps.After the command is finished the game runs fine. huh.gif

ah thx mr.g-c thumbs-up.gif

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Thanks mr.g-c. It's amazing after all the mentioning of it that people still don't do this. Good thing you are around or some of this stuff may go unnoticed due to the shear size of this thread.

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sorry, it's not the satchel charges i can't place it's the IED'S that i can't seem to place.

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Could someone tell me how to combine ECS with ACE ? I want the entire ECS package, with all the other mods that come with ACE except for its AI, sounds and generally everything that conflicts with ECS. This combination would be the best one for me. I've tried several command lines and haven't gotten ECS to initiate correctly with ACE. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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sorry, it's not the satchel charges i can't place it's the IED'S that i can't seem to place.

Do a "print this topic" search, I believe this has been addressed before. I could be wrong though but I thought someone discussed this earlier.

I haven't tried the IED's yet so I cant offer any ideas. My apologies.

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As far as I know currently there is no way of getting ECS to run with the latest release of ACE. It works with the first beta, but you have to disable many of the ECS features. Otherwise you have two different kinds of bleeding when you are hit+many other odd effects.

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That's too bad. I love the realism of ECS but on the other hand ACE offers so much.

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Neede some Help here with ACE Mod.

Last night my friends and I played some Coop Missions. Everytime my mates killed an enemy, the dead enemy was still standing until I shoot him again.

How can I solve this Problem?

thanks for your help,


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Neede some Help here with ACE Mod.

Last night my friends and I played some Coop Missions. Everytime my mates killed an enemy, the dead enemy was still standing until I shoot him again.

How can I solve this Problem?

thanks for your help,


This is most likely one of the bugs introduced with 1.01 and the change in the animation system.

I would expect a fix in the next patch, or if not, be sure its still addressed.

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I have the same problem with ACE_BREACHING, it cannot be placed anymore. Used to work with 1.00. Satchels will work fine. Barely tested, but I wasn't able to do the 'Safety Off (clacker 1)' action on the claymore anymore as well. I could sight it in, but had to attach tripwire to set it off. I don't know this weapon very well, so I'm not sure how things are supposed to work here though.

About ECS, just forget about it for now smile_o.gif I loved ECS too for what it did with the ambience, and many of the AI features. Even though it 'apparently' worked with ACE 1.00, some very important ACE features stopped working. And even if I prepared my missions to disable most of the ECS features that conflicted with ACE features, I couldn't get it to work as desired. With ACE 1.01, I can't even get it to intialize anymore (due to new XEH?). I have been told that ECS is not being developed anymore, so I can only hope that some of these features will be implemented in ACE or other mods that are ACE compatible. ECS can be made fully readable again (except missing comments off course) by some trickery with UltraEdit, so I guess some clever ones will attempt some of these features either from scratch or by looking in ECS code.

But for now, it's not worth the effort to try to make it work, imho.

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Is it true that the XEH in ACE is another version than the latest "normal" version? If so, isnt that breaking the idea with XEH?

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Is it true that the XEH in ACE is another version than the latest "normal" version? If so, isnt that breaking the idea with XEH?

It's a "newer" version of v1.9 made for ACE. I guess you could say that's true but then again if you use ACE XEH every thing seems to work just fine except ECS but ECS really isn't compatible with ACE anyways cause some features need to be disabled. Plus ECS wasn't really made with XEH in mind, it only worked when they released the themis patch a few days later. Kind of like FFN as well.

It seems if stuff isn't made with XEH in mind right from the get go problems may arise.

I'm just blabbing now so I'll get out of here. biggrin_o.gif

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Ok, thank you for your answer. So its probably Themis patch that needs an update.. Too bad ECS breaks some ACE features, no point in updating it.

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Been playing ACE 1.01 lately - awesome mod!

I don't know if this is a bug, but whenever I am engineer and I build a FARP in ACE Evo 4.2, I am unable to repair any vehicles, (nothing happens at all).... is this a bug or am I missing something?



PS I have tried using an Engineer pack, but this doesnt seem to do anything.... very frustrating as I can build FARPS but they dont repair vehicles!

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A little request for the next version, could you guys remove the chat messages when you do things like bandaging or resting weapons? It clutters things up.

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Agreed. Perhaps have a clunk noise if you manage to rest your weapon. Or a hint message.

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strange thing here. some of my friends getting this message :

Quote[/b] ]Addon 'ACE_Config_Men' requires addon 'joh_usmc'

But i am don`t getting this message at all,

we all have the same mods installed , ace only

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Bug report:

Description: The keyDown/Up event handlers must return a "handled" result from all functions.

Currently this implementation executes all event functions in the list, but only returns the 'handled' result of the last function (if at all). This prevents ACE from being fully compatible with other addons/missions.

File: ace_sys_displayEH.pbo

Function: S_displayEventHandler_KeyDown_Refresh

Sample solution:

*for "_i" from 1 to (_listcount-1) step 3 do {
* *_functionVar = S_displayEventHandler_KeyDown_List select _i;
* *if (_handlerActionList != "") then {
* * *_handlerActionList = _handlerActionList + " || ";
* *};
* *_handlerActionList = _handlerActionList + _functionVar;

Other variations could: strip off trailing semicolons from _functionVar and validate that the result is boolean (like SPON does).

(If you have queries, use PM, since I don't track forums much.)

Edited by W0lle

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Daniel @ Feb. 02 2009,18:57)]Agreed. Perhaps have a clunk noise if you manage to rest your weapon. Or a hint message.

There is already a sound for resting ( very low volume though).

Use some Headphones and you can hear it clearly.

But i agree there should be a sound for using bandages.

@Dr_Eyeball: I opened a ticket for you in the ACE-Forums.

Link: http://www.acemod.net/forums/project.php?issueid=1082

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ACE is great!

But some of my suggestions for the next release!

Some are just things that probably wont happen, but should.


- Add Iraqi Police

- Switch out RHS weapons for RH. Much better quality

- Add Iraqi national Police

- Add a nice Fighter or Bomber, F117, or something of the like

- Get variation on the Russian soldiers (I know you're working on it)

- For future future add in some Afghani Civilians

-Add in FFAA Afghani Insurgents

- a C-130 would be nice

- Some type of other Blufor ( preferably 3Para UK troops)

- Fast rope addon when a stable version comes out

- Add maybe some Canadian troops for the Afghan scenario

- Add Uparmored HUMV if it can get a retexture or a decent "texture" at all

- All Black SUV for Contractors

- Maybe even throw the "Mercenary" pack into ACE, or just the 'Desert' Mercs, the blackwater ones

- Keep up all the great work!

I know most of these are rediculous and would just make the pack to massive. But all suggestions!


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Although a lot of this stuff I would not want to see since it's already available, I'd rather not see stuff simply added when it works already or could work with a simple XEH tweak, you definitely listed some stuff that would be a great addition. You should post some of this stuff over in the ACE forums so it doesn't get lost in this ever expanding thread. Plus a few of these items may already be suggested over there so a little more support from others may get them in there eventually or at least considered.

Just a thought since it's a helluva a lot easier for these guys to keep track of stuff over there instead of here.(And it gives mr.g-c a break as well since he's thoughtfully taken on the job of opening tickets over there so peoples' posts don't fall by the wayside.)

Again just a thought. You brought up some good suggestions that would be excellent in this Mod. IMHO of course.  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  pistols.gif

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