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About Backinthetxt

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    Private First Class
  1. Backinthetxt

    Lawsuit against cheating scum?

    I think its really funny how, BIS thinks they are going to make an ArmA 2 and make much profet off of it. You guys blame the hackers/cheaters, I blame BIS for their ignorance and for their lack of attention to the community, whom without, they wouldn't be SHIT! I find it funny that we constantly cry out to them about hackers and they haven't done ONE thing to stop it, not one. They are too fucking poor, why do you think they are attempting to make arma 2 within a year... I can almost garuantee you its not going to be worth the paper booklet inside the box. I hearby call a boycott of BIS, fuck them, wait for codemasters to release OFP2. I'm sure it will be a much more stable game. 1. Because they aren't worried about VBS2 and the fact that if they include something "TOO REALISTIC" sales will fall on their military training software. 2. Because they have more money, and probably way more developers. 3. They seem to be a much more stable company. Why do you think codemasters ran for their life in the first place? All you people hopeing for BIS to do something about cheating are sadly mistaken. IT TOOK THEM 7 YEARS TO MAKE A GAME THAT IS EASILY BASED OFF OF OFP. How long do you think its going to take them to make an anti-cheat? Better yet what quality of a game do you expect ArmA2 to be? They plan on releasing it next year Yeah I'm being a dick, but only after time and time again, comming in here to bitch and whine about hackers, and hearing NOTHING back from BIS whatsoever. They don't give a shit about you. Thats why I'm calling for the boycott of BIS, let them fall through the ground just as their fan base has. I'll probably be banned for posting in such a manner, but frankly I don't give a shit. It'll just go to show that they are paying attention, but then again aren't paying attention. Goodbye guys, good luck with BIS.
  2. Backinthetxt

    CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

    BIS doesn't care about shit you guys, do you think they actually check these forums? They could give two shits about this community, really, have you heard one response??? I sure as hell haven't. They don't care guys. Its best to give them up for lost. Anything you want done, you gotta do yourself, or someone outside of BIS has to do it. All BIS cares about is money. Just wait for OFP2 perhaps they'll implement something to help stop hackers.
  3. Backinthetxt

    CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

    What there should be, and I'm sure its possible... is to get a script running on servers that says something like this... If config file matches such and such Allow player to join Else Ban his ass. Also, if you allow netlogging on your server, you can ban by IP, you simply have to go into your server box and look up the file netlog in your arma directory, then add him to the firewall's do not allow list. That is currently the best way of limiting the hackers down to having to change their IP's.
  4. Backinthetxt

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    The hacking is getting ridiculous, if BIS were doing anything there would be something about it here. All I know is this game is loosing popularity after less than a year of release. As it is, unless ArmAII is better (HIGHLY doubtful) when OFP2 comes out, I'm gone, cause IMO that will be the closest to ArmA, but hopefully they will implement more support and anti-hack measures.
  5. Backinthetxt

    CheatIdiots.. and BIS... Question about cheaters..

    I'm going to get a few coders together, and we're going to un-exe arma.exe and see what we can't do from there... lol seems the only option we've got, there has to be some way to stop these little shits from doing this crap. I probably won't go as far as un-exe'ing so you moderators can unwhad your panties. But expect something soon to make these scum sucking cheating groups fuckers LIVES a bit harder.
  6. Backinthetxt

    Cannot create system memory surface...

    BIS was supposed to fix this 8007000e error with 1.8 patch, cause on there it says, "- Fixed: On "Cannot create system memory surface: 8007000e" error, some memory is flushed to allow game continuing." Seems to me it wasn't fixed, don't look to BIS for any further help, they are too busy trying to beat out codemasters with ArmA2 Codemasters is gonna stomp them. Later guys.
  7. Backinthetxt


    Just to clarify... I'm not a USM member, want to be soon, but don't have my mic yet. I noticed skywolf posted a recruitment post and it was locked. I don't know where you heard about them supporting piracy but I know from first hand... having played with them, that they don't support it one bit. I also know that they are the finest team I've ever laid eyes on or had the privellage to game with. If you ever get the chance to watch a usm fireteam in a game do so, they are a perfect example of how the game should be played.
  8. Backinthetxt

    BIS, Please Read This

    I just added this to our server, and actually on netlog in the netlog file it shows, name, ID and IP already, and it tells you when they connected I believe as well.. so if someone connects to your server and starts causing trouble, look at netlog in your server's arma directory.. and there you have their IP.. then just go to your server firewall and ban access to that IP... with a program called netlimiter, you can ban access to anything on your server and get their range at that.
  9. Backinthetxt


    I'm trying to make a sorta swamp area but using the map editor update, but I can't get the water to lay flat. it is always angled to whatever ground I put it on. I even laid some river bed and referenced the water to that, but it still maintains the angle of the ground. Can anyone offer a solution?
  10. Backinthetxt

    Food for thought

    something else to consider, along with your programs, there is a way to get the IP of the person connecting. If you whois that IP you can get ISP. I'm sure 20,000 people emailing an ISP would get that ISP doing something about that person.
  11. Backinthetxt

    Food for thought

    Ok its time to fight back on a faster more advanced level. for those of you willing to help devise a fight back plan, I have several coders waiting to help work something out. come to teamspeak IP (ts.usmsquad.com) look for a guy with the name Muhuja, Madmangs or Highspeed. I was just brainstorming with Mahuja who is an excellent coder, as well as mangs, and they believe with enough developers we could win this war agains these scrubby ass hackers. hit me back. Thanks. I knew this would happen... as soon as BIS got their money, they'd hit the road with it and leave us hanging... I've really never known a dev company to let the public hang and develop their own strategies for dealing with this crap. Like I said meet up and we'll get something going a bit faster. Whether its combining MaddogX and nutty's ideas combined with our own we'll get something going. Mahuja said there is a possibility of creating a program linked with some sort of firewall device to ban by IP, PID and Name and maybe adjust some type of TKC pattern within the program.
  12. Backinthetxt

    BIS, Please Read This

    If you all are so good at getting information on people, equip your server with netlimiter 2 pro, get the fuckers IP and ban him out using netlimiter. Create a rule for netlimiter not to allow him to connect to your server period and that will fix these noob ass hackers for the most part.
  13. Backinthetxt

    Food for thought

    true but, I don't think there are many that can do that really.
  14. Backinthetxt

    ArmA AntiCheat for Servers and Map makers

    I haven't read the whole topic here so don't know what exactly you guys have discussed but please read my topic regarding and idea to prevent hackers from connecting to your server. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1117556
  15. Backinthetxt

    Food for thought

    k thanks.. anyway, a little update. I tested this theory of mine, and indeed it works. It takes a bit of work to match an IP with a player ID but it is fairly easy. When you open netlimiter it will give you a list of processes running with expanding pluses once expanded enough you'll see a list of IP's. These IP's are ones that are connected to your server, you can gain a bunch of information off of that person my right clicking and selecting throughout the bunch of options, including WHOIS, PING, TRACE and STATS, I believe the Stats will tell you when the entry was created, as in when the IP connected to the server. Also, while looking on the server's little dialog box that opens, on your server desktop, you can read names and ID's, it will also tell you when that player connected to your server. If you can match that time with an IP on netlimiter, you've probably got your man. Therefore if that man is a hacker. You'll easily go into your filter editor in netlimiter, and create a filter, select which program you want to create the filter for (this being arma_server.exe of course) then add it to the list of applications, following that you want to insert the players IP say his IP was, ok well you can enter that number in both slots for range or you can enter in start IP and in end IP to include his whole range. Once that is complete add the filter. Now whenever you go into your filter editor his information should show up. Finally, going back to your original window you'll notice that whatever you named that filter will show up there (probably down at the bottom) thus you can control his incoming access and outgoing access. If you click on the little bubble you can deny both, and walla he won't be able to connect to your server unless his IP changes completely PS. sorry for such a long para.. don't get lost... oh and btw, you have to have netlimiter on your server... you. You can find it at netlimiter.com, get a trial version or buy it, how you get it is up to up to you