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CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

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according to the scum sucking cheating groups forums 10 digit keys are legal in arma so banning them would remove the good players too.

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according to the scum sucking cheating groups forums 10 digit keys are legal in arma so banning them would remove the good players too.

Ummm not true, don't read shit from scum sucking cheating groups and think they're telling you the truth FFS.................

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-Ziggy- @ Sep. 05 2007,20:49)]icon_rolleyes.gif

Lets give Placebo time to guage what the community mood is, priortize things that can affect the mood, and present it to BIS. I am confident that he can make a difference, be it whole changes, or at least a BIS response. notworthy.gif

You're joking, right? It's been my experience that Placebo does everything he can to quash constructive criticism of BI. Hiring him was one of the worst things that BI has done in the past year as far as I'm concerned.

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Some server has figured out how to ban >10 dig keys automaticly without typing everythjing into ban list.

If anyoen knows please lemme know, all the moanin is pointless and scum sucking cheating groups get a hard on for it

How do you know they banned 10 digit?

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never said i belived it but it could be true you never know do you. why would the Game spy servers allow them on if they wernt legit. if armed assault had sold as many copies as ofp this wouldnt be problem would it.

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-Ziggy- @ Sep. 05 2007,20:49)]icon_rolleyes.gif

Lets give Placebo time to guage what the community mood is, priortize things that can affect the mood, and present it to BIS. I am confident that he can make a difference, be it whole changes, or at least a BIS response.    notworthy.gif

You're joking, right?  It's been my experience that Placebo does everything he can to quash constructive criticism of BI.  Hiring him was one of the worst things that BI has done in the past year as far as I'm concerned.

Thats a load of BS right there..

Anyways on the topic of banning 10 digit Ids its impossible for now, indeed if they did find away share it with our admins or tell me. tounge2.gif Id like to keep my server clean. nener.gif

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Why do u wanna know?

I imagine so he can use it on his server?huh.gif

I wouldnt mind myself

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such a shame i was just in a few servers and the cheaters

runing around ..speed cheat and stacking sandbags in to towers turning fog on and off....,

what a waste of a good game this is...

really hope dev team can muster something up here..to cut this crap out.., in a patch...

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Why do u wanna know?

So I know what servers not to visit!! Kidding, cause I want to know if someone has done it and how. I wrote a tool a while ago that would help in this matter but alas i never finished it. I am however planning to release it with the new tool i am making for the dedicated. So then people will be able to control their servers remotely. Just that I have little time anymore and not much has been done on it. Other parts yeah, but remote control no.

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i think bi have no control over the size of the digits... and the stupid keygen can also generate lower then 10 digits keys..

well i just cant beleave why people try to create cheats for arma.. its just stupid lame to create c cheat for a open-source game (every child can do it.. really) ... they should better try to do create stuff for games with a real anti-cheat protection, so they could learn something or just go to hell and die or whatever ^^

i think the MAIN problem is atm this command: disableUserInput

if you write a script which use this action, no one can stop the cheater and he can just fuck the server up! Also a big problem is that its too easy to write a script which allow you to spawn vehicle, buildings or every object you like... BI should really do something against this security problems or they community is just going down.

Today, a guy called: MrMedic joined on our server (with a 10 digit key..), he locked our inputs and just spawned shit at the start... since that our server is running in privat mode again and we just give our friends the password..... and i think if no one do something against this friendless cheater bastards all the server will run public...

But the community is also not great atm, a lot of people are just playing evolution (the mission is not bad... but why EVERY day the god damn same map?huh.gif ). Remember.. who like to cheat if there is no ranking?? just add some vehicle respawn to the missions, stop that ranking bullshit and find a way to close the securty problem (the "spawn and input" bug)(the input problem is easy to "repair".. we just added some sweet script to our server which fix that bug, but we dont know atm how to fix the spawn problem.. but i think we will find a way asap..) and no one really need to cheat, because its just no motivation... you cant win anything....

(execept the player vs player missions..)

At least i just can say... only idiots create and write cheats for arma, because its just a open source game and so just a work for idiots with small dicks wink_o.gif Most of the commands are just local on your computer, that allows arma to give you this variety of different missions, addons, modifications and maptypes... but it also allows noobs, like this scum sucking cheating groups guys to write stupid, lame scripts which "makes super-cheats". But in fact, these cheats are not more then scripts and i beleave that every mission creater is a better scripter as these cheaters...

and @cheaters... .sqf files are better then these .sqs files which you use :P --- LAAAAME biggrin_o.gif


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It's true there should be some reconsideration of how the ArmA scripting engine allows the commands to be executed. In multiplayer I think one model could be to force an authorization from the server to be granted for a command originating from a client before it is executed.

Server configuration file, or a mission initialisation file, could then even have some sort of list like:

allowFromClients [





and rest of the commands would not be allowed to have any effect over network. Also a client which is using non-allowed commands could be just thrown out of the multiplayer session right on the moment when the server notices a non-allowed command coming from that client.

If that list were in a server configuration file, all missions played on that server would then have to comply with the rules set by the server. This would mean mission authors would have some extra burden on their shoulders, to make sure their mission is playable on a given server. I don't know if this is a good thing or not.

Then it would be more in control of the server admins/mission authors over exactly what can happen in the missions played on the server.

There is the "technical facts" side of this which can make it hard for BIS to improve the situation. We users can suggest all things but what is technically possible or feasible, is up to the developers to find out and say. Like too much network traffic caused or something else.

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What there should be, and I'm sure its possible... is to get a script running on servers that says something like this...

If config file matches such and such

Allow player to join


Ban his ass.

Also, if you allow netlogging on your server, you can ban by IP, you simply have to go into your server box and look up the file netlog in your arma directory, then add him to the firewall's do not allow list. That is currently the best way of limiting the hackers down to having to change their IP's.

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I sent a member to infiltrate there clan to gather IP addys ect ect and this is what he found out.

ALL of the ArmA hacks( SPC havok, Mutihack, Wall hack) Run As a exe outside the ArmA folder itself. and the scripts that are initialized when the EXE runs is:

teleport.sqs, addscore.sqs spawncamel.sqs, spawngallery.sqs, spawnwire.sqs, spawnhonkman.sqs,

armdrivecarefully.sqs, rigvehicle.sqs, spawnkingsmenthere.sqs, spawnkamovthere, spawnah6there.sqs,

spawnah6rthere.sqs, spawnshilkathere.sqs, spawndarkforcesthere.sqs, artybarrage.sqs, tkaidee.sqs,

tkaidew.sqs, select_object.sqs, damage_object.sqs, spawnah6.sqs, lock_player.sqs,

unlock_player.sqs, blackout_player.sqs, unblackout_player.sqs, target_object.sqs,

unlimitedammo.sqf, ai.sqs, noai.sqs, addtkeqp.sqs, spawnslathere.sqs, spawngangstase.sqs,

spawngangstasw.sqs, spawngangstasr.sqs, spawnboat.sqs,

spawngangstasthere.sqs, blowthere.sqs, spawnm1s.sqs, spawntkteamkgb.sqs, spawntkteame.sqs, spawntkteamw.sqs,

spawntkteams.sqs, spawnlighthouse.sqs, spawntkteamzombie.sqs, spawnvehicles.sqs,

spawntkteamraf.sqs, measureg.sqs, spawnsniperthere.sqs, spawnATe.sqs, spawnATw.sqs,

spawnATsqd.sqs, spawnAAsqd.sqs, spawn AAe.sqs, spawnAAw.sqs, antilock.sqs, deletethis.sqs,

deletemass.sqs, spawncarbombw.sqs, spawncarmbombe.sqs, lock_vehicle.sqs, unlock_vehicle.sqs, renegademe.sqs, pills.sqs,

godmode.sqs, worldscum sucking cheating groupscenter.sqs, scum sucking cheating groupstemple.sqs, allfly.sqs, evoalltojail1.sqs,

evoalltojail2.sqs, removeallweapons.sqs, gunsforall.sqs

So until a program comes out like PB to wear it can detect over Applications and outside folder scripts are runned, it seems like there is nothing we can do banghead.gifbanghead.gif B UT I WILL TRy TO FIND A WAY!! these tards have to be stoped

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10 Points to Hyrax and his attempts, make it 20! As well as two others hard at work (I'm not sure if they want to be mentioned wink_o.gif).

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Quote[/b] ]i think the MAIN problem is atm this command: disableUserInput

This happen today and I agree. Just as I figured out who was cheating I couldnt kick cause He did that..

Seems we should rent a server just for these Kid cheaters to play on...

But Seriously I wouldnt even call these things cheats... They are not trying to beat anyone or anything, there main goal is to ruin a game for everyonelse.

In ofp servers could detect another exe running.

I remember the ammo trainers and things and if somoene had it running it would kick that person as the map was loading up and it said modified exe.

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I sent a member to infiltrate there clan to gather IP addys ect ect and this is what he found out.

ALL of the ArmA hacks( SPC havok, Mutihack, Wall hack) Run As a exe outside the ArmA folder itself. and the scripts that are initialized when the EXE runs is:

The SCP is just an addon.

From a quick look at it it should be very easy to detect.

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Played on the MIT server today after not playing arma for a few months due to the problem with hacks. Guess what, after about 5 mins of joining someone i blowing everything up with a hack! I honestly think it should be made illegal to hack games, i invested my money and time in this product and some twat decides he wants to ruin mine and everyone else on the servers free time with some random crap! What makes it worse is that they havent even purchased the game and are ruining my game i paid for! The thing that really annoyed me is that my text name came up with some suicide text and people thought i was the one blowing people up!!! I would really love to find out where they live... pistols.gif

BIS really need to sort something out for arma in a future patch as a testbed for arma 2 as i seriously wont buy another product from them if this is how the online game culture is!

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The only solution is everything need to be server side script. PB or what ever never cant detect everything or is not capable to make difference beetween mods/cheats.

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Also guys who are developing anti cheat measures need to pm or use other chat programs on your findings of anti cheats. scum sucking cheating groups frequently view these forums and basically mock us all for being fair players.

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Quote[/b] ]


Today's the day amigos!

We mark the great 9th of september, also known as today, in the history books of the teamkill and cheat community! This is the day when we, for the first time have transformed a multiplayer game into a game completely free of rules, the first in the history of multiplayer gaming.

With the Cheat Pack for Armed Assault you can do exactly what you like as long as you like. You don't like the admin? Then why dont you try kick him out yourself? Or maybe you got the sudden desire to measure the in-game gravitational acceleration constant by dropping series of devastating bombs at a position of your own liking and making the game measure the drop time for you? Then this is exactly for you.

Maybe you just want that god mode in multiplayer too? Only god knows and now you got the ability to become one yourself. Or rather you just don't like the religion we call rules, at all, and want make up your own? Like the one that says that in every proper multiplayer game there has to be zombies roaming the streets, shooting miniguns from their chests and teamkilling everyone in their sight! Spawn your minions anywhere you like, say what other people should say, in their voice, teleport, rig vehicles and have fun. Do exactly what you want. These are only some features of the SCP for ArmA.

The SCP comes with over 99 scripts and the ability for you to make your own.

The only limit for your freedom now is your imagination.


Read the readme in the setup screen for usage instructions.

Press ESC then scum sucking cheating groups to activate the SCP in-game.

Then enter {the random name of your scp}\scripts\{the script.sqs}

Posting of SCP-code is no longer forbidden.

Don't worry if you get banned, just change your ID.

The new cheat pack features the ability for users to add their own scripts. Share your own scripts here as well if you think we lack some.


* Contains more than 70 scripts.

* User can add own custom scripts.

* Uses in-game GUI

* Uses old OFP style menus

Script Highlights:

* God Mode

* Teamkill-Teams

* Spawn AI/Vehicles/Structures

* Freeze other Players (admins etc)

* Carbombs

* Superweapons

* Mass Delete Objects

* Unlimited Ammo

* Togglable AI

It's a good idea to print out the list of official scum sucking cheating groups custom scripts below. There's an ingame list too though but it's quite big:


_do_public2.sqs Technical. Makes your command public, takes variable parameters.

_do_public.sqs Technical. Makes your command public.

addscore.sqs Gives 20 Score to the player

addtkeqp.sqs Adds TK Equipment

ai.sqs toggle AI on.

allflyhigh.sqs All fly at 10 000m's.

allflylow.sqs All get thrown up 3 meter.

antilock.sqs Obsolete.

armdrivecarefully.sqs Rig a vehicle. If it sustains damage it will blow.



blowbomb.sqs Technical

blowbombdam.sqs Technical.

blowthere.sqs Select map to blow.


chinit.sqf Technical. Displays your action menu. Very practical.


darkforces.sqs Technical.

deletemass.sqs Fairly untested.

deletethis.sqs Fairly untested.

evoalltojail.sqs All to jail in evolution.

gangthere.sqs Technical


grav2.sqs Techincal


info.sqs Displays a list of the official scum sucking cheating groups custom scripts.


kingsmenthere.sqs Technical.




measureg.sqs Measures in-game g (the grav. acc.) in a devastating way.



msgscum sucking cheating groups.sqs



msghintcs.sqs Displays hints/laughs for the player. Clickable box.

msghints.sqs Displays hints/laughs for the player.

noai.sqs Disables AI.

crashhim.sqs Work in Progress.


prepareah6r.sqs Technical

preparekamov.sqs Technical


renegadeall.sqs GodMode, Renegade Status and guns for all.

renegademe.sqs Renegade Status for the player.

renegadehim.sqs GodMode, Renegade status and guns for the selected player.


select_object.sqs Selects an object/player.

shilkathere.sqs Technical.

slaforcethere.sqs Technical.

sniperthere.sqs Technical.

spawnAAsqd.sqs Spawns AA TK Sqd



spawnah6rthere.sqs Spawns a TK chopper.






spawncarbombw.sqs Spawns a honking carbomb.



spawndarkforces.sqs Spawns a TK team. Fairly untested.

spawngallery.sqs Spawns an art gallery.

spawngangstasr.sqs Spawns a Gangsta TK team




spawnkamovthere.sqs Spawns a TK chopper.

spawnkingsmenthere.sqs Spawns RACS TK mech inf.

spawnlighthouse.sqs You can climb it.

spawnm1.sqs Spawns a m1 platoon.

spawnshilkathere.sqs Spawns a TK AA tank on map.

spawnslathere.sqs Spawns SLA TK mech inf.


spawntkaidew.sqs Spawns a lone west Tker.

spawntkaidee.sqs Spawns a lone east Tker.

spawntkteame.sqs Spawns an east TK team.

spawntkteamkgb.sqs Spawns KGB snipers.

spawnstkteamraf.sqs Spawns RAF snipers.

spawntkteams.sqs Spawns a TK sniper team.


spawntkteamzombie.sqs Spawns a TK zombie team with nice guns.





scum sucking cheating groupstemple.sqs spawns a scum sucking cheating groups temple.






worldscum sucking cheating groupscenter.sqs Spawns the World TK Center Skyscraper.

suicidebomberhim.sqs Makes a selected player into a suicidebomber.


Version 1.0 is currently undetected. But we don't guarantee its safety. If detection turns out to be a problem. We'll improve security.

Feel free to post your own custom scripts.

The admin takeover script works. It has happened on Kellys-Heroes clan server earlier today. The scum sucking cheating groups attacks were more and more numerous in the last week, until today when they took over admin. The result: KH is no longer a public server. It has been passworded.

This is getting seriously now, and together with the key-gen, scum sucking cheating groups can modify their ids in a matter of minutes, making the ban-list useless.

I think it is time that BIS takes some action regarding this matter, otherwise all ArmA public servers may be turned into privates in order to keep the MP game running.

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Are you guys trying to promote them or what?

Two new threads, both in the wrong forum sections while theres already a thread about this in the MP section..

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funny, really. arma was made for tactics. now there is almost only smacktards who dont know how to play and cheaters. we need some form of mod signing to get rid of this problem. "who made this addon/mod, is i changed? then i think it will get better..

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