kilo1-1 1 Posted December 31, 2007 Very good update but: -M4A1-M203 is burst instead of full auto. -Strange mouse lag -Attack choppers STILL don't engage the enemy. -With all these changes to AI and vehicles, regular missions are going to need to be changed too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Puma- 2 Posted December 31, 2007 Found a small bug. If you run into the rear tubes of the M119 Howitzer your character often gets injured. Occasionally running into those parts also causes the player to jump strangely. what do u think would happen IRL if u run straight into some wheels?? same thing can happen sometimes if u ran into DSHK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted December 31, 2007 I don't know whether it's an issue with the armour being too weak or the AT being too easy to fire, but the way these two interact needs to be looked at closely. Something isn't right if I dismount a tank to scout ahead every time I approach a ridge, rather than face AT infantry who are 100s of meters away. Two AI AT units can easily destroy any tank from 100s of meters out. Apparently, the maximum effective range is 300 meters for a stationary target, 150 for a moving target. Perhaps because we're playing a game and the many real world variables have no effect, but for whatever reason, armour is nearly always overpowered in ArmA. If correcting this means somehow gradually reducing the power of an AT shot over a certain distance or other means of trickery, so be it. Or allow an armoured vehicle more levels of damage functionality beyond simply "doesn't move" and "blows up". Gradually stepping damage would offer a great improvement. Yes, in 1.09 it is easier to survive armour being hit. Good improvement. However, the vehicles are nearly always crippled. I'd still rather be on foot than in a tank. Yes, the M240 and PK need to have their recoil increased while standing. M240 especially has very little recoil in comparison to 1.08. If this was an attempt to make players actually want to use the larger MGs rather than always choosing\scavenging for the M249, why not rather increase the M249's standing recoil slightly. Not to the level of 1.08 M240 obviously, but enough that players need to work for those massive 200 rounds while standing laser-like bursts. The problem with the PK, and more so the M240 has always been the imbalance created by the M249. Regardless of real life recoil abilities, a tiny application of game balance wouldn't be a bad thing. The M249 is equal, or easier to fire in game that the M16. M249 always was too accurate for the game, regardless of it's real life recoil. Players should have to work it. Being able to fire 200 rounds without break and very little recoil compensation is bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted December 31, 2007 not sure if someone noticed it but AI still got problems to 'exit' building typical example is when AI goes inside hangar on SOuth Sahrani airfield following You then You go outside and give it order to mount vehicle outside hangar ... AI ends locked into circle trying get out of hangar ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crystal 0 Posted December 31, 2007 My System: Intel c2d @ 2x1.86Ghz / 2gb of 800Mhz Ram/ ATI 1950 pro 256MB / WinXP With these screens I want only to present the performance. In woods it sometimes goes some fps up. The settings are: 1280*1024 no AA no FF all others @ high/vhigh, 10km viewdistance. But often is the performance better in the 1.08 version: but the grass is nice in 1.09, i like it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted December 31, 2007 Well i managed to get Arma to freeze in 1.09b, with my graphics driver failing and having to reboot the pc. Could it be 1.09b specific? Could it be the 169.21 nvidia driver? Could it be because i increased shadder detail? (from low to normal). Anyway.. this only happened in the editor, played Evolution and Domination for many hours without any problems. Diferences betwean MP and SP: In SP i have high terrain (grass) and slightly higher view distance (2KM). So its either visibility (the fog fix...), terrain/grass or because i increased shadder detail . Gameplay Im reading complaints about the new recoil, only. But im experiencing some extra dificulty hitting targets over distance in 1.09b (online). The M249 and the M4's seem less effective over distance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PuFu 4600 Posted December 31, 2007 Quote[/b] ] Im reading complaints about the new recoil, only.But im experiencing some extra dificulty hitting targets over distance in 1.09b (online). The M249 and the M4's seem less effective over distance. That is the ballistics, who are ok. But this doesn't mean weapons should get as close as no recoil. @Crystal: And what kind of fps do u have? i mean i have almost the same rig as you do, and i have less fps in 1.09b, especially in the wooden areas (e6600, 2gig corsair dhx 800mhz cl4, win xp, x1950xtx) running the game at 1280x1024x32 with low AA, low FF, high textures hight object details, low post process, high blood and everything else normal. 3500m viewdistance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mandoble 1 Posted December 31, 2007 This is about 1.09 and Skype. I always use Skype for voice when playing coop missions and with 109 there are quite noticeable side effects like metallic voices and many many many voice interruptions. These side effects are gone playing the very same missions with 1.08. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlipperyJim 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Funny how we never get a developer asking us for clarification on bug reports in the forums. Is this "beta" purely a PR job meant to stop people from complaining until the patch is finally done? Nothing wrong with that if it is true but the community wastes time giving reports that will never be used. Unfortunately the days of Opflash are gone I suspect. BIS seems to be acting more like UBI now. Look at the Rainbow Six series and GRAW series. Lately all the games are released extremely buggy and after a few token patches they announce that the next game in the series is being worked on. Each new game means the last game is dumped and ignored. I would feel more confident in Arma being fixed if Arma 2 wasn't on the horizon. I keep having the "where are you?" bug from phantom AI when Arma misplaces count on the AI in my squad. Is this an Evolution bug or an Arma bug? (my guess is Arma problem) As for Voip several people have asked for a method of locally testing their microphone. This is really needed because I can't understand or hear properly 50-75% of the people using it. I don't know if it is just bad compression/codec or if it is people not setting up mic properly. Perhaps it is mic quality? Either way we need more controls over the whole system. The ability to turn it off completely is a must! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted January 1, 2008 Well i managed to get Arma to freeze in 1.09b, with my graphics driver failing and having to reboot the pc. Could it be 1.09b specific? Could it be the 169.21 nvidia driver? Exactly the same for me, except after a long Evolution type game ..... thing said something about a ndriver has failed blah blah, had a VERY low res screen to select Restart off. .... using 169.21 also. Could be the driver of course, but I have to be fair and say this is the FIRST (yah! time I've had a crash in 1.09. It used to be every 2-3 hours or every 10th Alt-Tab! Generally run VD around 3000m and it runs very well MP or SP. Except for this odd border pixel glitch on the left and top edge of the screen, which suggests theres a memory leak or something. If you alt-tab it goes away .... but slowly comes back again. Again could be 169.21 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted January 1, 2008 Funny how we never get a developer asking us for clarification on bug reports in the forums. Is this "beta" purely a PR job meant to stop people from complaining until the patch is finally done? Nothing wrong with that if it is true but the community wastes time giving reports that will never be used. Its christmas ffs, all the devs are on holiday, so I consider it incredible that they're even posting at all... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BraTTy 0 Posted January 1, 2008 This is about 1.09 and Skype. I always use Skype for voice when playing coop missions and with 109 there are quite noticeable side effects like metallic voices and many many many voice interruptions. These side effects are gone playing the very same missions with 1.08. I use Skype too (not for chat while-ingame altho thats a great idea) You sure this is unrelated to Skype release: Version File size 22 MB. Official release. Release date: December 12, 2007. File name: SkypeSetup.exe Skype now has new audio engine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted January 1, 2008 Funny how we never get a developer asking us for clarification on bug reports in the forums. Â Is this "beta" purely a PR job meant to stop people from complaining until the patch is finally done? Â Â Nothing wrong with that if it is true but the community wastes time giving reports that will never be used. Its christmas ffs, all the devs are on holiday, so I consider it incredible that they're even posting at all... Yep, agree. ..... I'm adding some new sig's. ... because I'm whinging about the unresonable and unrealistic AWP's . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlipperyJim 0 Posted January 1, 2008 It is "whining" not "whinging". By the way as I am sure some moderator will point out that it is against forum rules to post an opinion like that in a sig pic. Too bad you won't be able to use it DeadMeatXM2 was correct that I forgot about the fact that this patch was released just before the holidays. I however still stand by my pessimism about the future of Arma 1 and how BIS will treat the game. I suspect you will need to pay for Arma 2 to get the fixes this game requires. I would love to be completely wrong though. Back on topic: people mentioned freezes above. I had a nasty one the other night with 1.09. Was playing Evolution for a few hours and the game suddenly froze with sound stuttering like mad. Never had that with previous versions. Normal crashes to desktop sure but never a solid lock like that. Nvidia 8800 GTS 320 meg 169.21 driver Heatseeker wrote: Quote[/b] ]But im experiencing some extra dificulty hitting targets over distance in 1.09b (online). The M249 and the M4's seem less effective over distance. I was using the M249 last night over long distance and boy has it changed from the 1.08 patch. I was about 500-800 meters away and couldn't hit a thing. I thought something went funny with my internet for a while because I couldn't hit a single enemy from a large patrol. According to Wiki that was within range of that weapon. Yes it is a long distance but I should have hit a few, lol. Edit: Happy New Year! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted January 1, 2008 SlipperyJim do a search and check what Maruk has posted.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted January 1, 2008 hitting targets over distance in 1.09b (online). The M249 and the M4's seem less effective over distance. Just did some tests with the M249, long range in v1.08 vs v1.09. Observing the bullet impacts, the dispersal seemed much tighter in 1.09. Was firing from standing position. Recoil was less, in line with the reduced recoil on the other MGs. It is "whining" not "whinging". By the way as I am sure some moderator will point out that it is against forum rules to post an opinion like that in a sig pic. Too bad you won't be able to use it Smug. Your "BIS is UBI" shtick is more legitimate? At the very least, Gnat's sig contains truth. I however still stand by my pessimism about the future of Arma 1 and how BIS will treat the game. You need to channel that pessimism into constructive criticism without speculative remarks that are starting to border on trolling. I've seen you posting the very same "BIS is Ubi" opinion on non-Arma related sites, SlipperyJim. We get it. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted January 1, 2008 It is "whining" not "whinging". By the way as I am sure some moderator will point out that it is against forum rules to post an opinion like that in a sig pic. Too bad you won't be able to use it I don't see any rule against it. I think it's a pretty cool sig Quote[/b] ]I however still stand by my pessimism about the future of Arma 1 and how BIS will treat the game. I suspect you will need to pay for Arma 2 to get the fixes this game requires. I would love to be completely wrong though. You are completely wrong. What do you think these patches are? ArmA is over a year old and still getting patched. Ubi wouldn't patch a year old game. Then again their games are never worth playing a year later anyway. Anyway on topic: The new recoils, I don't like them. It's just way to easy to quickly empty a whole rifle magazine right on target. The best recoils IMO were in the Q11 recoil mod. The new North Sahrani grass: Well I'm sure someone put a lot of work into it, but it just isn't right for that area. And now the grass is shorter than even the South Sahrani grass. And even though the grass is so much shorter, the 'grass layer' that appears over distance is simulating the longer grass. So this incredible short grass makes you very hard to see at a distance The best northern grass IMO was included with Kegetys lowplants mod. On 'normal' shader detail is was perfect for the area, in looks, gameplay and performance. When turning up shader detail it became too long though. The changed ballistics, are they realistic at all? I'm gonna quote a post I made on another forum, because it applies here (edited a bit): Quote[/b] ]The 1.09 patch changes weapon ballistics, so they now have air friction. But I still don't think they are realistic at all NonWonderDog did a much better job with ballistics. Stryker blows up if the RPG hits it in the front, but only gets disabled if you hit it anywhere else. Isn't the front suppose to have more armour? Well at least the APCs don't explode so easily, but the front of the Stryker is still too weak I think. AT4 has changed ballistics, yet still leaves a smoke trail and acts like a rocket. Again, NonWonderDog did it better. Also had a couple weird bugs, like sounds not originating from the correct position(in a large battle, sound positioning was way off, this is with an X-Fi ExtremeMusic sound card). During a night mission, all me men started to emit a green glow, which would blind me when I looked at them with NVGs. And the enemies had a red glow once they were revealed. Very weird, I took some screenshots. Not sure I can reproduce it though. It was during an ambush mission in Dynamic War, at night. Very weird. Maybe related some kind of cheat the developers use when testing the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danbri 0 Posted January 1, 2008 lol, seems that there can´t be a topic without ripping each others throats.... If one finds something "trolling" or whatever, then don´t answer it, report it to a moderator or you to will contribute to the trolling. Anyway, to the topic: I have been playing way to little to see any major improvements, but somehow I think the game feels more stable now. I still highly dislike the targeting system (as compared to OFP) but that seems to be a feature, not a bug, sadly . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Puma- 2 Posted January 1, 2008 NVG´s are perfect now... no more overtaking blinding effects (execpt when looking straight to vehicle lights at close distance wich is realistic IMO) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Gnat @ Jan. 01 2008,01:59)]Except for this odd border pixel glitch on the left and top edge of the screen, which suggests theres a memory leak or something. Be sure the antialiasing setting in the nvidia forceware is set to "application controlled". MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crystal 0 Posted January 1, 2008 @pufu (Intel c2s @1.86ghz, 2gig 800mhz cl5 ram, 1950 pro 256mb, winxp, the newest drivers & updates) the settings: 1280x1024x32 with deact. AA, vhigh: FF, texture, shading & shadow details, object details normal, landscape details vlow, postprocess effect low, blood high. viewdistance: 4560. You can try to run with these settings and compare the fps. Place FPS v1.08/FPS v1.09 ----------------------------------------- city: 27/23 ----------------------------------------- woods: 19/20 ----------------------------------------- wide area like desert: 46/42 ----------------------------------------- mountain: 36/33 ----------------------------------------- Only in woods are the fps better, i have screenshots of the places with fps if you need these. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted January 1, 2008 not sure where to post this but i must somewhere --- i would like to see change to server behavior handling custom faces and sounds if server sets custom face to maxCustomFileSize=0 or certain size e.g. maxCustomFileSize=65535 and client join with 100000B custom face or sound then nothing should happen - no kick and no custom face shown no sound played... big files are simply IGNORED client only see "You got too big custom files and they now ignored!" message and maybe add onTooBigCustomFile={}; (so admin can decide if kick or ignore and so on) it's quite simple suggestion but would solve tons headache with kicked players for all sides --- btw. anyone was able get face.paa working or it works only in JPG format ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Gnat @ Jan. 01 2008,00:59)]Well i managed to get Arma to freeze in 1.09b, with my graphics driver failing and having to reboot the pc. Could it be 1.09b specific? Could it be the 169.21 nvidia driver? Exactly the same for me, except after a long Evolution type game ..... thing said something about a ndriver has failed blah blah, had a VERY low res screen to select Restart off. .... using 169.21 also. Could be the driver of course, but I have to be fair and say this is the FIRST (yah! time I've had a crash in 1.09. Since Arma has been quite stable before i reverted shadder setting to what i used previously, low shadder detail that is. It seems to be running stable so far . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Maybe this is a CWR fault, I haven't double checked yet, but when an M113 crew ejects after the M113 is disabled, the engine is still on and the tracks keep moving, sometimes they still move in circles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlipperyJim 0 Posted January 1, 2008 You need to channel that pessimism into constructive criticism without speculative remarks that are starting to border on trolling. You think sticking your head in the sand is constructive? Just did some tests with the M249, long range in v1.08 vs v1.09. Observing the bullet impacts, the dispersal seemed much tighter in 1.09. Was firing from standing position. Recoil was less, in line with the reduced recoil on the other MGs. Yes, standing it is more accurate compared to the previous recoil settings. I am talking about the normal prone position of distances over 500meters (roughly). It seems much more inaccurate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites