Ratcatcher 0 Posted January 11, 2009 great, thanks for the info Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted January 11, 2009 I love the features of ACE but would like to try it with the ai of ECS, could someone please explain how I can do this.I've added the -mod=@ECS to the shortcut, is that it? Or do I need to remove the ai parts of ACE? Thanks! I would suggest that you go to The.D's addon compilation thread and do what he suggest there regarding ECS. I dont think its necessary or a good idea to use the full ECS-mod. I been thinking of adding ECS ai to my ace server, but right now we are actually having a really good time with the ace ai. They are not as aggressive and a little more 'lame', which is good for us as we are so few players haha!! edit: with that said we think they are well balanced for us. Challenge on a fun level, not on a frightening level as before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ratcatcher 0 Posted January 11, 2009 Thanks Anderson, I will give it a look. The problem I seem to have with the ACE AI, and it only seems like I'm the one suffering!!!, is that my men seem to go for their bino's all the the time. I see this in the other mods and vanilla but for whatever reason in ACE they seem to just stay with their binos and dont engage, even when opfor is right in front of them. I'm not running any other mods, but am using Opteryx's excellant Afgan map and Brit para's, but I've used other ACE units and it still seems to be doing it... weird! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M.Andersson(SWE) 4 Posted January 11, 2009 Serverproblems with ACE server "THE GRUNTS CLAN" Ace server.Getting error messege with keys: I have ONLY ArmA1.14 + @ACE installed. NO other addons and the server says ACE server...Still get messege about unvalid KEYS....WHY?? arma.rpt: " Warning Message: Files "@ACE\addons\ace_aef_reallights.pbo", "@ACE\addons\ace_ags_build.pbo", "@ACE\addons\ace_ags_inds.pbo", "@ACE\addons\ace_ags_port.pbo", "@ACE\addons\ace_anjaddon1.pbo", "@ACE\addons\ace_art_bd.pbo", ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys. /" You apparently have ACE islands pbo's in your ACE addons folder. Yes i do but on the "Hotshots" Ace server its fine.. No problems at all.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoRailgunner 0 Posted January 11, 2009 Placing satchels and mines are possible in standing position. AI doesnt report if injuries are healed completly or if they need medical backup. What if you make an line/voice "Too heavily injured need medical backup" and a option to dismiss this unit(s) from combat + group. Would be nice to have working radio operators to call in all kind of available support. For example default one you have 1xCAS/CAP, 1x MEDEVAC, 1x group of troops INFIL/EXFIL and via mission design players can have more + different support options. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted January 11, 2009 Is it possible to get some reaction on the SF HMMV`s that have useless weapons for the AI? I noticed the same on the new Strikers included in A.C.E. They will not shoot, whatever happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
charliereddog 9 Posted January 11, 2009 I'm noticing that the AI in general, both friendly and enemy, are either sh1t hot, or particularly useless. I've had a fair few instances where I turn round to find an AI enemy soldier just stood looking at me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted January 11, 2009 what's the config name for the ACE weapons crate? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lugiahua 26 Posted January 12, 2009 report some issues: (actually I lost my track after 20 pages) 1. Some static weapons in wrong side one ATGM(forgot name) should be Russian side instead US side 2. SPG-9 is too hard to be killed, I have to order my vehicle run over them to get rid of it 3. non-ACE tanks have only 200 mg rounds 4. AI MG gunner do not engage infantry when player is the commander inside vehicle (play mission Armored Fist you would understand it) 5. AI do not use RCWS even they are in the spots 6. AI soldiers do not bandage themselves, so they often bled out 7.AI soldiers do not share ammo with others from their bag AT gunner usually has only one shot. 8. AIs often "watch" their enemy instead engage them even when their enemies already open fire on them 9. Manpads are too powerful, they can even kill tanks 10. AI sometimes do not fire HEDP rounds or other type ammo round when engage tanks 11. Is it possible to add Panzerfist-3 into the mod? It is a really nice weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted January 12, 2009 report some issues:(actually I lost my track after 20 pages) 1. Some static weapons in wrong side one ATGM(forgot name) should be Russian side instead US side 2. SPG-9 is too hard to be killed, I have to order my vehicle run over them to get rid of it 3. non-ACE tanks have only 200 mg rounds 4. AI MG gunner do not engage infantry when player is the commander inside vehicle (play mission Armored Fist you would understand it) 5. AI do not use RCWS even they are in the spots 6. AI soldiers do not bandage themselves, so they often bled out 7.AI soldiers do not share ammo with others from their bag AT gunner usually has only one shot. 8. AIs often "watch" their enemy instead engage them even when their enemies already open fire on them 9. Manpads are too powerful, they can even kill tanks 10. AI sometimes do not fire HEDP rounds or other type ammo round when engage tanks 11. Is it possible to add Panzerfist-3 into the mod? It is a really nice weapon. Everything on the list but #11 has been acknowledged, is being worked on, or has already been fixed. Since ACE mainly portrays USA and Russia and their conflicts the chances for a Panzerfaust-3 to be included are very, very, very small. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binary 0 Posted January 12, 2009 I'm sorry if this has already been covered - but what are the plans for next release? Will we see a more stable release with pure fixes and updates first or will there be a major release with bug fixes as well as new content? Is there an ETA for this as well? I think i remember from some of the first posts, that a bug-fixed release would be "sometime in the new year" ? And finaly - conqratulations on a fantastic first release, well on the way to making ArmA what it should be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted January 12, 2009 I'm sorry if this has already been covered - but what are the plans for next release?Will we see a more stable release with pure fixes and updates first or will there be a major release with bug fixes as well as new content? Is there an ETA for this as well? I think i remember from some of the first posts, that a bug-fixed release would be "sometime in the new year" ? And finaly - conqratulations on a fantastic first release, well on the way to making ArmA what it should be  We have a bugfix update in the pipeline which should be out soon. More bugfixes, New content, like missing IMWM stuff etc, is planned for the next weeks / months. But let's not get ahead of ourselves Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Binary 0 Posted January 12, 2009 We have a bugfix update in the pipeline which should be out soon. More bugfixes, New content, like missing IMWM stuff etc, is planned for the next weeks / months.But let's not get ahead of ourselves One word.. Awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 12, 2009 Really serious bug upon respawn (in Domination ACE). I lost all my controls (disableUserInput?) except changing radio channel, typing, and the ACE jump command. I couldn't get the menu up, had to shut ArmA down by force and restart. How did it happen? I think I brought up the map while I was downed (blackouts). Not sure if this is Domination or ACE related yet, so posting this in both places. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rezalt 0 Posted January 12, 2009 Maybe you are using some older files that are in the ace directory and that didn't get overwritten by the installer. If i remember correctly Kelly's Heroes server has a addonsync server that uses my tool. What you could do is install my tool to see what files are incorrect and remove/update them. An other option would be to simply remove the ACE folder and re run the ace installer afterwards. Also make sure you are connecting to a server that uses the default ACE files. (if my tool tells you you have the correct files when comparing to Kellys then your installation is correct, but the server's installation is altered) The general "error" you are reporting is exactly what my tool is for. Thanks, it helped alot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 12, 2009 Nice to see how ACE have chosen not to use so extremely pure colors for the flares. Request, albeit a strange one: ace_config_weapon, under the flares, can you possibly define two new entries for artillery flare shells? One for 105mm M119 and one for 155mm M198. Shoudl be A LOT brighter than regular flares and if possible, made last longer (althought the strenght is the really critical here). That way mission designers who wants to use fake artillery flare support can do it easily without creating a whole lot of these to generate the effect. I am using the following values in my private addon, but your values might differ (to purer whites) since I use a different color theory (eyes tuned to sodium (city) lights will make white light look slightly bluish in tint): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class F_105mm_White: F_40mm_White { lightColor[] = {3.0,3.2,3.7,1}; }; class F_122mm_White: F_40mm_White { lightColor[] = {3.3,3.5,3.9,1}; }; class F_155mm_White: F_40mm_White { lightColor[] = {7.0,7.3,8.2,1}; }; Values have nothing realistic about them, if you want that you have to research it yourselves. These are just for fun and that added extra. Yes, enemy can use flares tactically, even more so with ACE since most will turn off auto adjust on their NVGs. Also, consider adding a sound to the flares. Yes, it makes a huge difference in experience soundFly[] = {"\addonname\soundpath\flare.ogg", 0.15, 1}; Maybe redefine it to nothing for the IR flare and HuntIR Round if these are based on the white flare. Different ammo types for these guns would also be nice, but currently I'm happy about the new combinations I can make from existing ACE ammo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kklownboy 43 Posted January 12, 2009 ....How did it happen? I think I brought up the map while I was downed (blackouts). .... Would be better if the map wasn't accessible during black outs ect. Its a cheat in its own particular way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted January 12, 2009 I uninstalled the ACE ISLAND pack through ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS in the control panel and it deleted the files/folder in the ArmA/DTA folder needed for the ACE mod to function. It kept the ACE islands folder in there but deleted the one for the actual mod so i cant start ArmA with the mod as its missing some "ACE_clientside_config.HPP" and im guessing a whole folder called "ACE" with more files in it. I would appreciate it immensly if someone could upload the files/folder that goes into the DTA folder so i dont need to download the whole ACE mod again. Thank you. Regards Alex Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted January 12, 2009 Alex Here you go! Â EDIT:- Btw the config has disabled Cartridges+ ace sounds so you will have to re-enable if you want to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 13, 2009 @sickboy, about worldToGrid I tried including the script version into my mission, but it would fail to react on key and to give me the action. I guess SPON inputHandler is not compatible or something? The readout would give a bunch of scalar error messages, probably because the map could never be initialized. I then tried the addon version. It seems that it is required to open the spon map once in order to get readouts at all. It is also a bad thing since I want readouts (in radio messages), but I'm using the ACE_Map thingy to restrict access to map. Also, when I DO get 6 digit readouts, these are way off. My only solution left is to order my clan members to temporarily disable ace_island_sara.pbo and close the server for public players when we play this mission. Please include a worldToGrid function that works with all ACE island grids. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted January 13, 2009 I have a question about the weight/stamina feature (which is great game changing feature thanks). is there plans to further develop this feature? if so there are 2 things i think could add even more to this. 1st - perhaps could the total weight also affect how fast a player can run - so there's an advantage to packing nothing but an assault rifle. 2nd - i find it a little strange that while the soldier sometimes get so tired he is about to black out the actual sway of the gun remains pretty damn controlled. In OFP i remember how running would make the gun sway get very great when you were very tired. thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted January 13, 2009 Just to note, running GDT's HDR mod seems to disable the CQB sights switching function. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inkompetent 0 Posted January 13, 2009 1st - perhaps could the total weight also affect how fast a player can run - so there's an advantage to packing nothing but an assault rifle. It is the animations that controls how fast one moves, and we can't modify the animation speeds. It might be possible to do by adding several new animations to have a degrading speed once one get close to total exhaustion. I don't really know about the posibilities we have to put in new animations into the movement system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cuppa 0 Posted January 13, 2009 Still wondering if anyone has got the guys to shoot the mounted guns on the SFhumvee on 1.14,or do i have to install the 1.15 beta. rgds Cuppa Just instaled 1.15 ,still wont shoot "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=beta;@DBE1;@ACE-Islands;@ACE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Chris- 0 Posted January 14, 2009 I am sorry if this bug has already been mentioned! I scanned through the 50 odd pages and couldn't see it. When using the ported UKF weapons (from OFP) I now seem unable to use the UGL launcher. At first when I got the mod it was working, when I had SIX_tracers and extended event handlers running by accident. Then when i tried to get the ACE tracers working, I removed SIX_tracers and the event handlers, but the UGL all of a sudden stopped working too. It fires the shot, but there is no impact from the grenade. Hope this is of help, if not just slap me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites