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I see a huge fireball in that video.  I think that you are thinking that I mean a slow moving one.  I don't.  The fact remains that there is a fireball and it is large, if instantaneous.

Well yes, i agree on that. I wouldnt call it a fireball though, so much as a flash. Virtually everything makes a flash like that, but only in hollywood will you see lasting flames in a cloud of... explosion? (Its 1:30 AM here).

A rule of thumb to remember is:

Black smoke during explosion= fuel/combustible/highly flammable substance.

Genuine explosions like we are talking about are fast flashes that look like fireballs in slo mo. In hollywood movies, like when the actor is jumping away from the explosion, they are real explosions, but its just a bit of explosives and lots of gasoline bottles.

This is also a tactic that insurgents use, they film gasoline bombs going off, in which you will notice lots of fire in explosion, and they rarely show aftermath. Morale is most of the war, which is why they do that and post the videos on sites.

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To be picky, the ordinance -detonates- that is, it all reacts at once creating a instant flash of flame that dissappears just as fast.  A fireball can be made from the heat of the blast burning something. The fuel would -explode- that is, to burn very rapidly.  Not trying to be a smart-ass, but understanding the difference between exploding and detonating will help the effects be consistant. Edit: sorry, forgot the most important part. A fast detonation causes more of the energy to be kinetic, whereas the slower explosion has much more sustained heat. Hope this helps in some way.

Love the work!  Can't play without it now.

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I see a huge fireball in that video. I think that you are thinking that I mean a slow moving one. I don't. The fact remains that there is a fireball and it is large, if instantaneous.

Well yes, i agree on that. I wouldnt call it a fireball though, so much as a flash. Virtually everything makes a flash like that, but only in hollywood will you see lasting flames in a cloud of... explosion? (Its 1:30 AM here).

A rule of thumb to remember is:

Black smoke during explosion= fuel/combustible/highly flammable substance.

Genuine explosions like we are talking about are fast flashes that look like fireballs in slo mo. In hollywood movies, like when the actor is jumping away from the explosion, they are real explosions, but its just a bit of explosives and lots of gasoline bottles.

This is also a tactic that insurgents use, they film gasoline bombs going off, in which you will notice lots of fire in explosion, and they rarely show aftermath. Morale is most of the war, which is why they do that and post the videos on sites.

We're on the same page then, it was just a difference in terminology. I would call it a fireball, being a ball made out of fire... That is where I was coming from. It blew my mind quite a long time ago to discover they call the crown at the top of an atomic mushroom cloud a fireball, and the stem the vapour trail. I suppose it is.. it could only be described as that.

But I think that it would be quite a good thing to simulate effects like that by watching them in slow motion and then speeding them up, then you can watch all of the mechanics unfold before your eyes, emulate them, then just play with how long things take.... not that that high speed video I posted gives one much to work with!

Quote[/b] ]

To be picky, the ordinance -detonates- that is, it all reacts at once creating a instant flash of flame that dissappears just as fast. A fireball can be made from the heat of the blast burning something. The fuel would -explode- that is, to burn very rapidly. Not trying to be a smart-ass, but understanding the difference between exploding and detonating will help the effects be consistant. Edit: sorry, forgot the most important part. A fast detonation causes more of the energy to be kinetic, whereas the slower explosion has much more sustained heat. Hope this helps in some way.

Love the work! Can't play without it now.

To be perfectly accurate, detonation and deflagration are two general classes of combustion- the former being supersonic and the latter being subsonic.

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LOL, yes. That is the nomenclature, but if you told someone that the 'deflagration of the fuel created the sustained plume of flame' Most would inevitably say, 'What the hell is deflagration?' And you would answer... tounge2.gif

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LOL, yes. That is the nomenclature, but if you told someone that the 'deflagration of the fuel created the sustained plume of flame' Most would inevitably say, 'What the hell is deflagration?' And you would answer... tounge2.gif

I would answer that it more like a conventional burn, where the flame front travels at subsonic speed.

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When the hellfire detonates, it creates a blast flash (after it has penetrated the tanks wall) and blows some hot stuff (cant remember what exactly it is) into the tank to create a secondary chainreaction explosion by its ammunition.

If you would fire a hellfire missile into a metal box, there would not be much visible from blast...


If you would spectate the scene (video above) from behind this metal wall (if it were bigger) you could not see very much about the fireflash created by missile...

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Missiles in my mod do have a flash. It's not accurate for every missile, since they all share the same explosion effect. Maybe I should speed up the flash though. I've seen videos of the real thing, and tried to create something resembling that.

your mod is one of my favorites, but i found one more bug...

if you shoot a grenade high against a building, the explosion will be on the right position, but the smokeanimation will be on the ground.

That's an ArmA bug, which I've half fixed. Without the mod you only see the explosion in the correct place. In my mod, some of the smoke appears there too. You can also see when shooting aircraft with anything explosive that some smoke appears in the air now.

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- some weapons should not explode with a huge "fireball": Hellfire, FFAR, sabot

Can't agree with that, check out these vids :



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Holy crap O.o the sound from that second video is like, exactly the sound the M136 does in game. At least in the latest FDF soundmod.

Sweet. tounge2.gif (also, your effects mod is excellent, I use it all the time)



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The explosions are not that big as in movies. They're very fast - with high speed cameras you see more than with your own eyes wink_o.gif

APFSDS make only little holes...

pics from destroyed T72

pic from disabled M1

In RL you only see and hear the impact and then dust/smoke maybe some things catch fire but not that big and huge flames as in action-movies.

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LOL,  yes.  That is the nomenclature, but if you told someone that the 'deflagration of the fuel created the sustained plume of flame'  Most would inevitably say, 'What the hell is deflagration?'   And you would answer...   tounge2.gif

I would answer that it more like a conventional burn, where the flame front travels at subsonic speed.

So you wouldn't simplify the statement to use the common word 'explosion'?  Ok, personal preference.


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screens don't work here.

funnyguy1, as long as he doesn't release it for public. no problem.

if he wants to, he will ask Maddmatt - right fromz wink_o.gif

maybe Maddmatt likes the effort of fromz as well. so don't get

so negative smile_o.gif

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I have according to the configs and revised the textures of this MOD, I also add the revised Bullets Tracers and Improved Sound Effect, look at this:



I think my revise, Use 2048x2048pix paa images, and the Sound Effects, called FFAMM, it's batter

Is this a joke? The image links don't even work huh.gif

I haven't been asked for permission. And there are a couple other people you should get permission from too if you plan to release this icon_rolleyes.gif

Edit: Well if it's just for your own personal use, and not for release, then it doesn't matter.

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Can't agree with that, check out these vids :



Second video does not show the Hellfire, but the Javelin.

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And the third video shows the Hellfire SDS (Shore Defence System), which is usually fired at ships, as it has a different warhead (delayed detonation fragmentation warhead) so it can penetrate a ship´s hull before detonating. It is currently used by the Swedish and Norwegian amphibious forces.

@mr.g-c: Im referring to the SDS-version, not the AGM-version. The SDS-version is a Bofors modification of the AGM114 Hellfire and carries a different warhead.

The tank in the javelin-vid was most likely propped with gasoline to make a big fireball. An AT-missile commonly detonates on top of the tank where its shaped charge (the penetrator consists of molten copper) penetrates the armor and creates an increased pressure and heat inside the tank. This disables the crew and sometimes ignites the tank´s ammunition. This won´t make the tank blow up into a million pieces, but it will make fire spew out from under the turret and the turret might fly off.

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Sorry Tigerhunt, but thats Wrong.

The Helfire uses a Tandem Warhead, one part to penetrate, like you explained totaly correct, and the second part of the warhead which is fitted with very high explosives...

The Hellfire always makes a fireball because of its explosives onboard in the "second warhead"

The Warhead of the Hellfire is "Warhead: 9 kg (20 lb) tandem shaped charge HEAT"

Link to explaining HEAT:


Here a movi-Still from a highspeed camera on a hellfire-test hitting a old m60 Tank:


Regards, Christian

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The Naval version of the Hellfire II (the N version) has a Metal Augmented Charge. I'm not sure what that is but I don't think it's the same as a Shaped Charge or HEAT warhead.

The Hellfire II M has a high explosive/fragmentation warhead for soft targets, vehicles, and urban targets.

The Hellfire II K has a tandem shaped charge warhead. Both warheads are HEAT warheads designed to defeat cage armour and explosive reactive armour.

We're probably seeing videos of each and scratching our heads at the disparity between videos. Clearly labelled videos of each are available at lockheed martin: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/wms....i=false

Edit: The Metal Augmented Charge is a thermobaric type warhead.

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In my country of the local link is available, perhaps the networks problem, now I replaced several links, take a look :

Maddmatt, I try to use MSN contact you, but maybe two of our time zone is much difference,  I'm in Beijing, China, my country not issued ArmA Sales

Agents company, I was the mail order from Hong Kong. I have not released them, only under self-test.FFAMM = Fromz Feeling Arma Melioration Mod,

The Version 1.2 in progress, Included the Effects, and i am very admire Maddmatt's Effects, but i think it can be more better, So I Tryed.

Maddmatt, If I going to release the mod, which included your cpp config files and revised paa files, I am sure I will ask for your permission, smile_o.gif,If you don't permit, i will never revise the mod included the Maddmatt's MOD files.My English is not very well, So hope you can understand.

Please check new effects' links.:)



New explosion Effects

New hand grenade Effects

New Bullets TracersNew Effects etc

New Effects etc 1024pix 1

New Effects etc 1024pix 2

New Effects etc 1024pix 3

New Effects etc 1024pix 4

New Effects etc 1024pix 5

New Effects etc 1024pix 6

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Hey fromz. I have no proper internet access until Saturday. I'll have a look at your work then. Maybe we can work something out smile_o.gif

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Great mod! I have been using it for a while now, but i have noticed that on my system since Version 0.3Alpha there seems to be a conflict the with 6th sense tracer mod (6thSense1 v0.2.) specifically it appears to prevent the tracer from working on the M240. All the other weapons with tracers are working fine. I have removed all my other mods and the problem persists, so It does appear to be arma effects that is conflicting. When i remove arma effects the tracer for the M240 starts working again. I have put the mod pbo and the extended event handler in the same addons folder so I don't think it is an installation issue.

Has anyone else had this problem?

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I had just tested it without the event handler before I saw your response and as you say the tracer was back. I'm guessing that similar issues with the event handler have already been discussed.

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